Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: CusworthRovers on February 22, 2010, 09:04:46 pm

Title: Would you believe it............
Post by: CusworthRovers on February 22, 2010, 09:04:46 pm
I was caught short in town today and had to use the public toilets. Now I'm a bit shy in these places and do not know the rules of etiquette. I'm more known to always take a clinker at home and nip it for the day until I get there.

Anyway todays I was desperate, so I siddles into trap 2, parks myself into position when I heard the bloke in trap 3 say 'Noooow then mucker how you doing?'. Well I thought it a bit strange, but I'm not the rude ignorant type so I says 'Not to bad thanks, and you?'. After a short pause the bloke then says 'So what you up to then?'. Rather reluctantly I says 'I've just nipped in for a quick shit like, and you'. Then I hears him say 'Sorry mate, I'll call you back, I've got some dick head in the next cubicle answering everything I say'