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Following yesterday's announcement from DRFC that David Blunt and Dick Watson have agreed to become Chairman and President of the club the VSC would like to welcome them respectively to these positions, state that we are looking forward to working alongside them and wish them all the best in these roles moving into the future.

Dick's health has been somewhat of a concern recently, and it was therefore a pleasure to see him actively involved in the recent Meet The Owners event. He has a love for the club and the town and as president of the club he should be able to help marry the two up and build for the future longevity of the club.

David has worked closely alongside both Terry Brammall and Dick over many years and first joined the DRFC board in 2010 - he is a welcome addition to the board in his new official capacity.

Both men believe strongly in the idea of a DRFC Community legacy. They will be, along with the VSC, key players in implementing the IRWT initiative which will facilitate (guided by the fans) a future vision for DRFC that allows for the long term stability of the club. Dick and David's recruitment into their new roles should give Doncaster Rovers and the club's standing within the town community a huge boost.

We welcome both men into their official capacities, are happy to continue to work alongside them in overseeing the future wellbeing of the club and we wish them well!

Welcome (officially) on board the Good Ship DRFC.
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