Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Viking Chat => Topic started by: Michael Shaw on May 02, 2024, 02:04:08 pm

Title: Adelukan Free
Post by: Michael Shaw on May 02, 2024, 02:04:08 pm
To be a free agent. Can we do the business?

Does day he s a free agent so we can sign him.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: donnievic on May 02, 2024, 02:09:19 pm
All depends wot he gets offered elsewhere
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Michael Shaw on May 02, 2024, 02:09:43 pm
The board know he is the player the fans want most. We'll have to wait and see what happens as always.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: philsky on May 02, 2024, 02:11:36 pm

Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: DonnyBazR0ver on May 02, 2024, 02:13:26 pm
Heard on a YouTube vlog, that Mansfield fans reckon he's signing for them, although I've not seen owt on the Mansfield fans forum.

There's bound to be loads of speculation. We hope he's just focused on these next 3 games.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: dknward2 on May 02, 2024, 02:13:45 pm
Think he will have a choice of most league 1 clubs maybe waiting to see if we go up if we do think we will have the best chance of signing him if we don't then I think he will go elsewhere sorry to say, also thinking the same thing about Luke
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Michael Shaw on May 02, 2024, 02:19:31 pm
I am confident Rovers will be in league one next season, and that might be enough for Hak to want to stay with us.
I think TLT has been very much unrecognised for his valuable contribution this half season.
Personally, I hope we can keep as many of this current first IX together as possible for next season.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Dabbermoo on May 02, 2024, 02:33:45 pm
He told me it wouldn't matter if donny are league 1 or 2 if that is the option he takes, like I said in another thread he said he will get to the end of the season and switch off from football and leave it to his agent. I would love him to stay just as much as I would love TLT and Craig to stay but I do belive the latter 2 will depend on if we are league 1 or 2. If TB wants what he has stated then Hakeeb is the type of player we need to have in our sights and do our upmost to get them in, get them playing and drive us up that league table.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Copps is Magic on May 02, 2024, 02:42:09 pm
"switch off from football and leave it to is agent".

That sounds ominous, depressing, and other adjectives I haven't including.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: normal rules on May 02, 2024, 02:45:00 pm
He has very much been part of this tremendous and quite frankly un believable change in form. It would be a travesty if his services were not secured for next season. Which ever league rovers end up in .
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Reg of the Rovers on May 02, 2024, 02:46:08 pm
"switch off from football and leave it to is agent".

That sounds ominous, depressing, and other adjectives I haven't including.
If true, we've got very little chance then. Part of our attraction will be how well Haks has done here, and how appreciated he is by the fans. An agent won't factor that in - it'll be a purely financial consideration, in which case someone will be able to out-muscle us.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Paul Simpson on May 02, 2024, 02:50:45 pm
Whatever happens Haks has made a huge contribution to our miraculous turnaround. I for 1 am grateful for our playoff place. I’m sure Grant will have another ACE up his sleeve if Haks goes elsewhere. Just enjoy the ride imo
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Dabbermoo on May 02, 2024, 03:56:33 pm
"switch off from football and leave it to is agent".

That sounds ominous, depressing, and other adjectives I haven't including.

It does but it also doesn't mean he won't stay, he's said he loves it here, he plays with freedom and has creative freedom to play to his strengths which I belive he has done massively. I had the opportunity to talk to him about this at the sponsors dinner before the Gillingham game. It didn't work out for him at Lincoln due to how they play and he didn't feel treated right which is a completely different situation he is in now at donny. It also needs to make financial sense to him as it does with all players so its down to what can we offer as a club that is better than other clubs can offer.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: mushRTID on May 02, 2024, 03:57:24 pm
It feels pretty nailed on both Moly and Haks are off if we don’t go up, doesn’t it?
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: PDX_Rover on May 02, 2024, 06:15:19 pm
We don’t know what will happen do we, really? I have faith in the management having lots of irons in the fire for next season.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Alan Southstand on May 02, 2024, 08:55:22 pm
Surely it’s not just about the money, though, is it? As described above, he didn’t ‘fit’ at Lincoln and, according to him, they didn’t treat him right. So, we have, at the very least, got 2 out of 3 issues in our favour. Yes, he probably can get exactly what he wants elsewhere, but will he have the same satisfaction, in a football sense?

It’s not always about the money and if it is, then good luck to him, but don’t moan if it’s not working out.

If we can offer him enough to tip the balance of the complete package our way, I think he’ll sign. If not, we move on.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: drfcsteve on May 02, 2024, 09:00:14 pm
I think at this level it probably is more about the money. Players at this level aren’t likely to be multi-millionaires like in the upper leagues. I have no idea what we would offer but say as an example we offered 4k a week and someone came in offering 6k a week he’d be mad not to take the extra 100k a year salary.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: ForsolongaRover on May 02, 2024, 09:18:12 pm
He’s clicked here in a way which has never happened before, but arguably only because we have shaped our attack around him. Perhaps another club with plenty of money will take him on as a luxury item, but it seems to me that you cannot just stick him in a team and expect him to play any kind of conventional role any better than Mr Average.

Clubs that do their homework will recognise this. I’d say too that his lack of previous success and history beyond League 1 and time working with McCann (when he returned his best goals per game at Hull) are strong factors in Rovers favour.

If there are more attractive offers will he choose money over job satisfaction?

95 games and 8 goals in 6 years from leaving Scunthorpe to coming here compares with 9 goals in 19 games here.

A footballer surely wants to play football in a team under a manager with whom he’s happy and successful in his work.

Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Colin C No.3 on May 02, 2024, 09:51:00 pm
It feels pretty nailed on both Moly and Haks are off if we don’t go up, doesn’t it?

Agree with that mush.

Footballers have a short career & all that
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: GazLaz on May 02, 2024, 10:38:54 pm
He’s clicked here in a way which has never happened before, but arguably only because we have shaped our attack around him. Perhaps another club with plenty of money will take him on as a luxury item, but it seems to me that you cannot just stick him in a team and expect him to play any kind of conventional role any better than Mr Average.

Clubs that do their homework will recognise this. I’d say too that his lack of previous success and history beyond League 1 and time working with McCann (when he returned his best goals per game at Hull) are strong factors in Rovers favour.

If there are more attractive offers will he choose money over job satisfaction?

95 games and 8 goals in 6 years from leaving Scunthorpe to coming here compares with 9 goals in 19 games here.

A footballer surely wants to play football in a team under a manager with whom he’s happy and successful in his work.

It’s been a perfect storm situation during his spell here hasn’t it (of which he’s played a monumental part before anyone thinks I’m being negative). Part of a vast steam improvement, playing for a manager that knows how to man manage him and has given him freedom, nearly everything he has hit has gone in, he’s been playing with the “playing for my next contract boost”.

We obviously have to offer him a deal whatever league we are on. He’s unlikely to score a goal every other game next season though and we shouldn’t pay over the odds obviously. He is in a really strong position when it comes to negotiation.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: colincramb on May 03, 2024, 05:13:01 am
Let’s just wait and see what the next 3 weeks brings. The outcome of that will determine what kind of chance we’ve got.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: ravenrover on May 03, 2024, 08:54:27 am
Correct me please but when he was posed the question did he say "the best player in an average club" not "an average player at the best club" ?
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: DonnyBazR0ver on May 03, 2024, 09:09:11 am
His agents job is to provide him with as many options as possible so he can decide what's best for him. All those factors mentioned above come into play but we have no way of knowing what's in his head. We can only put ourselves in the best position to give him plenty to think about.

I would imagine McCann is ahead of the game and is more aware of the likely outcomes for Haks and Moly which are already likely to be factored in to next seasons budget, whether they stay or go. Hopefully quality over quantity over the summer.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Colin C No.3 on May 03, 2024, 09:32:30 am
Trying not to get ahead of myself but, getting promoted via the playoffs after winning a Final at Wembley IS in my opinion (apart from going up as Champions) the next best way to get promotion.

For Haks & Moly, playing (& winning) at Wembley will be THE best moment in their careers & as they celebrate with the people & fans who have shared that journey with them such moments have to weigh heavily in our favour when it comes to their decisions on where they want to play their football next season.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Filo on May 03, 2024, 09:42:02 am
Trying not to get ahead of myself but, getting promoted via the playoffs after winning a Final at Wembley IS in my opinion (apart from going up as Champions) the next best way to get promotion.

For Haks & Moly, playing (& winning) at Wembley will be THE best moment in their careers & as they celebrate with the people & fans who have shared that journey with them such moments have to weigh heavily in our favour when it comes to their decisions on where they want to play their football next season.

You could have said that about Greeny, but he pissed off anyway
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Ryaldinhio on May 03, 2024, 09:52:01 am
Let's not forget that we will be paying a chunk if his wages now, and I doubt Lincoln will have wanted to pick up much if any of the bill for someone they were releasing so I expect we have been paying 60-70% upwards?

He has been great in this spell but if you look at his overall stats, especially when not with GM, they aren't great.

I trust grant to find another Haks if he doesn't want to sign and that is the important bit for me, signing people that WANT to be here, not outbiding other clubs.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Barmby Rover on May 03, 2024, 10:21:15 am
It is his call, if he chooses to go elsewhere good luck to him, he has done well here, just like Marquis the grass is not always greener.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: ForsolongaRover on May 03, 2024, 10:25:47 am
Trying not to get ahead of myself but, getting promoted via the playoffs after winning a Final at Wembley IS in my opinion (apart from going up as Champions) the next best way to get promotion.

For Haks & Moly, playing (& winning) at Wembley will be THE best moment in their careers & as they celebrate with the people & fans who have shared that journey with them such moments have to weigh heavily in our favour when it comes to their decisions on where they want to play their football next season.

You could have said that about Greeny, but he pissed off anyway

Derby were newly relegated from the PL and were probably seen as having the resources to get back there and able to offer terms far better than Rovers would be able to. PG was a player who excelled at League 1 level and showed the ability to be a top midfielder in the Championship.

Molyneux may have the potential to shine in League 1, but is there evidence that he would do the same in the Championship? He showed ability, but not always good judgment here in the first part of the season and has benefitted under good and accommodating management. Would it hurt him to re-sign with Rovers and if he continues to develop in League 1 (and promotion is an assumption which I am making whether justified or not, and will be critical). A genuine suitor would obviously then have to cough up a fee. Another factor which has probably helped him latterly is the attention that opposing defences have to pay to Adelukan. And 7 of his 9 goals have come since he lined up with Adelukan.

Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: RoversInSpain on May 03, 2024, 01:49:25 pm
I only care about the next 3 games, a promotion would mean I wouldn’t be entirely worried if we kept Hak’s or Molyneux. They will have done the job and got us up a league.
We would then prepare for League 1.
Whose to say we’d want them, Hak’s hasn’t done much at Lincoln and Molyneux in all the time with us has only just delivered some performances.
If we don’t go up, they’ve proved they’d be influential in league 2 and I’d be gutted to lose them.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: jmt23 on May 03, 2024, 02:06:38 pm
Can’t disagree more Roversinspain. Molly has been a constant performer, and was being asked to do a lot, even defensively for a while. He was THE standout player against Everton, causing them big problems.
As for Hak’s the man management of Grant is the key, he did a similar thing with Wilks.
They will be missed if they leave- I hope they will not.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: silent majority on May 03, 2024, 07:24:10 pm
Well, the club will be doing everything they can to sign both players.

But, if they, or their agent decide that their future lies elsewhere we can't change that. Its the way football is these days, its not all about money.

Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: RoversInSpain on May 03, 2024, 07:38:26 pm
Most important thing as stated before is they help get us promoted.
Then we move on with or without them in League 1.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: IDM on May 04, 2024, 08:40:31 am
Well, the club will be doing everything they can to sign both players.

But, if they, or their agent decide that their future lies elsewhere we can't change that. Its the way football is these days, its not all about money.

Ah but wait for the “ambition” criticisms etc. 

I agree with you wholeheartedly, I just know what it will be like (on here) should they not sign..
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: EasyforDennis on May 04, 2024, 09:15:59 am
Well, the club will be doing everything they can to sign both players.

But, if they, or their agent decide that their future lies elsewhere we can't change that. Its the way football is these days, its not all about money.

You are correct in saying "if his agent decides his future lies elsewhere we can't change that"
But I can't agree that where agents are concerned it isn't about money.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Drover on May 04, 2024, 09:29:34 am
He told me it wouldn't matter if donny are league 1 or 2 if that is the option he takes, like I said in another thread he said he will get to the end of the season and switch off from football and leave it to his agent. I would love him to stay just as much as I would love TLT and Craig to stay but I do belive the latter 2 will depend on if we are league 1 or 2. If TB wants what he has stated then Hakeeb is the type of player we need to have in our sights and do our upmost to get them in, get them playing and drive us up that league table.

It probably doesnt' matter what league we are in to Haks,BUT what league we are in may decide how much of a deal we are prepared to offer him.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Drover on May 04, 2024, 09:41:01 am
"switch off from football and leave it to is agent".

That sounds ominous, depressing, and other adjectives I haven't including.

I can see how it does to some,but I spoke or listened to many Rovers players over the years,even some our cult heroes who say just the same,it's also work to them and they are human with familys and friends and have a life outside football etc and look forward to switching off from football at the end of season,makes absolutely no difference to their performances and commitment to the club.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: silent majority on May 04, 2024, 10:14:46 am
Well, the club will be doing everything they can to sign both players.

But, if they, or their agent decide that their future lies elsewhere we can't change that. Its the way football is these days, its not all about money.

You are correct in saying "if his agent decides his future lies elsewhere we can't change that"
But I can't agree that where agents are concerned it isn't about money.

You've missed my point though.

What I said was that it's not all about money. In other words if the monetary offers are acceptable and they still choose to go elsewhere there's nothing we can do.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Donnywolf on May 04, 2024, 10:22:30 am
Trying not to get ahead of myself but, getting promoted via the playoffs after winning a Final at Wembley IS in my opinion (apart from going up as Champions) the next best way to get promotion.

For Haks & Moly, playing (& winning) at Wembley will be THE best moment in their careers & as they celebrate with the people & fans who have shared that journey with them such moments have to weigh heavily in our favour when it comes to their decisions on where they want to play their football next season.

Unfortunately I thought that about Paul Green. Celebrating madly at Wembley after beating Leeds , and who wouldn't but ....

... rumour was he was going to Leeds if they won and Derby if not
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: NickDRFC on May 04, 2024, 12:02:38 pm
Well, the club will be doing everything they can to sign both players.

But, if they, or their agent decide that their future lies elsewhere we can't change that. Its the way football is these days, its not all about money.

You are correct in saying "if his agent decides his future lies elsewhere we can't change that"
But I can't agree that where agents are concerned it isn't about money.

You've missed my point though.

What I said was that it's not all about money. In other words if the monetary offers are acceptable and they still choose to go elsewhere there's nothing we can do.

It will be about the money, though. We will make a reasonable and competitive offer I’m sure but if there’s a materially better offer elsewhere it’s likely that he will probably take it. We have everything else going for us - location, a manager he knows and trusts (who also trusts him), a team he’s been successful in - so the only reason he could really have for going elsewhere is a payday that we can’t match.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: wilts rover on May 04, 2024, 12:40:30 pm
I remember all the abuse Kevin McIntyre got when he rejected a new deal (after spending the best part of a season out with injury) to move to Chester.
People then assumed it was for more money. Years later it turned out he had wanted to be closer to his family as his father had terminal cancer.
Players either sign or they dont. If they dont wish them well and it makes way for somebody else. But never assume things when you dont know the full story.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: ravenrover on May 04, 2024, 12:52:14 pm
The one thing with how Grant talks is here is our offer if you want to sign great but it's off the table in x weeks and we move on
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: PDX_Rover on May 04, 2024, 02:06:42 pm
It we go up, we have more leverage of course. And he’s playing in a setup that’s allowed him to flourish at a club where he is loved. None of that is guaranteed elsewhere.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Chris Black come back on May 04, 2024, 02:14:35 pm
League One = decent chance.
League Two = not much chance.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Red wizard on May 05, 2024, 12:01:39 am
Without knowing his playing career fully I'd say this last few months playing for us he's either playing his best football or has got back to his best. You could argue the drop in level has helped and I'd agree somewhat. Now his confidence is high and he knows playing under GM suits him he'd be daft not to sign for us if we offer a decent salary.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: RedRover on May 06, 2024, 01:07:00 am
It feels pretty nailed on both Moly and Haks are off if we don’t go up, doesn’t it?

Not only that but that either one or both will end up signing for Barnsley or Rotherham
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Dougiebulletheader on May 06, 2024, 01:43:05 am
Maybe Grant had a convo with Hac before signing for us...."look son your coming to an important time in your career and your what in the imps reserves about to be released..iv got this mad plan I can get this team of mine into the play offs still and you could be the catalyst that enables the same time putting yourself in the shop window to get a new club" winners all round..
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Butchers Red on May 06, 2024, 06:55:49 am
Maybe Grant had a convo with Hac before signing for us...."look son your coming to an important time in your career and your what in the imps reserves about to be released..iv got this mad plan I can get this team of mine into the play offs still and you could be the catalyst that enables the same time putting yourself in the shop window to get a new club" winners all round..

Or maybe he said, look son join us,firstly we're going to perform a miracle getting into the play offs, win it and then the year after storm Division 1 hitting Championship within 2 years.


Why not Donny??
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Chris Black come back on May 06, 2024, 10:12:20 am
The first two had huge external cash behind them, and the third had a colossal wage bill in Championship and way above what we could envisage having.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Josh Horsman on June 11, 2024, 08:33:47 pm
Heard he’s off to Leyton Orient
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: rich1471 on June 11, 2024, 09:13:50 pm
Some players play for certain managers this is one of those cases but money talks ,the older you get the more you realise money is less important
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: roversdude on June 12, 2024, 07:46:03 am
Can’t see him gelling with a Wellens type manager
He was good but we move on
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Avsuptem on June 12, 2024, 10:08:41 am
Looks like young Ephrahim Yeboah is a direct replacement for the role given to Haks. All that youthful energy combined with natural skill could make him a devastating force at our level if given free reign.  I can envisage him being used as a 2nd half sub option initially. Molly on one wing and him on t'other would replicate the Grant Mc Cann post - January playing style that was so successful.  With Miller coming back it's great to see our attacking options sorted so early. It should block the old insult about us not having any goals in us next season.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: Barmby Rover on June 12, 2024, 10:39:46 am
He  was offered his chance with us and turned it down, I fail to see how somebody like that will be allowed back in by GM. Personally I wouldn't have him back now if he begged us for a contract, we have 4 good wingers in now, there is no room.
Title: Re: Adelukan Free
Post by: i_ateallthepies on June 12, 2024, 03:34:56 pm
I reckon we saw the best of him in those ten games.  Seems unlikely in the extreme that he would continue with that form in the long term.