Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: Al4475 on January 31, 2021, 10:57:31 pm

Post by: Al4475 on January 31, 2021, 10:57:31 pm
I  am neither Jewish, nor political, but I think it is important (in these times where examples of racism and persecution across the world seem to be gaining pace again) to remember the horrors of this darkest aspect of WWII and try to remind ourselves what a mess we can find ourselves in as a species if the wrong people come into power at the wrong time, and the huge repercussions actions and words can have if allowed to spiral out of control.
Post by: tyke1962 on February 01, 2021, 12:36:32 am
The break up of Yugoslavia in the 90's was also a red flag which is often understated I feel .

One of Blair's better days on foreign affairs in all fairness .

The situation in Yemen is also worth noting too I feel with those so lovable Saudi's committing genocide whilst the west sells them weapons by the billions because of the black gold .

What a fecked up world we have .

The holocaust is totally beyond my comprehension , there are no words I can find that would be even remotely worthy of some kind of opinion .

The older I get and I understand and this is most probably a controversial view but hate more often than not has to be fought with equal retribution .

I wish sincerely it wasn't so but in my opinion that seems to be where you have to go with it .