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Author Topic: Queen's Jubilee  (Read 19624 times)

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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #90 on June 08, 2012, 04:00:46 pm by rtid88 »
I think the only thing you have achieved from this thread is to make more people think you are an arrogant tit! This is supported by all of your previous posts! That is the only evidence I need!!

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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #91 on June 09, 2012, 12:01:07 am by mjdgreg »
I think the only thing you have achieved from this thread is to make more people think you are super intelligent! This is supported by all of your previous posts! That is the only evidence I need!!

Look, all I ask is that where people don't agree with me they put their point of view across in a coherent, logical, sensible, manner. It seems that because I make such an excellent case the only way that people can respond is by childish abuse. Take a leaf out of my book and don't sink so low.

Admit when you're beaten and lets move on. If no-one comes back to me on any of the excellent points I've previously made lets just agree that I've won the debate hands down and move on to the next one (which I'll also win).
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 12:41:29 am by mjdgreg »


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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #92 on June 09, 2012, 04:43:24 pm by jucyberry »
Oh I think you will find that Prince Charles is an extremely intelligent man, getting a 2:1 AT Cambridge isn't to be sniffed at after all.

And as most of the royal palaces don't belong to the Queen herself then I would guess there would be quite a to do if she opened them up. Your suggestion that she should do so is facile in the extreme. I think you would have to go a long way to find any person rich, famous or middling who would do that.. You yourself have already stated that you wouldn't...For the record I would think that the average person living on the streets is hard enough.. poor souls have to be to survive.

This is 2012 not one of the 33 years before Jesus's crucifixion, he had far more freedom than the Queen would today and remember what happened to him when he ran around doing things the establishment didn't aprove of...................If he was real..


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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #93 on June 09, 2012, 05:22:54 pm by mjdgreg »
Oh I think you will find that Prince Charles is an extremely intelligent man, getting a 2:1 AT Cambridge isn't to be sniffed at after all.

He got a 2: 2 which is to be sniffed at. Bear in mind he had the best teachers and was at the best university that could be funded by tax payers. I notice you don't mention the fact that he shouldn't have been allowed to go there in the first place due to his poor A level grades which were also achieved at the best school and with the best teachers that tax payers could fund. He only went to Cambridge because of privilege and nepotism and took the place of a far more able student. Totally wrong.

At school he only got 5 'O' levels. It's reasonable to assume that if he'd gone to the local comp he probably wouldn't have got any and certainly would not have been allowed to do 'A' levels. Therefore it's obvious he is thick. He lectures professors etc. just because he's a prince forgetting that he has the intellectual nous of a buffoon. Privilege in action again.


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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #94 on June 09, 2012, 06:24:59 pm by jucyberry »
On the 2:1 I stand corrected, Was talking results with the fella this afternoon and got them muddled....
I would hardly say getting five O levels mean s a person is  'thick'
However, from what I have read on university grades and what he told me this afternoon, a 2:2 from Cambridge is worth a lot more than one from a small provincial uni.

I think he is far more intelligent than you give him credit for, only a small portion of what we learn is learnt at school, we learn from experience, from the people around us and from the situations we find ourselves in and most of all from the things that interest us most..


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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #95 on June 09, 2012, 07:42:40 pm by mjdgreg »
I think he is far more intelligent than you give him credit for, only a small portion of what we learn is learnt at school, we learn from experience, from the people around us and from the situations we find ourselves in and most of all from the things that interest us most..

Why did he go to Cambridge? It certainly wasn't his less than stunning academic achievements. if as you say we learn from experience and the people around us then he definitely is thick because he's had a far from normal experience of life. He's been brought up in a very weird way.


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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #96 on June 09, 2012, 09:13:39 pm by jucyberry »
He has also had access to the brightest minds, the most progressive thinkers and the most exceptional people of our age, he meets people that you could only dream of meeting, he surrounds himself with academics.. Wasn't that one of di's gripes? that his friends were all too clever...A 'thick' person wouldn't feel comfortable surrounding himself with so many uber intelligent types..

By the way thick is a horrible term, I have never liked it.


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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #97 on June 09, 2012, 10:23:52 pm by scriptman »
However, from what I have read on university grades and what he told me this afternoon, a 2:2 from Cambridge is worth a lot more than one from a small provincial uni.

Why is it worth a lot more? 

It may be that a Cambridge education carries more weight in the old boys club but mainstream exams are mostly standardised.  A greater level of ‘understanding the subject matter’ is required at the Oxbridge Universities, and it may be that standards are high and students greatly surpass what is required for the level they achieve, but to insinuate that someone with a Cambridge degree is worth more than someone who has studied themselves to the ground for three years at one of your ‘provincial’ red brick universities, is discriminatory to say the least. 

What you suggested is exactly what is wrong with education in this country. Students from public schools are fifty times more likely to get into Oxbridge than students from state schools. Are you saying this is right?  One second you are preaching democracy, the next you argue for a two-tier system. Hard work whether its kids at school or adults in their chosen career should be rewarded equally, regardless of social class or race.  If you want to see your taxes spent on another botched project by the pompous Prince Edward or see your kids refused entry to Oxbridge because their ‘upbringing’ doesn’t fit… then so be it, but I don't.

As for Prince Charles achieving a 2:2 at Cambridge….. let me tell you, a 2:2 at Oxford or Cambridge is seen as a total failure. Such is the pressure at Oxbridge that students are expected to graduate with honours. Oxbridge universities pride themselves on their reputation and weaker students are identified in the first year. 


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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #98 on June 09, 2012, 11:57:00 pm by mjdgreg »
Prince Edward another thickie. No wonder he keeps wasting money on ridiculous projects. Here's what his educational under achievements are:

Educated: Gordonstoun, head boy
Qualifications: three A-levels (English C, History D, Politics D), 2:2 degree in history, Cambridge.

Charlie, his dad and Peter Phillips also went to the same school. Surprise surprise they were all head boy as well. Edward is another one that has gone to Cambridge with piss poor grades and shouldn't have been allowed in. What is it that makes a royal so cut out for the head boy role? Not ability. I know, it must be something to do with privilege and nepotism.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 12:02:15 am by mjdgreg »


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Re: Queen's Jubilee
« Reply #99 on June 16, 2012, 01:19:36 pm by mjdgreg »
Another example of nepotism and privilege. Mummy has decided that Charlie should  become a Field Marshal, Admiral of the Fleet and Marshal of the Royal Air Force. Wtf is going on.


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