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Author Topic: Should we stay or should we go?  (Read 1094 times)

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Should we stay or should we go?
« on December 09, 2011, 09:29:49 pm by Sprotyrover »
Never been one to bull up the Tories but David cameron has got real Cojonnes, we have a trade deficit with Europe lets let em where to go and pull out.

I would hazard a guess and say that here would be about 3 millilon job vacancies as all of our cousins where told to return home.

this would immediately break the Job agencies filthy cartel which enables companies to hire and fire at will and treat the work force like medieval serfs.

I for one am old enough to remember the good old days when we could buy food and commodities on the world market and didnt have to pay through the nose for basic food stuffs in order to subsidise small holders in France and Italy.

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Re: Should we stay or should we go?
« Reply #1 on December 10, 2011, 03:48:54 am by Mr1Croft »
For me Cameron has done the right thing, and what he says in terms of defending it that we are still in a strong position with the 'issues that matter' is quite close to the truth, it didn't sit Britain and so he vetoed it despite it being accepted by (probably) the other 26 member states, he didn't have to do it and would have been easier not to veto but he still did and it is a noble decision.

Europe has always been a weak point for the Tories, they are a split party and always have been, despite one of the (if not the only) achievement of the Heath government was to get us into the EC (or was it ECC then), and yet through Maggie, Major and Hague they remained split on the EU, IDS told his party to shut up about the issue and not talk to take it away from the media, Howard suffered several problems but all eyes were on Blair after the Iraq war.

The problem now is, the Lib Dems are quite pro-european which means had the Commons voted on the issue would the outcome had been the same of that with Hague and Cameron? The Socialists of Miliband aren't very pro-sovereign and would sign over their will to live if it has the word \"Union\" in it's name, along with the 57 Lib Dems and the Pro-Europe Tories it would be too close to speculate the outcome, and could have lead to a vote of no confidence had Cameron lost the vote, thankfully this isn't the case.

Had he signed up to it he would have been slated for not negotiating more for Britain and when he says no he is slated again, Damned if he does, Damned if he doesn't. On a bright side however we still remain a strong game player with NATO, and with our 'special relationship' with the US, the EU will want us to stay to keep an eye on us...


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