Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Viking Chat => Topic started by: Hitchin Exile on August 24, 2016, 10:01:05 pm

Title: Chaplow banned
Post by: Hitchin Exile on August 24, 2016, 10:01:05 pm
Just seen that Richard Chaplow has been banned for homophobic remarks.
what is it with footballers they are so out of date re peoples sexuallity.
No one bats an eye lid with the GBs hockey captain is married to her team mate.
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: RoversAlias on August 24, 2016, 11:29:25 pm
Disgraceful, no need for it. He's already sprung the "I have a gay relative, so I can't be homophobic" excuse as well. Very glad he's long gone from here.
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: Muttley on August 24, 2016, 11:43:13 pm
Can't say I'm surprised, always came across as a bit of a knobhead while he was at Rovers.
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: Sammy Chung was King on August 24, 2016, 11:56:33 pm
Dressing rooms unfortunately take a lot of updating in the ways of the world. They tend to be still stuck in the 1960's, or they were when i was playing. I remember comments on a black lad in our dressing room by one of the senior players. There were a few embarrassed laughs and the rest of the room went quiet!.
I have a theory that those who mention people's sexuality a lot are the one's who aren't sure about their own. I don't think people who say these things should be totally cast aside, if they seem sorry.

 A lot of it is the way they are brought up. It's a lack of education some of it, the rest is just bravado trying to be bigger than they are.
It's a real shame the world hasn't moved on quick enough, but it is getting better. At some time or another, most of us have called mates 'gay' in a joking way!. Unfortunately the world can be a hurtful place, everybody has something that somebody could pick at. Some people don't grow up from school and carry the same 'schoolyard' mentality, after they leave.
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: glosterred on August 25, 2016, 06:42:00 am
If you read the statements he was not banned for homophobic remarks, he was banned for using profane language. There was no compelling evidence that he used homophobic language.

Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: The Mighty Brian Rowe on August 25, 2016, 07:34:27 am
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: German Rover on August 25, 2016, 07:47:47 am
If you read the statements he was not banned for homophobic remarks, he was banned for using profane language. There was no compelling evidence that he used homophobic language.

If you read the statements he was not banned for homophobic remarks, he was banned for using profane language. There was no compelling evidence that he used homophobic language.

He felt the urge to trot out the i'm not homophobic I have loads of gay mates line.  that won't help
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: Bezza on August 25, 2016, 07:56:46 am
i thought we had made a good signing in Chaplow, how wrong he had gone downhill quicker than a bobsleigh
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: GazLaz on August 25, 2016, 08:29:27 am
How many people have taken the piss out of Chaplow over the years for having a medical condition I wonder.

I don't know what was said, if anything at all but I can't wait for the day that people of whatever denomination don't take offence to throw away comments from numpties. There's a difference between racism and homophobia and thoughtless comments by idiots in my opinion.
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on August 25, 2016, 08:54:55 am
Perhaps he should have made an utterly tasteless joke about someone being tasered to death instead, that seemed to be OK with a section of Rovers fans...
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: Avsuptem on August 25, 2016, 09:55:05 am
Crass and insensitive comments feed bigotry and hatred and are the preserve of the truly ignorant. They reflect the nasty personality of the perpetrator as much as they offend the target. The infamous use of the 'N word' by big Ron being a prime example. The sooner this sort of thing is eliminated completely the better. Footballers are in the public eye and have a moral responsibility to mind their P's and Q's.

I am not sure what  point is being made by Hitchin Exile in this post about the 2 married hockey ladies. I must say I found the way it was being reported as if it was perfectly normal a bit odd myself, in the old days those sort of things were never talked about but now they seem to be celebrated. I guess that is progress of sorts.
Title: Re: Chaplow banned
Post by: Hitchin Exile on August 25, 2016, 01:12:32 pm
My comment about the hockey ladies was that that times have moved on people should be able to live their life freely without precudice of any sort.