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Author Topic: FLA march this weekend in London.  (Read 18431 times)

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not on facebook

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FLA march this weekend in London.
« on October 04, 2017, 08:51:31 pm by not on facebook »
FLA > Football Lads Allience wil be having their 2nd march this weekend,the first been 3 month back where 10,000 football lads from numerous different clubs marched in a silent protest against extreme Muslim terrorists.

The march went well with no reported trouble at all.

This weekend there will be far more lads from far more clubs all over the country ,as more northern ,midlands and Scottish/ welsh clubs will have lads on the march.

My guess will be 20,000+ maybe close to 30,000 that will turn out.
I know for a fact that lads will be turning up from Norway,Belgium,Poland and other European country's to join in.

No club or country  colours are allowed on the march along with chants ,hence a silent march.

Word on the street is that the antifa nut jobs plan to attack or disrupt the FLA march .if so this will be the test for the FLA > fingers crossed that the antifa lot stay in bed.

For the life of me I can't quite workout what the antifa will accuse the FLA march of been in their quest to disrupt it.

Racist scum > no as blacks and Hindus will be within the FLA march  in numbers .
There will be no sign of st George flags etc etc .

Mondays  newspapers will have it all over the front pages should it turn nasty,and bugger all if the  march is peacefull just like the first march.

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #1 on October 04, 2017, 10:22:29 pm by RedJ »
You're absolutely desperate for Antifa to try and disrupt it aren't you? they've not even said anything about it, and they may never say anything about it, yet you're already foaming at the mouth about the idea of it. :laugh:

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #2 on October 04, 2017, 11:59:28 pm by not on facebook »
I really hope the antifa stay in bed and stay well out of the way,but you be a fool if groups like the antifa were not taken into account.

Last time the march was held it was when Glastonbury was on ,there is nothing keeping said group off the streets this weekend.

It's as simple as this mr red ,20,000+ FLA march this weekend and no outside groups are there to disturb it ,the march will pass by trouble free as the FLA will police themselves.

If likes of antifa are out and about trying to disturb things ,you can't say FLA march will pass by trouble free.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #3 on October 05, 2017, 05:10:33 pm by RedJ »
But you're getting pissed off about something that may not happen and probably won't. :laugh:


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #4 on October 06, 2017, 04:49:44 pm by DubaiRover »
FLA, don't make me laugh, I do hope someone makes a rerun of dads army with this shower, who think they are our countries saviours and last line of defence. You have a handful that truly believe they are saviours, then the right wing loons who just follow on and the few who will inevitably make a few quid selling shite. What is it they hope to achieve?

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #5 on October 06, 2017, 07:08:06 pm by not on facebook »
DR > at least they are trying to be at lest heard via the silent no club or country march .

The 1st march had likes of west ham/ millwall ,Spurs/Chelsea in large numbers with not one bit of stress within the march.
Now if them 4 mobs of lads can keep their hands clean all and sundry can and will.

They have a closed shop Facebook page and there is a waiting list of numerous wanting to get in .every application to Join the Facebook page is checked through ,and if your background don't fit within what the FLA set out you will not get into the Facebook page.

1st march had 10,000 with  90% or more been of 40+ age upto to 60 years old I guess > so all old heads .

The march this weekend will pull 20,000+ for sure with a lot more clubs represented with a much wider age scale.

But just like the football mobs of the 1980s the older heads will run s tight ship as respect will pass all the way down as all and sundry will know how to act or not act on the march.

If some right wing lads turn up ,they will soon be rooted out if they decide to play up in a right wing way.same can be said if any lads chant club songs or turn up with club/country colours.

Iam 200% certian that there will be no fisty cuffs between any rival firms within the march ,no club or country colours or chants.

Iam told they have over 60,000 on the Facebook page ,with a waiting list behind that. They have asked not for lads to vouch for girlfriends wives or non football lads to be vouched to join the Facebook .

If this march is successful ,that will lead into a 3rd march I guess with even more turning up as momentum wil kick in .
Keeping that momentum on the up will be their problem I figure.

Will the FLA save the country ,I doubt it but at least it gives a Middle of the road working class lads the opportunity to walk a march without been deemed a racist etc etc and a platform to build  from.

Will it stop hands getting dirty at the football the weekend after the march , I doubt it but that's not the point of the FLA .

Geoff Blakesley

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #6 on October 06, 2017, 08:40:31 pm by Geoff Blakesley »
I have never heard of anything so stupid as this march. Why Muslim terrorists? Isn't the word Muslim irrelevant? Isn't it terrorists that are the problem be they Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or No Religion. Just a load of Racists looking for an excuse for a day out and to ply their hate and filth. A pathetic irrelevance.

An old head that knows better.

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #7 on October 06, 2017, 09:14:41 pm by not on facebook »
My mistake Jeff its FLA aginst extreme terrorist  or terrorism going from what banner they was walking behind last time out.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #8 on October 07, 2017, 08:22:13 pm by MachoMadness »
FFS can we give it a rest with Antifa. Thing with Antifa is, they're held up by the far-right as a sort of counterpoint to all the racist, sexist, neo-nazi marching that's been going off recently. It's sort of a "look, the other side has bad guys too!" sort of thing, trying to deflect away from the real issues.

Not everyone to the left of UKIP is in Antifa. Even if they were, what actually is Antifa? It's not a solid group like, say, Britain First. There isn't a leader, there are just a series of unconnected cells. Some of those cells treat it more as a social club, and just hang out and drink tea together. Some use it to raise money for charities. Some go on protests etc for a variety of causes, and some are the kind of black mask wearing d**kheads that go around kicking shop windows in. BUT, not every black tracksuit wearing rioter is in Antifa, just like not every Antifa 'member' is a rioter either.

It's a very complicated issue, and frankly the way Antifa is held up as some sort of counterbalance to condone fascist and neo-nazi marching is disgusting quite frankly. Not accusing anyone in this thread of that btw, just something I've been noticing a lot of on social media recently.

It's easy to imagine there's an organised army of black-clad anarchists coming to get you, but that's just not the case.

Geoff Blakesley

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #9 on October 07, 2017, 09:00:31 pm by Geoff Blakesley »
Great displays in the middle of Leeds today. Me and my wife were encouraged to come in for free food (langhar) from an extremely friendly group of Sikhs. All people are welcome to a free meal regardless of their sex,colour or religion. in Briggate there was also a big presence of Muslims against extremism. As Jo Cox said and was murdered for we have more in common than separates us.

Geoff Blakesley

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #10 on October 07, 2017, 09:29:47 pm by Geoff Blakesley »
My mistake Jeff its FLA aginst extreme terrorist  or terrorism going from what banner they was walking behind last time out.

A Freudian slip is a verbal or memory mistake that is believed to be linked to the unconscious mind. These slips supposedly reveal the real secret thoughts and feelings that people hold.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #11 on October 07, 2017, 10:06:39 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
My mistake Jeff its FLA aginst extreme terrorist  or terrorism going from what banner they was walking behind last time out.

That's Grand then Oslo. We're all against extreme terrorists.

Personally, I can live with moderate terrorists though.

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #12 on October 07, 2017, 10:21:15 pm by not on facebook »
Suppose > no terrorist > would be better all round BST ,but that is a big ask.

Looks like Iam on end of a  slight type of terrorism via a certian SR off here since about tea time today.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 02:35:49 am by not on facebook »


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #13 on October 07, 2017, 11:15:53 pm by RedJ »
Did you hear the sound of the joke going over your head?

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #14 on October 07, 2017, 11:32:31 pm by not on facebook »
Did you hear the sound of the joke going over your head?

You mean that joke sad rovers  ,saying he wants to kick my head in infront of  my family  as witnesses ? some joke that redj.

I have just taken out a upgrade on my health insurance policy ,to cover attacks from > A clown or a mob of clowns > full comp > nose bleeds ,fat lips , back eyes .
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 02:35:18 am by not on facebook »


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #15 on October 08, 2017, 12:06:17 am by RedJ »
Did you hear the sound of the joke going over your head?

You mean that joke Jeff blaksley ,saying he wants to kick my head in infront of  my family  as witnesses ? some joke that redj.

I have just taken out a upgrade on my health insurance policy ,to cover attacks from > A clown or a mob of clowns > full comp > nose bleeds ,fat lips , back eyes .

...yes, that's obviously what I meant while replying to your post that was replying to BST...

Jesus wept.

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #16 on October 08, 2017, 12:19:44 am by not on facebook »
Yes I did clock mr BST sense of humour .

But Iam on defcon 1 alert and Iam trying to workout where this threat from SR was posted since it seems powers that be have removed it,which in turn tells me there was such a post.

I was using your post in hope to draw out SR into the open or anyone else that read the post in question ,but to no avail as the cat is now out of the bag .

I guess worse things happen at sea .
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 02:34:48 am by not on facebook »

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #17 on October 08, 2017, 03:00:34 am by not on facebook »
I would like to say sorry to mr Geoff blakesley 1001 times as i was wrong when I wrote that Geoff basically had posted he wanted  to kick my head in infront of my family to see.

I kept on thinking that this is not the behavior of a school teacher.

I never got to read the said post as  addmin have deleted the post which was posted by another member  as such a post was out there Iam told.

Sorry Geoff

wilts rover

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #18 on October 08, 2017, 09:20:50 am by wilts rover »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.



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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #19 on October 08, 2017, 11:59:44 am by Glyn_Wigley »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.


How's that for being 'anti-extremism'?!

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #20 on October 08, 2017, 12:06:53 pm by not on facebook »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.



You mean this mr wilts > who are yer who are yer or who the f**king hell are you > two chants that are sang at the football game in game out.

30,000 passed by that small group of left wing socialist pillockks ,whose planned to stand at that exact spot handing out their socialist filth newsheets to a huge mob of football fans who are just all in the main non political .

The police were stood there and did not make one arrest as I doubt that they can drag a lad into the courts for chanting 'who the f**king hell are you '

Not one kick or punch thrown .

Geoff Blakesley

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #21 on October 08, 2017, 02:09:34 pm by Geoff Blakesley »
Apology accepted NOF.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #22 on October 08, 2017, 02:12:32 pm by RedJ »
So we're back to "anyone whose opinion is different to mine is a Kitson".


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #23 on October 08, 2017, 03:40:53 pm by Muttley »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.



You mean this mr wilts > who are yer who are yer or who the f**king hell are you > two chants that are sang at the football game in game out.

30,000 passed by that small group of left wing socialist pillockks ,whose planned to stand at that exact spot handing out their socialist filth newsheets to a huge mob of football fans who are just all in the main non political .

The police were stood there and did not make one arrest as I doubt that they can drag a lad into the courts for chanting 'who the f**king hell are you '

Not one kick or punch thrown .

Just coins and cans.

I reckon the police would have been justified in arresting the "football lad" who said "I'll ****ing cut you up, you ****"

wilts rover

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #24 on October 08, 2017, 04:19:37 pm by wilts rover »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.



You mean this mr wilts > who are yer who are yer or who the f**king hell are you > two chants that are sang at the football game in game out.

30,000 passed by that small group of left wing socialist pillockks ,whose planned to stand at that exact spot handing out their socialist filth newsheets to a huge mob of football fans who are just all in the main non political .

The police were stood there and did not make one arrest as I doubt that they can drag a lad into the courts for chanting 'who the f**king hell are you '

Not one kick or punch thrown .

Apologies Oslo, when you said in your opening post that no chants or songs were going to be allowed as it was a silent march I just presumed that it would be a silent march with no chants or songs. So the next time you say one thing I shall just take it that the opposite will be the truth.

Just to make it even clearer there is no one in that anti-fascist group protesting against that march. All the placards they have are anti-racisit and anti-islamaphobia - thus they are also opposing extremists who have those views. You would therefore expect people on an anti-extremism march to applaud them rather than abuse them.

You can tell me they are anti-extremist. I will look and see what they do and say and make my own mind up. Just like the Army veterans charity who was supposed to be co-organising it with them did when they pulled out two days before.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #25 on October 08, 2017, 04:47:41 pm by MachoMadness »
Those counter protesters seemed to be made up of teachers, according to the banners they were holding. Hardly some left wing socialist group, is it?

Are we really at a point now where everyone to the left of the f**king EDL are "socialist flith"? f**k me. I'm really baffled about the reality Oslo lives in. Oslo mate, the very video you posted shows these "peaceful" FLA guys pointing at black and brown faces yelling "terrorist scum", trying to square up to counter-protesters behind the police cordon, slapping leaflets out of people's hands. Yet apparently this is a peaceful march being antagonised by "Antifa" socialists who are also teachers. Just baffling.

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #26 on October 08, 2017, 05:35:14 pm by not on facebook »
Apology accepted NOF.

Your a gentleman sir a gentleman ,I will sleep a lot better tonight believe me.

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #27 on October 08, 2017, 05:43:40 pm by not on facebook »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.



You mean this mr wilts > who are yer who are yer or who the f**king hell are you > two chants that are sang at the football game in game out.

30,000 passed by that small group of left wing socialist pillockks ,whose planned to stand at that exact spot handing out their socialist filth newsheets to a huge mob of football fans who are just all in the main non political .

The police were stood there and did not make one arrest as I doubt that they can drag a lad into the courts for chanting 'who the f**king hell are you '

Not one kick or punch thrown .

Apologies Oslo, when you said in your opening post that no chants or songs were going to be allowed as it was a silent march I just presumed that it would be a silent march with no chants or songs. So the next time you say one thing I shall just take it that the opposite will be the truth.

Just to make it even clearer there is no one in that anti-fascist group protesting against that march. All the placards they have are anti-racisit and anti-islamaphobia - thus they are also opposing extremists who have those views. You would therefore expect people on an anti-extremism march to applaud them rather than abuse them.

You can tell me they are anti-extremist. I will look and see what they do and say and make my own mind up. Just like the Army veterans charity who was supposed to be co-organising it with them did when they pulled out two days before.

I just saw one big mob walking by a much smaller mob and giving them volleys of verbal abuse via chants with a few gobbling off whatever.
One bloke was calling them terrorists ,but it’s not a nickable offence is it the whole behavior of the walk pass.

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #28 on October 08, 2017, 05:53:14 pm by not on facebook »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.



You mean this mr wilts > who are yer who are yer or who the f**king hell are you > two chants that are sang at the football game in game out.

30,000 passed by that small group of left wing socialist pillockks ,whose planned to stand at that exact spot handing out their socialist filth newsheets to a huge mob of football fans who are just all in the main non political .

The police were stood there and did not make one arrest as I doubt that they can drag a lad into the courts for chanting 'who the f**king hell are you '

Not one kick or punch thrown .

Apologies Oslo, when you said in your opening post that no chants or songs were going to be allowed as it was a silent march I just presumed that it would be a silent march with no chants or songs. So the next time you say one thing I shall just take it that the opposite will be the truth.

Just to make it even clearer there is no one in that anti-fascist group protesting against that march. All the placards they have are anti-racisit and anti-islamaphobia - thus they are also opposing extremists who have those views. You would therefore expect people on an anti-extremism march to applaud them rather than abuse them.

You can tell me they are anti-extremist. I will look and see what they do and say and make my own mind up. Just like the Army veterans charity who was supposed to be co-organising it with them did when they pulled out two days before.

Are you getting hung up because 30 handed small group of school teachers look alikes got chants sang at them in a silent march mr  wilts.

Look on the great side of this march ,not one broken window or one police siren ,no cars or local shops damaged as they got their point across,

The reason why FLA ask for a silent march is because they are bowing down to the antifa and socialist etc etc ,because if they was all singing England or rule Britannia etc etc they andvyoutself would all be claiming that it was a racist march.

Hence why no club or country flags or banners aswell .

If  the same 30000 do the same march next week with english and Union jacks all over the place with engerland till I die chants it be all over the bbc news and spouted from crank jobs like yourself it was all racist .

German Rover

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #29 on October 08, 2017, 05:53:39 pm by German Rover »
I saw a load of middle aged never were going be's, hiding their fear of the world behind bravado and safety in numbers.

Depends on your perspective I suppose.


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