Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Viking Chat => Topic started by: MrFrost on September 06, 2010, 11:33:44 pm

Title: £5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 06, 2010, 11:33:44 pm
In that Doncaster Most Wanted mag, there's a £5 off voucher for the Norwich game.

Spread the word, because I doubt DRFC will!
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: NigelJ on September 06, 2010, 11:36:30 pm
MrFrost wrote:
In that Doncaster Most Wanted mag, there's a £5 off voucher for the Norwich game.

Spread the word, because I doubt DRFC will!

Never heard of it. But then again, I don't live in Doncaster. Where are these to be found? Pubs? Newsagents? Police Stations?
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 06, 2010, 11:37:40 pm
They come through the letter box.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: Superspy on September 07, 2010, 12:25:16 am
dont think we get it :(
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: dfo2010 on September 07, 2010, 06:15:07 am
does anybody  get this mag ????
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: Nudga on September 07, 2010, 07:03:59 am
Yeah we get it but it usually gets to us about two weeks late. They were advertising the Bristol match two weeks after we played them when I got my copy.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: bobjimwilly on September 07, 2010, 09:42:12 am
F'ing excellent. Well done once again DRFC.  :S
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 07, 2010, 10:08:14 am
I assumed most people had heard of it as they claim to deliver to every household in Donny.
While DRFC can't be blamed for the poor distribution you would think they'd at least mention the offer. Or maybe they haven't mentioned it purposely.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: dfo2010 on September 07, 2010, 10:27:35 am
can you get the mag if you dont live in donny , surrounding villages ect ........ Seems like a pretty piss poor way of trying to get extra bums on seats , Why not put a voucher in the free press or try reaching out to worksop gaurdian and retford times or better still put it in the previous match day programme so that fans get rewarded for going to the games .
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 07, 2010, 10:37:39 am
I can get copies for those who don't have one. My company is based in the same building as them.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: Dagenham Rover on September 07, 2010, 10:43:23 am
dfo2010 wrote:
can you get the mag if you dont live in donny , surrounding villages ect ....

Can't say Ive ever heard of it so that may well by a logical answer, or are they  just getting dumped in the nearest layby ?    ;)
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: dfo2010 on September 07, 2010, 10:52:40 am
same here , never heard of it , it sounds like they are putting a voucher where nobody will see it , so they can say they have made an effort .
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 07, 2010, 10:54:18 am
dfo2010 wrote:
same here , never heard of it , it sounds like they are putting a voucher where nobody will see it , so they can say they have made an effort .

Where do you live? We've been getting it for the last 2 years or so. Mag states they deliver to 120,000 homes in Doncaster.

Like I said if anyone wants a copy to make use of the voucher, give me a shout.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: dfo2010 on September 07, 2010, 10:59:41 am
harworth / bircotes , prob dont do surrounding areas .
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: CusworthRovers on September 07, 2010, 11:53:18 am
Never heard of it myself, which about sums the situation up.

The only one we get through the post free is the Advertiser, which is not always a gimme on being delivered.

This publicity stunt beggars belief.

The only paper that is read by most is the Free Press, always guaranteed to be published for Thursday. Get the chuff in there before the 5pm deadline today. Get it on DROS. Get it on Trax and Sine and Radio Sheff/Hallam. Finally get it on the Community TV's in the sports centres and Frenchgate around Donny. Infact get it advertised outside the ground, if allowed.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 07, 2010, 11:59:16 am
This gets better.
Just been to get my ticket with said voucher, and the ticket office know nothing about it, so no money off.
Fcucking brilliant!

You couldn't make this stuff up could you?
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: dfo2010 on September 07, 2010, 12:14:01 pm
:laugh: Nothing surprises me with this club .
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: CusworthRovers on September 07, 2010, 12:16:21 pm
Jesus Christ, Somebody in the inner sanctum needs to get this message to Ryan, unless he's seen it already from here.

as Kammy would say............
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: Dagenham Rover on September 07, 2010, 12:16:25 pm
MrFrost wrote:
This gets better.
Just been to get my ticket with said voucher, and the ticket office know nothing about it, so no money off.
Fcucking brilliant!

You couldn't make this stuff up could you?

You should have gone round to reception and kicked some ass ..proverbially of course
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: mushRTID on September 07, 2010, 05:28:08 pm
MrFrost wrote:
This gets better.
Just been to get my ticket with said voucher, and the ticket office know nothing about it, so no money off.
Fcucking brilliant!

You couldn't make this stuff up could you?

Embarrassing.  :dry:
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 07, 2010, 05:34:08 pm
I've emailed DRFC. Wonder if i'll get a reply.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: NigelJ on September 07, 2010, 06:17:19 pm
Something smells very fishy here.

Firstly, Mr Frost tells us about a voucher in a free magazine that nobody has heard of, but is apparently delivered all over Doncaster.

Then, later, he says the ticket office don't know anything about the voucher.

Due to his history of moaning about the ticket office, it is not out of the question that said magazine and/or voucher don't even exist.....

Can anyone else clarify whether my suspicions are true, or if I'm getting a little too cynical?
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 07, 2010, 06:22:59 pm
NigelJ wrote:
Something smells very fishy here.

Firstly, Mr Frost tells us about a voucher in a free magazine that nobody has heard of, but is apparently delivered all over Doncaster.

Then, later, he says the ticket office don't know anything about the voucher.

Due to his history of moaning about the ticket office, it is not out of the question that said magazine and/or voucher don't even exist.....

Can anyone else clarify whether my suspicions are true, or if I'm getting a little too cynical?

Why beat around the bush. Why not just call me a liar and have fcucking done with it.
The website of said magazine can be found at

I've offered to get magazines for those who don't have one, but it appears the ticket office haven't been advised of the offer.

If you bothered to read, then you will have seen another person has heard of said publication, but there are distribution problems.

Don't know who you think you are pal, but why not investigate the facts thoroughly yourself before making accusations.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: Ian H on September 07, 2010, 06:30:51 pm
Ok   ........

I have one of these vouchers - it was on Page 12 of the \"paper\" .... f'cked if I know which paper - Father-in-Law gave it to me.......

It does quote

The voucher is several weeks old 'cos it talks of quid a kid against Bristol.

I can confirm that Mr Frost is NOT fabricating this ..... unless you suspect that I'm a lying t**t who just wants to have a friend like Frosty! .....
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: NigelJ on September 07, 2010, 06:38:33 pm
MrFrost wrote:
NigelJ wrote:
Something smells very fishy here.

Firstly, Mr Frost tells us about a voucher in a free magazine that nobody has heard of, but is apparently delivered all over Doncaster.

Then, later, he says the ticket office don't know anything about the voucher.

Due to his history of moaning about the ticket office, it is not out of the question that said magazine and/or voucher don't even exist.....

Can anyone else clarify whether my suspicions are true, or if I'm getting a little too cynical?

Why beat around the bush. Why not just call me a liar and have fcucking done with it.
The website of said magazine can be found at

I've offered to get magazines for those who don't have one, but it appears the ticket office haven't been advised of the offer.

If you bothered to read, then you will have seen another person has heard of said publication, but there are distribution problems.

Don't know who you think you are pal, but why not investigate the facts thoroughly yourself before making accusations.

Maybe if you conducted yourself in a better manner on previous occasions when making accustaions about the ticket office, then it wouldn't have got me wondering what to believe and what not to believe.

And I didn't call you a liar, because that would have been libel. I merely asked for confirmation from others, since I wanted to clarify the facts...which IanH has now confirmed.

However, there is still something strange going on here, as the ticket office should certainly be aware of this offer, if it is genuine. Perhaps they are aware, and you were simply having another moan about the ticket office?
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 07, 2010, 06:41:00 pm
I've not moaned about the ticket office today though have I. And any previous \"moans\" have been due to poor service recieved. I don't see how that could indicate that I am not telling the truth.

Looking at the facts, it is my assumption that the club haven't informed the SMC. Lets remember that the ticket office staff do not work for DRFC.
Either that or the person I ecountered on the desk had simply not been informed.

Would it surprise anyone that DRFC hadn't informed the ticket office? They certainly haven't informed anyone else of the offer. The mag was published weeks ago, and today is the first mention of the offer. My copy has been sat on the dining room table for about 2 weeks, and only yesterday did I have a flick through.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: NigelJ on September 07, 2010, 06:48:39 pm
MrFrost wrote:
I've not moaned about the ticket office today though have I. And any previous \"moans\" have been due to poor service recieved. I don't see how that could indicate that I am not telling the truth.

Looking at the facts, it is my assumption that the club haven't informed the SMC. Lets remember that the ticket office staff do not work for DRFC.
Either that or the person I ecountered on the desk had simply not been informed.

Would it surprise anyone that DRFC hadn't informed the ticket office? They certainly haven't informed anyone else of the offer. The mag was published weeks ago, and today is the first mention of the offer. My copy has been sat on the dining room table for about 2 weeks, and only yesterday did I have a flick through.

You have moaned about the ticket office on numerous occassions in the past, so I took you comment above as a moan also. Surely if the person serving you wasn't aware of the offer, they would have asked somebody else (more senior?) within the office about it?

You final comment could be true, but that would be sheer incompetence by some-one at DRFC, and in my view, a sackable offence.

I await some more facts from a different source......but for now I'm logging off, as I'm going out to watch England draw 0-0.  :blink:
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: Wellred on September 07, 2010, 06:52:26 pm
You final comment could be true, but that would be sheer incompetence by some-one at DRFC, and in my view, a sackable offence.

You could be talking about a certain person in a senior position at DRFC but we all know he wont be sacked.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: DonnyBazR0ver on September 07, 2010, 07:13:45 pm
Why are we shooting the messenger. If anyone needs any evidence of the mysterious ways our club goes about marketing itself then look no further.

It seems clear that someone doesn't know their arse from their elbow and they are stumbling from one incompetent blunder to another.

Gareth, another example to being up at your meeting with JR.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: i_ateallthepies on September 07, 2010, 07:31:04 pm
MrFrost wrote:
My copy has been sat on the dining room table for about 2 weeks, and only yesterday did I have a flick through.

Fcuk me Frosty, how long do you leave the dinner table before you bother to wipe it???  :ohmy:
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: NathanDRFC on September 07, 2010, 07:38:55 pm
On a positive note, DRFC have offered all referees who have affialiated with SHCFA 2 free tickets for the Norwich game plus they can purchase an additional 3 tickets for a fiver each. So in theory you can get 5 tickets for £15.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: grayx on September 07, 2010, 08:49:05 pm
NigelJ wrote:
Something smells very fishy here.

Firstly, Mr Frost tells us about a voucher in a free magazine that nobody has heard of, but is apparently delivered all over Doncaster.

Then, later, he says the ticket office don't know anything about the voucher.

Due to his history of moaning about the ticket office, it is not out of the question that said magazine and/or voucher don't even exist.....

Can anyone else clarify whether my suspicions are true, or if I'm getting a little too cynical?

I can confirm I got the magazine & the voucher. It DOES exist.
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: GM-MarkB on September 25, 2010, 06:02:10 pm
Did anyone get this magazine through the letterbox again this week ??

I got 2 copies shoved through my door...lo and behold, there's another advert in it saying if you take it to the ticket office, you'll get £5 off a Derby County match ticket...

Does the Ticket Office know owt about this one ??
Title: Re:£5 off Norwich match tickets
Post by: MrFrost on September 25, 2010, 06:35:40 pm
I've not had this yet. I'll get my hands on one though.
I had two replies from DRFC regarding this voucher. The first one stated it wasn't an official money off voucher and it shouldn't have been printed, the second says the ticket office are aware of it and I was mis-informed.

Still if it is a proper offer, its a great discount, so why the feck isn't it being promoted?