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Author Topic: yank church to burn the koran  (Read 2807 times)

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not on facebook

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yank church to burn the koran
« on September 08, 2010, 06:34:48 am by not on facebook »
very very brave of the churcrh to plan to do above act as it
could attract all sorts of problems for them sens.

but why are people getting up in arms about this possible act,i mean you see enough of the american flag getting burnt
around the muslim world  and no major response from folk.

you dont even get condenation of the yank flag been burnt from
so called 'nice muslims'

whats good for the gander is good for the goose.

i dont think they will do it as the church as got all the publicty it wanted.

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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #1 on September 08, 2010, 07:31:39 am by coventryrover »
It just typifies the growing sector of christianity in the US, where tolerance of people of other dissuasions doesnt seem to be part of the faith.

Totally contradicts what christians are supposed to be about but, hey, they have been contradicting the bibles teachings for centuries.

Sandy Lane

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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #2 on September 08, 2010, 02:36:55 pm by Sandy Lane »
I think you'll find that just cause someone is Christian does not automatically make them tolerant I'm afraid.  We're a huge nation with all sorts of people -- many smart, many uneducated, many bigoted and many tolerant, like all nations.  Sadly this gun toting pastor is the worst kind of bigot and the press even worse for reporting it.  It should be a non story.


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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #3 on September 08, 2010, 07:18:12 pm by Chris »
oslorovers wrote:

but why are people getting up in arms about this possible act,i mean you see enough of the american flag getting burnt
around the muslim world  and no major response from folk.

Other than Bush's attempt to ammend the constitution to make flag desecration illegal.

Very, very stupid behaviour by this church but then again, that's religion for you.


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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #4 on September 08, 2010, 10:09:38 pm by CusworthRovers »
Good point re contradicting the bible or interpreting it as they see fit and to suit their needs.

As a counter balance the Muslim faith is also a very peaceful one and this war-mongering, flag burning, fatwa lobbing shite is again interpreted by a few for their needs.

As said above, that's religion for you

As an extra, it was on SSN ticker tape that he's still insisting on going ahead with this


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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #5 on September 08, 2010, 11:58:55 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Interesting watching the religious establishment last week in a fit about Stephen Hawking's new book which claims that the concept of God is not necessary to explain the Universe.

The Chief Rabbi, writing in The Times said, condescendingly, \"What Prof Hawking doesn't understand is that the Bible doesn't try to explain HOW the Universe came to exist, it tries to explain WHAT it means to us humans\".

So I reckon they should tear them 7-days-of-creation Genesis pages out of their Bibles then.

And if they are now accepting that bits of The Bible might be fairy stories for the bairns, while they're at it they might want to question whether Noah really did scour the earth looking for a pair of every kind of beast, despite being piss wet through.

And they might want to look at this business of the Red Sea conveniently opening up to save Moses from a bit of Doggy Paddle.

And did that Lot bloke really have to shag his daughters to re-populate Mesopotamia after Sodom & Gommorah were given the old Uncle Ken treatement?

And did that chippy really scuttle off up to Heaven on a cloud a few days after the Romans has nailed him to a plank?

Course, they might be right on all scores, and maybe we all SHOULD live our loves according to what the Bible tells us.

not on facebook

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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #6 on September 09, 2010, 09:56:31 am by not on facebook »
the bible lived off the greatest salesmen from their respective times,spouting this and that so called miracel
to help keep the faith.

there is no such thing as god or what ever god the muslims
follow its all just a good salesman job.

i was brought up as a left footer,catholic upbringing in other
words,went to catholic schools got taught in part by nuns and got disaplined by nuns in my primary school days.

by time i left primary school and started seconday at st peters high cantley i was questioning myself all i had been taught about jesus christ and god and sunday mass.

came to the conclusion it was all b*llocks  from my own steam
and stand by that today.

as for the burning of the koran i now see that a pakistan intrenal minister has now asked interpoll to intervine
in the book burning

he might have a point,but i did not see the same minister
up in arms when his fellow pakistan counrtymen were setting yank flags alight in his own back garden over previous years.

i dont think this pastor will set fire to the koran books
as he claims he will,he is just getting all the publicty he can get  untill the 11th sept,but that will be too late as the damage with the fanatic musslim world has allready been done

infact the fanatic musslims will be begging the pastor to set
the koran books alight as that will help them bounds and bounds with new constricpts and yank flag burners


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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #7 on September 09, 2010, 09:58:31 am by CusworthRovers »
Agreed. We should all try and lead our lives by these babies, with a few updated amendments. I would be amazed if anyone on here has stuck by these:

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'.......except Stock, Copps, Billy, Sean, Ryan

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'.......except for a few statues of past legends out side the KM

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'.....except 'God almighty Sean get some fresh legs on'

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'.....except you also need to crack on with the things you have been unable to do through the week due to having to work

FIVE: 'Honour your father and your mother.'......straight forward that one

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'......yep, another gimmee, unless you are a cold blooded Psychopath

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'..........Come oooooon Moses

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'.........Yep, easy enough

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.'.......unless he continually refuses to prune the conifers, sort the fence or weed the part of his garden that borders yours.

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbour's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour's.'.............except if the wife and female servant or Ox are fit. Is 'knocking the top off one from the wrist' deemed to be coveting?, as I might be able to sort this one.


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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #8 on September 10, 2010, 02:05:09 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Just seen the hick from the sticks God-botherer who was going to burn the Koran on the box.

He said that Moslem leaders in New York had agreed to move the Ground Zero mosque and so he was not now going to burn the Koran.

He said, \"The Iman has agreed to move the mosque and I will be flying to New York to meet the Iman.\"

I reckon he'll be shocked when he sees the Iman holding hands with David Bowie.

The gret, thick as pigshit bell-end.

Ryan B

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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #9 on September 10, 2010, 07:59:02 am by Ryan B »

That'll teach him not to play for hull

Sandy Lane

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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #10 on September 10, 2010, 11:26:11 am by Sandy Lane »
This is such an embarrassment, and a dangerous one at that.  This one red neck is holding the world hostage by his ignorance.  Plus he looks like the Austrian pedophile who held his daughter hostage for 24 years.  Cousin maybe?


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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #11 on September 10, 2010, 11:39:08 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Sandy Lane wrote:
This is such an embarrassment, and a dangerous one at that.  This one red neck is holding the world hostage by his ignorance.  Plus he looks like the Austrian pedophile who held his daughter hostage for 24 years.  Cousin maybe?

Y'know, I thought there was something kiddy-fiddler-esque about him. There are few of these raving loony Christain fundamentalist preachers who don't have some grave sin to cover up - whether it's having their fingers in the till or sticking other extremities into places they shouldn't be.

Maybe they take their lead from the 12th Century Cathar monks in France who believed that they could only show true pennance for their sins if they had experienced grievous sin - so they had fortnight long orgies, then went into church crying for forgiveness and whipping each other.


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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #12 on September 10, 2010, 11:50:00 pm by BobG »
Always did want to be a Cathar heretic me. Pity they got wiped out.....



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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #13 on September 11, 2010, 01:25:41 am by BillyStubbsTears »
BobG wrote:
Always did want to be a Cathar heretic me.

Aye. Me an all.

Apart from the church bit.

And the crying for forgiveness.

And the whipping.

In fact, I just wanted the orgies.


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Re:yank church to burn the koran
« Reply #14 on September 11, 2010, 07:48:44 am by CusworthRovers »
Now that he has bottled it, how about this:

I've got the Koran on CD. If you like I can burn you a copy.


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