Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Viking Chat => Topic started by: raggytash on September 20, 2014, 10:10:53 am

Title: D-day for dickov
Post by: raggytash on September 20, 2014, 10:10:53 am
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: dickos1 on September 20, 2014, 10:34:21 am
Yep, let's start with the negativity before a ball is kicked
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Sheepskin Stu on September 20, 2014, 10:34:22 am
Surely not.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: podrover73 on September 20, 2014, 10:57:43 am
Are you massimo cellino
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: mrfrostsdad on September 20, 2014, 11:00:56 am
Totally agree Raggy.
I said we had to get 4 points from these 2 home games or he has to go. If we get beat today he has to go tonight. No messing about till tomorrow or Monday.

I sincerely hope we win and it kick starts our season, because let's face it, at home we've been an absolute shambles
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: bfdoncaster west on September 20, 2014, 11:02:25 am
who wood yoy get as manger
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: mrfrostsdad on September 20, 2014, 11:08:57 am
If PD gets the sack (which I don't actually think will happen even if we do get beat today) as an interim measure I would have Jones and Wellens. That would then give the board a bit of breathing space to bring in someone new.
I think it would be a difficult decision, because any experienced manager worth his salt would want real money to spend on players, and it is obviously apparent that is not going to happen
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Dare to dream! on September 20, 2014, 11:12:33 am
I doubt he will get sacked even if we do lose. Being honest though I really don't fancy us today given Chesterfields good scoring record and our poor defensive form of late.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: scaley back rover on September 20, 2014, 11:14:27 am
3 nil win it is then for the rovers
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: dickos1 on September 20, 2014, 11:21:55 am
There ain't anyone any better to take over. The squad we have mourinho would struggle at min with the players we have missing
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: mrfrostsdad on September 20, 2014, 11:28:57 am
Don't totally disagree with you Dickos, with one exception: the players we have missing bit.
Jones is out, but to be honest I have a sneaky feeling he's on his way out and I don't mean transferred. I think he's shot. Main, I don't know. I've only seen him once and he didn't have a kick. Forrester is a **** (make up your own word) and yes we miss him, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him gone in January, especially if we can get money for him, which we would.

So, in reality we don't really have that much missing. Also, I don't think PD gets the best out of what we have got. I think he was delighted with a 0-0 draw on Tuesday night - he just about said as much - against the worst team I've seen in ages
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bentley Bullet on September 20, 2014, 11:29:58 am
I've reckoned for a while that if/when Dickov goes he will be replaced by Rob Jones. It would be accepted as  a good appointment from the many fans who already think he's a god like figure who can do no wrong, as well as mean that the board would save even more money............And we all know of their commitment to that!
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Sheepskin Stu on September 20, 2014, 11:32:46 am
What coaching credentials and experience has Rob Jones got?
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: dickos1 on September 20, 2014, 11:42:22 am
Doesn't matter what happens in the future though. Today were missing our captain, our main striker and our most creative player.
With a budget like ours it makes it almost impossible
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: mrfrostsdad on September 20, 2014, 11:43:17 am
I hope he has some as he's running the youth team isn't he? And as that is 'our future' according to the board, I'm rather hoping he knows what he's doing
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: dickos1 on September 20, 2014, 11:45:33 am
There's a big difference between coaching the youngsters and being a first team manager.
I wouldn't be happy if we sacked Dickov n appointed jones. I'd be shocked if that happened
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: mrfrostsdad on September 20, 2014, 11:47:05 am
I think Dickos, we have to get used to being without Jones, I really do. As for Forrester, this will be 5 games out of 8 he's missed. As I said, make up your own word. I've not seen enough of Main so don't know if he's our saviour or not.
What it bolls down to is we need to spend money. We need a goalkeeper, a full back, a centre half and a striker. I think we would be ok in midfield if PD picks the correct players/formation

Just my shout obviously
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Donnybax on September 20, 2014, 11:47:57 am
If we sack dickov jones will definitely take charge on a temporary basis at the very least. Personally I think it would be a terrible appointment
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: mrfrostsdad on September 20, 2014, 11:48:03 am
I'd be shocked too mate. Doubt it will happen. And I think if it did it would only be a temporary measure
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: mrfrostsdad on September 20, 2014, 11:52:07 am
Personally Donnybax, I don't think anything would be as terrible as leaving Dickov in charge.
I hope he proves me wrong and we get promoted and I will eat an extremely large piece of humble pie. In my opinion, and lots of others as well, he got us relegated from a position of relative safety last year.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: dickos1 on September 20, 2014, 12:13:21 pm
I agree we need to spend money. But that's why I don't see how we can blame Dickov at the minute. I would rather he was given the money than anyone else cause he's proven time and time again that pulling off really good signings is his strength
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: raggytash on September 20, 2014, 12:25:38 pm
The book stops with bramall,no chance he'll take the rap, and with fans voting with there feet,I think it's a question of how long does it go on, but I feel for pd no backing at all.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: i_ateallthepies on September 20, 2014, 01:26:16 pm
Personally Donnybax, I don't think anything would be as terrible as leaving Dickov in charge.
I hope he proves me wrong and we get promoted and I will eat an extremely large piece of humble pie. In my opinion, and lots of others as well, he got us relegated from a position of relative safety last year.

Wasn't it Dickov who got us into that position of relative safety in the first place?
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: MiKA on September 20, 2014, 02:44:56 pm

Does this mean that if we can at least get a draw from todays game against a team up in 3rd you'll finally get behind him?    ;)
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Drover on September 20, 2014, 02:51:23 pm
I was not impressed when we gave Dickov the job,but once we did,barring distrasterous defeats,I believe we should give a manager a decent length time,however last season,I thought we would be relegation certainties not long after christmas,but I was pleasantly surprised with how well our season went,only going down on last day.But now we are not only struggling for points in league one,but putting in some very poor displays often at home,this and his poor record in league one previous,Im now of the impression that it was the quality of many of our Players that gave us a good chance of staying up last season and not PD tactics/management style.I am hoping we replace him soon before its too late for this season,providing the Board can make a good choice replacement.Easier said than done.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: aidanstu on September 20, 2014, 03:05:31 pm
Any sacking which is dependent or not on whether we win one game or not should not be a sacking. Are you saying if we win he is a good manager but if we don't he is rubbish?

Any sacking should be performance, not necessarily results led, and be measures over a sustained period when the person being sacked is to blame. Simply this is not the case.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 03:20:16 pm

Going well so far, troops on the beaches, enemy caught napping. Several of their gun emplacements taken out, seems we're making our way up the cliffs, minimal damage to us, though seems the enemy have got their socks on now.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 03:23:08 pm
Enemy casualties rising....  :evil:
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 03:30:05 pm
Enemy well awake and in position now. Both sides taking a battering, high energy battle but Dickov's army still making progress.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 03:37:00 pm
Despite some threatening counter movements, the enemy is looking like it's on the run. The red army pouring over the cliffs and heading inland  :woot:
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: PDX_Rover on September 20, 2014, 03:45:10 pm
Some folks talk some shit. Doomed, doomed I tell you. Seriously...
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 03:47:23 pm
Stiff resistance encountered at Chesterfield Eglise - the spire there crumbling but the enemy have halted the Dickov army advance, many casualties taken  :crying:
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 04:10:45 pm
And Chesterfield Eglise falls... the Red Army charge sweeps all before them. Even the enemy propganda machine ask "is it a bridge too far for us?"
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: PDX_Rover on September 20, 2014, 04:10:56 pm
Heavy artillery achieves goal.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 04:21:14 pm
Oh dear, consolidating our advance and the enemy has regrouped, serious casualties on the front line. Serious need of that old Dunkirk spirit needed, the Irish Guard enter the fray....
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 04:34:35 pm
Holding off the MASSIVE counter attack, just! Supplies catching up with the initial advance, morale gathering to continue on and win the battle, keep the faith troops!
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Bristol Red Rover on September 20, 2014, 04:55:26 pm
Effective scrapping from the boys at the end. D-Day battle is won  :scarf:
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: bpoolrover on September 20, 2014, 05:01:02 pm
Well done pd for getting us 3 points today
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: podrover73 on September 20, 2014, 06:01:40 pm
D day postponed until the next defeat
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: aidanstu on September 20, 2014, 07:06:52 pm
The doubters are conspicuous by their absence again I see. i wonder what they will be doing with their week now?
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: big fat yorkshire pudding on September 20, 2014, 07:13:03 pm
I'm a big doubter that's for sure his record is poor despite liking the man.

Today he got it right with that eleven the formation suits us. Also keegan is a better player away from home and de val is just better all round.

Still much work to be done but it was an improvement.  I said we needed 4 minimum from the two homes and we got them.  The question now is can we prolong it?

I enjoyed today's game and that's a big part of it. Note the atmosphere was much better with attacking football.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: dickos1 on September 20, 2014, 07:27:59 pm
We looked better today because Chesterfield didn't sit back and put everyone behind the ball.
That's when we struggle, like on Tuesday and against Oldham.
The worrying thing is, most sides we play this year will do just that
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: ravenrover on September 20, 2014, 10:01:01 pm
But if we play with the intensity and sublime skill we did particularly in the 1st half we SHOULD be able to break any team down. We were battered for probably 30 out of the last 45mins today, they created and missed a good few chances 2nd half but don't forget we also created and missed several chances in the 2nd half.
For me it changed when they brought the big No9 on we couldn't cope with his very simple old fashioned centre forward attributes, receive it, lay it off and head for the far post. Bringing Keegan on helped a little. De Val was shot by then but we did nothing to counter the No 9, At the same time Evina was being destroyed down our left, Bennett went missing, and Evina had 2 men every time the ball went wide. My call half way through the 2nd half was to bring Bennett off and put Robinson wide to try and help Evina but thankfully we hung on.
Title: Re: D-day for dickov
Post by: Sammy Chung was King on September 20, 2014, 11:20:45 pm
I was not impressed when we gave Dickov the job,but once we did,barring distrasterous defeats,I believe we should give a manager a decent length time,however last season,I thought we would be relegation certainties not long after christmas,but I was pleasantly surprised with how well our season went,only going down on last day.But now we are not only struggling for points in league one,but putting in some very poor displays often at home,this and his poor record in league one previous,Im now of the impression that it was the quality of many of our Players that gave us a good chance of staying up last season and not PD tactics/management style.I am hoping we replace him soon before its too late for this season,providing the Board can make a good choice replacement.Easier said than done.

Loved that film Australia that you were in Drover,have you seen much of Nicole Kidman since the wedding? :laugh: