Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: mjdgreg on January 25, 2013, 12:29:26 pm

Title: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: mjdgreg on January 25, 2013, 12:29:26 pm
The economy is shrinking again. Hopefully this will continue until we get rid of all the dead wood and inefficient zombie companies. Only then can we re-emerge in a stronger position to achieve proper growth.
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: rtid88 on January 25, 2013, 01:03:47 pm
U truely are a tool!!!!!!
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: mjdgreg on January 25, 2013, 01:14:30 pm
U truely are a tool!!!!!!

You obviously don't understand economics. During the Labour years we lived well beyond our means. Gordon Brown borrowed like a drunken sailor and spent it all on consumption creating the illusion of a growing economy. That illusion has now been shattered and all that is happening is that the economy is shrinking back to its proper size. There is still a long way to go.

I'd do it a lot quicker than the coalition by raising interest rates. There would be a short sharp recession but then we'd be in a position to emerge strongly. We'd also have to slash the welfare state and stop borrowing money. We could (shock horror) even start to pay our debts back!!!

Unfortunately I'm not in charge of things so we are going to suffer many years of a slow gradual decline. Things are going to get a lot worse. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: RTID75 on January 25, 2013, 01:21:20 pm
Isn't it time you shut up and fooked off mjdgreg? No one here likes you or your insanity (or should that be inanity?). You must have been the kid that got beat up all the time at school as all you ever do is wind up. It's all got very, very boring.

Is there an ignore function on here?
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: Filo on January 25, 2013, 01:28:23 pm
Isn't it time you shut up and fooked off mjdgreg? No one here likes you or your insanity (or should that be inanity?). You must have been the kid that got beat up all the time at school as all you ever do is wind up. It's all got very, very boring.

Is there an ignore function on here?

Yes, left hand side of the page just above the FSF and supporters direct adverts you`ll see Buddies/ignored users list
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: RTID75 on January 25, 2013, 01:31:50 pm
In 14 years on the Internet I've never 'ignored' anyone on an internet forum.  Congrats mjdgreg, you're the first.
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: mjdgreg on January 25, 2013, 03:21:46 pm
It's your loss. Goodbye. :byebye:
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: RobTheRover on January 25, 2013, 04:10:11 pm
I dont think he'll have read that.
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: wilts rover on January 25, 2013, 04:56:40 pm
I dont think he'll have read that.

Good point, well made.
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: BobG on January 25, 2013, 11:08:53 pm
I was rather wondering if the Mods could immediately lock every thread this tit starts? When he changes his name, lock them an' all.


Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on January 25, 2013, 11:28:56 pm
Leave him alone.

He's a walking, talking, trolling example of why Hayekian economics is utterly f**king mad.

He's just cottoned on to the Hayek idea of zombie companies. Hayek-devotees, like the Tea Party in the States, genuinely believe that all you need to do is let companies like that go under, "take the medicine" then we'll be ok. They conveniently ignore that those policies were used all over Europe in the 30s and the result was desperate poverty that led to the collapse of democracy and WWII.

But Hayekian folk are quasi-religious zealots. It might have resulted in the biggest f**k up in history last time, but just try it again and it WILL work this time.

Fortunately, grown-ups make sure that these folk never get in charge these days. They are confined to appealling to intellectually stunted bell-ends.
Title: Re: Good news - the economy has shrunk again.
Post by: mjdgreg on January 26, 2013, 10:54:19 am
He's just cottoned on to the Hayek idea of zombie companies. Hayek-devotees, like the Tea Party in the States, genuinely believe that all you need to do is let companies like that go under, "take the medicine" then we'll be ok. They conveniently ignore that those policies were used all over Europe in the 30s and the result was desperate poverty that led to the collapse of democracy and WWII.

What a load of old leftie claptrap. Hayek caused WWII. pmsl. Nothing to do with Hitler then?

What these Keynesian fruitcakes have to explain is that if spending more money is the solution then why are we in such a terrible mess when we are borrowing and spending £500 million a day more than we are taking in tax revenues? Let me guess what the answer will be. We need to borrow and spend even more! Yeh, right.