Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Viking Chat => Topic started by: bobjimwilly on January 10, 2013, 09:13:49 pm

Title: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: bobjimwilly on January 10, 2013, 09:13:49 pm
"Before Christmas, I also went to Stonehenge for the winter solstice. Swindon had just beaten Tranmere 5-0 and I waited until 4am before going there to see the sunrise. It was raining and I didn't see anything, so I left and went straight to training."

Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RedmanRufus on January 10, 2013, 11:50:14 pm
The man is absolutely bonkers. I'd take him here any day.

You reds
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Donnybax on January 10, 2013, 11:52:27 pm
I'd never have him here. He's an idiot.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BobG on January 10, 2013, 11:53:46 pm
Worse than that, he's a dangerous idiot. We can all remember what he's done over the years after all.......

Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RedmanRufus on January 10, 2013, 11:54:41 pm
He was a fantastic player Bob, cannot argue that. Also doing well at Swindon.

You reds
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RoversAlias on January 10, 2013, 11:59:29 pm
"crazy quote from Di Canio"

Surely the word 'crazy' is redundant here?
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Akinfenwa on January 11, 2013, 12:00:40 am
He's done what was expected at Swindon with their budget IMO. The media can't get enough of him though because he's a 'character' who kicks people up the arse amongst other 'touchline antics' (isn't football hilarious?). I still think he has a lot to prove as a manager.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 12:07:14 am
I once heard an insult chucked across a pub in Gainsborough. I'd say it, nose-to-nose with DiCanio if ever I met him:

"You're a Kitson, you've allus been a Kitson and you'll allus be a Kitson."

He's a Kitson.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: mushRTID on January 11, 2013, 12:08:50 am
He's done what was expected at Swindon with their budget IMO. The media can't get enough of him though because he's a 'character' who kicks people up the arse amongst other 'touchline antics' (isn't football hilarious?). I still think he has a lot to prove as a manager.

Remember that night, were we not waiting for rovers to come on SSN and they kept showing this arsehole kicking his player up the bum? Must have been 4 or 5 times an hour.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: wilts rover on January 11, 2013, 12:16:09 am
He is also a pretty unreliable one - it was a clear sunrise this year, dunno where he was to think it was raining.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 12:27:18 am
He is also a pretty unreliable one - it was a clear sunrise this year, dunno where he was to think it was raining.


"He's a lying Kitson, he's allus been a lying Kitson and he'll allus be a lying Kitson."

The lying Kitson.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: wilts rover on January 11, 2013, 12:28:39 am
and he's from Gainsborough - or have I got mixed up somewhere?
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Jim Dobbin on January 11, 2013, 09:22:18 am
His autobiography is a good read - a former ultra.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: SoundbiteBarmyArmy on January 11, 2013, 10:07:24 am
He's an absolute muppet! Everything he does is for show. Very good player in his day though.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 10:16:34 am
He is a preening, self-important fascist Kitson.

He should have been banned from football sine die for laying hands on that ref. That would have happened if he'd done that in amateur football. Instead, he's been turned into some form of cult figure.

A horrible man and his career is a classic example of how football has lost its soul. The fact that he's good box office for bell ends to lap up means that he is of use to the papers and Sky. And that excuses everything else.

I wonder if it would ever dawn on any FLJ to ask Di Canio what his opinion is on Kevin Prince Boateng's actions?
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: MrFrost on January 11, 2013, 11:39:14 am
Seems to me, people think he is a Kitson.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Boomstick on January 11, 2013, 11:54:45 am
I like him, he's a strong character it's one of the reasons I like football. Lots of strong characters. like mourinho, warnock, holloway, ballotelli, cantona, maradonna,
It a reason footy is so popular.
I'd bet my house that all of the billy big bollock key board warriors on here would cower into a corner and not murmer a word to him, like they say they would.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 12:00:43 pm

You are correct. I wouldn't not cower in a corner and not murmur a word to the fascist Kitson.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Boomstick on January 11, 2013, 12:06:01 pm

You are correct. I wouldn't not cower in a corner and not murmur a word to the fascist c***.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: vietaff on January 11, 2013, 01:31:41 pm
I like him, he's a strong character it's one of the reasons I like football. Lots of strong characters. like mourinho, warnock, holloway, ballotelli, cantona, maradonna,
It a reason footy is so popular.
I'd bet my house that all of the billy big bollock key board warriors on here would cower into a corner and not murmer a word to him, like they say they would.

Ditto, for me he is a great character...he takes pride in what he does and if people dont give 100% like he does it narks him, suppose thats what you can call a 'winner'
His career was blighted with controversy, along with some stupendous goals but for me the highlight of PDC in the premiership was when he caught the ball when Paul gerrard the then Everton 'Keeper injured himself coming out of the box. The ball was there to volley into the empty net however PDC decided to catch the ball so Gerrard could get the urgent help he needed. Unbelievable sportsmanship and showed a different side to PDC never seen before.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RobTheRover on January 11, 2013, 01:40:41 pm
I suspect BST knew about this and, on balance, still thought he was a c*nt
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 01:48:35 pm
I did Rob. Just proves that he's a sporting fascist Kitson.

Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Boomstick on January 11, 2013, 02:14:40 pm

Yes he is a fascist, and because he holds differing political views to you, you label him as a c***. As per usual. (Even if you wouldnt trll him to his face) He was a great player, could be a great manager!
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RoversAlias on January 11, 2013, 02:32:09 pm

Yes he is a fascist, and because he holds differing political views to you, you label him as a c***.

So, Hitler was alright then? He just held different political views to us... :P

At the end of the day the fascist ideology is a disgusting and horrid way to view life and it has rightfully been fairly enough quashed since the end of World War II.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Boomstick on January 11, 2013, 04:38:09 pm
Fascism is very different to nazism, it's not even close. go away and do some reading. To compare dicanio to hitler is a vile and libellous slur.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: bigbadjack on January 11, 2013, 04:41:29 pm
How do you pronounce the word, c**t?
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Dr Fundlekrotch on January 11, 2013, 04:43:06 pm
Thank God you said that, Boomstick.  This whole assumption that Fascism involves racism drives me nuts.  In Italy, Mussolini was a Fascist.  Their ideology was that the state controls everything - not a million miles from communism.  Only in 1938, when Mussolini finally threw his lot in with Hitler, and the Master became the pupil, did the Nazi elements creep in.  But that was political expediency and fear on Mussolini's part and wasn't part of the fascist ideology.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RoversAlias on January 11, 2013, 05:26:33 pm
Fascism is very different to nazism, it's not even close. go away and do some reading. To compare dicanio to hitler is a vile and libellous slur.

I didn't actually compare Di Canio to Hitler, I was exaggerating for effect. Why can nobody at all on this forum seemingly take a bit of light-heartedness? Every single thread near enough now seems to just have people taking everything to heart and being deadly serious all the god damn time.

I don't need to read up on fascism, I studied it extensively at school and in university. Fascism is not a nice ideology, it advocates warfare and violence and like it or not Nazism and the likes of Hitler and Mussolini took the fledgling fascist ideology and turned it into something very gruesome indeed. Di Canio has shown himself in the past to be one of these 'ultra' fanatics in Italy who actively try to seek trouble and he even celebrated goals at Lazio by doing the Nazi salute. So my tongue-in-cheek comparison actually has some base to it if you want to make this serious. Fundlekrotch is right though that Mussolini took a fair few communist elements into the way he developed fascism and ran Italy with it.

The last thing I expected to see on this board, full of people from Labour loving Doncaster, was a defence argument for fascist ideals.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 05:32:44 pm
Bad Jack.

I believe it is C'Start.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 05:59:46 pm
If you think that Italian fascism had/has no connection with racism, then you really haven't done much homework.

Racism is endemic on the Italian Right, from the puerile humour of Berlusconi (e.g. cracking a joke about Obama having a nice suntan - not particularly offensive, but indicative of the mindset) to the attitudes towards Africans, East Europeans and even the North's attitude towards the "terroni" of the Mezzogiorno.

An uncle of my (half Italian) wife is a supporter of Alessandra Mussolini's modern fascist party. He's a highly intelligent, thoughtful, kind, compassionate man. And over dinner once, he said to me "This country will never be able to be strong while we've got 20 million f**king Africans bleeding us dry."  By "Africans", he meant Southern Italians. You see, he considers himself to be an Aryan, and the people from Naples and Sicily to be devious, cheating, bone idle sons of African immigrants from centuries back.

To claim that Mussolini's fascism was somehow free of racism which only crept in when he passed the Race Laws in 38 to appease Hitler is quite ridiculous. The concept of Italian superiority over African and Eastern European people was central, absolutely central to Mussolini's entire ethos from day one. He called the Mediterranean "Mare Nostrum" (Our Sea). As early as 1921, he said in his Bologna speech,

"How then was this Fascismo born ; amid what conflicting  passions, sympathy, hatred, and lack of comprehension?  It was not only born in my mind and heart, in that meeting held in March 19 19 in the little hall at Milan, it was born of the profound and perennial need of this our Mediterranean, Aryan race."

Mussolini was obsessed with race. Read his speeches. The word crops up all the time. His obsession was to demonstrate the greatness of the Italian race. Now, that could be a positive thing of course, but it led directly and before Hitler's influence, to wars of aggression to dominate the countries of other, inferior races near the shores of Mare Nostrum (Albania, Abyssinia).
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RedJ on January 11, 2013, 06:30:26 pm
Minor point - Abyssinia is nowhere near the Med?

It's Ethiopia today (although I'm sure you're aware of that) and that's f**king miles off Europe - I reckon that was a revenge mission for Wal-Wal more than anything. But no doubt the racial element will come into play - I just don't particularly think this was to do with the Med.

Back on topic, di Canio is a f**king bell end of the highest order. Sick of hearing him called "a character" - no, he's a childish so and so whose lunatic antics are described as "passionate". Does my f**king head in.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 06:52:47 pm
Abyssinia was a foothold in Africa. Mussolini couldn't take on the Brits in Egypt, but his long term aim would have been to oust the Brits from North Africa. Abyssinia was a first pass at an African war
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RedJ on January 11, 2013, 07:19:00 pm
That and he was (if I remember rightly) looking for a great - well, if you can call it that against spears and shields - military victory to show he could rebuild a new Roman Empire.

Tad deluded.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 07:55:30 pm
To be fair to Mussolini he wasn't a madman. He had a very solid philosophical aim and something of a successful track record.

You have to bear in mind that modern Italy only came into existence in 1861. Prior to that, it was a set of small states run by petty princes or foreign powers. Nationalists like Mussolini saw WWI as their means of forging a strong, unified nation in the crucible of battle. And Italy's aim in WWI was to capture the last bit of historic Italian land still ruled by foreigners - the Trentino/Alto Adige region ruled by Austro-Hungary.

Italy's performance in WWI was disastrous. Their army was smashed at Caporetto and the Austrians looked like taking over Venice and more. Mussolini, a rabble rousing journalist, played a big part in rousing national pride to re-build the army and make a desperate last stand at Vittorio-Veneto. There, they won one of the most spectacular victories of modern times. They destroyed the Austrian army and set off the rockfall that led to the collapse of the Axis powers.

Mussolini must have thought himself a national superman. And he thought that the potential of the Italian "race" was limitless. He argued that Itsly had been the strongest power in the West during Roman times and during the Renaissance. And they could be again with a powerful, nationalistic, charismatic leader.

You can see why he appeals to a Kitson like Di Canio (who has a tattoo in homage to Mussolini). They are both preening, self-important, narcissistic, ego-maniacs who want the rest of the world to think if them as Superman.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Donny Dub on January 11, 2013, 08:36:14 pm
Di Canio is an extremist, a right wing extremist from what we know. 

BST is an extremist, a left wing extremist from what we read.

Opposites in life's spectrum but I wouldn't label either as racist.   DiCanio might be a fascist, not necessarily a nazi, but possibly anti-communist.  Is this why he's such a c**t BST?

Good luck.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: RedJ on January 11, 2013, 09:11:55 pm
To be fair to Mussolini he wasn't a madman. He had a very solid philosophical aim and something of a successful track record.

You have to bear in mind that modern Italy only came into existence in 1861. Prior to that, it was a set of small states run by petty princes or foreign powers. Nationalists like Mussolini saw WWI as their means of forging a strong, unified nation in the crucible of battle. And Italy's aim in WWI was to capture the last bit of historic Italian land still ruled by foreigners - the Trentino/Alto Adige region ruled by Austro-Hungary.

Italy's performance in WWI was disastrous. Their army was smashed at Caporetto and the Austrians looked like taking over Venice and more. Mussolini, a rabble rousing journalist, played a big part in rousing national pride to re-build the army and make a desperate last stand at Vittorio-Veneto. There, they won one of the most spectacular victories of modern times. They destroyed the Austrian army and set off the rockfall that led to the collapse of the Axis powers.

Mussolini must have thought himself a national superman. And he thought that the potential of the Italian "race" was limitless. He argued that Itsly had been the strongest power in the West during Roman times and during the Renaissance. And they could be again with a powerful, nationalistic, charismatic leader.

You can see why he appeals to a Kitson like Di Canio (who has a tattoo in homage to Mussolini). They are both preening, self-important, narcissistic, ego-maniacs who want the rest of the world to think if them as Superman.

Oh no, certainly not a mad man by any means. Perhaps deluded wasn't the right word to use.

Delusions of grandeur, perhaps, if nothing else. Got what was coming in the end.

As for WWI, God knows why Germany issued Austria virtually a blank cheque in terms of support. Were there any German soldiers with the army at Caporetto? I seem to remember the Austrian army being pretty crap compared to other major powers'.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 11, 2013, 09:31:59 pm
Donny Dub

Why do you draw the conclusion that I'm a left-wing extremist?

I'm genuinely bemused.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: BigH on January 11, 2013, 09:45:59 pm
You can see why he appeals to a c*** like Di Canio (who has a tattoo in homage to Mussolini). They are both preening, self-important, narcissistic, ego-maniacs who want the rest of the world to think if them as Superman.

A bit like Mourinho then...
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: DonnyOsmond on January 11, 2013, 09:51:55 pm
Nah with Mourinho it's mainly just a show. The majority of the players he's had loved the guy. He's just arrogant for the press.
Di Canio on the other hand is a weirdo and having heard what he's put Swindon players through before I wouldn't have him here.
Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: neil grainger on January 11, 2013, 09:55:27 pm
Worse than that, he's a dangerous idiot. We can all remember what he's done over the years after all.......


Couldn't agree more Bob.

By the way, you have a PM from me.

Title: Re: Crazy quote from Di Canio
Post by: Sammy Chung was King on January 12, 2013, 01:14:27 am
C..ts are useful this guy isn't :blush:,all he's good for is pushing referee's that that can't stand up because they've got subbuteo legs :laugh: