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Author Topic: Double glazing experts / Installers.  (Read 1025 times)

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Double glazing experts / Installers.
« on December 13, 2011, 09:20:37 am by Thinwhiteduke »
Any of you guys know a bit more about Double Glazing than I do?

We had a number of windows + a front door installed three years ago by 'The Great Big Window Company', which are causing us a number of problems of late.

The front door itself has been very draughty, and after removing some trim at the top of the door outside there is a 40mm gap between top of door and the above brickworks with a piece of steel laid on top of the door (ie not cut into the brickwork) - this despite the doors supposedly being 'made to measure'.

I have nnoticed a date stamp on the inside of the door frame which is 4 days before we even had a survey and 3 months beforre installation.


1). Is this date stamp the date the door/ frame was made - if so Ive been seriously done?

2). Should the brickwork not be supported by steels which cut into the brickwork to support it? (Three dowsntairs windows are the same as the door.) On the quote it states 'Flat steels where required'.

30. Considering the gaps between frame and brickwork, should these not be filled with explanding foam or something?

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