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Author Topic: Doncaster Cartel Council  (Read 2221 times)

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Doncaster Cartel Council
« on February 24, 2016, 12:00:45 am by donnyallday »
Having spent a month in D.R.I then a further 6/7 weeks being cared for away from home due to not knowing what day it was, high on painkilling morphine .recovering injuries and doped up pain relief .

When i eventually was able to look after myself i went home and found 2 letters on the mat. Council tax reminder for £71.00 and the other was a summons to court. How nice of them.urt

Phoned up several times to be in a 40 minute queue only to be cut off. Wrote a letter to them with Hospital papers , sent proof of all medical records, then got a letter back saying the court case still going ahead.

After that failed tried speaking to council legal team answer machine only. Went in person to their office , explained everything, still said its going to court but fill these forms in, which i did. Court day arrives, my name is not on a listing, strange. Two council people approached me trying to usher me out of court and over to their cartel office and make payments. No i said i want to see a judge ive been summoned to appear, i have ill health grounds why i missed payments. You will need to wait all day though he said, this guy knows its a corrupt business as much as i do, tell you what he says , if you are practically dying and miss payments thats not a valid excuse and the judge still find you guilty. Go over to our office and make a payment and we will waiver our costs. WTF.   So  our council send out their own fraud court papers, with no court record of you then bribe you to pay up by dropping costs. The vulnerable , ill , old  or any other person who has a genuine case for missing a payment gets treated like this is f**king shocking.  This isnt about poll tax dodging, its about a council that shows no empathy, common sense and humanity, sending unlawful paper work out and adding costs to the misfortunate folks of Doncaster. Shame on these Corrupt t**ts.   Thoughts ?

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silent majority

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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #1 on February 24, 2016, 12:41:27 am by silent majority »
Wow, that's shocking. There must be somebody who can look at this, an ombudsman maybe?


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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #2 on February 24, 2016, 06:37:11 am by Sprotyrover »
Sounds like a story of under staffing due to austerity to me.ring the STAR and ring TOBY Foster on radio Dee Dah this morning he will get fat Ross squirming!


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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #3 on February 24, 2016, 06:59:26 am by Filo »
Take the Court Papers to the Police and ask them to investigate them

wilts rover

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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #4 on February 24, 2016, 10:36:10 am by wilts rover »
Yes, if you have recieved a summons to court - when you have not actually been summoned to court - then someone has acted fraduently, go to the police. You could if you wish go to Citizens Advice first and get their opinion too.


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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #5 on February 24, 2016, 10:44:23 am by MachoMadness »
Yes, if you have recieved a summons to court - when you have not actually been summoned to court - then someone has acted fraduently, go to the police. You could if you wish go to Citizens Advice first and get their opinion too.

This. Hope you get some justice man. Simply abhorrent and a deliberate attempt to extort the most vulnerable people in society.


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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #6 on February 24, 2016, 03:52:25 pm by idler »
Write to your MP as well.
I would ask for compensation as well for your distress,time and transport costs.
I would also record the names of all council employees that you speak to.
This is a disgusting way to treat people.


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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #7 on February 24, 2016, 09:43:42 pm by BobG »
If there's not another intepretation, any Judge will go ballistic if they find that a council has been threatening people in the name of the Court without any action by the Court. Judges tend to be very jealous of their privileges and rights.

It does sound a bit unlikely though tbh. No Council is going to open itself as stupidly as this appears. Is there not soem other explanation? Court papers were served and then withdrawn but there hasn't been time to issue the letters confirming who's doing what to whom now?  Some plonker thicko aking things up he had no right to?

Did you pay in the end? Speaking entirely selfishly, I hope you didn't! :)



Dagenham Rover

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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #8 on February 24, 2016, 09:53:21 pm by Dagenham Rover »
If there's not another intepretation, any Judge will go ballistic if they find that a council has been threatening people in the name of the Court without any action by the Court. Judges tend to be very jealous of their privileges and rights.

It does sound a bit unlikely though tbh. No Council is going to open itself as stupidly as this appears. Is there not soem other explanation? Court papers were served and then withdrawn but there hasn't been time to issue the letters confirming who's doing what to whom now?  Some plonker thicko aking things up he had no right to?

Did you pay in the end? Speaking entirely selfishly, I hope you didn't! :)



I would presume it was withdrawn after the medical evidence etc however perhaps the council is accidentally forgetting to tell people, so if they turn up to court they can divert them  and persuade them to pay up.
I can't imagine they are sending fraudulent court  paperwork out surely the council wouldnt be that stupid! but it needs further looking at


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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #9 on February 25, 2016, 12:28:04 am by donnyallday »
Thanks for the comments guys.
Here goes, Firstly i should of paid my missed installment then applied for council tax relief by filling the claim forms in , wait for it to be processed and if granted on health grounds i would be ok. How you manage that though from a sick bed is beyond me. If they would of picked the phone up and explained or even the staff when i went in explained it may have been different. Getting the claim form in and passed is the key issue.

Legislation by the government gives them the power to do this. The Council issue their own summonses granted under legislation by the government because other wise The Magistrates couldnt cope with the volume of default payments in the U.K. Its quite legal because its an act... but its unlawful, these are two different things. We as humans are supposed to live in a common law jurisdiction, thats what the magna carta  and blacks law dictionary is for.

From research it appears the council hire a court once a month in every u.k town and the judge isnt a magistrate, its a legal representative hired by the council to pass judgement. A proper magistrate has to swear on oath but because of any repercussions he wont entertain it. The police dont want to know because its a civil matter, the mps dont want to know because its backed by the government, its basically legal but unlawful.  Ive read hours and hours on these matters, watched tons of youtube vids of people fighting this corruption and its a closed shop.  We are basically held to ransom as slaves . Corruption is rife with the parliament, courts ,banks, police, energy companies, bailiffs, the list is endless, they all piss in the same pot. Has a young adult when walking through town you would hear the odd idiot shouting stuff like this off a soap box, now im a lot older and things like the internet and researching stuff, i realise these guys wasnt idiots, because we are programmed from birth.  We need to really wake up and and fight these corruptions for our children and grandchildren before we really do become a nazi britain .  On a last note, i paid the remainder and will get it reimbursed when my application gets passed if i apply for it or get a reduction next year, costs were dropped. I phoned the free press about the council rubber stamping false documents, they are aware and somebody was supposed to ring back, not holding my breathe , probably they dont like treading on the councils unlawful cartel.   Peace and up The Rovers.


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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #10 on February 25, 2016, 10:39:13 pm by BobG »
Can you explain, please D.A.D. what it is that's illegal and why it's illegal- especially when you suggested there's an Act of Parliament behind it? I'm quite confused tbh!

Cheers :)



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Re: Doncaster Cartel Council
« Reply #11 on February 26, 2016, 12:18:36 pm by donnyallday »
 O.K Bob, i shall try and explain, its very hard to understand because its designed to bamboozle us all to contract.
Politicians are legally trained in law and produce acts and statutes which we follow, it usually consists of gaining monies from us all from taxes, fines, penalty charges etc, thats why magistrates courts legalese known as court de facto, commercial court out for profit and gain , court of non record, these courts are listed on company house, even police stations are companies for profit. Acts are not laws, they become law if you the person being agree, giving joinder to both, written or verbal, thats a legal contract, it need your consent to become law.  I used the words in my previous posts as LEGAL  AND UNLAWFUL, i didnt use the word ILLEGAL.  Now LEGAL is an act, needs 2 partys to agree to become LAW.  Now LAWFUL is what it isTHE LAW, which basically no harm , loss or damage to another, which becomes criminal. And rightly so.  I shall give you an example about an act now. If you buy a parking ticket for an hour and due to unforseen circumstances you are late due to no fault of your own, emergency etc. You then get a penalty notice which they demand you pay, because you have bought a ticket you have contracted and agreed to their policywhich would have been an act to start with, but by agreeing its now become Law, CONTRACT LAW,  which you have broken. Now what youve done is made a genuine mistake by underpaying for the ticket, becuase of the unforseen  problem you had before hand. Now, why should you be PUNISHED BY A FINE FOR SOMETHING OUT OF YOUR CONTRLOL if you have not cost anyperson harm loss or damage or commerce without the injured party proving you have. Like my case, i was ill and in hospital ,genuine case, they are now fully paid, even though its march 2016 when the poll tax final demand is. So i broke my contact for a month due to missed payments, punished for being ill . ACT are designed to cost you ,out for commercial gain. Thats legal by consent, laws of the sea which is unlawful. Lawful is Laws of the land, thats what applies because we live on the land, i.e Cause no loss , harm or damage to another human. We are having acts forced on us to contact which creates money, mainly from us. We are all equil under law or should be, what gives Cameron or Thatcher the right to dictate our lives as an equil.  Look up JOHN HARRIS on you tube, theirs one where hes stood up explaining everything in great detail from birth , what a birth certificate REALLY means, to the systems the law , the acts the police , the politicians, it coverseverything what you need to understand, its very very interesting, some extremes granted , but TRUE  and factual. Hope it helps. We need to wake up folks, we are run by corruption.  Why be fooled, duped and punished for simple mistakes we make if youve caused no harm to another.  Please look and research, its an eye opener.


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