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Off Topic / Re: Wordle today
« Last post by Donnywolf on Today at 07:04:49 am »
20 up with a quick 3

0-3 *

* Can't believe I put that in , but did the job
Viking Chat / Re: Euro 2024
« Last post by Donnybax on Today at 05:44:30 am »
Italy are a tournament team simple as. Friendlies don't matter, qualifiers dont matter, its all about the tournament. 4 stars above the badge. Bloody wish England were too

I know there a separate thread about Italy but trying to keep it all on one euro 2024
I think as their absence showed in the 2022 World Cup, qualifiers do matter.
Off Topic / Re: Farage
« Last post by BillyStubbsTears on June 15, 2024, 11:52:07 pm »
Taken from BST post #37
“But hey we kept another wog out so that’s nice.

You have got some serious mental health issues, go and see your GP!
Go for it Syd try and deflect the issue from Wogs and facsists under his bed Billy the nut job!

Your concern for what your Government did to my family is truly touching.
Off Topic / Re: Farage
« Last post by Sprotyrover on June 15, 2024, 11:47:12 pm »
Taken from BST post #37
“But hey we kept another wog out so that’s nice.

You have got some serious mental health issues, go and see your GP!
Go for it Syd try and deflect the issue from Wogs and facsists under his bed Billy the nut job!
Viking Chat / Re: New Away Kit
« Last post by Dagenham Rover on June 15, 2024, 10:59:31 pm »
Green and white for me. I admit that there's a personal reason for that, but there are also Donny football connections.

The Donny boys team that jointly won the English Schoolboys Shield in the 1950s, in front of 15000 at Belle Vue, played in green and white.

Also, as mentioned above, Bremner's Rovers teams always played away in the Hibs strip of green shirts with white sleeves.

We were playing Yeovil and I had one of the Red/white/ green/white reversible scarfs on I suppose a mix of green and white and red and white showing  (still got it) I got a right wtf you doing in here (South Stand )
Viking Chat / Re: Euro 2024
« Last post by RoversInSpain on June 15, 2024, 10:47:25 pm »
Ruled out because an encroaching attacking player was involved in the goal.
So if the attacker was encroaching as the pelanty was taken shouldn’t the pen be retaken?
Off Topic / Re: General Election
« Last post by albie on June 15, 2024, 10:39:59 pm »
And just for good measure Albie 99% of your predictions about the demise of the labour party have been totally wrong so why would anyone believe you?

I haven't made any predictions about the imminent demise of the Labour Party, Syd.
The voices in your head are singing the wrong song again.

It must have been the other Albie's diatribe about falling membership, costly legal matters from the corbyn era. etc
Syd, the points you raise have already been covered on here.
Telling silly lies that are easily proven wrong is not a helpful approach to a discussion.

Labour membership has fallen dramatically from the peak under Corbyn, reducing income from subscriptions.
Membership reached a peak at the end of 2019 when it hit over 532,000.

Party general secretary, David Evans, revealed that membership, which had stood at 390,000 in January (2024), had plummeted to 366,604 at the latest count, with more than 11,700 of these being in arrears (according to your Guardian).

Since then, further resignations have been made in response to the pro-Israel stance of Starmer.

Starmer incurred avoidable costs for the legal action he had to settle out of court.
The final amount is not yet known.
Viking Chat / Re: New Home Shirt Pics
« Last post by Colin C No.3 on June 15, 2024, 10:38:07 pm »
Got mine yesterday.

Great neck line, the hoops are highlighted with a black border which gives them a distinct outline, the all red back doesn’t retract from the overall look of the shirt by not having a name or number on it, sponsors name not too distinctive enough to take away the ‘balance’ of the shirt.

It has a nice feel to it. Compared with the other seven shirts I currently have it’s in the top three.
Off Topic / Re: Labour U Turns Part 164
« Last post by Sprotyrover on June 15, 2024, 10:16:29 pm »
I guess all those making an issue of the imminent demise of fee paying schools will be lining up for their slice of humble pie?

''Number of private school pupils rises despite claims families priced out by Labour’s VAT plan''

Good Grief! What a load of lefty propaganda! So in January 2024 the numbers were up by 1500 on the Numbers in January 2023, so why does the article quote a figure of an increase of 20,000 since 2020 an unusual time when we were in lock down, were we involved in a general election in January? What is the relevance! There isn’t any?
Off Topic / Re: Farage
« Last post by Sprotyrover on June 15, 2024, 10:07:15 pm »
Do you wonder why I f**king despise this lot? They f**k over people's lives to satisfy bigots.

But they make it easier to identify the bigots
Wilts, what is a bigot?

Oxford English Dictionary:
​a person who has very strong, unreasonable beliefs or opinions about race, religion or politics and who will not listen to or accept the opinions of anyone who disagrees

Cambridge Dictionary
a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life

a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person
especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)

Collins Dictionay
a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race
Nice one, sounds like you are a bigot to me Wilts.. think about it!
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