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Author Topic: Dazza/Anyone  (Read 2180 times)

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« on July 15, 2010, 07:57:54 pm by george-friend »
Would anyone be able to really help me and give me instructions on how to make youtube videos about rovers and stuff
help much needed.

cheers in advance.  :)

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« Reply #1 on July 15, 2010, 08:22:38 pm by Adam »
Get Sony Vegas and have a play.


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« Reply #2 on July 16, 2010, 10:15:44 am by 00odazzao00 »
george-friend wrote:
Would anyone be able to really help me and give me instructions on how to make youtube videos about rovers and stuff
help much needed.

cheers in advance.  :)

Hi, Ill try and help but i don't know how advanced you are so ill start with the basics...

If you starting out Windows movie maker is a basic program that can let you edit and create videos.. Start by Importing your clips of rovers footage and pictures into the timeline. The bar to the left takes you through all the stages. drag the clips onto the timeline and add effects, transitions, music and text. play around until you get the right look for you video then on the bar at the left click 'save to my computer' where it saves it as windows media player format WM something.

More advanced than that is SONY vegas. The stages are the same where you need to import ( file, import) you clips pics and music into your project file, from there you drag them onto your timeline where you can crop add effects transitions etc.. but much more choice than movie maker. You even have a basic chroma key (green screen). you have multiple layers on you timeline which means you can have more than one video on screen at a time so you can have a split screen effect, same applies on audio so you can have music and commentary at same time. once you have finished you need to 'Export' you video and save it to your harddrive in a video format, click file then export and it lets you chose file name and format. i recommend AVI for youtube.

More advanced than Sony Vegas is what i use ... Final cut PRO. This is professional standard editing program that is used by television companies. This is very advanced with loads of features to enhance you video,  but too many to explain on here.

To upload it onto Youtube presuming you have an account,  click on 'upload' it will then take you to a page where you can select a video file from you computers harddrive, write a description and tags. click upload and after a hour or 2 of processing it should b on the net.

Hope this helps mate! let me know if u need any more help..


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« Reply #3 on July 16, 2010, 04:34:43 pm by george-friend »
im using a mac.  :dry:

Snods Shinpad 2

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« Reply #4 on July 16, 2010, 04:45:14 pm by Snods Shinpad 2 »
george-friend wrote:
im using a mac.  :dry:

Use iMovie then. It should already be in your applications folder if its a new Mac. Pretty easy to learn too.


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« Reply #5 on July 16, 2010, 04:50:21 pm by 00odazzao00 »
Ye imovie is the one you should use. It is very basic and it guides you through what to do!! But is a bit limited when it comes to effects and transitions!


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