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Author Topic: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair  (Read 2974 times)

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Just thought I'd share this letter/comment to the Guardian with you all (again not mine)

''I was unlucky enough to have to apply for UC a few years ago. My mother had passed away and I had taken it pretty hard. After the lease ran out on my flat I was able to stay with family for a little while. However, they had to move and were starting a family so I had to move out and get a job. I was able to stay in a friend's flat whilst he was away and as I was actively looking for work I went on UC. I was unemployed longer than I had anticipated, so was sent to one of their outsourced 'agencies' where I was treated with a total lack of respect, compassion and understanding.

90% of the communication from the DWP to me was in the form of threats regarding sanctions and what they could and would do if I did not follow the rules. I always stuck to their rules, turned up early to all my meetings, did the five hours per day of job searching, etc. I never received any sanctions. However, I lived in constant fear as if my benefit was cut off for 4-12 weeks I had no one to turn to, no savings to rely on and no method of feeding myself. I am a graduate and am now back in secure, full-time employment, although, at that time I had no other back-up or people I could fall back on.

At every meeting I was told not to turn up late for the next meeting (despite being early to every single one previously) and the effect on my health was dramatic. I lost weight, I ground my teeth so much I had to get a gum shield, I started getting eczema and I became an insomniac. The fear of becoming homeless was very real and could so easily have happened if I had failed to turn up for just one meeting.

Not only that, but my advisor was almost desperate for me to foul up. They would set me almost impossible tasks like attending ten different recruitment agencies in one day. Nowadays, most agencies do not even have an office so this was extremely difficult - but I did it. They said, on record, that I turned up smelling of alcohol, despite the fact that I had not had a drink in over 8 years (I never have a problem - I just stopped drinking one day). They even called me a liar regarding one of my job applications - they accused me of not following one of them up because they could not get hold of the person I 'claimed' to have spoken to. It turned out that the person was on holiday, nothing more.

I made an official complaint and I thought it was taken seriously until the day of the hearing where I was told that my advisor was well-respected and had been giving me good advice but would try and mention sanctions less. It was a sham.

It was only a few years ago and thankfully my circumstances have changed for the better. However, there were several months that I felt dehumanised and was brought right to the edge of sanity. If I had missed just one meeting my story could have been very different.

I feel for everyone who goes through this. If people are dying then the system is broken. If just one person dies the system is broken. Unfortunately, I do not feel as though this current government are the right people to take this on and solve it. Their callousness, bullying and lack of empathy are clear for all to see''


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #1 on March 05, 2020, 08:27:01 am by drfchound »
That sounds more like the advisor having a problem with the writer.
I would be very surprised if all advisors were so indifferent and unfair.
If they are then some serious training is due and an investigation necessary.
Obviously we don’t know what, if anything, caused the personality clash.
Maybe there is another side to the story.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #2 on March 05, 2020, 09:04:25 am by SydneyRover »
and you know because ...........


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #3 on March 05, 2020, 09:13:07 am by Filo »
That sounds more like the advisor having a problem with the writer.
I would be very surprised if all advisors were so indifferent and unfair.
If they are then some serious training is due and an investigation necessary.
Obviously we don’t know what, if anything, caused the personality clash.
Maybe there is another side to the story.

My lad is on UC, they make it as difficult as possible for him, he goes to Thorne to sign on and they always send him on pointless courses in Doncaster on the day he signs on, he has to attend these courses or be sanctioned, he also has to be on time for his UC appointment or be sanctioned, the courses never overlap but the time given to get from one place to the other via public transport is nigh on impossible


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #4 on March 05, 2020, 09:17:20 am by idler »
When my daughter returned from Dubai she got a job as a supply teacher. In the six weeks holiday she was told to sign on until the new term started. She was treated in a similar manner. Her and a late middle aged guy that had been made redundant from a bank were singled out from the no hopers that were just left alone. The dossers were late for appointments and sometimes never turned up my daughter was told they were beyond hope but you two (her and the older man)will work.
The importance of signing on was stressed but one week the job centre rang up and said not to bother it would be OK. She said well I'm coming into Skipton so I'll call in anyway they eventually told her that due to it being the six week holiday they were short staffed and no one could deal with her. Not all of the staff were like this but you don't need many like this to destroy people's self esteem and confidence.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #5 on March 05, 2020, 04:00:02 pm by drfchound »
and you know because ...........

And I know what.........
Not sure what you are asking me.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 04:03:17 pm by drfchound »


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #6 on March 05, 2020, 10:03:54 pm by SydneyRover »
''That sounds more like the advisor having a problem with the writer.
I would be very surprised if all advisors were so indifferent and unfair'''

Thanks for reading my post Hound, but on the balance of probabilities I would have thought with the governments position to denigrate and punish rather than help and care that the benefit of doubt would have gone to the author, but you are correct some serious training is required to stop these outcomes unfortunately my view is, is that they are carrying out orders, they don't have to be told explicitly to tough on those on welfare but I would imagine a lot of those that work there understand what is required, like a journo at the Sun.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #7 on March 05, 2020, 10:30:34 pm by drfchound »
Well SR, first of all
I was just voicing an opinion on a possible scenario.
Amongst my circle of friends I only know of one of them who is out of work.
There may be others but I am not aware.
The one I do know is due to start another job in two weeks time but he hasn’t told me about any unreasonable pressure being put on him by the job centre people.
My niece has worked in a job centre as an advisor for at least twenty years and she knows which of her “clients” actually do not want to work and which ones do.
She assures me that they are not instructed to be hard on the people who do want to return to work.
Life experience has taught me that there are two sides to every story and it is this which brought me to question whether there was a personality clash going on.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #8 on March 05, 2020, 10:38:24 pm by SydneyRover »
There you go then Hound a bit of context helps others understand where you are coming from, thanks

Dagenham Rover

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Well a few years ago my wife  had bowel cancer  shes since past away however she had some major abdominal surgery  the so called pip "assessor " decided after the questions to ask her to lay on the couch and raise her legs  tbh I stopped him there and then and said the lady has had major bowel surgery less than 3 weeks a go and you are wanting her to lay flat and raise her legs  errrrm get a life  she was refused pip cos she wouldnt do what the "assessor" asked well its a long story but within a few weeks she had to have a leg amputated  and within 3 months she had to have her other leg amputated We got no help whatsoever  in fact we were told we will teach her how to get out of the house in  an emergency by pushing herself out of the wheelchair and pushing herself out on her bum. It took the Dwp over 9 months to decide she was entitled to the higher rates of mobility allowance. Whether this was a "one off cock up" or what its unacceptable  she past away within 6 weeks of them finally awarding her the higher rates   Sadly theres one hell of a lot more to this with specialist nurses (provided by the nhs via a private company and absolutly spot on) she was fed through a tube in her chest and all sorts    I have had no need to use the dwp and claim anything in my 45 year working life. Sadly we went through murders I have no faith in the system anymore but roll back 6 years before everythimg i did have faith stupid stupid me  Theres an awful lot more yes we will provide an electric wheelchair for her no problem errrrmmm do you have a ramp no ok we won't provide that but it has to be a certain spec and come from certain companies  no ramp no wheelchair eventually 2 and half grand later we got the wheelchair   Believe me I could go on and on and on   I have no faith left in the system helping those who really need it. Btw my wife worked as a lollipop lady for years before


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That's a horrific story. My heart goes out to you. No-one should have to experience that.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #11 on March 05, 2020, 11:54:35 pm by SydneyRover »
This is truly shocking Dagenham and puts any problems I may think I have into perspective.

Dagenham Rover

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I'm sorry it's a bit jumbled  but that's probably only half of it 


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #13 on March 06, 2020, 12:56:28 am by Glyn_Wigley »
There's loads more stories like that reported all the time in Private Eye. They've been leading the fight against this shitty set-up for years because no-one in the mainstream media is interested.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #14 on March 06, 2020, 07:47:04 am by Sprotyrover »
I'm sorry it's a bit jumbled  but that's probably only half of it 
I'm appalled and shake my head in despair ! We had a disgusting fight with the DWP 13 years ago when the missus was diagnosed with a Critical illness it took us two years and a tribunal to get her Benfits sorted.
If she had a bad back, well yes I can understand but when folks rock up who have been given the kiss of death it's should be a different story.

Pancho Regan

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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #15 on March 06, 2020, 07:56:51 am by Pancho Regan »
Dagenham, that is a truly shocking story.
I can't begin to imagine the pain and anguish you have been put through and the utter frustration and anger you must have felt.

My heartfelt sympathies to you.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #16 on March 06, 2020, 08:11:49 am by drfchound »
Daggers, a shocking story from you and it must have been very hard to bear.
You have had a torrid time with that situation.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #17 on March 06, 2020, 08:13:21 am by drfchound »
There you go then Hound a bit of context helps others understand where you are coming from, thanks

That sound a very condescending SR but I may be reading it wrong.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #18 on March 06, 2020, 08:48:06 am by SydneyRover »
Re-read my OP and your first comment, a lot of speculation on your part hound, it's your post, but better all round when posts are supported especially with such sensitive subjects.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #19 on March 06, 2020, 02:08:29 pm by drfchound »
As I have said SR, it is my opinion on what MIGHT have been the situation.
I can’t support it with facts but it is true that there are two sides to every story.
I did add some balance in my later post though.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #20 on March 06, 2020, 02:49:51 pm by Filo »
Just a matter of time before a person claiming UC gets Coronavirus, self isolates for 14 days and then gets sanctioned for not attending a UC appointment


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #21 on March 06, 2020, 09:05:17 pm by idler »
My mate's wife had a similar experience Dagenham. . Assessed by a paramedic on overtime that disagreed with all of the doctors and consultants views. Her benefit was stopped and the mobility car returned and then one week before her case was due in court she was told that she would be paid in full for her loss and that there was no need to go to court.
A god job that they could manage on their savings.

Dagenham Rover

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My mate's wife had a similar experience Dagenham. . Assessed by a paramedic on overtime that disagreed with all of the doctors and consultants views. Her benefit was stopped and the mobility car returned and then one week before her case was due in court she was told that she would be paid in full for her loss and that there was no need to go to court.
A god job that they could manage on their savings.



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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #23 on March 06, 2020, 10:46:56 pm by idler »
My mate's wife had a similar experience Dagenham. . Assessed by a paramedic on overtime that disagreed with all of the doctors and consultants views. Her benefit was stopped and the mobility car returned and then one week before her case was due in court she was told that she would be paid in full for her loss and that there was no need to go to court.
A god job that they could manage on their savings.

As far as I know the paramedic was also on a bonus scheme for the number of cases that he removed from the benefit system.

Dagenham Rover

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My mate's wife had a similar experience Dagenham. . Assessed by a paramedic on overtime that disagreed with all of the doctors and consultants views. Her benefit was stopped and the mobility car returned and then one week before her case was due in court she was told that she would be paid in full for her loss and that there was no need to go to court.
A god job that they could manage on their savings.

As far as I know the paramedic was also on a bonus scheme for the number of cases that he removed from the benefit system.

Yes I dont know whether it was true or not but there was a lot being said about a bonus scheme!!!  I really couldnt believe the bloke asking her to lay flat and raise her legs as far as she could  3 weeks or so after having major stomach surgery


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #25 on March 06, 2020, 10:58:44 pm by idler »
My mate's wife was asked if she could stand and also if she could raise her legs. She managed to do both but the difference was if he had ask her to do a few of each she wouldn't have been able to.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #27 on March 07, 2020, 07:39:04 am by Swifty62 »
I work at a Benefits tribunal centre, only last week, someone who had their benefits refused, had DIED waiting for her Appeal, it's heartbreaking at times watching people having to go through this, And 95% win their appeal


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #28 on March 07, 2020, 09:23:14 am by SydneyRover »
There's something horribly wrong with the assessment system for 95% to turn it around on appeal Swifty.


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Re: Britain’s brutal benefits system is driving people to despair
« Reply #29 on March 07, 2020, 10:53:20 am by idler »
My mate knew all along that according to his correspondence with his wife's doctor and consultant that they were bound to have it overturned.
How can the opinion of a paramedic checking claimants on an overtime basis and being on a bonus system outweigh the findings of the experts?


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