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Author Topic: Donald Sterling  (Read 2056 times)

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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #1 on April 26, 2014, 08:51:00 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Apparently he's been invited to stand for UKIP in the European Elections.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #2 on April 27, 2014, 02:49:51 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
Now there's a shock. The UKIP posters around where I live in leeds are at best short sighted but racist in my opinion. Pathetic.

They talk sense on many things but they have a nasty undercurrent in that party. One that actually I don't think farage desires.


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #3 on April 27, 2014, 05:28:59 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

We'll see how much sense they talk on economics when their manifesto comes out.

Last time round, they were proposing the biggest transfer of wealth from average earners to the super-rich that any party has supported in the UK in more than a century. The centrepiece of their economic policy was a flat rate income tax, which would at a stroke eliminate 150 year of movement towards a more socially just taxation system, and which would have given people earning £1m per year an income boost of about £200k.

Nice eh, for a party that claims to be on the side of the common man.

But that's the thing. UKIP, at heart, is the party of the extreme right of the Tory party. The Home Counties stockbroker, golf club set. Of which Farage is a perfect example.

I'll grant you, they have done a fantastic job marketing themselves to the disenfranchised working class. Hats off to them for the way they have done that. But if their policies were ever enacted, those are precisely the people who would get the shite end of the deal.

All that said, I'll be chuffed to bits if UKIP poll 12% in May next year. That'll be the way to ensure a Labour majority, and a subsequent civil war on the Right to match that on the Left in the 1980s - the one that allowed a weird-looking and sounding Leader of the Opposition have a decade in power with historically poor vote share.


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #4 on April 27, 2014, 07:59:46 pm by IC1967 »
Well I'll be voting UKIP. So will many traditional Labour voters. Forget their policies on economics etc. They are really a one issue party. Out of Europe. That's it.

Thanks to them, we will have a referendum in 2017 after the Tories win the next election.

As for them being racist, I don't think they are. All they want is a controllable immigration policy instead of the current madness of a totally open door to all the members of the EU.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #5 on April 28, 2014, 07:56:21 am by big fat yorkshire pudding »
Not a chance, thing is that people voting UKIP will lower the chances of a referendum.  The one thing it could potentially do is cause Milliband a headache.  As he's ruled one out that could cost him votes.

I'm not 100 percent sure what I'd do in a vote,  but we should get a vote.


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #6 on April 28, 2014, 12:22:22 pm by IC1967 »
Tory and UKIP voters are for the most part far more intelligent than Labour voters. In the European elections anyone that wants a referendum on Europe should vote UKIP. I'm sure many Tories and to a lesser extent Labour supporters (as they are not as intelligent) will vote for UKIP. This is because their vote will actually mean something due to proportional representation.

In the general election the voters referred to above will for the most part vote tactically. For example in Doncaster where there is no chance of a Tory victory I will vote UKIP instead. This will help their national share of the vote even though they are unlikely to gain any MPs due to first past the post.

In marginal seats those wanting a referendum will vote Tory. The Tories will win. All the news on the economy is getting better by the day. Labour's poll ratings will start to decline more and more the nearer we get to election day.

For example the recovery is not debt fueled. Another Labour fox shot. This news has gone under the radar but will become common knowledge as we approach election day.


The latest opinion poll shows Labour on 34% and the Tories on 32%. For Labour to have any chance of winning the election they should be riding much higher than they are. 34% at this stage of the electoral cycle is absolutely pathetic. Factor in that the economy is going to continue to roar ahead and Labour's chances of victory are non existent.


If the Scotch vote for independence, Labour are totally stuffed. The polls are showing that a yes vote is becoming increasingly likely.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 12:42:02 pm by IC1967 »


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #7 on April 28, 2014, 01:23:50 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
So Labour only has to drop another 8% in the next 4 weeks for your prediction to come true Mick, eh?


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #8 on April 28, 2014, 01:33:43 pm by Filo »
Tory and UKIP voters are for the most part far more intelligent than Labour voters. In the European elections anyone that wants a referendum on Europe should vote UKIP. I'm sure many Tories and to a lesser extent Labour supporters (as they are not as intelligent) will vote for UKIP. This is because their vote will actually mean something due to proportional representation.

In the general election the voters referred to above will for the most part vote tactically. For example in Doncaster where there is no chance of a Tory victory I will vote UKIP instead. This will help their national share of the vote even though they are unlikely to gain any MPs due to first past the post.

In marginal seats those wanting a referendum will vote Tory. The Tories will win. All the news on the economy is getting better by the day. Labour's poll ratings will start to decline more and more the nearer we get to election day.

For example the recovery is not debt fueled. Another Labour fox shot. This news has gone under the radar but will become common knowledge as we approach election day.


The latest opinion poll shows Labour on 34% and the Tories on 32%. For Labour to have any chance of winning the election they should be riding much higher than they are. 34% at this stage of the electoral cycle is absolutely pathetic. Factor in that the economy is going to continue to roar ahead and Labour's chances of victory are non existent.


If the Scotch vote for independence, Labour are totally stuffed. The polls are showing that a yes vote is becoming increasingly likely.


I'm sure you'll come up with some evidence to back up your claim that Labour voters are less intelligent?


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #9 on April 28, 2014, 06:27:21 pm by IC1967 »
I will. Tories are more likely to own their own home and earn more than Labourites. It is a well known fact that the more intelligent you are the more you earn. It is also intelligent to own your own home and not rent.

Game set and match.



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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #10 on April 28, 2014, 06:58:21 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Looks like the South Koreans and Romanians could do with Mick to sort them out.


Whip round to buy him a one-way ticket anyone?


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #11 on April 29, 2014, 06:00:37 am by IC1967 »
We'd be a lot higher up the home ownership and IQ league tables if we didn't have so many Labour voters in the country.


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #12 on April 29, 2014, 09:47:27 am by Filo »
I own my home Mick, no mortgage, I've got a few quid put away and vote Labour, where do I stand in the Mick IQ table?


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #13 on April 29, 2014, 10:52:08 am by IC1967 »
You are ripe for switching allegiance to the Tories. You are one of the exceptions that proves the rule. I don't think all Labour voters are unintelligent. That's why I said 'for the most part'.

Cream always rises to the top. In general, the higher your wages, the more intelligent you are and the more likely you are to own not rent. This is a simple fact.

Labour relies on a lot of its support by creating a dependency culture amongst the less intelligent. Simple fact. This drags us down the league tables.


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #14 on April 29, 2014, 11:20:16 am by Filo »
I'm on half the amount an hour than I was 5 years ago has my level of intelligence declined?


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #15 on April 29, 2014, 12:01:59 pm by hoolahoop »
I'm on half the amount an hour than I was 5 years ago has my level of intelligence declined?

Filo, Billy why do you get dragged into such absurd arguments......he's not worth it. Anyone that talks about politics and then makes sweeping statement after sweeping statement just to wind you lot up......is NOT worth the time and effort surely ?  :headbang:


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #16 on April 29, 2014, 12:12:03 pm by Filo »
I'm on half the amount an hour than I was 5 years ago has my level of intelligence declined?

Filo, Billy why do you get dragged into such absurd arguments......he's not worth it. Anyone that talks about politics and then makes sweeping statement after sweeping statement just to wind you lot up......is NOT worth the time and effort surely ?  :headbang:

An idiot never knows he's an idiot,  even when all around him people mock, we know he's a WUM, he knows it, the real thing that is alarming is the lengths he goes to in keeping it up, definite psychiatric material if you ask me


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Re: Donald Sterling
« Reply #17 on April 29, 2014, 03:35:23 pm by IC1967 »
I am not a WUM. The views I express are ones that I genuinely believe in. All the views that I express are logical and rational. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence could work that one out.

To try and argue that Labour voters are just as intelligent as Tory voters is laughable. I have produced conclusive proof that what I say is true. Those that disagree with me  have not produced a shred of evidence to contradict me.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 04:47:31 pm by IC1967 »


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