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Viking Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: albie on November 01, 2017, 04:09:56 pm

Title: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: albie on November 01, 2017, 04:09:56 pm
The list of wrong uns kept by the Tory whips to keep members in line has been revealed;
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie - Craig Murray (

Some are denying the details, and it does seem to include consensual actions, alongside allegations of pressure by older men who should know better, but think they are beyond control.

It will be interesting to hear what the "Non Disclosure Agreement" is about.
Cat out of the bag is difficult to get back into the sack!
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 01, 2017, 04:50:45 pm
You should have seen Teresa May go to pieces at PMQs when a backbencher stood up and reminded her that a few years ago she'd given May details of how the Tory whips were blackmailing Tory MPs by using the sexual dirt they had about them to keep them in line. On each of these three occasions May did nothing. Today the backbencher asked May if she will at last do something if she gives her the information for a fourth time. May, of course, stuttered and spluttered through a complete non-answer, despite her pre-PMQs statement about how this sort of thing needs to be acted on!
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: albie on November 01, 2017, 08:03:51 pm
Fallon resigns!

All going Pete Tong for Alfie's mam.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 01, 2017, 08:39:09 pm
I wonder if he'll be the only one to Fallon his sword?
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 01, 2017, 09:37:49 pm
Well, he is the one with 'odd sexual penchants', which is a very interesting choice of words...
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: turnbull for england on November 02, 2017, 06:50:28 am
And odd for an MP could be very very odd
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: hoolahoop on November 02, 2017, 08:11:23 am
It will be very interesting exactly what will unfold from now on .....I envisage yet more resignations in attempts to keep things underwraps.  This Tory Government is wobbling !
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: The Red Baron on November 02, 2017, 11:27:38 am
Seems to be quite a bit of money being wagered on a General Election next year. If this scandal results in people having to resign as MPs rather than just as ministers, that could happen.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: wing commander on November 02, 2017, 12:01:59 pm
   I'm struggling with some of those though..Some are single Mp's what business is it of ours who they are having relationships with and what is actually wrong with it?? Before all you Labour supporters gets all excited about your Government in waiting though rumours abound that your list isn't much ;-)
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Hounslowrover on November 02, 2017, 12:25:42 pm
No problem with MPs having relationships, it's if they are married and lecturing us about moral issues. We know Boris has had affairs, it's down to his partner if she decides to stay with him.  Also didn't Jeremy have a fling with Diane Abbott.  This is the problem, the press trying to conflate inappropriate relationships with appropriate ones, but this is about unwanted advances.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: bpoolrover on November 02, 2017, 01:22:18 pm
There has to be more to this Fallon thing than simply touching a reporters knee, must be expecting more people to come forward
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: glosterred on November 02, 2017, 01:24:05 pm
I bet there are politicians of all parties currently sixpence a bobbing it at the moment wondering what is going to be revealed.

Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 02, 2017, 01:26:00 pm
I bet there are politicians of all parties currently sixpence a bobbing it at the moment wondering what is going to be revealed.

Nah, only Tories. All other party members are squeaky clean.

Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: glosterred on November 02, 2017, 01:28:09 pm
I bet there are politicians of all parties currently sixpence a bobbing it at the moment wondering what is going to be revealed.

Nah, only Tories. All other party members are squeaky clean.

If only

Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: wing commander on November 02, 2017, 01:28:35 pm
   Yep Fallon obviously knows he's been lined up for something bigger...If putting your hand on someones knee 15 years ago is now a resignable offence we wouldn't have a politician left...Nope he knows bigger fish are coming...
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 02, 2017, 01:39:12 pm
I'm waiting for Wilts to respond, after all, he insists on showing balance!
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 02, 2017, 02:00:38 pm
No problem with MPs having relationships, it's if they are married and lecturing us about moral issues. We know Boris has had affairs, it's down to his partner if she decides to stay with him.  Also didn't Jeremy have a fling with Diane Abbott.  This is the problem, the press trying to conflate inappropriate relationships with appropriate ones, but this is about unwanted advances.

No, the real problem in this instance is the Whips using this information to twist the MPs' arms.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: wing commander on November 02, 2017, 02:00:50 pm
   The witch hunt is well and truly on...It's going to be a bit like the Weinstein thing in America..Suddenly every aspiring actress/actor comes out with a story to tell about every big actor/producer over the last twenty years...Some will be true,some will have a grain of truth and some will be made up by their agents hoping to propel them to the forefront of media coverage....Researchers,private secretaries and political activists who haven't made the progress they hoped for will be lining up agents as we speak....It's a tough one, on one hand it's not acceptable but its hard for me to have too much sympathy for those who took money and advancement to keep quiet at the time and are now jumping on the moral bandwagon...You don't really know what to believe..!!
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 02, 2017, 02:39:09 pm
   The witch hunt is well and truly on...It's going to be a bit like the Weinstein thing in America..Suddenly every aspiring actress/actor comes out with a story to tell about every big actor/producer over the last twenty years...Some will be true,some will have a grain of truth and some will be made up by their agents hoping to propel them to the forefront of media coverage....Researchers,private secretaries and political activists who haven't made the progress they hoped for will be lining up agents as we speak....It's a tough one, on one hand it's not acceptable but its hard for me to have too much sympathy for those who took money and advancement to keep quiet at the time and are now jumping on the moral bandwagon...You don't really know what to believe..!!

The shit will really hit the fan if it comes out that the Whips knew of illegal activity but did nothing about it just to keep a hold over the MP concerned.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: ravenrover on November 02, 2017, 05:05:32 pm
Is it really right to be bringing allegations up from 20-20-40 years ago? Times have changed things that were looked on as bloke ish and to some extent girl ish behaviour are now considered unacceptable behaviour. Are there many blokes on this forum for example that haven't tried it on with some lady in the past, perhaps after a few drinks? I'm guessing there aren't many here who have been in a position of power where refusal of some kind of sexual advance could mean someone getting or keeping a job, but I'm guessing there are a few who have behaved in what is now an unacceptable manner.
And lets face it they are really only allegations unless there is some kind of actual proof be it from a male or a female.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 02, 2017, 05:18:27 pm
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: albie on November 02, 2017, 07:11:04 pm
One or two people are skiing off piste here.

The list was compiled and used by Tory whips, to ensure compliance.
So either they have evidence to support the claims, or the MPs named BELIEVE that they have, otherwise it would not work as a blackmail tool.

It is interesting that May has promoted Tarantula man, ex Chief Whip Gavin Williamson, to replace the disgraced Fallon. Williamson would be aware of the allegations and the background.

The activities of MP's is relevant only to the point that they interfere with the parliamentary process, or where they are potentially unlawful, or involve harassment. Just as long as the adulterers do not go rabbiting on about the importance of loyalty and family life etc.

Is it acceptable for the Tory whips to use threats of exposure to herd the sheep into their pen?
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on November 02, 2017, 08:46:55 pm
It's what all whips have always done Albie. You encourage loyalty by offering promotion to the ambitious and threats to the fallible.

Nasty business, eh?
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: The Red Baron on November 02, 2017, 09:04:17 pm
A Labour MP, Kelvin Hopkins, has been suspended by the party due to allegations made against him.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: wilts rover on November 02, 2017, 09:26:12 pm
I'm waiting for Wilts to respond, after all, he insists on showing balance!

About what - a document put together by Tory Whips to keep their party in order. Why would I want to show balance on that? It is what it is?

Or is someone just posting about me for the sake of being provocative - feed the troll and he will bore...
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on November 02, 2017, 09:26:44 pm
Interesting documentary on this topic from the 80s.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 02, 2017, 09:50:05 pm
I'm waiting for Wilts to respond, after all, he insists on showing balance!

About what - a document put together by Tory Whips to keep their party in order. Why would I want to show balance on that? It is what it is?

Or is someone just posting about me for the sake of being provocative - feed the troll and he will bore...

No Wilts, about a thread started about a Tory sex dossier. Now, if there was a thread started about a Labour sex dossier I'd place my starboard knacker that your desire to show balance would be irresistible.

Am I lying? Am I wrong?
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 02, 2017, 11:02:52 pm
I'm waiting for Wilts to respond, after all, he insists on showing balance!

About what - a document put together by Tory Whips to keep their party in order. Why would I want to show balance on that? It is what it is?

Or is someone just posting about me for the sake of being provocative - feed the troll and he will bore...

No Wilts, about a thread started about a Tory sex dossier. Now, if there was a thread started about a Labour sex dossier I'd place my starboard knacker that your desire to show balance would be irresistible.

Am I lying? Am I wrong?

All the parties are in agreement that this is not a party political matter, and yet you are the only person in this thread seemingly intent on making it one. Purely to have a dig at someone else it seems. Are you lying, are you wrong - who ought to care?
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 02, 2017, 11:06:25 pm

You obviously care, that's why you stuck your oar in.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 02, 2017, 11:07:57 pm
Sums you up in one word.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 02, 2017, 11:14:52 pm
That's all I need, a psycho analysing me!
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 02, 2017, 11:20:58 pm
About as much as I need a berk analysing me, eh?
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: albie on November 02, 2017, 11:55:08 pm
It's what all whips have always done Albie. You encourage loyalty by offering promotion to the ambitious and threats to the fallible.

Nasty business, eh?

I know, BST.

But what is different these days are the tools used, and the reach from using those tools.

How have the Tory whips assembled this information?
Tittle tattle gossip, or active monitoring of communications to build up a database of indiscretions?

I would suggest the latter, and the implications of this are fundamental to the nature of the democratic purpose in future.

This whole debate is not a party political issue, it could contaminate all parties, it just happens to be the present Tory government with their arse in the bacon slicer.

We need to be rid of the whole concept of party whips, and allow free votes and the concientious objection to the party line on particular issues.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: BillyStubbsTears on November 03, 2017, 12:38:55 am

I've got a simple enough theory on this issue.

It's not about the whips. It not about the Press. It's about us. The general population.

Whips know that they can put the screws on philanderers because they know that, once someone's peccadillos are exposed, we the people will a) Lap up every detail, then b) Go "Tut-tut. I'm not voting for HIM/HER if they get up to those games."

That is how they keep MPs in line. If the general populace didn't give a shit about this voyeuristic w**k-fest, the Whips wouldn't be able to use this tittle-tattle.

We get the Whips we deserve.

And it won't change until we as a people grow up a bit.

Look at France as an example. No-one batted an eyelid when François Hollander was leaving the Elyse Palace dressed as pizza delivery boy and riding on a moped to make the beast with two backs with an actress 20 years younger than him. No one did an "Outraged of Basingstoke demands your resignation" thing. They shrugged their shoulders and judged him on his record. Which was f**king awful, so they voted him out.

Why can't we be like that? Get rid of politicians because they are shite, rather than because they once flirted with someone?
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 03, 2017, 09:51:32 am
About as much as I need a berk analysing me, eh?

Who was analysing you, eh? You're the one who keeps sticking your oar in when questions are directed at other people. Is that because you're lonely? Is that why you often use the word 'we' in your posts?
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Glyn_Wigley on November 03, 2017, 10:51:00 am
About as much as I need a berk analysing me, eh?

Who was analysing you, eh? You're the one who keeps sticking your oar in when questions are directed at other people. Is that because you're lonely? Is that why you often use the word 'we' in your posts?

Ah, so you calling me a psycho wasn't you analysing me, it was just you being abusive and obnoxious. Thanks for clarifying that.

As for using 'we' often, I've just checked the front page of my posts and in the last 30 posts I've used the word 'we' twice - the same number of times as you've used it in the same number of posts! - once using it to refer to Doncaster Rovers and the other as 'we' the nation. So it was a good job you weren't analysing me because it seems you're rather crap at it.
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 03, 2017, 04:36:20 pm
Correct. I wasn't analysing you, I wasn't even talking to you until you stuck your oar in by answering somebody else's question. And for YOU to call SOMEBODY ELSE abusive and obnoxious speaks volumes about your grasp on reality!
Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: wilts rover on November 03, 2017, 07:13:03 pm
There is only one poster on this thread being offensive and abusive Mr Bentley.

And as you are only trolling I dont see any point answering your questions. Turn your cards over and read whats on the back.

Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: Bentley Bullet on November 03, 2017, 07:44:48 pm
No, Mr Wilts, I wasn't being offensive. I suggested if there was a thread started about a Labour sex dossier then your desire to show balance would be irresistible. Then your mate stuck his oar in in his usual brash and condescending manner.

Anyway, if you were going to answer my question you'd have done so by now so I'll leave you in peace to thank your mate for sticking up for you in such a nice and diplomatic way.

Title: Re: Dodgy Dossier
Post by: del boy on November 03, 2017, 07:59:18 pm
There is only one poster on this thread being offensive and abusive Mr Bentley.

And as you are only trolling I dont see any point answering your questions. Turn your cards over and read whats on the back.

I disagree with you 100%.Bentley is completely correct now BobG seems to be no longer posting for whatever reason Glyn has taken over as the  number 1 patronising and condescending individual on this forum.