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Who would you like to see as the VSC's nominated charity for 2014/15?

Alzheimer's Society
22 (21.2%)
Bluebell Wood
36 (34.6%)
46 (44.2%)

Total Members Voted: 100

Author Topic: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15  (Read 12708 times)

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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #30 on July 19, 2014, 07:49:34 am by coventryrover »
Just wondering if there's any chance we can get the charitys emblem on the Rovers kit, in a subtle way (sleeve, collar??)  then a small amount of every kit sold can go to Firefly?  £1 per piece of kit (shorts, socks etc etc )???

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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #31 on July 19, 2014, 08:39:02 am by donnybel »
Glad you are sorted Hoola.....
Glad the TO fiasco is sorted too.

The Red Baron

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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #32 on July 19, 2014, 09:49:40 am by The Red Baron »
Just wondering if there's any chance we can get the charitys emblem on the Rovers kit, in a subtle way (sleeve, collar??)  then a small amount of every kit sold can go to Firefly?  £1 per piece of kit (shorts, socks etc etc )???

It sounds like a good idea, but Rovers will have their own charity partner.


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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #33 on July 19, 2014, 09:55:52 am by bobjimwilly »
Just wondering if there's any chance we can get the charitys emblem on the Rovers kit, in a subtle way (sleeve, collar??)  then a small amount of every kit sold can go to Firefly?  £1 per piece of kit (shorts, socks etc etc )???

TRB is probably right. We could probably donate a proportion of every new member/renewal for the VSC, as well as all the charity events we'll be doing over the next 12 months?


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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #34 on July 19, 2014, 10:05:24 am by coventryrover »
OK  no worries.

Perhaps the VSC can have some merchandise with it on?


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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #35 on July 19, 2014, 10:55:49 am by Al4475 »
We could probably donate a proportion of every new member/renewal for the VSC, as well as all the charity events we'll be doing over the next 12 months?

Perhaps the VSC can have some merchandise with it on?

Both of these have got to be worth investigating - let's all hit the ground running and try and raise some serious money for this charity - then do the same next season for whichever charity wins the vote next year and so on!

Let's make DRFC one of the best funds for charity raisers we can!


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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #36 on July 19, 2014, 11:06:24 am by Filo »
The VSC tend to sponsor two or three players a season, could one of those sponsorships be made in the name of Firefly, it might raise awareness of the charity and also get a player involved as well, plus they'll get a mention in the matchday programme, which can only help as well


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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #37 on July 19, 2014, 11:09:11 am by Al4475 »
Nice idea Dave - like it! If we sponsor a player again this season I'm sure that that idea can be facilitated one way or another!


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Re: Final Vote - Choose the VSC Charity for 2014/15
« Reply #38 on July 19, 2014, 11:18:50 am by Filo »
I'm sure there could be mutual benefits in this initiative, Firefly benefit from being the VSC's official charity and they could promote that with some glossy window stickers in their vehicles and maybe a small notice advertising the next event at the KM which could bring in a small amount of revenue to the club as well


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