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Author Topic: Charity Sportsmans Dinner  (Read 1016 times)

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muff licker

  • Forum Member
  • Posts: 202
Charity Sportsmans Dinner
« on February 07, 2012, 09:08:35 am by muff licker »
As some of you are aware i do a lot of findraising for one of my friends little lad, Lewis Jeynes.http://smnthandcoindoncaster.blogspot.com/. On Thursday 12th April my football club, Eden Grove are doing a Sportsmans Dinner at Armthorpe Rugby Club in aid of this fantastic fund.

The tickets are £35 each, which includes a 4 course dinner, comedy (David Lea) and David Johnson (Ex Liverpool player) as a Guest Speaker. Also on the night there will be some fantastic prizes for auction such as signed DRFC shirt, signed Lionel Messi Shirt and an Executive Box at the KM for the Portsmouth Game on the 14th April (which was kindly donated by the VSC. Theres many other prizes that are being auctioned off too.

If this is your kind of night and you want to support a fantastic course and also have a great night, let me know and i can arrange the tickets for you.

Many Thanks


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