Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: ponte_ricky on January 23, 2013, 09:47:16 pm

Title: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 23, 2013, 09:47:16 pm
Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to the forums. just wanted to see if there are many keen cyclists on here? i've had a bit of an idea for a charity ride i'd like to do in association with rovers community foundation. i dont really want to announce it yet as i'm still trying to get the support of the club but if anyone loves cycling and would want to get involved in a big charity ride please PM me.

also, lets chat about favourite routes (UK wide) i dont get back over to yorkshire as much as i'd like to these days but i tend to ride round lancashire a lot. my favourite hill is cragg vale (5 miles of pure uphill) near hebden bridge and rochdale. its one of those hills where you just have to switch your mind off and meditate your way up it.

Ricky  :)
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: wilts rover on January 23, 2013, 11:15:20 pm
Yes there are a few of us on here, I am doing some rides for MacMillan this year so providing they dont clash I would be up for it. I live down in Wiltshire so most of my riding is in this area, Cotswolds is good, Isle of Wight but favourite is the Mendips. Generally when I come up home I have the mountain bike out in the peak district, Hope, Edale way.
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 23, 2013, 11:17:49 pm
nice one. will PM you my idea
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: CusworthRovers on January 26, 2013, 05:08:48 pm
Hart Side near Penrith is the Misters climb. There were moments when I wished for death.

I think the Tour route (one of) would be a novel idea
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 26, 2013, 07:28:24 pm
The york - sheffield stage looks brutal. Got a friend who has signed up for paris - roubaix this year. I couldnt hack the cobbles myself. Me and wilts have been discussing a big ride for charity in april to celebrate the end of the (football)season. Pm me if you want details.
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: The L J Monk on January 26, 2013, 07:48:14 pm
Hart Side near Penrith is the Misters climb. There were moments when I wished for death.

Classification: Hard
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: RedJ on January 26, 2013, 07:52:01 pm
Just a thought - maybe you could do something for the charity Rovers are tied to (not sure which it is now) and have them publicise it for you, and get a good few people joining in?
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 26, 2013, 08:02:30 pm
Yeah that was the idea ive spoken to the foundation this week about getting this organised. Will pm you the idea
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 26, 2013, 08:10:12 pm
Actually i'll just put it on here. So basically weve been discussing a ride from keepmoat to brentford (170 milesish) for the game of the season. Not quite decided if it'll be a two day ride or just try to smash in one day. Hopefully drfc foundation can help with media coverage and promotion etc. Would love to get a group of riders out for this
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: RedJ on January 26, 2013, 08:11:35 pm
I know a few people who ride and who might want to do this, let me know if you hear any more.
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 26, 2013, 08:22:33 pm
Yeah i  will do. Im not quite sure exactly what i need to organise but the foundation seem pretty happy to support the event. I guess we'd just need to organise a van to drive down to meet at various checkpoints to act as a feed station then bike storage at the game as eell as transport to get back to yorkshire. Thinking of using twitter to try and get players to retweet the event etc. hopefully ill have some more concrete info this week
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: RedJ on January 26, 2013, 08:27:58 pm
That's pretty much all you would need, as well as obviously having the sponsor forms etc and a registration sheet, and perhaps numbered bibs. At a push you could even ask if you could get specially made t-shirts/biking jackets done for the ride, if the foundation would want to make it look a bit more official.
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 26, 2013, 08:31:01 pm
Red and white hooped cycling jerseys. Now that is something i would wear with pride.  :scarf:
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: wilts rover on January 26, 2013, 10:57:57 pm
Nah thats too boring, lets have something designed - I like the welsh team jersey, something like that with a viking, that would be cool.

The route we are looking at is the one Danny Mills did - always nick someone elses idea if you can get away with that;s what I say - with a bit more in London tagged on the end.
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: RedJ on January 27, 2013, 03:37:59 am
Could just get a big f**k off DRFC badge emblazoned onto it :p
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 27, 2013, 09:55:02 am
Haha yeah. If there's anyone here genuinely interested then pm me so I can get an idea of numbers and things.
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: RedJ on January 27, 2013, 01:34:50 pm
I know one person who'd definitely be up for it so I'll post it here rather than pm you as he isn't on here.
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 27, 2013, 06:02:46 pm
Cool no worries do you have a contact email or mobile number for him? 
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 27, 2013, 06:16:16 pm
By the way any of you who use strava follow me at
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: RedJ on January 27, 2013, 06:32:10 pm
I'll pm you it when you've got all the details in place :)
Title: Re: Cyclists
Post by: ponte_ricky on January 29, 2013, 01:37:59 pm
Hey guys. Me and wilts have concluded that we want to ride for bluebell wood. I have spoken to the charity and should find out over the next couple of weeks what support theyre likely to give. For now, ive been told that to get much media backing i'll need to gather as many people for the ride as possible. So if anyone interested please pop your name, email address and phone number on here or in a pm to me. I can forward this onto the club and charity so we have an idea of numbers. I'm going to try to make some kind of advert for saturdays game at bury to try to boost interest so if you see this come and say hello.

For the time being, get training. Hard! haha
