Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: Al4475 on September 27, 2011, 08:03:07 am

Title: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Al4475 on September 27, 2011, 08:03:07 am
Has anyone had the pleasure of attending a Wedding Reception, or indeed holding their own, at The Keepmoat? My good lady and I are tying the knot this coming June (premises and dates available obviously), and were wondering what people's experiences of the KM are like!
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Filo on September 27, 2011, 08:32:32 am
Quote from: \"Al4475\" post=186460
Has anyone had the pleasure of attending a Wedding Reception, or indeed holding their own, at The Keepmoat? My good lady and I are tying the knot this coming June (premises and dates available obviously), and were wondering what people's experiences of the KM are like!

Jesus, the Westlife gig stopped us having a home friendly this year, and now we find out one of our fans is putting the boot in for next year! :P
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: watto-drfc on September 27, 2011, 11:14:56 am
we got married at the regent hotel everything was great
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: CusworthRovers on September 27, 2011, 02:08:14 pm
This sounds like a bang on idea. I assume you're allowed photo's on the pitch etc etc. The food is proper bo whenever I've eaten in there. I'm sure there's room to make a dancefloor so everyone can sit down and do 'Ooops upside your head' or get in a big circle and do 'Come on Eileen'.

Do they do divorces?
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Al4475 on September 27, 2011, 03:24:17 pm
Cheers Cussy for that well informed opinion haha! Bloody hell - 'Come On Eileen' and ' Oops upside your Head' were our opening numbers! I'd even got dungarees at the ready!

Filo, yep, I'll have exactly the same effect at my wedding as Westlife at the KM  - the striking resemblance between me and the Westlife boys would see to that!

Watto,  we've got stuff from the Regent too.

The foods always been good when I've eaten there and the rooms available: Lakeside and Restaurant are decent sizes for us as the Breakfast will be for about 30-40 close friends and immediate family and the night do will be substantially bigger. The prices are quite good really and it'd be pretty ace to hold a do at KM considering we're having a red and white (naturally) colour scheme - It'd be nice to have some feedback as to how good/poor it is before committing to it!
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: donnyjay on September 29, 2011, 05:15:45 pm
Why not contact the club and see if Willie McKay's wife will do you a nice buffet.

If you need a DJ try Willie \"MC\" kay.

Will you be sending out proper invitations or do I just need to print this thread and show it at the door?
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: dknward2 on September 29, 2011, 06:30:54 pm
Was going to but room was sh*t so had it at castle park instead brill food and big rooms
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: not on facebook on October 02, 2011, 09:36:38 am
when i got wed two years back i was playing around with the idea of having it
done in donny.

looked at the KMS and donny rugby club amongst others and and could not
get me head round that some offers had £1000 add on charge if you wanted yer
reception room all done up in white.

white seat covers,with drapes here and there.

thought it was just a shocking scam add on playing on the it will be
the biggest day in yer wifes day.

so i fcuked all offers off and went to south west of italy on the coast.
had me reception in a two bob bit shack on the had more than enough
flowers plotted about,petals laid out across the beach.

they even threw in a free firework display at midnite which we knew nowt about

food was top knotch as was the locals attitude to are wedding.
r lass walked form hotel down to the beach where we got wed,about a 15min slow
walk throu the small coastal village and side streets.

all the locals were shouting form their ballconys and throwing down flowers at r gerts feet as she passed.

was out there for 12 days in hotel and wedding with 3course meal for 20 guests
the marriage paper work cost us about £15,000.

the locals helped make the day and the 12 days we stayed there.
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Al4475 on October 06, 2011, 10:14:06 am
I met Fiona (the wedding planner) the other day and got the full breakdown of payments required by (the soon to be official) Mrs4475 and I.

The cost breakdowns are as follows:
Three Course Wedding Breakfast Options range from £18 per head to £22 per head (plus VAT)
Wedding breakfast drinks options available - arrival drink, two glasses of wine with meal and toasting drinks (TBC dependent on quality of plonk)
Evening Do buffets at £9-£12 per head (plus VAT)
In house Evening Do DJ - £220

We're having a red and white theme (naturally) so the wedding people will do the tables with Red/White Napkins/cloths - if we want the chairs covering or additional decorations (balloons, fairy lights, flowers etc.) we sort that ourselves.

We've provisionally booked it - the Wedding Breakfast will be held in the Director's Lounge (for 30-40 people), the evening do in The (East Stand) Premier Club Lounge (for 200-300 people) overlooking the Pitch on one side and the lake on the other - all car-parking is free and there are special rates at two of the hotels nearby - the Park Inn and the Holiday Inn Express.

I thought the KM would be ridiculously priced and not accessible to us because of the massive difference in numbers in the two rooms/parts of the day.

It's a £500 deposit, and both Mrs4475 and I think it's going to be perfect for us!
The KM has it's knockers (fnarr fnarr) - but on this occasion it's just right.
Nevermind just the most important day of the wife's life - it's gonna be the most important day of mine too, and anyone on here who knows me personally will agree I'm sure that they'd never got me down as the marrying type - bloody hell I hadn't! Haha!:thumbsup:
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: DRFC-PERKINS on October 06, 2011, 11:45:08 am
You can guarantee someone is going to run on the pitch naked at the end of the night.
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Al4475 on October 06, 2011, 12:15:42 pm
Yep, probably me! :P
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: DRFC-PERKINS on October 06, 2011, 12:23:16 pm
Quote from: \"Al4475\" post=189432
Yep, probably me! :P

Good Lad!!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Al4475 on October 06, 2011, 12:33:28 pm
And the missus too as she pops the ball in the goal in a fine white dress before leaving stiletto heel dents all over the goalmouth - just so the egg chasers fall on their arses the next day!:P
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Andy Thompson on October 06, 2011, 02:46:02 pm
Quote from: \"Al4475\" post=189400
I met Fiona (the wedding planner) the other day and got the full breakdown of payments required by (the soon to be official) Mrs4475 and I.

The cost breakdowns are as follows:
Three Course Wedding Breakfast Options range from £18 per head to £22 per head (plus VAT)
Wedding breakfast drinks options available - arrival drink, two glasses of wine with meal and toasting drinks (TBC dependent on quality of plonk)
Evening Do buffets at £9-£12 per head (plus VAT)
In house Evening Do DJ - £220

We're having a red and white theme (naturally) so the wedding people will do the tables with Red/White Napkins/cloths - if we want the chairs covering or additional decorations (balloons, fairy lights, flowers etc.) we sort that ourselves.

We've provisionally booked it - the Wedding Breakfast will be held in the Director's Lounge (for 30-40 people), the evening do in The (East Stand) Premier Club Lounge (for 200-300 people) overlooking the Pitch on one side and the lake on the other - all car-parking is free and there are special rates at two of the hotels nearby - the Park Inn and the Holiday Inn Express.

I thought the KM would be ridiculously priced and not accessible to us because of the massive difference in numbers in the two rooms/parts of the day.

It's a £500 deposit, and both Mrs4475 and I think it's going to be perfect for us!
The KM has it's knockers (fnarr fnarr) - but on this occasion it's just right.
Nevermind the most important day of the wife's life - it's gonna be the most important day of mine, and anyone on here who knows me personally will agree I'm sure that they'd never got me down as the marrying type - bloody hell I hadn't! Haha!:thumbsup:

When is the reception?
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Al4475 on October 07, 2011, 09:07:36 am
Reception is afternoon, night do will be about 7pm I think, obviously times aren't set in stone just yet - The date is Saturday June 9th!

287 days (now I think) and counting! Ha!
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: DRFC-PERKINS on October 07, 2011, 11:01:10 am
Don't forget the footy! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: RobTheRover on October 07, 2011, 11:28:58 am
The VSC can let you have the use of the official VSC box as the \"Nuptuals\" room, for a small donation!

Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Bentley Bullet on October 07, 2011, 12:19:01 pm
Quote from: \"RobTheRover\" post=189712
The VSC can let you have the use of the official VSC box as the \"Nuptuals\" room, for a small donation!


That would make a great wedding present. How much would it cost (per minute).
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Bentley Bullet on October 07, 2011, 12:22:47 pm
Quote from: \"RobTheRover\" post=189712
The VSC can let you have the use of the official VSC box as the \"Nuptuals\" room, for a small donation!


That would make a great wedding present. How much would it cost? (per minute?)
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: RobTheRover on October 07, 2011, 01:22:43 pm
Are you saying Alan would only need 30 seconds? ;-)
Title: Re: Wedding Receptions at KM.
Post by: Al4475 on October 07, 2011, 06:15:57 pm
RTR/BB: Bugger off the pair of you!