Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Viking Chat => Topic started by: watto-drfc on June 18, 2013, 06:04:50 am

Title: egg chasers
Post by: watto-drfc on June 18, 2013, 06:04:50 am
i see they play Sheffield in some tin pot cup on 30th june then play at home on 7th 14th and 28th july and 4th will our new pitch like this???
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: DearneValleyRover on June 18, 2013, 06:27:40 am
Why is it assumed that Rugby causes damage to the pitch? It's no more damaging than when the Rovers are playing.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: 1879Rovers on June 18, 2013, 07:34:50 am
It has been said that footballers cause more damage to a pitch than rugby players.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: The Beast on June 18, 2013, 07:37:59 am
Give it a rest  :zzz:

July, plenty of sun, plenty of watering, the pitch will be fine. The problem is the bad winters we've had with the pitch under covers getting no light. Some people always like to have a cheap shot at the Dons though.

Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: the dons on June 18, 2013, 08:03:06 am

 :mad: :mad: :mad:
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: WanchopeDickov on June 18, 2013, 09:43:23 am
Watto hasnt put it across well but i get his point. The pitch is still in working progres so will it hold up well? Id of thougth it will need descent resting time or some thing? I am no gardening expurt thouhg  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: RobTheRover on June 18, 2013, 12:16:40 pm
I dont think the issue is rugby being played on it per se, more the amount of GAMES (Rovers, Dons, Belles) the pitch has to accomodate in a full season. 

I seem to remember when the pitch was first laid there was some discussion that it would be good for something like 50 games, and in the end it lasted 2 seasons before being redone.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: newyankee on June 18, 2013, 02:02:43 pm

 I think you have hit the nail on the head Rob, it's not the number of games or the type of game ( American Football excepted), it is down to recent very bad winters and poor maintainance.

When the council ran the Stadium, they were penny wise and pound foolish. They spent lots on the secuity at games and other such items, yet the one thing any stadium needs, a good playing surface, they neglected because of cost.

 Ask Andy Thompson, he will tell you that he would have wanted to upgrade the pitch every year, but was held back on cost grounds.
Hopefully now the Stadium is in the hands of the proper people it will be done and get better year on year.

  Look at peoples gardens, a well looked after lawn looks better after five years than it does in its first year. We all need to give Andy the chance to put right what he couldn't do before.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: LongbridgeMGRover on June 18, 2013, 02:53:47 pm
When i saw this thread title, i thought it would be about the great news that if the Dons beat their local rivals then they will be in a Cup Final and isnt that great for the town.
This would be followed by an exhortation to the towns sporting populace to come along to support the Dons as they head for their third final in five years.

Silly me.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: newyankee on June 18, 2013, 03:18:06 pm

 You would think we were two different religious groups Longbridge, instead of two teams trying to put the name of Doncaster in the headlines.

 Companies tend to bring businesses to places where the employees are  intersted in local sport, especially successful teams. It could mean new jobs for the area, how silly of us to think like that.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: The L J Monk on June 18, 2013, 03:30:00 pm
Companies tend to bring businesses to places where the employees are  intersted in local sport, especially successful teams.

Having worked for an inward investment agency, I have to say, this wasn't on the list of priorities for the companies I dealt with. Ever.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: newyankee on June 18, 2013, 04:19:43 pm

 Must be an American thing then Monk, I've maybe been here too long.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: albie on June 18, 2013, 04:33:25 pm
As a general rule of thumb, a newly seeded pitch should have no games of any sort for 2 months after reseeding. Although it may have greened up nicely, that does not mean it has reached full stability with root anchorage.

This is to let the new growth develop a binding root system, and with the Desso underlay I would think this is important to prevent subsurface tearing of the grass from impact and shear.

It is difficult for Andy to publically comment if he knows that the first game is too soon. My feeling is that it is a bit early, and with no disrespect to the Dons it would be better to move fixtures to allow the pitch to mature, if at all possible.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: newyankee on June 18, 2013, 05:11:52 pm


 I am the biggest backer of the Dons, having worked for them years ago, but I think it may be too early, I would prefer they look at switching to Don Valley and giving up home advantage. However, I do think that Andy will have a say, unlike the in the past, and if he says no then they will have to play elsewhere.

I also think it is too soon to have a pre season game on it for the Rovers.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: Orlandokarla on June 18, 2013, 05:34:56 pm
Watto hasnt put it across well but i get his point. The pitch is still in working progres so will it hold up well?

That was how I read it too.

Some touchy people on here.  :chair:
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: roversdude on June 18, 2013, 07:01:38 pm
Longbridge you do realise that there are only 13 a side in this egg chasing game and not the 15 you no doubt played on the town fields
Seriously though got to agree that success breeds success and hopefully Dons winning (hope they do) should put bums on seats
Also got to add that they market across town heras we rely on a board outside the actual ground - maybe we can learn something from that
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: Wellred on June 18, 2013, 07:05:34 pm
When flying over Old Trafford today it was interesting to see the pitch had been dug up. Not a blade of grass in sight.
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: roversdude on June 18, 2013, 07:11:42 pm
Scrums seem to rip up pitches and seems as though they don't have proper ones in rugby league it should be fine
Did anyone see the pitch in Cardiff during internationals
Title: Re: egg chasers
Post by: newyankee on June 18, 2013, 07:18:59 pm
The Liberty Stadium in Swansea is how two sports, this time Rugby UNION and football can co-exist.

  Hasn't done the Swans any harm, getting to the Prem and winning the League Cup.

  The difference is that the local authority in swansea hasn't cut corners in providing a first class facility with a first class pitch.

 I know they don't get our bad weather, but look at ANZ Stadium in Brisbane, both codes of Rugby and the Brisbane football team.