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Author Topic: ‘In that Moment’.  (Read 1388 times)

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Usher wide.

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‘In that Moment’.
« on January 15, 2025, 10:49:58 pm by Usher wide. »
I got to thinking about Moly’s goal against Hull. Once he’d shrugged off (or should I say was still in the throes of shrugging off) their defenders last ditch challenge on him & he looked at the goalmouth, where the keeper was, what his ‘options’ might be in that moment before he struck or placed the ball as the keeper came out towards him, where was his mindset ‘in that moment’?.

Now for those of us who may at sometime in their lives have found themselves in a competitive game at whatever level in a similar situation, were you calm & focused or flustered & ‘blinded’?

Because ultimately I suppose, that’s what makes the difference between a Billy Sharp & a Billy ‘Blunt’.

Focus or Fuziness?

I ask because hands up, I was in the latter ‘brigade’.

In my midfield ‘Brian Stock’ role I like to think I had my fair share of assists (but whenever a free kick outside the box came about I would always ‘be busy’ re-tying my laces) so although my place in teams was usually assured, it was more for ‘vision’, endeavour & an ability to pick out a pass rather than my goal scoring abilities.

I always did & always will admire those players who seemed to have the ability to appear to ‘close off’ all around them as they calmly slotted the ball into the net from all angles time & time again because ultimately, despite the slog in mud, snow & flailing opposition boots where free kicks were only awarded when blood was drawn in that battlefield that was midfield, the ‘hero of the day’ was the one whose two goals from two touches had secured your team their victory.

You beautiful ba***rd wherever life may have taken you!

So my friends what were you when it came to that one on one with the opposing keeper?

Laser focussed or ‘glazed over’?

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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #1 on January 15, 2025, 11:00:04 pm by Nudga »
I was a decent goalscorer, I was the sort that wouldn't score for 5 games but then get hatricks and doubles in the next 5.

I was more of a number 10 than a 9 but a fault of mine was I'd go looking for the ball because I hated not being involved so I'd be getting it off the left back one minute and then joining in with our right winger the next.
So I wasn't very disciplined, more of a street footballer if you like.
But to add, 1v1 with the keeper or penos, I didn't miss.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2025, 11:02:50 pm by Nudga »


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #2 on January 15, 2025, 11:17:22 pm by drfchound »
I was in the calm and controlled finisher group.
I still am although it is walking football these days.
Wait for the right moment to get the shot away, no need to rush, instinct takes over.
One on one with the keeper and I always tried to slot the ball home rather than blast it as some players do.
If possible I would look to put the ball close to the keepers feet or through his legs as he set himself.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2025, 01:37:17 pm by drfchound »

Alan Southstand

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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #3 on January 15, 2025, 11:51:19 pm by Alan Southstand »
Hardly ever blasted it - usually to the keeper’s rhs. Beating a defender at the near post was also a favourite. My God, its a wonder I can remember that far back! I must admit though, when I was playing regularly (in my teens), I sometimes wondered how I’d managed to score, so that must be instinct.


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #4 on January 16, 2025, 08:24:50 am by Stewmaiden79 »
I’m ok if a chance comes and I have no time to think about what to do. If I have too much time I usually bottle it and mess it up.


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #5 on January 16, 2025, 09:10:58 am by Lesonthewest »
Think I scored around a handful of times throughout my younger days, penalty box was virtually a no go area for me! So I'm going in the 'flustered' group.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 12:59:12 pm by Lesonthewest »


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #6 on January 16, 2025, 09:45:20 am by LincsRover »
In my university team I was a cool ‘fox in the box’ and was top scorer 2 seasons running - mostly tap ins. I wasn’t quick or esp skillful but if there was a ball to be got I’d use my strength to get to it and tap it in.

After uni I joined a Sunday league team and was moderately successful for a few seasons but younger, quicker, fitter, stronger players soon took over and, although I played until I was nearly 40, I moved more into defence, I scored 2/3 goals in the last 10/12 years I played - all tap ins from set pieces. In my last few seasons my yellow/red cards way outnumbered my goals (frustration at those younger, quicker players running past me!).  :evil:


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #7 on January 16, 2025, 10:45:24 am by DD »
I’m just pleased that on this occasion Moly didn’t go over…..too often of late he appears to go down rather easily


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #8 on January 16, 2025, 11:33:24 am by donnievic »
I’m just pleased that on this occasion Moly didn’t go over…..too often of late he appears to go down rather easily
think if he went down even that ref would of sent the defender off

Pancho Regan

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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #9 on January 17, 2025, 12:56:15 pm by Pancho Regan »
This was one of my weaknesses when I played schools football. I hardly ever stayed cool when given a goal-scoring opportunity. Hence why my solitary goal playing for the first eleven at Danum was a 25-yarder into the top corner which I'd intended as a cross!


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #10 on January 17, 2025, 01:58:12 pm by welloffside »
In that moment

I was of the 'inept' variety. This seemed to happen when confronted with an open goal, keeper face down and not a defender in sight.  I would then fall over.

This would be met with gentle words of encouragement from my team mates.

 I remember once I was playing no 9. A long ball out of defence just crying out for a flick on. I met the ball square on and propelled it back forty yards where their number 10 gleefully slammed it in our goal. I spent 10 minutes wandering about trying to make friends.

A corner, a muddy day, the ball dropped at my feet, it didn't bounce it stuck in the mud. All I had to do was swing my leg. I remember the GK looking at me as if to say " go on then" but like a brontosaurus the brain waves took an eternity to reach my feet. I remember the GK gently reaching down and picking the ball up.

Sunday football..... we all tried to emulate what we saw on Match of the Day nowadays I'd be on the 2good2bad section


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #11 on January 17, 2025, 02:17:31 pm by ravenrover »
Being the prolific goal scorer that I was, as SS will confirm,  my 1 per season never took much thinking about
Even when in 1 game we were winning 9-0 I was sent up front and still managed absolutely nil.
I never scored many at any team I played for but I could be relied on to stop them that could

scawsby steve

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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #12 on January 17, 2025, 06:34:52 pm by scawsby steve »
Being the prolific goal scorer that I was, as SS will confirm,  my 1 per season never took much thinking about
Even when in 1 game we were winning 9-0 I was sent up front and still managed absolutely nil.
I never scored many at any team I played for but I could be relied on to stop them that could

Bloody good defender though.


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Re: ‘In that Moment’.
« Reply #13 on January 18, 2025, 11:47:33 am by moses »
Watching the John Coyle shared highlights of rivers v Hartlepool, Colin Cramb gives a master class of having an extra touch to open the goal up.


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