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Author Topic: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??  (Read 59845 times)

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #30 on November 26, 2015, 02:00:20 pm by Yargo »
I perhaps unfairly yesterday mentioned the incident in a separate thread but have been in contact with a few since this has occurred.
A few things that I do know is that Martin is the best placed person in the ground to pick apart any wrong doings by stewards. He knows the training they should be given better than anyone at the club I've no doubt. With that in mind there must be some repercussions with this.
Secondly, as someone who witnessed an avoidable eviction early in the season there are some severe questions to be asked of those being tasked with doing so.
Why on earth any team was sent to deal with someone so well known to the club is beyond me and frankly an insult to the work Martin does for the club - for free - in his own time.
Lastly there seems to be some gaping gaps in terms of training on conflict resolution and ground regulations. These need fixing very very quickly as we can ill afford for this kind of situation to be carried out on any fan of DRFC.
Back to the drawing board!

I dont think it was unfair, Wes.  To me, its a valid discussion to be had.  After all, this could have happened to any one of us.

I wonder if all the DRSG directors agree..?
What is a DRSG director?

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #31 on November 26, 2015, 02:05:06 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Because one of them gives me the impression his personal axe-grinding is more important to him than representing DRFC supporters interests regarding stewarding. To me, his continual vendetta just damages the integrity and credibility of the DRSG, which is a shame. But that's just my own impression, I don't pretend to speak for others.


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #32 on November 26, 2015, 02:08:43 pm by wesisback »
You would of course be welcome to that opinion. Without knowing which director you're referring to I couldn't possibly comment however I have emailed my concerns to the club regarding this incident and Neil has also been in contact with Martin having suffered with a similar incident of inept stewarding earlier in the season that I witnessed also.


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #33 on November 26, 2015, 03:32:18 pm by Yorkiered »
Because one of them gives me the impression his personal axe-grinding is more important to him than representing DRFC supporters interests regarding stewarding. To me, his continual vendetta just damages the integrity and credibility of the DRSG, which is a shame. But that's just my own impression, I don't pretend to speak for others.


Dagenham Rover

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #34 on November 26, 2015, 05:29:36 pm by Dagenham Rover »
Seems very strange that a DRSG director  is ejected then a few weeks later a VSC  director suffers the same fate................... conspiracy theory or just coincidence :)


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #35 on November 26, 2015, 06:53:17 pm by Donnywolf »
Seems very strange that a DRSG director  is ejected then a few weeks later a VSC  director suffers the same fate................... conspiracy theory or just coincidence :)

Look out Donny Dog I say .... bet they eject DD when he is en route to give me the Pukka Pies !


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #36 on November 26, 2015, 07:13:52 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
Certain 'bouncers' get job satisfaction by ejecting a 'name'. I guess it comes with the job but the folk we employ are not supposed to be bouncers and thankfully the  majority are there to help not hinder.


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #37 on November 26, 2015, 07:34:25 pm by drfchound »
Sorry. I put money in both and presumed wrongly there were connected.

BUT matters not.  The incident if true shows the dangers of buying Season Tickets, you are identified by all at the club. Martin sticks up for the fans..Then HOW just HOW did employees of the club know where he was sitting and why was this done. Answer please Liam Scully or the Club CEO who have attempted recently to cover their tracks in an incident in West Stand match v Barnsley in 90th Minute in which I was involved.

Because SM was sat in the East Stand, wouldn't the club know where he was sat by his seat number?
I dont know whether he is a ST holder or not but either way you are allocated a seat in the East Stand.


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #38 on November 26, 2015, 08:02:57 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Seems very strange that a DRSG director  is ejected then a few weeks later a VSC  director suffers the same fate................... conspiracy theory or just coincidence :)

Look out Donny Dog I say .... bet they eject DD when he is en route to give me the Pukka Pies !

Watch out she DW our DD is a girl/woman/lady

bob the builder

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #39 on November 26, 2015, 09:17:49 pm by bob the builder »
wasn't at game but if this is the same incident I was told then surly the fan involved with all his so called training knows that pushing a steward in the chest is classed as assault and is an ejection
I hope it got caught on cctv so the truth can come out either way


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #40 on November 26, 2015, 09:33:51 pm by bobjimwilly »
Taking someone's mobile phone without consent is also robbery, and maybe the individual felt threatened by 10 or so "ejection squad" stewards? :aok:
Like you said, you wasn't at the game so all you're going on is hearsay. Maybe best to let this be settled by those involved?


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #41 on November 26, 2015, 09:40:12 pm by Filo »
If thats the case, then the steward involved should be sacked and diciplined with immediate effect and reported to the SIA, he's gone well beyond his boundries!


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #42 on November 26, 2015, 09:45:24 pm by BobG »
I recall that for quite some years the official advice of those that represent supporters was that the best way to prevent 'over zealous' policing, by both police and stewards, was to carry, and use, a camera. It appears that carrying a camera is now an offence....

I do suspect though that it might just be that using a camera inside a footy ground is a civil offence. Filming is banned isn't it? I wonder if taking snaps is? And if it is an 'offence', what rights to stewards have to confiscate the offending item? Precious few I would think given it can only be a civil matter at most.

Martin: you have a lot of friends mate. If you need anything, just let me, them, everyone know.




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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #43 on November 26, 2015, 09:48:36 pm by bally1950 »

Goes without saying but I am in your corner my friend


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #44 on November 26, 2015, 09:54:59 pm by BobG »
Just a thought: could this incident be the catalyst to a much more reasonable working relationship between the VSC and the DSRG? I hope so. It's a common cause. It's a cause that has affected both groups. It's a cause that could affect anybody at anytime. Seems like both groups should be working together.... I suspect they may already be doing so. Hope so. Congratulations to everyone who has offered an olive branch.


Dagenham Rover

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #45 on November 26, 2015, 10:02:52 pm by Dagenham Rover »
If thats the case, then the steward involved should be sacked and diciplined with immediate effect and reported to the SIA, he's gone well beyond his boundries!

Damn right!!!!   oh well thats me and Filo ejected next game  :)


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #46 on November 26, 2015, 10:23:44 pm by PDS »
Sad to read this thread in the extreme. Heaven help us all if SM is the sort now to be ejected from a football match. Corporate sponsors only soon if it carries on this way. No space for the normal responsible fan or fans champion.

Death of the game looms large.

Hang your heads DRFC.

My decision not to renew my season ticket after not so much as a "kiss my arse" after being chucked out my seat, followed by my first game since march stood in a bloody queue missing the first goal the other week because a pay on the day turnstile couldn't accept my money?

Always a fan but not a supporter with the way things are now.


Rovers Return

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #47 on November 26, 2015, 10:36:32 pm by Rovers Return »
I was close bye. I won't post anything at the present time until the proper channels have been used. When the facts are posted I can honestly say you will all be gobsmacked as to the totally inappropriate action by a complete arsehole of a steward. Martin was doing what he does, helping out a fellow younger fan that was being picked on. The reaction of our club/stewards was disgraceful at best. Sending a dozen stewards to eject a 60 year old law abiding supporter of 50 years or more. I was ashamed of my club and I still am. The further treatment given to him out of sight on the concourse is even more of concern. I thought we'd left all this behind years ago.


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #48 on November 26, 2015, 11:00:59 pm by DaveDRFC »
Same theory also applies to some referees Rigo.


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #49 on November 26, 2015, 11:03:23 pm by BobG »
Sadly. you'e right Rigo. I've forgotten the name of the chap who did it, but there was a real interesting experiment in an American university quite a few years ago now. One bunch of students in a house was told they had to do exactly what they were told by anther bunch of students. The other bunch were told they could make the first bunch do anything they liked.

These were all intelligent, middle class, well educated people. The cream of the crop so to speak. The experiment lasted, I think, 3 days before the academics had to step in - to stop somebody from being hurt.

The lesson they learned from the experiment was that there is a strong tendancy in people, when put in a position of authority over others, to abuse that power. And that those on the receiving end will almost (but not quite) always accept what's dished out to them. That's why what happened in Nazi Germany could happen anywhere, at any time. Look at Ruanda for one other obvious example. That's why these cretinous stewards at the KM, who are hardly the cream of any crop at all, did what they did.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 11:05:36 pm by BobG »


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #50 on November 26, 2015, 11:11:54 pm by DRFC »
That's why these cretinous stewards at the KM, who are hardly the cream of any crop at all, did what they did.

Easy now, it's not on tarring all our Stewards, who consistently do well in away fan surveys and have an excellent relationship with our own fans, with the actions of a few idiots.

Just as Stewards shouldn't tar all football fans with the actions of a few moron "supporters".


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #51 on November 27, 2015, 06:16:09 am by DearneValleyRover »
Sadly. you'e right Rigo. I've forgotten the name of the chap who did it, but there was a real interesting experiment in an American university quite a few years ago now. One bunch of students in a house was told they had to do exactly what they were told by anther bunch of students. The other bunch were told they could make the first bunch do anything they liked.

These were all intelligent, middle class, well educated people. The cream of the crop so to speak. The experiment lasted, I think, 3 days before the academics had to step in - to stop somebody from being hurt.

The lesson they learned from the experiment was that there is a strong tendancy in people, when put in a position of authority over others, to abuse that power. And that those on the receiving end will almost (but not quite) always accept what's dished out to them. That's why what happened in Nazi Germany could happen anywhere, at any time. Look at Ruanda for one other obvious example. That's why these cretinous stewards at the KM, who are hardly the cream of any crop at all, did what they did.


The Stanford experiment Bob, I believe they have made a film of it.


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #52 on November 27, 2015, 08:21:55 am by wesisback »
That's why these cretinous stewards at the KM, who are hardly the cream of any crop at all, did what they did.

Easy now, it's not on tarring all our Stewards, who consistently do well in away fan surveys and have an excellent relationship with our own fans, with the actions of a few idiots.

Just as Stewards shouldn't tar all football fans with the actions of a few moron "supporters".
On the other side of this, I've praised the stewards that have looked after the South Stand this year. Jan and the guy with the mohican have been as much a part of Black Bank as the supporters. Jan has even contributed to the latest Crowdfunder for scarves. They've gained the respect of everyone up there and that's reflected in the response they get when they need to do their job.


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #53 on November 27, 2015, 09:05:52 am by DearneValleyRover »
That's why these cretinous stewards at the KM, who are hardly the cream of any crop at all, did what they did.

Easy now, it's not on tarring all our Stewards, who consistently do well in away fan surveys and have an excellent relationship with our own fans, with the actions of a few idiots.

Just as Stewards shouldn't tar all football fans with the actions of a few moron "supporters".
On the other side of this, I've praised the stewards that have looked after the South Stand this year. Jan and the guy with the mohican have been as much a part of Black Bank as the supporters. Jan has even contributed to the latest Crowdfunder for scarves. They've gained the respect of everyone up there and that's reflected in the response they get when they need to do their job.

Agree with you Wes not all the stewards should be tarred with the same brush, let this incident be dealt with through the correct channels as RTR has stated.

wing commander

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #54 on November 27, 2015, 09:11:15 am by wing commander »
   I despair with this club at times...I'm genuinely beginning to question Gavin for the first time....We cant sort out the catering after 3 years,We cant sort out our own stewards,We cant sort out overflowing toilets,nobody at the club ever answers a e-mail even bloody sponsorship and that's the start.....In Rovers we trust??????????? Gavin needs to get a bloody grip of one or two at this club because I don't trust them at the moment...And that's a very bad thing!!!!


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #55 on November 27, 2015, 09:16:34 am by IDM »
Wingco do you know what the club has and has not done in reaction to this incident? 

wing commander

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #56 on November 27, 2015, 09:27:27 am by wing commander »
   Nope not a clue,i haven't spoken to Martin,i'm sure he has enough on his plate at the minute..but it's just another in whats becoming a long list of failures that the clubs senior management seems incapable of addressing or putting right as far as I'm concerned...


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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #57 on November 27, 2015, 09:38:02 am by Yorkiered »
   I despair with this club at times...I'm genuinely beginning to question Gavin for the first time....We cant sort out the catering after 3 years,We cant sort out our own stewards,We cant sort out overflowing toilets,nobody at the club ever answers a e-mail even bloody sponsorship and that's the start.....In Rovers we trust??????????? Gavin needs to get a bloody grip of one or two at this club because I don't trust them at the moment...And that's a very bad thing!!!!

I think you have very good reason to question Gavin Baldwin. Terry Bramall and Dick Watson etc are putting the money into the club but they have put him in charge of running it.
We all know he could write his knowledge of football on the back of a postage stamp but I thought he was supposed to be a good administrator?
There is a saying in business that you are as good as the people that work for you. I guess that says an awful lot!!

Rovers Return

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #58 on November 27, 2015, 09:41:39 am by Rovers Return »
   Nope not a clue,i haven't spoken to Martin,i'm sure he has enough on his plate at the minute..but it's just another in whats becoming a long list of failures that the clubs senior management seems incapable of addressing or putting right as far as I'm concerned...

I have! At this moment in time the club have made  zilch, zip, no contact with Martin at all which is disgusting considering the amount he has done for them, for free, over the years. Not even a phone call to ask how he is and to say "What happened there then Martin?"

If you witnessed the incident it might be worthwhile sending in a statement which will be met with. ' We are investigating'

Storm in a tea cup that could be settled in a matter of minutes if it was so inclined.  :thumbdown:

wing commander

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Re: Fan ejected at back of east stand ??
« Reply #59 on November 27, 2015, 09:46:38 am by wing commander »
i've met Gavin a couple of times in meetings and there is no doubt he does talk a good game when it comes to business..But one thing running a  business has taught me over the years is talking and doing are two different things..In Rovers we trust is good for fancy aims on boards in the concourses but its about reality and frankly we are going backwards fast when it comes to fans liason....Fans are ignored or given lip service and there doesn't seem to be the slightest appetite to put this right...One or two of his more recent appointments have got to be questioned too (not the manager)


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