![]() DO YOU KNOW ANY YOUNGER FANS WITH A FLAIR FOR ART? IF SO THIS WILL BE OF INTEREST As part of the Testimonial Celebrations for James Coppinger the VSC have teamed up with Copps, the Testimonial Celebrations Team (including Louis Tomlinson and his representatives) and many schools in and around Doncaster to bring a great competition to the younger fans of DRFC for the upcoming LEGENDS GAME. We would also like to extend this out to all the younger DRFC fans on the Viking Chat Forum, facebook and twitter. The competition is an Easter Holiday Art Competition where the idea is to create an original piece of art, in any material on one side of A4 paper of either COPPS #26 or LOUIS #28. There are three age groups: Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3 and Working Towards GCSE/A' Level and two sub-categories per age group: COPPS 26 and LOUIS 28. The winning designs in each age range and category will be reproduced, signed by both Copps and Louis, framed and presented back to the artists on the pitch at some point before/at half time in the Legends game. Winning art and runners-up in either category and all age-ranges will be bound together and presented in a book to Copps and Louis too. The original artwork is to be handed in to Main Reception at the Keepmoat by 5:00pm on Tuesday April 7th. For full rules and regs and all details plus an entrance form click here. GET ARTY, LET'S SEE THOSE 'CLOSET VAN GOGHS' and GOOD LUCK! Comments
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