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Author Topic: Rwanda policy  (Read 7009 times)

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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #60 on April 25, 2024, 11:25:11 pm by SydneyRover »
f**k me.


Get them out and get in a Government with a tiny pinch of basic competence.

Had to listen to it a second time, unbelievable

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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #61 on April 25, 2024, 11:36:37 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
f**k me.


Get them out and get in a Government with a tiny pinch of basic competence.
Well tan was confusing, he was saying that The DRC is at War with Rwanda, So how is Rwanda a safe Country to send Refugees from the DRC to ?

It was very clear what the audience member was saying.

The minister didn't appear to have a f**king clue.

Of course Rwanda isn't a safe place to report someone from DRC. But this wonderful Government of ours has overuled the Supreme Court judgement and declared by law that Rwanda is "safe".

They are a bunch of shites, f**king about at this show to satisfy ignorant racists instead of actually governing competently.

Meanwhile, the services in our country rapidly fall apart.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #62 on April 26, 2024, 12:50:43 pm by BobG »
I learned, yesterday, that the Rwanda policy  is entirely based on a '1 out, 1 in' arrangement.


So, we are spending hundreds of millions  of pounds and huge legal and governmental effort to achieve a zero reduction in the number of refugees in this country.

Why might that be do you think??

The answer, of course, is obvious. It can only be a plan to spend your money and mine in an attempt to secure the general election votes of right wing zealots. Propaganda on the scale of Dr. Goebbels aided and abetted by those bastions of truth, honesty and probity in the Daily Mail, Express and other organs of the gutter press.

Oh. And note too that until we left the EU Britain had the right to return all cross Channel refugees to France. Sadly, we abandoned that right when  we chose to take back control from unelected bureaucrats. Oh. Remind me. Lord Cameron. The man in charge of the entirety of our relations with overseas nations,  including Rwanda. He was elected when?

Can anyone think why the number of refugees in this country has skyrocketed post Brexit....?

« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 01:43:27 pm by BobG »


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #63 on April 26, 2024, 01:26:07 pm by SydneyRover »
That's ********* Bob G, I'll copy and paste it for those that wanted control.

Farruk X

''Unelected bureaucrat David Cameron explains how we need the Rwanda plan because of Brexit  Anushka Asthana, "Hand on heart. If this had come up when you were PM, would you have gone with this Rwanda policy?"

David Cameron, "We had a situation where you could return people directly to France.. People land on a beach in Kent, you take them straight back to France.. You therefore break the model of the people smugglers"

Anushka Asthana, "Shouldn't you be trying to get that?" David Cameron, "That's not available at the moment" Anushka Asthana, "Because of Brexit?"

David Cameron, "(Yes) Because of the situation we are in (having left the EU)"

The UK has participated in the Dublin process since it was inaugurated in 1990. When the UK left the EU, the UK left the Dublin agreement and we no longer have the automatic right to return asylum seekers back to France. So Brexit was to take back control from unelected bureaucrats, and here we have David Cameron an unelected bureaucrat in charge of our foreign policy. And Brexit was about taking control of our borders and asylum seekers, and we've lost the ability to return asylum seekers to France, and instead have to spend over £1,000,000 to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, in a 1 in 1 out policy i.e. for every asylum seeker we send to Rwanda, they send us one of their asylum seekers, so we don't have fewer asylum seekers, we're just shuffling asylum seekers around.

Hundreds of millions for a PR campaign to appease racists while there is a cost of living crisis in the UK and millions of Brits living in poverty. Disgraceful''

Now that's irony aye sprot????


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #64 on April 26, 2024, 03:50:54 pm by BobG »
Policy on a fag packet - by the educationally illiterate:




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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #65 on April 26, 2024, 11:59:23 pm by Sprotyrover »
Prior to Brexit there was no small boats problem because they were being trafficked in by Eastern European types in Cars van and Lorries, recall you didn’t have to show any papers due to free movement, it’s why most folks voted for Brexit!


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #66 on April 27, 2024, 01:50:47 am by SydneyRover »
Before brexit those people were working and part of the economy generating wealth whereas now they are not allowed to work and not being processed properly either, creating the problem that the tories want to use as a political prop.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #67 on April 27, 2024, 11:07:58 am by tyke1962 »
Before brexit those people were working and part of the economy generating wealth whereas now they are not allowed to work and not being processed properly either, creating the problem that the tories want to use as a political prop.

Here's the thing , the Tory to Labour voters at the next election aren't probably going to be the most liberal people within the electorate .

The less well off aren't the most liberal people either .

Small boats and mass legal immigration are pretty high value issues in the UK today .

The Right have turned against the Tories because they've failed to do what they promised to do with regards to reducing immigration , in fact they've done the exact opposite and increased it .

So whilst the Conservative Party may well get a good kicking at the GE the voters are still out there .

The Metropolitan Labour voters or the Luxury Belief class aren't keeping you in power .

The stigma attached with previous  Labour governments with regard to mass immigration or open borders  and the next Labour government not getting on top of things spells disaster .

Bristol Red Rover

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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #68 on April 27, 2024, 02:48:45 pm by Bristol Red Rover »
Whilst I understand how immigration is a highly charged issue across the board, humanitarian parties and commentators can effect this in at least two ways.

First, it is something that plays into that base human condition of us v them, of others. This isn't something that will be changed but can be understood and to a degree be de-propagandised and reframed. Many have tried to do this but the effort could be stronger, more consistent, made much clearer. Repetition and focus works.

The second is by picking on a few other highly charged issues and repeating the positive policies in a very simple way eg the cycle of poverty, inequality, motivation, universal support, removing ludicrous tax evasion of the very rich. These are things that most people relate to, agree with, but are fooled by the propaganda from the MSM and elites.

One aspect of the immigration issue I rarely see mentioned is how this is going to increase massively over coming years, decades. Well managed integration is what is needed for migrants ten times what we currently have. That and an aid budget that helps stem the tide back in the homelands of those migrants. Very simply, poverty = population increase. Add that to global warming and we have huge migration issues down the pipeline. That is something that wll over complicate the current arguments but will have to happen very very soon.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #69 on April 27, 2024, 04:04:09 pm by roverstillidie91 »
f**k me.


Get them out and get in a Government with a tiny pinch of basic competence.
Well tan was confusing, he was saying that The DRC is at War with Rwanda, So how is Rwanda a safe Country to send Refugees from the DRC to ?

It was very clear what the audience member was saying.

The minister didn't appear to have a f**king clue.

Of course Rwanda isn't a safe place to report someone from DRC. But this wonderful Government of ours has overuled the Supreme Court judgement and declared by law that Rwanda is "safe".

They are a bunch of shites, f**king about at this show to satisfy ignorant racists instead of actually governing competently.

Meanwhile, the services in our country rapidly fall apart.
Things about to get a whole lot worse and that includes an incoming labour government.

This is all about trying to abolish ECHR.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #70 on April 27, 2024, 06:27:39 pm by DonnyOsmond »

Depends on what you want the policy to do Rishi, if you want it to deter boats to save lives, no it's not done that, you've given them a further journey so probably more peril. If you just want less foreigners then yeah job well done.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #71 on April 28, 2024, 03:03:06 pm by danumdon »

"A spokesperson for Harris said he did not comment on the migration policies of other countries but that to protect the integrity of Ireland’s migration system he had asked the justice minister to bring proposals regarding the designation of safe third countries and allowing the return of inadmissible international protection applicants to the UK.

Tinpot country, You can't have your cake and eat it.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #72 on April 28, 2024, 09:42:27 pm by Sprotyrover »

"A spokesperson for Harris said he did not comment on the migration policies of other countries but that to protect the integrity of Ireland’s migration system he had asked the justice minister to bring proposals regarding the designation of safe third countries and allowing the return of inadmissible international protection applicants to the UK.

Tinpot country, You can't have your cake and eat it.

Same on this article

Ritchie Sunak claimed it is proof the Rwanda Policy is working! 80% of Eires asylum seekers have crossed from Northern Ireland bu surely not in the last 2 days!. UK is right to tell Eire we will not be accepting any returned Refugees until the EU allows the UK to return Refugees entering the UK via France!


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #73 on April 29, 2024, 12:47:45 pm by BobG »
Snag is Sproty, it was Britain that withdrews from the 1990 Dublin Agreement which gave it the right to send migrants back to France. The decision to abandon that right had f**k all to do with the EU. It was an entirely British decision. If we chose to give it up what sorrt of perverted logic now suggests that Britain can today hold a pistol to the head of the EU to allow us to send migrants back to France?

Frankly, it's a risible idea.



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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #74 on April 29, 2024, 04:45:46 pm by Sprotyrover »
Snag is Sproty, it was Britain that withdrews from the 1990 Dublin Agreement which gave it the right to send migrants back to France. The decision to abandon that right had f**k all to do with the EU. It was an entirely British decision. If we chose to give it up what sorrt of perverted logic now suggests that Britain can today hold a pistol to the head of the EU to allow us to send migrants back to France?

Frankly, it's a risible idea.

They got rid because it was useless how many actually got returned?


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #75 on April 29, 2024, 07:57:16 pm by danumdon »
Really surprised (not really)that all the usual suspects have gone very quite on this.

No one has anything to say about the racist Irish?

It looks like the EU's shrills have been kicked in the nuts and no one in the EU gives a f*uck

So it seems all our lefties are quite happy for the "asylum seekers" to trundle over the open border into the Republic

What's that German word that basically means a kick in the balls?

Iberian Red

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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #76 on April 29, 2024, 08:50:52 pm by Iberian Red »
Really surprised (not really)that all the usual suspects have gone very quite on this.

No one has anything to say about the racist Irish?

It looks like the EU's shrills have been kicked in the nuts and no one in the EU gives a f*uck

So it seems all our lefties are quite happy for the "asylum seekers" to trundle over the open border into the Republic

What's that German word that basically means a kick in the balls?

Daily Mail editorial rant bingo!
Full house.

River Don

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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #77 on April 30, 2024, 12:00:49 am by River Don »
If Sunak was really interested in cutting immigration, he could just not issue so many visas. The vast majority of immigrants are legal.

The vast majority of "immigrants" last year were Ukrainian refugees and feeling paying students.

If we want to send women and kids back to Putin's War, and tell foreigners who pay us £30bn a year to be educated here, let's at least be upfront about it.

The ONS has this to say.

In the YE June 2023, the top five non-EU nationalities for immigration flows into the UK were: Indian (253,000), Nigerian (141,000), Chinese (89,000), Pakistani (55,000) and Ukrainian (35,000).

I do think though, we should not really be including students in the numbers.

And the majority of asylum seekers are granted asylum. Which gives a different perspective.

Sunak wants a trade deal with India which will see migration from India grow. So, perhaps he's not really so concerned about the level of immigration really?


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #78 on April 30, 2024, 12:47:03 am by BillyStubbsTears »
If Sunak was really interested in cutting immigration, he could just not issue so many visas. The vast majority of immigrants are legal.

The vast majority of "immigrants" last year were Ukrainian refugees and feeling paying students.

If we want to send women and kids back to Putin's War, and tell foreigners who pay us £30bn a year to be educated here, let's at least be upfront about it.

The ONS has this to say.

In the YE June 2023, the top five non-EU nationalities for immigration flows into the UK were: Indian (253,000), Nigerian (141,000), Chinese (89,000), Pakistani (55,000) and Ukrainian (35,000).

I do think though, we should not really be including students in the numbers.

And the majority of asylum seekers are granted asylum. Which gives a different perspective.

Sunak wants a trade deal with India which will see migration from India grow. So, perhaps he's not really so concerned about the level of immigration really?

Bang on RD. Of course we shouldn't be including temporary student visitors as "immigrants".

But the latest news from the bunch of Kitsons in power is that they are going to massively reduce the number of visas given to students. And hence cost the country a fair chunk of the £30bn we earn annually from one of our most successful export sectors.

They genuinely do not give a f**k about the state of the country. If they do end up doing this, it is for one reason. To take the easy route to get "immigration" figures down and satisfy thick racists who might otherwise vote for Farage.

Count the days until we hoy the bas**rds out.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #79 on April 30, 2024, 06:03:02 pm by danumdon »
Really surprised (not really)that all the usual suspects have gone very quite on this.

No one has anything to say about the racist Irish?

It looks like the EU's shrills have been kicked in the nuts and no one in the EU gives a f*uck

So it seems all our lefties are quite happy for the "asylum seekers" to trundle over the open border into the Republic

What's that German word that basically means a kick in the balls?

Daily Mail editorial rant bingo!
Full house.

Why would a daft old bed wetter like you keep coming on here with absolutely nothing to add to any conversation whatsoever?

What's the point of you?

Iberian Red

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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #80 on May 01, 2024, 07:28:39 pm by Iberian Red »
Really surprised (not really)that all the usual suspects have gone very quite on this.

No one has anything to say about the racist Irish?

It looks like the EU's shrills have been kicked in the nuts and no one in the EU gives a f*uck

So it seems all our lefties are quite happy for the "asylum seekers" to trundle over the open border into the Republic

What's that German word that basically means a kick in the balls?

Daily Mail editorial rant bingo!
Full house.

Why would a daft old bed wetter like you keep coming on here with absolutely nothing to add to any conversation whatsoever?

What's the point of you?

Fantastic put down . I would of thought you would of tried to appeal to the demographic of your Daily Mail followers,but two have the daft c#nts liked it!
I hoped you would of responded in a better way,but I would of been a bit have a bed wetter to of fort that.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #81 on May 01, 2024, 08:13:11 pm by danumdon »
Really surprised (not really)that all the usual suspects have gone very quite on this.

No one has anything to say about the racist Irish?

It looks like the EU's shrills have been kicked in the nuts and no one in the EU gives a f*uck

So it seems all our lefties are quite happy for the "asylum seekers" to trundle over the open border into the Republic

What's that German word that basically means a kick in the balls?

Daily Mail editorial rant bingo!
Full house.

Why would a daft old bed wetter like you keep coming on here with absolutely nothing to add to any conversation whatsoever?

What's the point of you?

Fantastic put down . I would of thought you would of tried to appeal to the demographic of your Daily Mail followers,but two have the daft c#nts liked it!
I hoped you would of responded in a better way,but I would of been a bit have a bed wetter to of fort that.

Anyone decipher this into English?

No, me neither!

Bentley Bullet

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Colemans Left Hook

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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #83 on May 02, 2024, 02:29:14 am by Colemans Left Hook »
it must be safe if Arsenal say so - and Starmer supports Arse-nal


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #84 on May 02, 2024, 07:44:06 am by i_ateallthepies »
Really surprised (not really)that all the usual suspects have gone very quite on this.

No one has anything to say about the racist Irish?

It looks like the EU's shrills have been kicked in the nuts and no one in the EU gives a f*uck

So it seems all our lefties are quite happy for the "asylum seekers" to trundle over the open border into the Republic

What's that German word that basically means a kick in the balls?

Daily Mail editorial rant bingo!
Full house.

Why would a daft old bed wetter like you keep coming on here with absolutely nothing to add to any conversation whatsoever?

What's the point of you?

Fantastic put down . I would of thought you would of tried to appeal to the demographic of your Daily Mail followers,but two have the daft c#nts liked it!
I hoped you would of responded in a better way,but I would of been a bit have a bed wetter to of fort that.

Anyone decipher this into English?

No, me neither!

Whoosh!  He's mocking your destruction of the english language, DD.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #85 on May 02, 2024, 11:16:57 am by danumdon »
Really surprised (not really)that all the usual suspects have gone very quite on this.

No one has anything to say about the racist Irish?

It looks like the EU's shrills have been kicked in the nuts and no one in the EU gives a f*uck

So it seems all our lefties are quite happy for the "asylum seekers" to trundle over the open border into the Republic

What's that German word that basically means a kick in the balls?

Daily Mail editorial rant bingo!
Full house.

Why would a daft old bed wetter like you keep coming on here with absolutely nothing to add to any conversation whatsoever?

What's the point of you?

Fantastic put down . I would of thought you would of tried to appeal to the demographic of your Daily Mail followers,but two have the daft c#nts liked it!
I hoped you would of responded in a better way,but I would of been a bit have a bed wetter to of fort that.

Anyone decipher this into English?

No, me neither!

Whoosh!  He's mocking your destruction of the english language, DD.

Adds nothing to any discussion, comes across as some sad old weirdo.

Totally irrelevant and pointless.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #86 on May 02, 2024, 12:42:54 pm by i_ateallthepies »
Try showing readers on here a bit more respect and put some effort into your writing and then you may get more agreeable responses.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #87 on May 02, 2024, 01:00:53 pm by Bentley Bullet »
Try showing readers on here a bit more respect and put some effort into your writing and then you may get more agreeable responses.
How can you defend someone as downright disrespectful as Iberian Red by advising his critics to show more respect?

unless this is a whoosh moment and you're having a larf?


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #88 on May 02, 2024, 05:35:55 pm by danumdon »
Try showing readers on here a bit more respect and put some effort into your writing and then you may get more agreeable responses.

Your going to have to help me out here pies, if you can demonstrate to me and show me where i've instigated a disrespectful post then i will quite rightly hold my hands up and apologise to anyone.


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Re: Rwanda policy
« Reply #89 on May 02, 2024, 05:55:39 pm by i_ateallthepies »
My comment was only in response to you reckoning not to understand Iberian Red's post which was about your lazy insistence in writing 'of' in place of 'have'.  My remark about respect was that to make your contributions on here more difficult to read just for the sake of using the correct word is disrespectful to anyone reading what you write.


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