09 May 2021 - Thank you Copps
May 09, 2021, 07:07:00 pm
Legend is a term that gets thrown around a lot in football, usually out of context or applied to people to whom the term is wholly inappropriate. James Coppinger does not belong in that category. Today saw genuine Rovers legend Coppinger play his last competitive game for us in the defeat to Peterborough at the end of his 17 seasons here. This past week or so has seen Copps confirm that this really is the end, and many of the fans (including us at the VSC) were hoping for one more season, especially as fans haven't been able to see any of James's performances this season in the flesh at a game due to the Covid restrictions. The increasing emotional intensity of James's interviews over the past week or so have made us all realise that this was actually happening. Our hope of a U-turn evaporated and James's decision was made, and this was real. His tears in interviews cut through us all. The most stoic of us had a lump in our throats, as the man who many see as the cornerstone of the club, "Mr Doncaster Rovers" himself, finally drew the curtain on his playing career. We all have our own special Copps-inspired memories, and now is definitely the time to remember them, catalogue them, savour them. There will be no more. Don't let the ones we all have and share get lost. Thank you, James. For everything. 14 Jul 2020 - Thank you, Andrew and Sarah!
It is with sadness that the VSC learnt the news of Andrew Watson taking the decison to leave his position on the Board of Doncaster Rovers. 30 Dec 2018 - The VSC and Doncaster Rovers sign MoU document
Following months of discussions with Doncaster Rovers Football Club over formalising the commitment of the club and fans to work together, the VSC is delighted to announce that we and the club have now signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This document provides a written framework for how the club and the VSC will operate together to ensure that fan's views are represented in the key decisions taken at the club that have an impact on supporters. It defines activity around regular contact and meetings and defines actions placed on both the club and the co-operative. Martin O'Hara, the VSC's secretary said "We are delighted to announce this MoU as a pathway to ensure that supporter's views are consistently heard in the strategic decisions directing the club forward that have an impact on them. This document provides a written agreement to supporters with an assurance that the club will be receptive to their comments and ideas, and that communication will be open and constructive between the club and the VSC. It is a major achievement for club and trust to be one of the first to agree this approach and underlines the relationship that the VSC already has with the club and the value within that which is recognised by both parties" The terms of the MoU operate with immediate effect.
![]() It is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of former VSC Chairman and Rovers Supporter Director Andy Liney. Andy was chair of the VSC for over 6 years, taking the reins of the newly formed Trust and using his enormous drive, tenaciousness and love for the club, delivered an enormous amount of positive change that all fans today should be proud of.
Andy lead negotiations with the council over the creation of the Doncaster Community Stadium, now known to football supporters throughout the world as The Keepmoat Stadium, and tirelessly raised funds through the years leading up to the stadium opening. Many fans will no doubt remember him rattling a bucket under their noses at Belle Vue and asking for their spare change for The Coin Trail, an idea he had to visualise the journey from Belle Vue to the site of the new stadium by following a trail of coins donated by supporters. Andy raised £56,710.34 for the club from that one idea alone.
Andy, though small in stature, was always a larger than life character. He made the character of Donny Dog, the club mascot, his own, often getting into a few scrapes which made supporters laugh. From riding a moped around the pitch at Belle Vue, to challenging wrestler Al Snow to a bout, to giving Arsene Wenger a Christmas card from Jose Mourhino (after the pair had a well publicised spat) ahead of the Rovers playing Arsenal in the League Cup in 2006, Andy always brought a real sense of fun to whatever he did.
On behalf of all VSC members, the board would like to offer our deepest condolences to Andy's family and friends. For supporters of the club, his legacy will live on in Doncaster Rovers and the stadium he fought so hard to deliver for the club. Rest in peace Andy.
Lifelong Rovers fan and VSC member Dave Burkitt is raising money for Firefly Cancer Awareness and Support, a charity the VSC have supported in the past and one that helps the families of many rovers fans all over Doncaster on a daily basis. If you can afford a couple of quid to help Dave reach jis £1000 target, visit https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/davidburkittlondon ![]() Due to the lack of home games in December the VSC board have elected to hold the AGM on January 2nd 2017, to be held prior to the Stevenage game. It will be held in the Belle Vue Bar at 11am. We are also looking for voluntary directors to step forward and nominate themselves. Anyone who fancies helping out over the 12 months please make your self known either on the forum, by PM or send an email to secretary@drfc-vsc.co.uk Kind regards, The VSC Board of Directors
Key Dates First League Game: Sat 6th August - Accrington Stanley (A)
2015/16 League 2 Fixture List
![]() The financial statements up to the 30th June 2015 for Patienceform Ltd (the trading name of DRFC) have been completed and were passed to the Viking Supporters Co-Operative for analysis, the results of which can be downloaded here: https://www.drfc-vsc.co.uk/files/2015_Patienceform_Accounts.pdf The accounts demonstrate an expected change in the relationship between Patienceform and Club Doncaster. As is common knowledge, the Club Doncaster brand aims to improve and enhance the business of DRFC as a whole by generating more revenue and shared efficiencies across Doncaster’s sporting clubs. This is further demonstrated in the provision of the loan from Club Doncaster to Patienceform. It is anticipated that the future ownership of Patienceform will move to Club Doncaster in the near future. This will tie the two together in a parent-subsidiary relationship. There are many benefits to the club of this including an increase in revenue and cashflow, vital for both business and footballing growth (in relation to salary caps etc). At this point it is anticipated that a favourable restructure of all held loans will be commenced. Overall the financial situation of the club is in line with expectations. As ever the club relies heavily on financial backing from the owners in order to retain the key figure of going concern.
Joint Statement from Doncaster Rovers Supporters Club, the Viking Supporters Co-operative and the Doncaster Rovers Supporters Group regarding Bradford City's ticket pricing for this weekend's game. Earlier in the season Doncaster Rovers and Bradford City made a commitment to a reciprocal pricing agreement to encourage both home and away fans to attend the fixtures when the two teams meet. Doncaster Rovers reduced the tickets for the Bradford City home game to £15 earlier in the season and this was very successful, with 8410 supporters attending, including over 2,000 Bantams fans. We have now been informed that Bradford City will not be doing the same in the coming fixture at Valley Parade next week and will charge Doncaster Rovers fans full price. This is wholly unacceptable to ALL the recognised supporter groups of Doncaster Rovers; the Doncaster Rovers Supporters Club, the Viking Supporters Co-operative and the Doncaster Rovers Supporters Group. Bradford City are a football club who received praise from many fans of other clubs for their radical approach to Season Ticket pricing and making football more accessible. On this occasion they are failing supporters. Our away support has been nothing short of fantastic this season and it's no secret that away fans often get the short end of the stick in terms of treatment from some clubs - we are proud to support a club that opposes the trend and it's a shame that Bradford City don't share the vision to treat us as equals. We urge fans to join in with a peaceful protest on the day of the game. We believe that as a body of fans we should make our feelings known that this isn't an acceptable way to treat supporters. Anyone who is interested in joining us are welcome to attend an open meeting on Wednesday at 7PM at the Staff Of Life pub, Waterdale, Doncaster, where we will discuss our plans for the game. |