Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Viking Chat => Topic started by: Dagenham Rover on November 29, 2014, 06:24:13 pm

Title: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on November 29, 2014, 06:24:13 pm
Just listened to PDs interview on Radio Sheffield and he was asked to comment on the flare chucked on the pitch from the Rovers fans.

Well whoever you are you are a stupid Muppet and I hope you are caught and banned for life!

And that's being polite about you!!!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: lee.j09 on November 29, 2014, 06:38:14 pm
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on November 29, 2014, 06:58:37 pm

I take it throwing flares on the pitch is ok in your world then!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: drfc1951 on November 29, 2014, 07:05:28 pm
Maybe he threw it.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: lee.j09 on November 29, 2014, 07:11:10 pm

I take it throwing flares on the pitch is ok in your world then!

Take it you wernt at the game seems as though the first thing you knew about it was via a interview?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Donnywolf on November 29, 2014, 07:11:49 pm
Maybe he threw it.

Or maybe he is anti flares and thinks we have done this to death already ? Just a thought

If he is having a pop at the OP then he deserves to get panned.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: lee.j09 on November 29, 2014, 07:15:16 pm
Very boring it happens it shouldn't get over it
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on November 29, 2014, 07:20:33 pm
Out if interest if anyone witnessed the apprehension or the ejection of the pitch invader, if you could drop me a PM it'd be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on November 29, 2014, 07:31:47 pm
I was at the game. Some bell end threw a flare. Some bell end (same one perhaps?) ran on the pitch. Bell end No2 then decided to swing a punch at a copper as he was being arrested.

Bell ends.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: derbyrover on November 29, 2014, 07:34:27 pm
Out if interest if anyone witnessed the apprehension or the ejection of the pitch invader, if you could drop me a PM it'd be much appreciated.

I saw it. from where I was it looked a little heavy handed and i'm glad it was......little fooker deserved everything that happened to him tbh

Some of the "youth" that go to the game make me piss myself, they all look a little inbred and about 3 stone wet through.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on November 29, 2014, 07:36:38 pm
I'm not going to discuss it at length BST but 'Bell end 2' had his neck kneeled on by a steward when he has already down on the ground. Now I'm in no way condoning his behaviour on the pitch, he deserved to be ejected and arrested for it, however I'd like some accountability for the way the steward acted. I work with S.I.A. and there was no part of his training that suggested he was using it.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on November 29, 2014, 07:40:58 pm

I know. I saw it. I'm sure bell end 2 has got the story he wanted. It'll big him up to his mates.

What other reason is there to run on the pitch that to make a t**t of yourself and get chinned by the stewards/coppers?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: derbyrover on November 29, 2014, 07:45:16 pm
I'm not going to discuss it at length BST but 'Bell end 2' had his neck kneeled on by a steward when he has already down on the ground.

awwwww diddums  :crying:
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on November 29, 2014, 07:46:34 pm
Like I've said BST, whatever comes of his trip on the pitch, it's fully deserved. If he gets a ban and a criminal record, he knew that was one of the risks when he decided to enter the pitch. However to kneel on his neck when he was already restrained on the floor is not only a cheap shot, I've no doubt it's illegal. If we as football fans allow said stewards to get away with it, we let them think they can do it again. Who decides what amount of force was acceptable to use in this case? Was this tactic used because the stewards chums had been mugged off on the pitch?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Lincoln Rover on November 29, 2014, 07:47:27 pm
With comments like yours, your clearly not even as bright as the extinguished flare.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: lee.j09 on November 29, 2014, 07:58:26 pm
It's a flare bet you let off or watched fireworks on bonfire night didn't you?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Lincoln Rover on November 29, 2014, 08:05:03 pm
Stick to sparklers that's what you give little children who shouldn't be let out without supervision.
lee admit your comment was wrong and earn a little bit of respect back. That's what grown ups do.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Donnywolf on November 29, 2014, 08:09:11 pm
It's a flare bet you let off or watched fireworks on bonfire night didn't you?

Flares are ILLEGAL in Football Grounds ... end of story. They have caused DEATHS in the recent past

If you are old enough to drive I suspect you think its ok to use your Mobile while driving at 60 mph in a 40 mph zone then Parking on double Yellow Lines.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: lee.j09 on November 29, 2014, 08:24:55 pm
Stick to sparklers that's what you give little children who shouldn't be let out without supervision.
lee admit your comment was wrong and earn a little bit of respect back. That's what grown ups do.

all your doing by talking and bringing it up on a open forum is giving the club a bad rep!

leave it to the authorities or others that can deal with it!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: podrover73 on November 29, 2014, 08:27:37 pm
The problem is this issue isn't going to go away any time soon, cause as sure as eggs is eggs they will return again Tuesday should we score. Until the club is hit with a massive fine or the culprits are identified,  but none of the thirty or so in the know will say who it is. In the end it is going to hurt the club before the perpetrators grow up
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Alickismyhero on November 29, 2014, 08:32:48 pm
I wasn't there today but my brother was. In his opinion there is a small element in our crowd that seem to be hell bent on trouble which is fuelled by alcohol. The flare thing is wrong and should be condemned most strongly, because I would think the club will be fined for his foolish action.

My brother was saying that the supporters around him were actually shouting for the culprit to get a good hiding by the stewards and were actually booing the kid. Although I think only the minimal force should be used to deal with him its not a perfect world and the emotion of the moment will prevail.

There were 3 SLO's there today perhaps they will give their opinion of the action of this small element that seem to be attracting the wrong type reputation for our club.

Lee, just think about it, thats what this forum is about, to pass an opinion.  Its not the opinions on this forum that gets the club a bad reputation its the idiot with the flare.

Do we accept this behaviour or we/club do something about it?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: lee.j09 on November 29, 2014, 08:38:00 pm
But while ever you talk about it on here or other social media sites you are fueling the fire.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: the vicar on November 29, 2014, 08:38:29 pm
the sergeant from donny told me that our club will get a 25 grand fine from the league for that
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: the vicar on November 29, 2014, 08:40:44 pm
I'm not going to discuss it at length BST but 'Bell end 2' had his neck kneeled on by a steward when he has already down on the ground.

awwwww diddums  :crying:
if he had not gone on the pitch then it would not of happened so it was his own fault
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Al4475 on November 29, 2014, 08:44:27 pm
I reckon that's probably about right vicar - I think (tho I may be wrong) it's 8 grand every game a flare is released but goes up by repeating offences! I think it also means extra costs on having an extended police force for both teams in the next game too! Like I said tho I could be wrong!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bob the builder on November 29, 2014, 08:45:53 pm
if I remember correctly that moron has got the club a £30,000 fine because we are being monitored for excessive  use of flares at away games
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: i_ateallthepies on November 29, 2014, 08:48:23 pm
I was there today and the bell end got nothing of the treatment I would have liked to have seen him get.  He resisted restraint all the way and to say he had his neck kneeled on, I didn't see any such treatment and the steward who was trying to restrain him had plenty of girth on him yet when he was brought to his feet to be apprehended by the police he set off again with his flailing arms doing his best to keep the spectacle going.  Anybody who had his neck kneeled on by that steward wouldn't have got up asking for more.
Anyway Wesco, how do YOU know anybody kneeled on his neck? he was on the floor right under the perimeter wall where those of us who stayed in our seats couldn't possibly have seen what you describe.  Or was you the knob trying to make a name for yourself protesting at the time?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bpoolrover on November 29, 2014, 08:54:43 pm
While flares are wrong every club in the country must be getting huge fines if them figures are correct
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bfdoncaster west on November 29, 2014, 08:57:10 pm
where do you work wesco
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 29, 2014, 08:57:53 pm
It's a flare bet you let off or watched fireworks on bonfire night didn't you?

I didn't. How much do I win off you?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 29, 2014, 08:59:18 pm
But while ever you talk about it on here or other social media sites you are fueling the fire.

No, it's the berks setting them off that are doing that.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: i_ateallthepies on November 29, 2014, 09:00:04 pm
And the berks that are defending it.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on November 29, 2014, 09:07:02 pm
I was there today and the bell end got nothing of the treatment I would have liked to have seen him get.  He resisted restraint all the way and to say he had his neck kneeled on, I didn't see any such treatment and the steward who was trying to restrain him had plenty of girth on him yet when he was brought to his feet to be apprehended by the police he set off again with his flailing arms doing his best to keep the spectacle going.  Anybody who had his neck kneeled on by that steward wouldn't have got up asking for more.
Anyway Wesco, how do YOU know anybody kneeled on his neck? he was on the floor right under the perimeter wall where those of us who stayed in our seats couldn't possibly have seen what you describe.  Or was you the knob trying to make a name for yourself protesting at the time?
I wasn't the guy who stood up for someone being subjected to excessive force but it was thoroughly justified. I dont know what name you think he was attempting to make for himself? No doubt the same name for himself that attempting to call someone a knob on a forum would be attempting to do.
 What you would have liked to have happened is irrelevent. I'd like to see every child rapist get their genitalia removed but the laws of the land prohibit it.
The steward had no power to use such extreme force through his training nor would he have the law on his side under any other circumstance. I know what move he was operating. I've seen it used where it's needed to be used and it is always a last resort. It wasn't implemented very well, otherwise as you've mentioned, he wouldn't be getting up in a hurry. The point remains though that the situation was nowhere near at the point where it was required.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Alickismyhero on November 29, 2014, 09:14:12 pm
I don't think you are getting much support for your views Lee!!!!!!

Title: Re: Flare
Post by: i_ateallthepies on November 29, 2014, 09:17:09 pm
He chose to act in a way that inevitably would be met with the use of restraint techniques.  HIS CHOICE.  So, why do you choose to try to deflect the criticism to others only doing their job?  It isn't as if they just walked into the crowd and singled him out for some rough treatment is it now!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: The Red Baron on November 29, 2014, 09:19:49 pm
I have to say I fail to see what fining clubs does to address the problem. There might be a case for fining the home club as they failed to prevent the flare from being brought into the ground. Though of course that would just encourage intrusive searching of all supporters, which is hardly going to improve the match day experience.

The FA would be better employed encouraging the Government and the courts to take a zero-tolerance approach. Let off a pyro in a football ground and you WILL go to jail. And you'll be banned from every ground in the country for five years. That might do something. Fining the clubs will just fill the FA's coffers.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on November 29, 2014, 09:33:29 pm
If you'd read the full thread you would know that I am in no way condoning his actions. I have no sympathy if he gets banned or faces a reprimand he deserves to face. If the flare offender gets caught I fully back anything they get also. He absolutely had to be ejected - I concur!
However kneeling on someone is not making an attempt to eject them. The lad was at no point where he needed an attempt at stopping his oxygen flow was he?
If at the point where that steward got involved, if they couldn't have ejected in the fashion they are trained to (assuming they were SIA trained) I'd suggest they were in the wrong job.
I'm not deflecting blame for what the lad has done. However the actions of that particular steward today were wrong. Very wrong.
I don't know if I'm more dismayed now by the actions or the responses from football fans on here that they think the crime matched the response.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: derbyrover on November 29, 2014, 09:39:47 pm
If you'd read the full thread you would know that I am in no way condoning his actions. I have no sympathy if he gets banned or faces a reprimand he deserves to face. If the flare offender gets caught I fully back anything they get also. He absolutely had to be ejected - I concur!
However kneeling on someone is not making an attempt to eject them. The lad was at no point where he needed an attempt at stopping his oxygen flow was he?
If at the point where that steward got involved, if they couldn't have ejected in the fashion they are trained to (assuming they were SIA trained) I'd suggest they were in the wrong job.
I'm not deflecting blame for what the lad has done. However the actions of that particular steward today were wrong. Very wrong.
I don't know if I'm more dismayed now by the actions or the responses from football fans on here that they think the crime matched the response.

where's the proof the steward knelt on 'Bell end 2's neck blocking his oxygen?

Video proof?

anything really apart from his group of f**kwits crying injustice.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Iberian Red on November 29, 2014, 09:41:55 pm
I was there today and the bell end got nothing of the treatment I would have liked to have seen him get.  He resisted restraint all the way and to say he had his neck kneeled on, I didn't see any such treatment and the steward who was trying to restrain him had plenty of girth on him yet when he was brought to his feet to be apprehended by the police he set off again with his flailing arms doing his best to keep the spectacle going.  Anybody who had his neck kneeled on by that steward wouldn't have got up asking for more.
Anyway Wesco, how do YOU know anybody kneeled on his neck? he was on the floor right under the perimeter wall where those of us who stayed in our seats couldn't possibly have seen what you describe.  Or was you the knob trying to make a name for yourself protesting at the time?
I dont know what name you think he was attempting to make for himself?

Was it silly c@*t?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: RedRover45 on November 29, 2014, 09:58:29 pm
I might be putting myself out on a limb here but I am getting sick to death of hearing about these idiots smuggling in illegal flares and costing my club tens of thousands of pounds of unnecessary fines. If you want to do that much damage to my club and I presume your club, then you are not a supporter and I don't want you there.
If I see the person responsible smuggling or letting off flares at a game I will not hesitate to point you out to the nearest supervisor or police and I would urge every other right minded fan to do the same. If we stick together we can stop what it appears the authorities can't. It's our club, don't let these dicks ruin it.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: roversontheup on November 29, 2014, 10:02:57 pm
I might be putting myself out on a limb here but I am getting sick to death of hearing about these idiots smuggling in illegal flares and costing my club tens of thousands of pounds of unnecessary fines. If you want to do that much damage to my club and I presume your club, then you are not a supporter and I don't want you there.
If I see the person responsible smuggling or letting off flares at a game I will not hesitate to point you out to the nearest supervisor or police and I would urge every other right minded fan to do the same. If we stick together we can stop what it appears the authorities can't. It's our club, don't let these dicks ruin it.

Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on November 29, 2014, 10:15:39 pm
I might be putting myself out on a limb here but I am getting sick to death of hearing about these idiots smuggling in illegal flares and costing my club tens of thousands of pounds of unnecessary fines. If you want to do that much damage to my club and I presume your club, then you are not a supporter and I don't want you there.
If I see the person responsible smuggling or letting off flares at a game I will not hesitate to point you out to the nearest supervisor or police and I would urge every other right minded fan to do the same. If we stick together we can stop what it appears the authorities can't. It's our club, don't let these dicks ruin it.

 :that:  again
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Rosso Rover on November 29, 2014, 10:19:05 pm
I might be putting myself out on a limb here but I am getting sick to death of hearing about these idiots smuggling in illegal flares and costing my club tens of thousands of pounds of unnecessary fines. If you want to do that much damage to my club and I presume your club, then you are not a supporter and I don't want you there.
If I see the person responsible smuggling or letting off flares at a game I will not hesitate to point you out to the nearest supervisor or police and I would urge every other right minded fan to do the same. If we stick together we can stop what it appears the authorities can't. It's our club, don't let these dicks ruin it.

 :that: yet again.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: TheFunk on November 29, 2014, 10:26:12 pm
I bet it's these mindless morons who are bemoaning the lack of investment from the board as they see it.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bpoolrover on November 29, 2014, 10:35:00 pm
I thought there was 1 flare today
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on November 29, 2014, 10:38:35 pm
I bet it's these mindless morons who are bemoaning the lack of investment from the board as they see it.

yep the boards to busy paying fines to the FA but I suppose that doesn't count
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: POD on November 29, 2014, 11:16:37 pm
This has been shown before on the forum, but It is a reminder of how dangerous flares can be.  Watch the guy on the left of the screen with the red circle round him.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 30, 2014, 09:21:00 am
If you'd read the full thread you would know that I am in no way condoning his actions. I have no sympathy if he gets banned or faces a reprimand he deserves to face. If the flare offender gets caught I fully back anything they get also. He absolutely had to be ejected - I concur!
However kneeling on someone is not making an attempt to eject them. The lad was at no point where he needed an attempt at stopping his oxygen flow was he?
If at the point where that steward got involved, if they couldn't have ejected in the fashion they are trained to (assuming they were SIA trained) I'd suggest they were in the wrong job.
I'm not deflecting blame for what the lad has done. However the actions of that particular steward today were wrong. Very wrong.
I don't know if I'm more dismayed now by the actions or the responses from football fans on here that they think the crime matched the response.

If you're wanting to make proper formal representations, unfortunately you've already prejudiced your case by telling your prospective witnesses what you believe happened.

You should have asked people what they saw without planting the idea of the steward kneeling on the person concerned, and also without your verdict of what level of restraint it represented, in the minds of the people you're asking.

You don't form an opinion and get witnesses that fit to back it up, you ask witnesses what they saw and then form an opinion based on they say they saw, not the other way round. All you have done is ask for people who saw what you think you saw, which will distort the perception of witnesses. Anyone who saw the incident and genuinely didn't see anything untoward will not come forward because they will assume that they missed something and that therefore their statements would not be worth anything. That skews the evidence gathered and would be ripped to shreds by any half-decent lawyer.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Not Now Kato on November 30, 2014, 09:28:31 am
Out if interest if anyone witnessed the apprehension or the ejection of the pitch invader, if you could drop me a PM it'd be much appreciated.

@wesco1986  I was at the game


and saw what happened.  A pillock who resisted all attempts at aprehension by the stewards and police.  I did not see anyone kneeling on his neck, all I saw was said pillock flailing his arms and legs around in an attempt to hit/kick anyone in authority.

With regards to the subject of my photograph, if anyone thinks that that sort of thing is 'clever' or 'adds atmosphere' then you're as thick as the pillock who threw it and the pillock, (same child maybe?), who ran on the pitch.

This sort of stupidity only strengthens the belief by many that football supporters are nothing but hooligans, and will almost certainly lead to tighter sanctions against us.  Us 'normal' supporters can now look forward to a stronger police presence and more thorough searches every game we go to.  All thanks to a bunch of morons who think it's big.   :evil:
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Filo on November 30, 2014, 09:38:18 am
Out if interest if anyone witnessed the apprehension or the ejection of the pitch invader, if you could drop me a PM it'd be much appreciated.

@wesco1986  I was at the game


and saw what happened.  A pillock who resisted all attempts at aprehension by the stewards and police.  I did not see anyone kneeling on his neck, all I saw was said pillock flailing his arms and legs around in an attempt to hit/kick anyone in authority.

With regards to the subject of my photograph, if anyone thinks that that sort of thing is 'clever' or 'adds atmosphere' then you're as thick as the pillock who threw it and the pillock, (same child maybe?), who ran on the pitch.

This sort of stupidity only strengthens the belief by many that football supporters are nothing but hooligans, and will almost certainly lead to tighter sanctions against us.  Us 'normal' supporters can now look forward to a stronger police presence and more thorough searches every game we go to.  All thanks to a bunch of morons who think it's big.   :evil:

It's a decent throw to get it that far onto the pitch from the stands!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on November 30, 2014, 09:54:14 am
It didn't but  if it had hit a player/official the nutter who threw it could have been facing a murder or manslaughter charge
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Alickismyhero on November 30, 2014, 09:55:52 am
If you'd read the full thread you would know that I am in no way condoning his actions. I have no sympathy if he gets banned or faces a reprimand he deserves to face. If the flare offender gets caught I fully back anything they get also. He absolutely had to be ejected - I concur!
However kneeling on someone is not making an attempt to eject them. The lad was at no point where he needed an attempt at stopping his oxygen flow was he?
If at the point where that steward got involved, if they couldn't have ejected in the fashion they are trained to (assuming they were SIA trained) I'd suggest they were in the wrong job.
I'm not deflecting blame for what the lad has done. However the actions of that particular steward today were wrong. Very wrong.
I don't know if I'm more dismayed now by the actions or the responses from football fans on here that they think the crime matched the response.

If you're wanting to make proper formal representations, unfortunately you've already prejudiced your case by telling your prospective witnesses what you believe happened.

You should have asked people what they saw without planting the idea of the steward kneeling on the person concerned, and also without your verdict of what level of restraint it represented, in the minds of the people you're asking.

You don't form an opinion and get witnesses that fit to back it up, you ask witnesses what they saw and then form an opinion based on they say they saw, not the other way round. All you have done is ask for people who saw what you think you saw, which will distort the perception of witnesses. Anyone who saw the incident and genuinely didn't see anything untoward will not come forward because they will assume that they missed something and that therefore their statements would not be worth anything. That skews the evidence gathered and would be ripped to shreds by any half-decent lawyer.

I take it that your knowledge/experience of the legal system is gained from the right side of the law! I certainly wouldn't take issue with anything you said.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: graingrover on November 30, 2014, 09:56:40 am
I can't believe that nobody knows who the flare thrower  is ... do everybody a favour and denounce the criminal thoughtless idiot.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on November 30, 2014, 09:59:51 am
If you'd read the full thread you would know that I am in no way condoning his actions. I have no sympathy if he gets banned or faces a reprimand he deserves to face. If the flare offender gets caught I fully back anything they get also. He absolutely had to be ejected - I concur!
However kneeling on someone is not making an attempt to eject them. The lad was at no point where he needed an attempt at stopping his oxygen flow was he?
If at the point where that steward got involved, if they couldn't have ejected in the fashion they are trained to (assuming they were SIA trained) I'd suggest they were in the wrong job.
I'm not deflecting blame for what the lad has done. However the actions of that particular steward today were wrong. Very wrong.
I don't know if I'm more dismayed now by the actions or the responses from football fans on here that they think the crime matched the response.

If you're wanting to make proper formal representations, unfortunately you've already prejudiced your case by telling your prospective witnesses what you believe happened.

You should have asked people what they saw without planting the idea of the steward kneeling on the person concerned, and also without your verdict of what level of restraint it represented, in the minds of the people you're asking.

You don't form an opinion and get witnesses that fit to back it up, you ask witnesses what they saw and then form an opinion based on they say they saw, not the other way round. All you have done is ask for people who saw what you think you saw, which will distort the perception of witnesses. Anyone who saw the incident and genuinely didn't see anything untoward will not come forward because they will assume that they missed something and that therefore their statements would not be worth anything. That skews the evidence gathered and would be ripped to shreds by any half-decent lawyer.
You are of course correct, Glyn. At the point where I put it on here it wasn't me directly trying to collate the information. As it stands there doesn't appear to be enough witnesses to the event, certainly no video evidence yet so as far as any formal complaint it's looking pretty thin. We all know which side of the fence the local constabulary will sit on regardless of what happened without some form of video evidence.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Donnywolf on November 30, 2014, 10:12:09 am
... before long if this kind of thing does not STOP we will all be the other side of the fence again - with all its attendant risks i.e. Hillsborough for one.

FFS just STOP this mindless ILLEGAL act
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 30, 2014, 10:22:42 am
If you'd read the full thread you would know that I am in no way condoning his actions. I have no sympathy if he gets banned or faces a reprimand he deserves to face. If the flare offender gets caught I fully back anything they get also. He absolutely had to be ejected - I concur!
However kneeling on someone is not making an attempt to eject them. The lad was at no point where he needed an attempt at stopping his oxygen flow was he?
If at the point where that steward got involved, if they couldn't have ejected in the fashion they are trained to (assuming they were SIA trained) I'd suggest they were in the wrong job.
I'm not deflecting blame for what the lad has done. However the actions of that particular steward today were wrong. Very wrong.
I don't know if I'm more dismayed now by the actions or the responses from football fans on here that they think the crime matched the response.

If you're wanting to make proper formal representations, unfortunately you've already prejudiced your case by telling your prospective witnesses what you believe happened.

You should have asked people what they saw without planting the idea of the steward kneeling on the person concerned, and also without your verdict of what level of restraint it represented, in the minds of the people you're asking.

You don't form an opinion and get witnesses that fit to back it up, you ask witnesses what they saw and then form an opinion based on they say they saw, not the other way round. All you have done is ask for people who saw what you think you saw, which will distort the perception of witnesses. Anyone who saw the incident and genuinely didn't see anything untoward will not come forward because they will assume that they missed something and that therefore their statements would not be worth anything. That skews the evidence gathered and would be ripped to shreds by any half-decent lawyer.

I take it that your knowledge/experience of the legal system is gained from the right side of the law! I certainly wouldn't take issue with anything you said.

While I wasn't in the police, I did at one time have power of arrest and have conducted interviews under caution, so I did have to know about PACE.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wing commander on November 30, 2014, 11:52:35 am
If you want to play Billy big b*llocks you deserve what you get..if they hadn't been acting like tossers they wouldn't have got hurt..they had no consideration for anybody else's safety...I've none for them
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bobjimwilly on November 30, 2014, 11:53:28 am
Why are fans throwing flares and going crazy when we equalise with a scrappy goal against bottom of League 1?
I understand when people can go crazy like that with what happened at Brentford, but equalising against Crewe mid-season? Not worth getting a ban for IMO  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 30, 2014, 11:56:50 am
If you want to play Billy big b*llocks you deserve what you get..if they hadn't been acting like tossers they wouldn't have got hurt..they had no consideration for anybody else's safety...I've none for them

Or as I put it...if you want to act like a t**t, expect to get t**tted.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Colin C No.3 on November 30, 2014, 02:53:07 pm
I can't believe that nobody knows who the flare thrower  is ... do everybody a favour and denounce the criminal thoughtless idiot.
If he was ejected from the ground with the aid of the police, you'd hope his 'true' identity would have been obtained before he was released. If this could be passed onto, or indeed requested by DRFC, then I've no doubt the club will be able to hand out the necessary banning order.

My money's on one of the spotty nerds who 'gather' in the far side of the West Stand, who travel away wearing Burberry as their 'club colours', whose anthem is "We're Donny Rovers & we'll do what we want...". Well you're not Donny Rovers & as Saturday showed you won't do 'what you want' without (hopefully) consequences.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Filo on November 30, 2014, 02:54:16 pm
I'm taking these red flares to Barnsley, am I likely to be frowned upon?


Apparently they're the height of fashion there :)
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: deebee on November 30, 2014, 02:59:13 pm
I was there and it was not a flare it was a smoke bomb. There is a big difference. However they should still be banned and named and shamed I suspect that these culprits are not true Rovers supporters but simply go to cause trouble. They could even be from other clubs to get us into trouble. I hope he gets all he deserves.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Filo on November 30, 2014, 03:02:58 pm
I can't believe that nobody knows who the flare thrower  is ... do everybody a favour and denounce the criminal thoughtless idiot.
If he was ejected from the ground with the aid of the police, you'd hope his 'true' identity would have been obtained before he was released. If this could be passed onto, or indeed requested by DRFC, then I've no doubt the club will be able to hand out the necessary banning order.

My money's on one of the spotty nerds who 'gather' in the far side of the West Stand, who travel away wearing Burberry as their 'club colours', whose anthem is "We're Donny Rovers & we'll do what we want...". Well you're not Donny Rovers & as Saturday showed you won't do 'what you want' without (hopefully) consequences.

It's not hard to identify the person, most of his so called mates have already named him on social media, if I were him I'd never plan to rob a bank with his mates, they all seem to sing like canary's
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bpoolrover on November 30, 2014, 03:55:09 pm
Think they named the guy who ran on the pitch not who threw the flare
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Filo on November 30, 2014, 04:00:33 pm
Think they named the guy who ran on the pitch not who threw the flare

True, I stand corrected
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bpoolrover on November 30, 2014, 04:12:14 pm
To be fair to the youngster the majority of them are fine they get a decent atmosphere going,you can't hold them all responsible for 2 incidents,compared to just about every other team in the country they are well behaved in the main
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on November 30, 2014, 04:32:02 pm
To be fair to the youngster the majority of them are fine they get a decent atmosphere going,you can't hold them all responsible for 2 incidents,compared to just about every other team in the country they are well behaved in the main

Agreed. Safety is important, drunks not able to control themselves need sorting. But please lets not sanitise football any more. Some people like a quiet sit down to watch a match, many don't. The atmosphere at games is partly what I go for and for too many years that side of things has been sprayed with no end of bleach and boxed up in neat lines on a shelf in some football history storage unit.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: i_ateallthepies on November 30, 2014, 07:18:42 pm
I don't think anyone is objecting to people creating an 'atmosphere' at games BRR, the objections are towards those who think loutish behaviour is an atmosphere that everyone else should put up with.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bpoolrover on November 30, 2014, 07:39:45 pm
I don't think many people do think that thou 1 I think on this thread
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: hoolahoop on December 01, 2014, 12:41:13 am
I wasn't there today but my brother was. In his opinion there is a small element in our crowd that seem to be hell bent on trouble which is fuelled by alcohol. The flare thing is wrong and should be condemned most strongly, because I would think the club will be fined for his foolish action.

My brother was saying that the supporters around him were actually shouting for the culprit to get a good hiding by the stewards and were actually booing the kid. Although I think only the minimal force should be used to deal with him its not a perfect world and the emotion of the moment will prevail.

There were 3 SLO's there today perhaps they will give their opinion of the action of this small element that seem to be attracting the wrong type reputation for our club.

Lee, just think about it, thats what this forum is about, to pass an opinion.  Its not the opinions on this forum that gets the club a bad reputation its the idiot with the flare.

Do we accept this behaviour or we/club do something about it?
where do you work wesco

Where do you work wesco  ? ;)
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: not on facebook on December 01, 2014, 09:19:02 am
Why dont the Club grab the bull by Its horns and select
a party Of rovers fans via application,to have responsabilty
Of setting off flares  smoke bombs pre kick off in a controlled way.

For sure not every game ,but certian crowd pullers for starters.

Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on December 01, 2014, 09:20:48 am
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on December 01, 2014, 09:21:44 am
Why dont the Club grab the bull by Its horns and select
a party Of rovers fans via application,to have responsabilty
Of setting off flares  smoke bombs pre kick off in a controlled way.

For sure not every game ,but certian crowd pullers for starters.

Oslo they are illegal here
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Wellred on December 01, 2014, 09:22:01 am
Why dont the Club grab the bull by Its horns and select
a party Of rovers fans via application,to have responsabilty
Of setting off flares  smoke bombs pre kick off in a controlled way.

For sure not every game ,but certian crowd pullers for starters.

          :facepalm: :facepalm:
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: RobSlingDog on December 01, 2014, 12:54:14 pm
Getting stupid now, Its not hard to point out who these idiots are like someone has stated they have there own 3rd kit (Burberry) Have a average age of about 17 and looks like World War 3 is about to explode on there face. I know enough fans who now are refusing to travel away because of these idiots, not sure why the club dont come out and start banning these camels. There not fans or supporters and couldnt tell you one thing about the club between the lot of them!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bpoolrover on December 01, 2014, 01:14:39 pm
Very harsh rob,they might be young but go to most away games and most cause no trouble,a lot of away matches there is trouble after games not caused by youngsters but older fans why don't you have a go at them 2 rather than just youngsters
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: RJHeader on December 01, 2014, 02:30:55 pm
Getting stupid now, Its not hard to point out who these idiots are like someone has stated they have there own 3rd kit (Burberry) Have a average age of about 17 and looks like World War 3 is about to explode on there face. I know enough fans who now are refusing to travel away because of these idiots, not sure why the club dont come out and start banning these camels. There not fans or supporters and couldnt tell you one thing about the club between the lot of them!

Bit of a sweeping statement isnt it? And most probably a wrong one at that
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: graingrover on December 01, 2014, 04:12:49 pm
Generalisations will not help .. who are the two individuals concerned ... that's all the club needs to know .. for now .
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: SLO@DRFC on December 01, 2014, 09:10:37 pm
Firstly we’d like to thank the 497 fans who travelled to Crewe last Saturday, when you consider we are in the middle of a run of 5 straight away games to see so many turn out was a great effort and as always we are immensely proud of our support away from home.

However we were disappointed to see that a pyrotechnic device was not only brought to the game, but was ignited and then fired onto the pitch after our equaliser. With the referee and players just yards away as the smoke bomb filled the pitch with smoke, it seems likely that the club will soon be fined as this is not the first time its happened as we have had several incidents this season and we’d be lying if we said the club wasn’t majorly concerned with the rise of this activity this season.

Previously we have pointed out that whether you agree they create a visual spectacular or not is irrelevant and not up for debate. They are illegal and the danger they present have been pointed out previously, but please think about the consequences it has not only on yourself, but your club and fellow fans.

Not only will the club have a fine as a result, but it will only lead to increased Police and Stewarding costs in future games in which the club must pay for, which will not only come out of the playing budget but will affect the club in the long term. Any attempts to keep the price of football affordable at the Rovers is only made harder by an increase in these safety and security costs.

Some of you will recall when we played Bury in 2013 and a flare was fired (accidentally by a police officer!) onto the pitch close to Gary Woods who was in the Rovers goal, to those at the game this obviously caught him (and the rest of us) by surprise and Bury went on to score 2 goals in a short space of time immediately after that.

On Saturday after we scored the game was delayed for 5 minutes whilst the stewards dealt with the smoke bomb and as a result the team were deprived of the chance to kick off straight away with momentum from the goal behind them. We’re not saying the pyro stopped us going onto win the game, but it helped to hinder the chance of that happening.

More worryingly, when we played Fleetwood earlier this season you may recall a smoke bomb was set off in the crowd after we scored and an innocent fan was not only ejected but subsequently arrested. The guilty party stood by and watched that happen and it seems the guilty party on Saturday fired the smoke bomb onto the pitch to also stop being identified which could have easily lead to another fan who was innocent wrongly ejected.

Setting these devices off and then throwing them or dropping them on the floor suggests that those guilty are fully aware what they are doing is wrong and harming the club, otherwise they wouldn’t be so secretive about it and quick to hide behind other Rovers fans. You may think it is big and clever, but its cowardly.

The club will be working with the Police and Crewe this week to review CCTV and identify the culprit. In an ideal world we don’t want to see any Doncaster Rovers fans banned but when you show such a lack of respect towards the club and your fellow fans it only makes it easier to justify a lifetime ban from the Keepmoat and the Police will commence criminal proceedings.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Muttley on December 01, 2014, 10:37:56 pm
As usual, it seems the police and stewards are more than happy to let these incidents happen and then sit behind their CCTV identifying the suspects retrospectively and dishing out bans.

Maybe they ought to be a bit more proactive and actually prevent these devices getting into the stadium in the first place.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Draytonian III on December 01, 2014, 11:18:17 pm
How big are these flares /smoke bombs before they used/ ignited
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on December 02, 2014, 12:58:59 am
As usual, it seems the police and stewards are more than happy to let these incidents happen and then sit behind their CCTV identifying the suspects retrospectively and dishing out bans.

Maybe they ought to be a bit more proactive and actually prevent these devices getting into the stadium in the first place.

To be fair, the security guys had a good root about in my rucksack as I went in with Stubbs-Tears jnr on Satdi.

They were intrigued by the Astrosaurs book and the Minecraft-themed water bottle. They assessed the banana and apple for pyrotechnic capability. But the stick of Semtex, disguised as a cuddly toy totally by-passed them.

f***ing amateurs.

To be fair again, it fooled Stubbs-Tears jnr too. He spent the whole first half explaining to his turtle-shaped piece of high explosive that the bald-headed one was a waste of 2 square metres of skin because the folk at the side of us were shouting it.

The useless t**t. I'm disgusted that the fruit of my own loins could be so gullible. I've spent the last two days putting him on special exercises as a punishment.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: not on facebook on December 02, 2014, 01:26:32 am
How big are these flares /smoke bombs before they used/ ignited

Its normall for eastern bloc countrys fans to smuggle FLARES or smoke
Bombs into grounds by hiding them up girlfriends ***** Belive it Of not.

What steward is going to f****r a female fan looking for a flare or smoke bomb
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: afro goal machine on December 02, 2014, 03:05:26 am
How big are these flares /smoke bombs before they used/ ignited

Its normall for eastern bloc countrys fans to smuggle FLARES or smoke
Bombs into grounds by hiding them up girlfriends ***** Belive it Of not.

What steward is going to f****r a female fan looking for a flare or smoke bomb 

Can this post go into a hall of fame ???
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: RedRover45 on December 02, 2014, 06:48:26 am
How big are these flares /smoke bombs before they used/ ignited

Its normall for eastern bloc countrys fans to smuggle FLARES or smoke
Bombs into grounds by hiding them up girlfriends ***** Belive it Of not.

What steward is going to f****r a female fan looking for a flare or smoke bomb

Me, me, me.  I'm a steward, honestly.....
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Padge_DRFC on December 02, 2014, 07:07:40 am
We are nowhere near the worst when it comes to smokebombs. We haven't lit a flare since Brentford. A flare would do much more damage than a smoke bomb.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Orlandokarla on December 02, 2014, 07:16:01 am
I've never understood the point of fining clubs for these sort of fan-related offences. It's hardly the club's fault.
A vindictive campaign by fans from a rival club could easily result in fines and other sanctions being levied against the club.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: The Red Baron on December 02, 2014, 07:53:04 am
While I support the posting by the SLOs I had a wry smile to the reference to Gary Woods and the firework at Bury. I can only think that someone let off an explosive device in his vicinity every time he played!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on December 02, 2014, 08:36:55 am
I would suggest the SLO's post that on the facebook page   as they seemed to know who the culprit is although I think some posts were removed!!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bobjimwilly on December 02, 2014, 09:23:59 am
I would suggest the SLO's post that on the facebook page   as they seemed to know who the culprit is although I think some posts were removed!!

Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on December 02, 2014, 10:05:38 am
I would suggest the SLO's post that on the facebook page   as they seemed to know who the culprit is although I think some posts were removed!!

You're both wrong of course. The Flare offender has never been outed on Facebook, we did however delete the pitch invaders name on the day it happened. The same post has been posted on Facebook and had received a positive response.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on December 02, 2014, 10:12:28 am
I would suggest the SLO's post that on the facebook page   as they seemed to know who the culprit is although I think some posts were removed!!

You're both wrong of course. The Flare offender has never been outed on Facebook, we did however delete the pitch invaders name on the day it happened. The same post has been posted on Facebook and had received a positive response.

 Why are we wrong "of course"  I looked through the facebook page and couldn't find that post if its there and received a good response great! and as you say some posts relating to Saturdays events were deleted
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on December 02, 2014, 10:18:14 am
I've bumped it back to the top for your own perusal. As stated, the offender who was named on the Facebook page was the pitch invader who had been arrested so didn't need outing.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dagenham Rover on December 02, 2014, 10:21:16 am
 :) Thank you Wesco, however  comments

it's only a matter of time before one of our own fans get seriously injured by one if these devices
12 hrs · Like

with a reply saying

 Does it matter fgs

admittedly 21 likes to the slo post
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Filo on December 02, 2014, 10:23:08 am
The first comment "no pyro no party" was deleted within the hour of the op
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bobjimwilly on December 02, 2014, 10:31:57 am
I was simply agreeing the same post should be posted on the facebook group and elsewhere  :chair:
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: BobG on December 02, 2014, 10:38:16 am
Flares and smoke bombs tend not to hurt people. They could, but I've never heard of an example. They might be unpleasant but there's been an awful lot on here of either loose use of language or over reaction. It's rockets that hurt people. Remember that poor guy at Highfield Road? I think he died after being hit by a red one that flew right across the pitch. Let's focus on where the real problem is eh?

Title: Re: Flare
Post by: IDM on December 02, 2014, 10:41:56 am
Flares and smoke bombs tend not to hurt people. They could, but I've never heard of an example. They might be unpleasant but there's been an awful lot on here of either loose use of language or over reaction. It's rockets that hurt people. Remember that poor guy at Highfield Road? I think he died after being hit by a red one that flew right across the pitch. Let's focus on where the real problem is eh?


Not hurt people?  OK direct burns or impact injuries may be unlikely but it is the effects of the smoke in enclosed spaces that is possibly the "real problem".

Anyway these things are illegal in football grounds, period.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wesisback on December 02, 2014, 11:23:38 am
:) Thank you Wesco, however  comments

it's only a matter of time before one of our own fans get seriously injured by one if these devices
12 hrs · Like

with a reply saying

 Does it matter fgs

admittedly 21 likes to the slo post
You will always get the odd one. Lees comments on this thread earlier don't account for the majority of opinion in this thread do they?
Filo, that was the first comment on the thread (I myself didn't see it) but it wasn't deleted by any of the admin. Let's hope the poster saw it and realised they are in a very small minority who advocate pyro at Rovers.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: BobG on December 02, 2014, 11:27:39 am
How many folk do you know of who've collapsed from the smoke given off by one of these things? I'm sure it's happened somewhere, but it ain't a common thing is it? Let's remember the real problem here instead of getting all emotional about the current 24 hour emotional over reaction.

Title: Re: Flare
Post by: ravenrover on December 02, 2014, 11:58:28 am
Do you have Asthma Bob?
I do and was stood near to the moron who let the flare off at Brentford within seconds I could hardly breathe is that getting emotional?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: IDM on December 02, 2014, 12:07:32 pm
How many folk do you know of who've collapsed from the smoke given off by one of these things? I'm sure it's happened somewhere, but it ain't a common thing is it? Let's remember the real problem here instead of getting all emotional about the current 24 hour emotional over reaction.


What is the real problem?

These items are illegal and their continued use by our so called fans are likely to bring disrepute and fines onto the club.

As for their effects, I am sure there was plenty of stuff on a thread earlier referring to the game at Scunthorpe.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: SLO@DRFC on December 02, 2014, 12:43:52 pm
Club statement on Pyro:
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Dr Fundlekrotch on December 02, 2014, 01:18:36 pm
Quite right too.  I went to Marseille's game with Lorient the week after the incident below in Nice in 2006.  As away fans we were virtually strip-searched at gunpoint.  It was a very unpleasant atmosphere and all because someone had previously allowed flares into the ground and said they weren't doing any real harm.  Over the preceding seasons, 1 flare had become 2 flares had become 5 flares and then a homemade firebomb...  Thankfully, the fireman was able to return to work eventually, but minus 2 fingers

Nice hold firebomb investigation

Nice have launched an investigation after a homemade firebomb thrown from the crowd injured a fireman during Sunday's 2-1 win over Marseille.
 The fireman lost two fingers when he tried to pick up the bomb, thrown by Marseille fans, and the match was suspended for five minutes.
Nice security boss Andre Boch said: "He thought it was a flare and picked it up but it exploded in his hands.
"We are looking at television footage to identify those who threw the bomb."

Marseille fans were detained for two hours after the match, while police sniffer dogs were used to search them.
The volunteer fireman was taken to a hospital that specialises in hand injuries.
Boch said he was determined to find the fans responsible but admitted the bombs were very hard to detect.
"In the past four years there have been strong measures to prevent people from bringing these bombs into the stadium," he added.
"But they are only five centimetres in diameter and therefore are very hard to detect."
Marseille chairman Pape Diouf condemned the incident, saying: "Defeat is part of the game but what I will remember from this evening is this image of violence, which I strongly condemn."
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Boomstick on December 02, 2014, 01:21:40 pm
Flares and smoke bombs tend not to hurt people. They could, but I've never heard of an example. They might be unpleasant but there's been an awful lot on here of either loose use of language or over reaction. It's rockets that hurt people. Remember that poor guy at Highfield Road? I think he died after being hit by a red one that flew right across the pitch. Let's focus on where the real problem is eh?


Not hurt people?  OK direct burns or impact injuries may be unlikely but it is the effects of the smoke in enclosed spaces that is possibly the "real problem".

Anyway these things are illegal in football grounds, period.
There was ALOT more smoke for a continuous period (the whole game) before the smoking ban. No one whinged then.
Grow up, get some ballacks and stop babbying on about a complete non issue!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on December 02, 2014, 01:26:40 pm
Cigarettes are not an unpredictable incendiary device, nor were they thrown about at random amongst the crowd or on to the pitch. Apples and oranges.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Filo on December 02, 2014, 01:30:19 pm
Club statement on Pyro:

So because of a minority of idiots we're all going to be treated like idiots and subjected to being searched, well done morons!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bobjimwilly on December 02, 2014, 01:35:25 pm
There was ALOT more smoke for a continuous period (the whole game) before the smoking ban. No one whinged then.
Grow up, get some ballacks and stop babbying on about a complete non issue!

A cigarette is the same as a flare/smokebomb?  :woot:
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Boomstick on December 02, 2014, 01:39:14 pm
There was ALOT more smoke for a continuous period (the whole game) before the smoking ban. No one whinged then.
Grow up, get some ballacks and stop babbying on about a complete non issue!

A cigarette is the same as a flare/smokebomb?  :woot:
I'm talking about the effects of continuous passive smoking being alot more hazardous than a smoke bomb being thrown onto a large open area.
By your logic, anyone who has ever smoked at the football is a hooligan and should be banned
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bobjimwilly on December 02, 2014, 01:56:22 pm
By your logic, anyone who has ever smoked at the football is a hooligan and should be banned

Not what I said at all, but well done on impersonating a WUM perfectly Boomstick :aok:
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: IDM on December 02, 2014, 02:05:49 pm
Flares and smoke bombs tend not to hurt people. They could, but I've never heard of an example. They might be unpleasant but there's been an awful lot on here of either loose use of language or over reaction. It's rockets that hurt people. Remember that poor guy at Highfield Road? I think he died after being hit by a red one that flew right across the pitch. Let's focus on where the real problem is eh?


Not hurt people?  OK direct burns or impact injuries may be unlikely but it is the effects of the smoke in enclosed spaces that is possibly the "real problem".

Anyway these things are illegal in football grounds, period.
There was ALOT more smoke for a continuous period (the whole game) before the smoking ban. No one whinged then.
Grow up, get some ballacks and stop babbying on about a complete non issue!

Smoking has been banned!

And yes, smoking was for decades seen as socially acceptable - perhaps why folks didn't complain - but it is NOT the same as chucking flares and smoke bombs. 

Chalk and cheese Boomstick! 

Yet you make a relevant argument about smoking, then spoil it by saying "babbying on about a non-issue"

Do you EVER read DROS???  Me grow up??? You haven't got a f**king clue have you? 
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on December 02, 2014, 02:11:16 pm
Club statement on Pyro:

So because of a minority of idiots we're all going to be treated like idiots and subjected to being searched, well done morons!

But...but...but...they do what they want..!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: RJHeader on December 02, 2014, 02:21:04 pm
Club statement on Pyro:

So because of a minority of idiots we're all going to be treated like idiots and subjected to being searched, well done morons!

I'd of thought this should be standard anyway? Being searched before going into the ground. Doesnt it happen all the time?
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: wilts rover on December 02, 2014, 05:52:17 pm
Flares and smoke bombs tend not to hurt people. They could, but I've never heard of an example. They might be unpleasant but there's been an awful lot on here of either loose use of language or over reaction. It's rockets that hurt people. Remember that poor guy at Highfield Road? I think he died after being hit by a red one that flew right across the pitch. Let's focus on where the real problem is eh?


A quick google on 'fan hurt by flare' brings up over 1/2 million hits. Of which some recent ones are:

flare hits disabled Newcastle fan and causes burns to arm

smoke bomb hits someone in crowd at Newcastle

Villa fan hospitalised with lung damage from smoke bomb, 2 others treated at time

Fan killed by flare in Bolivia

I suugest you look a bit more thoroughly next time Bob

Title: Re: Flare
Post by: NickDRFC on December 02, 2014, 06:10:33 pm
The information is out there Bob, you just need to use your brain to find it.
Title: Flares
Post by: DonnyBazR0ver on December 02, 2014, 06:19:28 pm
We need to weedle out these 'fans' who persist in harming the club and supporters alike. You overstep the mark you have to be prepared for the consequences, especially if warnings are not heeded. To say these things, and the people who set them off, are contributing to the atmosphere is boll*cks. No, you will not do what you want. We all have a responsibility to ensure the behaviour of those around us conform. When it doesn't, we should report it to an SLO or a Steward.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Filo on December 02, 2014, 07:03:01 pm
Well I'm in the ground and never got searched
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: StocktonRover on December 02, 2014, 07:17:47 pm
All fans were being searched when I came in
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: dknward2 on December 02, 2014, 07:21:55 pm
Well I'm in the ground and never got searched
Maybe you dont look like a nob who thinks flares are the only way to look good
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: NickDRFC on December 02, 2014, 07:27:17 pm
Well I'm in the ground and never got searched
Maybe you dont look like a nob who thinks flares are the only way to look good

Maybe they didn't fancy copping a feel ;)
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: DonnyBazR0ver on December 02, 2014, 09:52:44 pm
It's a sad day when we've gone back to the days of being searched thanks to the mindless few, normal fans are being treated this way.

Title: Re: Flare
Post by: Filo on December 02, 2014, 10:33:02 pm
All fans were being searched when I came in

They did n't do a good job of it, another smoke bomb tonight!
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: bobjimwilly on December 02, 2014, 10:49:35 pm
I didn't get searched either. Hoping the FL don't hear about that smoke bomb tonight :s
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on December 02, 2014, 11:05:25 pm
I've had a different experience today, but that's a story for another day...
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: swintonrover on December 03, 2014, 12:11:12 am
Those that fetch them in should pay the fine instead of the club. Then it'd stop. I'd also ram the open canister up their arse, but that's just my own personal opinion.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: i_ateallthepies on December 03, 2014, 10:07:57 am
Those that fetch them in should pay the fine instead of the club. Then it'd stop. I'd also ram the open canister up their arse, but that's just my own personal opinion.

one shared by others though swintonrover.
Title: Re: Flare
Post by: drfcsteve on December 03, 2014, 01:45:41 pm
Stewards looked like they were about to go steaming in last night to get the lad who set it off but for some reason a lady who I presume was the supervising steward stopped them. There was a guy at the top of the stand with a camera so maybe the perpetrators have all been caught on video and it'll be handed to the police?