Viking Supporters Co-operative

Viking Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: Donnywolf on January 17, 2022, 05:56:11 am

Title: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Donnywolf on January 17, 2022, 05:56:11 am
Based on West Stand v Wigan

There was a requirement to wear Masks in the above places and optional in Ground itself - this cut and pasted - from DROS

In line with Government’s Plan B, masks must be worn in all indoor areas of the stadium. This includes the Club Shop, Box Office, and concourses.

My crude Poll especially at HT put the number with no Masks at around 15 per cent. I didnt count those eating or drinking - just those in loo [where there was an exchange of views between a masked man and unmasked one] ...

.... and also those in Tbar queues - those stood watching TV and those walking to and fro - several of whom had masks round their necks but not "on" noses and mouths.
I will wait for the Survey - but that was mine
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: keith79 on January 17, 2022, 06:14:37 am
Not everyone can wear a mask some disabilities are not always visible. Please be kind.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 08:37:39 am
Not everyone wishes to comply with a ridiculous law either.

Best get used to it. Rightly or wrongly.

If you are spending your half time break counting the number of people without masks, perhaps start questioning if your fear is rational to begin with.

If Boris said tomorrow, masks are no longer required, many people will stop wearing them. Mad.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Not Now Kato on January 17, 2022, 08:41:17 am
Not everyone wants to be put at risk by thaughtlles individuals who don't give sh1t about their fellow supporters!
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 08:43:26 am
Not everyone wants to be put at risk by thaughtlles individuals who don't give sh1t about their fellow supporters!

That's a big judgement to make.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: roversdude on January 17, 2022, 08:47:36 am
2 wrongs don’t make a right but it would send more of a message out if the stewards in the West Stand concourse wore masks.
One thing I did notice on Saturday were the tab ends all the way up the stairwell going into the game
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 08:58:43 am
Anyone who hasn't had Covid (which is now a mild cold for most) will get it at some point. It is inevitable.

Anyone who doesn't want to accept this and wants to wear a mask forever, no problems. Just stop having a pop at others who don't want to do this and then play the old 'you don't care about others card', which is frankly pathetic.

I do care about others. I just don't want to wear a mask or be told to by busy bodies.

Sorry but some have had 2 years of this bullshit. Being forced to wear useless face coverings and if they don't they somehow want people to die. Enough.

Over 50% of people who are in there due to non Covid reasons actually contract Covid IN HOSPITAL.  Hospitals are clinical settings and one of the few places where literally everyone has to wear a mask, and yet Covid spread is rife, and someone thinks wearing them in the West Stand concourse makes any difference!

Astonishing really.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Donnywolf on January 17, 2022, 09:11:17 am
Well firstly I didn't go to game with the intention of "counting those without masks"

I just noticed that there were lots and the Club had stated that they were required to be worn  where stated in the op

I don't go to Tesco to count either but I do notice there are people in there maskless despite Notices saying they need to be worn ... and the Staff ignore the non wearers and I don't blame them ....

I did not in my opening post please notice " play the old you don't care about others card"

I merely stated the straw poll I saw because I expected the vast vast majority to wear masks .... so I will reject the "pathetic" comment if aimed at me
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: roversdude on January 17, 2022, 09:14:54 am
CDH can assure you DW is not a busy body
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 09:19:31 am
CDH can assure you DW is not a busy body

Yes. I was more referring to that incident in which he described an altercation between two blokes about one not wearing a mask. Not directly at DW. So apologies to DW for that.

People need to mind their own business and stop bothering people without masks as there is some tangible anger out there and for some it won't end well.

I am genuinely medically exempt anyway but will adhere to Covid measures if i believe they are appropriate and that they have some effect.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: glosterred on January 17, 2022, 09:22:37 am
Just a thought, for those who cannot wear a mask, should they be mingling with people in confined spaces like the concourse? If they cannot wear a mask or won’t, they’re going to look silly when they’re having to wear one on ITU at their local hospital.

Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 09:23:59 am
Just a thought, for those who cannot wear a mask, should they be mingling with people in confined spaces like the concourse? If they cannot wear a mask or won’t, they’re going to look silly when they’re having to wear one on ITU at their local hospital.


I've been into hospital a few times. Never worn a mask. I am exempt but do not tell anyone and nor am i asked for the most part.

In actual fact, a consultant at urology at the Hallamshire conducted an appointment in a small room with his mask on his chin!

I was actually staggered that a consultant in a medical setting would do this - if not just for the example it sets, but i'm not bothered as i'd prefer him not to wear one anyway.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Goole Rover on January 17, 2022, 09:24:52 am
Not everyone wishes to comply with a ridiculous law either.

Best get used to it. Rightly or wrongly.

If you are spending your half time break counting the number of people without masks, perhaps start questioning if your fear is rational to begin with.

If Boris said tomorrow, masks are no longer required, many people will stop wearing them. Mad.
How the heck can you question Wolfe when you recently wrote twenty odd paragraphs of rubbish.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 09:28:46 am
Not everyone wishes to comply with a ridiculous law either.

Best get used to it. Rightly or wrongly.

If you are spending your half time break counting the number of people without masks, perhaps start questioning if your fear is rational to begin with.

If Boris said tomorrow, masks are no longer required, many people will stop wearing them. Mad.
How the heck can you question Wolfe when you recently wrote twenty odd paragraphs of rubbish.

And the relevance to this topic is?

Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Colin C No.3 on January 17, 2022, 09:51:38 am
If I wear a mask I’m protecting you, if you wear a mask you’re protecting me.

You are exempt from wearing a mask, I’m in the high risk category of people who if they contract covid will be hospitalised. I’m not being over dramatic when I tell you that if I caught covid, there’s a high likelihood I wouldn’t be coming out of hospital.

I’ve self isolated for the best part of two years, having groceries delivered so that we wouldn’t have to go to supermarket’s, family members voluntarily taking LFT’s before they visit because of their concern for me.

Me & my wife decided some six months or so ago to start to do our own shopping again. We wear masks & sanitise our hands & at first it was difficult & alarming to see so many people not only without masks but talking in groups, laughing, coughing, touching.

I started to come to Rovers games again. I’m as careful as I can possibly be, there are many on the concourse, in the toilets, leaving the ground down the stairwells who clearly aren’t. It worries me of course, but I can’t do anything about it. We live in a democracy, you are free to make your own decisions on how you ‘conduct’ yourself through this pandemic.

I’m taking calculated risks daily, but I want to live as normal a life as possible.

You say it’s inevitable that we’ll all catch covid at some point but there’s nothing to worry about, it’s just like getting a cold.

My consultant knows how I live my life. He understands but remains candid about the likely outcome for me should I contract the virus.

I don’t think I’m playing Russian Roulette, but I’d be lying if I said I no longer worry & what will be will be.

We’ve had 150,000+ deaths from covid in the past two years. I don’t want to be a statistic on the BBC six o’clock news CDH.

Nothing to do with what Bozo says.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Goole Rover on January 17, 2022, 10:14:35 am
Not everyone wishes to comply with a ridiculous law either.

Best get used to it. Rightly or wrongly.

If you are spending your half time break counting the number of people without masks, perhaps start questioning if your fear is rational to begin with.

If Boris said tomorrow, masks are no longer required, many people will stop wearing them. Mad.
How the heck can you question Wolfe when you recently wrote twenty odd paragraphs of rubbish.

And the relevance to this topic is?
Sorry having a bad morning my National Grid Shares are down 2p I’m now down two thousand notes.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 10:16:30 am
Not everyone wishes to comply with a ridiculous law either.

Best get used to it. Rightly or wrongly.

If you are spending your half time break counting the number of people without masks, perhaps start questioning if your fear is rational to begin with.

If Boris said tomorrow, masks are no longer required, many people will stop wearing them. Mad.
How the heck can you question Wolfe when you recently wrote twenty odd paragraphs of rubbish.

And the relevance to this topic is?
Sorry having a bad morning my National Grid Shares are down 2p I’m now down two thousand notes.

Err ok. Doolally isn't a word commonly used these days but appropriate in this instance.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Spud on January 17, 2022, 11:12:39 am
Must admit I forgot to put mine on, on the way out of the ground. After all this time it's still not second nature am afraid
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: DonnyBazR0ver on January 17, 2022, 11:21:40 am
I think we are officially in the endemic phase and an increasing number are paying lip service to the guidance if at all.

I put my mask on when I went through the turnstiles but by the time I reached the concourse I could see it was pointless, so didn't bother from that point.

There's a high percentage that have now been either a) fully jabbed or b) been exposed to the virus so generally we've done as much as we can.

I respect those who wish to continue to wear masks if they feel more secure however, we are at a stage where the majority of folk are reluctant to wear masks if they can get away with it. You can sense that desire to return to normal without having to wait for the government to tell us.

Individually, we have to continue to do our own risk assessment every day and we have to be prepared to come across larger numbers of folk unmasked in indoor areas.

I'm pretty sure all the remaining restrictions will end soon anyway.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 11:24:18 am
Btw. My partners mum is late 80's, has loads of health conditions and literally is barely alive.

She caught Covid a few weeks back and barely knew about it.

She has been triple jabbed but can't say whether that helped or not but what i guess i am trying to do is try and help with some of the fear that many have out there that automatically assume that getting Covid is a death sentence.

Apologies if this seems a bit insensitive to some who are really vulnerable.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: bobbymax on January 17, 2022, 12:10:36 pm
Btw. My partners mum is late 80's, has loads of health conditions and literally is barely alive.

She caught Covid a few weeks back and barely knew about it.

She has been triple jabbed but can't say whether that helped or not but what i guess i am trying to do is try and help with some of the fear that many have out there that automatically assume that getting Covid is a death sentence.

Apologies if this seems a bit insensitive to some who are really vulnerable.
The fact remains, CDH, that Covid has been a death sentence for almost 200,000 people in the UK and the danger is still very real for many. I'm aware of that and responsible enough to wear a mask when asked to in confined spaces. The point will come when it may not be necessary but we are not there yet.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ravenrover on January 17, 2022, 12:36:02 pm
Can't undeslrstanf people not wearing their mssks on Saturday it was flipping cold, kept mine on all game nice and warm
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: keith79 on January 17, 2022, 12:48:56 pm
Just a thought, for those who cannot wear a mask, should they be mingling with people in confined spaces like the concourse? If they cannot wear a mask or won’t, they’re going to look silly when they’re having to wear one on ITU at their local hospital.

you should see them on the bus
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Bessie Red on January 17, 2022, 12:49:02 pm
2 wrongs don’t make a right but it would send more of a message out if the stewards in the West Stand concourse wore masks.
One thing I did notice on Saturday were the tab ends all the way up the stairwell going into the game
Made me chuckle that nearly 100% of the staff serving had their masks around their necks, like the virus wouldn't dare move beyond the counter.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: KingKendrick on January 17, 2022, 01:21:24 pm
Not everyone wants to be put at risk by thaughtlles individuals who don't give sh1t about their fellow supporters!
Stay at home then if you are that concerned
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: BVB on January 17, 2022, 02:04:22 pm
Or stay at home if you don’t want to follow the rules.
Works both ways KK.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: KingKendrick on January 17, 2022, 02:47:34 pm
Reality is if anyone feels that they are at risk of potentially ending up in hospital or worse I certainly wouldn’t be going to a stadium crowd of 5/6k people rather than moaning at someone for not wearing a mask on a concourse despite the fact people won’t be to eat/drink anyway.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: roversdude on January 17, 2022, 02:55:05 pm
The concourse is a strange one. You can go in the BVB and stand shoulder to shoulder with someone, with doors closed etc and yet don’t need a mask. The concourse is much more ventilated but needs a mask…..unless you are eating or drinking. Not a dig at the Rovers merely comment on the sketchy guidance given out by government.
Would however question the use of only one set of turnstiles in the West Stand
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 02:56:29 pm
Reality is if anyone feels that they are at risk of potentially ending up in hospital or worse I certainly wouldn’t be going to a stadium crowd of 5/6k people rather than moaning at someone for not wearing a mask on a concourse despite the fact people won’t be to eat/drink anyway.

I agree with this, although accept what BVB says. If they are rules then they are rules. It is a bit surprising though that, as you say, someone who has concerns is prepared voluntarily to attend an event with thousands of people. It isn't like a supermarket where you have to go to get food.

We went to the theatre recently in our town. It isn't a large theatre, about 300 seats. I asked my sister if she wanted to come along as she's been having a hard time recently and been told she may have cancer in her early 40's and she also has another health issue so thought getting her out of the house would be good.

I would drive up to Donny to collect her and take her back home again after.

I told her that i wouldn't be wearing a mask, not in the car or at the theatre, nor taking a test and masks at that time were optional and many people would be sat cheek to jowel and not wearing masks. She decided to come along. She made a decision based on her level of risk but wore a mask, as is her right to make that choice.

The show was utterly dire but the good thing was that she did not contract Covid either.

Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Goole Rover on January 17, 2022, 02:59:36 pm
Reality is if anyone feels that they are at risk of potentially ending up in hospital or worse I certainly wouldn’t be going to a stadium crowd of 5/6k people rather than moaning at someone for not wearing a mask on a concourse despite the fact people won’t be to eat/drink anyway.
Well said BVB.
Come on KK it’s no hardship to wear a mask to protect others some on here must have been well and truly mollycoddled by Mummy. Just remember KK some of those vulnerable people might be in desperate need of an afternoon out the virus is taking it’s toll in other ways.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: BVB on January 17, 2022, 03:27:03 pm
Reality is if anyone feels that they are at risk of potentially ending up in hospital or worse I certainly wouldn’t be going to a stadium crowd of 5/6k people rather than moaning at someone for not wearing a mask on a concourse despite the fact people won’t be to eat/drink anyway.

Yes of course it is a concern, but I have as much a right to go to a game as anyone else, and especially so when the rules are clear to all.

However I accept that others may not follow them when on concourse because of their views,or forgetfulness, or consuming food and drink.

So when passing through the concourse I look to avoid those not following the rules and get to my seat as soon as possible, where I am surrounded by people I know well.

This is how I exercise my right to go to a game as much as the next person during the current restrictions.

Never said anything about moaning at others not following the rules btw.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Upton Rover on January 17, 2022, 04:48:52 pm
Anyone who hasn't had Covid (which is now a mild cold for most) will get it at some point. It is inevitable.

Anyone who doesn't want to accept this and wants to wear a mask forever, no problems. Just stop having a pop at others who don't want to do this and then play the old 'you don't care about others card', which is frankly pathetic.

I do care about others. I just don't want to wear a mask or be told to by busy bodies.

Sorry but some have had 2 years of this bullshit. Being forced to wear useless face coverings and if they don't they somehow want people to die. Enough.

Over 50% of people who are in there due to non Covid reasons actually contract Covid IN HOSPITAL.  Hospitals are clinical settings and one of the few places where literally everyone has to wear a mask, and yet Covid spread is rife, and someone thinks wearing them in the West Stand concourse makes any difference!

Astonishing really.
A mild cold??? What about the daily average deaths this month over 200 per day, not a nice quote to the families of loved ones who they have lost, very insensitive thing to say
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 04:54:42 pm
Anyone who hasn't had Covid (which is now a mild cold for most) will get it at some point. It is inevitable.

Anyone who doesn't want to accept this and wants to wear a mask forever, no problems. Just stop having a pop at others who don't want to do this and then play the old 'you don't care about others card', which is frankly pathetic.

I do care about others. I just don't want to wear a mask or be told to by busy bodies.

Sorry but some have had 2 years of this bullshit. Being forced to wear useless face coverings and if they don't they somehow want people to die. Enough.

Over 50% of people who are in there due to non Covid reasons actually contract Covid IN HOSPITAL.  Hospitals are clinical settings and one of the few places where literally everyone has to wear a mask, and yet Covid spread is rife, and someone thinks wearing them in the West Stand concourse makes any difference!

Astonishing really.
A mild cold??? What about the daily average deaths this month over 200 per day, not a nice quote to the families of loved ones who they have lost, very insensitive thing to say


I did say a mild cold for most. Which is the truth. Unlike the actual numbers who have died as a direct result of Covid and which you are quoting.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Colin C No.3 on January 17, 2022, 05:37:32 pm
Reality is if anyone feels that they are at risk of potentially ending up in hospital or worse I certainly wouldn’t be going to a stadium crowd of 5/6k people rather than moaning at someone for not wearing a mask on a concourse despite the fact people won’t be to eat/drink anyway.
I wasn’t moaning KK, just giving my perspective on the OP.

As I said, we live in a democratic society where people can make their own choices about their lives & the lives of people around them be it a loved one or a total stranger.

You’re quite right of course, I could stop attending Rovers games, stay at home, start having groceries delivered again, put my life ‘on hold’ for the foreseeable.

And I do this why? Because I’m ‘vulnerable’ if I contract covid?

In my position you say “I certainly wouldn’t be going to a stadium crowd of 5/6k people….” With all due respect, you’re not in my position. Every choice I make is a calculated one before I step out of my front door. ‘Bugger Rovers, I’ve been following them for long enough I’ll cut the grass instead’.

So I’m deprived of going to The Keepmoat (bugger the Eco Stadium malarkey) because although when I wear my mask on the concourse & when exiting & entering the stadium so I don’t pass anything inadvertently on to you, or CDH, or the 80 year old making his/her way out of & into the ground, you & others choose not to?

A mask that takes up less room in your back pocket than a fiver.

A mask that is easier & quicker to put on than a pair of gloves.

Or is it (as I suspect) a way of putting two fingers up to Boris, his government & the so called experts?

I’m all for giving Bozo & his buddies two fingers. But in doing so you’re also, mataphorically speaking, putting two fingers up to me & others like me. Rovers supporters.

Don’t know what more to say on the subject really, so there’s my ten penneth for what it might be worth.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Upton Rover on January 17, 2022, 06:52:28 pm
Anyone who hasn't had Covid (which is now a mild cold for most) will get it at some point. It is inevitable.

Anyone who doesn't want to accept this and wants to wear a mask forever, no problems. Just stop having a pop at others who don't want to do this and then play the old 'you don't care about others card', which is frankly pathetic.

I do care about others. I just don't want to wear a mask or be told to by busy bodies.

Sorry but some have had 2 years of this bullshit. Being forced to wear useless face coverings and if they don't they somehow want people to die. Enough.

Over 50% of people who are in there due to non Covid reasons actually contract Covid IN HOSPITAL.  Hospitals are clinical settings and one of the few places where literally everyone has to wear a mask, and yet Covid spread is rife, and someone thinks wearing them in the West Stand concourse makes any difference!

Astonishing really.
A mild cold??? What about the daily average deaths this month over 200 per day, not a nice quote to the families of loved ones who they have lost, very insensitive thing to say


I did say a mild cold for most. Which is the truth. Unlike the actual numbers who have died as a direct result of Covid and which you are quoting.
I can’t recall that we have ever had 200 deaths a day with a mild cold, but you know it all, you are talking utter shite and very offensive to people who have lost loved ones
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 06:55:34 pm
Anyone who hasn't had Covid (which is now a mild cold for most) will get it at some point. It is inevitable.

Anyone who doesn't want to accept this and wants to wear a mask forever, no problems. Just stop having a pop at others who don't want to do this and then play the old 'you don't care about others card', which is frankly pathetic.

I do care about others. I just don't want to wear a mask or be told to by busy bodies.

Sorry but some have had 2 years of this bullshit. Being forced to wear useless face coverings and if they don't they somehow want people to die. Enough.

Over 50% of people who are in there due to non Covid reasons actually contract Covid IN HOSPITAL.  Hospitals are clinical settings and one of the few places where literally everyone has to wear a mask, and yet Covid spread is rife, and someone thinks wearing them in the West Stand concourse makes any difference!

Astonishing really.
A mild cold??? What about the daily average deaths this month over 200 per day, not a nice quote to the families of loved ones who they have lost, very insensitive thing to say


I did say a mild cold for most. Which is the truth. Unlike the actual numbers who have died as a direct result of Covid and which you are quoting.
I can’t recall that we have ever had 200 deaths a day with a mild cold, but you know it all, you are talking utter shite and very offensive to people who have lost loved ones

BBC or Sky?

Would those people who sadly died have not done so if i'd not have said it was a mild cold then?

If you wish to take offence when none is intended then that's your lookout.

Don't forget those thousands who died as a direct result of the restrictions. But they won't be on the Covid death stats will they?  :)
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Goole Rover on January 17, 2022, 07:24:14 pm
Anyone who hasn't had Covid (which is now a mild cold for most) will get it at some point. It is inevitable.

Anyone who doesn't want to accept this and wants to wear a mask forever, no problems. Just stop having a pop at others who don't want to do this and then play the old 'you don't care about others card', which is frankly pathetic.

I do care about others. I just don't want to wear a mask or be told to by

Sorry but some have had 2 years of this bullshit. Being forced to wear useless face coverings and if they don't they somehow want people to die. Enough.

Over 50% of people who are in there due to non Covid reasons actually contract Covid IN HOSPITAL.  Hospitals are clinical settings and one of the few places where literally everyone has to wear a mask, and yet Covid spread is rife, and someone thinks wearing them in the West Stand concourse makes any difference!

Astonishing really.
A mild cold??? What about the daily average deaths this month over 200 per day, not a nice quote to the families of loved ones who they have lost, very insensitive thing to say
Well said Upton Rover.
Now Colin Douglas Handshake this is for you. My son who contracted Corona virus in October 2020 has gone from a very fit bloke who would cycle 120 miles a day to a person who can’t walk 400 metres without being breathless. He has been sent to London by his great employer for tests and has been diagnosed with lung and heart damage. Strangely enough the bloke who sits behind him at the ground is in a lesser but similar state. CDH you really should be ashamed of yourself comparing this virus with the common cold. I’m sure my son would love to meet you, he sits around around H658 West stand.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 07:33:56 pm
How many times? It is a mild illness FOR MOST PEOPLE.

This means that SOME people can get really ill but MOST don't.

I have sympathy for your son. I have a post viral illness that has destroyed my life for the last 12 years or so, with no help from the NHS or anyone. Had to pack in my career and can't go on holiday abroad anymore as i can't get insurance and it is too risky. Couldn't do much with my kid growing up as was housebound for months.

Endless chronic fatigue, neurological problems digestive disorder. Going to a Rovers match these days needs to be planned in detail and i need to prepare due to my illness.

I didn't have the general public busting a gut to help me out or their sympathy. In fact my illness is even derided by many GP's. Primarily because they have no idea how to treat it but don't want to admit it.

I got this in my late 20's and have it for life with no idea if it will get worse. Any virus can trigger these syndromes that many people never fully recover from, but it is only because of Covid that people now seem to know about them. People have been suffering in silence for years.

People have been getting post viral syndromes for years that has decimated their lives but have had to put up with it in silence and with no help from anyone.

I hope your lad is accessing the help and support he needs. Unfortunately I couldn't.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Upton Rover on January 17, 2022, 08:21:21 pm
How many times? It is a mild illness FOR MOST PEOPLE.

This means that SOME people can get really ill but MOST don't.

I have sympathy for your son. I have a post viral illness that has destroyed my life for the last 12 years or so, with no help from the NHS or anyone. Had to pack in my career and can't go on holiday abroad anymore as i can't get insurance and it is too risky. Couldn't do much with my kid growing up as was housebound for months.

Endless chronic fatigue, neurological problems digestive disorder. Going to a Rovers match these days needs to be planned in detail and i need to prepare due to my illness.

I didn't have the general public busting a gut to help me out or their sympathy. In fact my illness is even derided by many GP's. Primarily because they have no idea how to treat it but don't want to admit it.

I got this in my late 20's and have it for life with no idea if it will get worse. Any virus can trigger these syndromes that many people never fully recover from, but it is only because of Covid that people now seem to know about them. People have been suffering in silence for years.

People have been getting post viral syndromes for years that has decimated their lives but have had to put up with it in silence and with no help from anyone.

I hope your lad is accessing the help and support he needs. Unfortunately I couldn't.
with all that you have/had gives you a good reason to wear a mask in these horrible times, not disrespectful to others, and presume that it’s only a common cold, people don’t die with cold in these number’s, I wish I still had my friend here.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Goole Rover on January 17, 2022, 08:59:38 pm
How many times? It is a mild illness FOR MOST PEOPLE.

This means that SOME people can get really ill but MOST don't.

I have sympathy for your son. I have a post viral illness that has destroyed my life for the last 12 years or so, with no help from the NHS or anyone. Had to pack in my career and can't go on holiday abroad anymore as i can't get insurance and it is too risky. Couldn't do much with my kid growing up as was housebound for months.

Endless chronic fatigue, neurological problems digestive disorder. Going to a Rovers match these days needs to be planned in detail and i need to prepare due to my illness.

I didn't have the general public busting a gut to help me out or their sympathy. In fact my illness is even derided by many GP's. Primarily because they have no idea how to treat it but don't want to admit it.

I got this in my late 20's and have it for life with no idea if it will get worse. Any virus can trigger these syndromes that many people never fully recover from, but it is only because of Covid that people now seem to know about them. People have been suffering in silence for years.

People have been getting post viral syndromes for years that has decimated their lives but have had to put up with it in silence and with no help from anyone.

I hope your lad is accessing the help and support he needs. Unfortunately I couldn't.
Thank you CDH for your concern and wishes. I hope genuinely hope that things improve you.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: LincolnDonny on January 17, 2022, 09:32:16 pm
Not everyone wishes to comply with a ridiculous law either.

Best get used to it. Rightly or wrongly.

If you are spending your half time break counting the number of people without masks, perhaps start questioning if your fear is rational to begin with.

If Boris said tomorrow, masks are no longer required, many people will stop wearing them. Mad.
How the heck can you question Wolfe when you recently wrote twenty odd paragraphs of rubbish.

And the relevance to this topic is?
Sorry having a bad morning my National Grid Shares are down 2p I’m now down two thousand notes.

CRIKEY two thousand notes?

Thats nothing to sniff at!

Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: BVB on January 17, 2022, 09:37:53 pm
How many times? It is a mild illness FOR MOST PEOPLE.

This means that SOME people can get really ill but MOST don't.

I have sympathy for your son. I have a post viral illness that has destroyed my life for the last 12 years or so, with no help from the NHS or anyone. Had to pack in my career and can't go on holiday abroad anymore as i can't get insurance and it is too risky. Couldn't do much with my kid growing up as was housebound for months.

Endless chronic fatigue, neurological problems digestive disorder. Going to a Rovers match these days needs to be planned in detail and i need to prepare due to my illness.

I didn't have the general public busting a gut to help me out or their sympathy. In fact my illness is even derided by many GP's. Primarily because they have no idea how to treat it but don't want to admit it.

I got this in my late 20's and have it for life with no idea if it will get worse. Any virus can trigger these syndromes that many people never fully recover from, but it is only because of Covid that people now seem to know about them. People have been suffering in silence for years.

People have been getting post viral syndromes for years that has decimated their lives but have had to put up with it in silence and with no help from anyone.

I hope your lad is accessing the help and support he needs. Unfortunately I couldn't.
Thank you CDH for your concern and wishes. I hope genuinely hope that things improve you.

That’s a magnanimous reply GR.

Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 17, 2022, 09:45:12 pm
Yes i agree. Thanks GR and i wish you and yours all the best. Apologies for appearing to belittle people's individual experiences.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Goole Rover on January 17, 2022, 09:48:51 pm
How many times? It is a mild illness FOR MOST PEOPLE.

This means that SOME people can get really ill but MOST don't.

I have sympathy for your son. I have a post viral illness that has destroyed my life for the last 12 years or so, with no help from the NHS or anyone. Had to pack in my career and can't go on holiday abroad anymore as i can't get insurance and it is too risky. Couldn't do much with my kid growing up as was housebound for months.

Endless chronic fatigue, neurological problems digestive disorder. Going to a Rovers match these days needs to be planned in detail and i need to prepare due to my illness.

I didn't have the general public busting a gut to help me out or their sympathy. In fact my illness is even derided by many GP's. Primarily because they have no idea how to treat it but don't want to admit it.

I got this in my late 20's and have it for life with no idea if it will get worse. Any virus can trigger these syndromes that many people never fully recover from, but it is only because of Covid that people now seem to know about them. People have been suffering in silence for years.

People have been getting post viral syndromes for years that has decimated their lives but have had to put up with it in silence and with no help from anyone.

I hope your lad is accessing the help and support he needs. Unfortunately I couldn't.
Sorry CDH didn't read my reply before posting should have read " I genuinely hope that things improve for you".
I hope that you receive the care and support that you deserve in this day and age.

Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Barmby Rover on January 17, 2022, 10:52:53 pm
|I stay away from the ground, and have been doing so for the last two seasons, precisely because idiots who want to "impose my rules" and cannot understand the science behind restrictions are going to be there and do not give a damn if they threaten anybody else's life if it means the slightest inconvenience for them.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Colin C No.3 on January 17, 2022, 11:41:40 pm
Yes i agree. Thanks GR and i wish you and yours all the best. Apologies for appearing to belittle people's individual experiences.
Is that not the crux of your ‘argument’ CDH?

You DO ‘belittle’ (your words) other peoples ‘individual experiences’ i.e., their own underlying conditions that this pandemic, despite all my/their efforts to ‘beat it’ can be THE bloody thing that ‘takes us’ from our loved ones.

I won’t list my particular condition or the effect it has had neurological on my life since 1993 & took a further six years without any medication meantime, to diagnose.

So I do know where your coming from CDH, i just struggle to understand when I tell you that this virus could ‘do for me’ that your reaction is “I didn’t have the general public busting a gut for me”.

It’s clear that we’re both on, to use the old catchphrase which I abhor but can’t bring a better one to mind this time of evening, on ‘borrowed time’ due to rare conditions that are (because we have to live with them daily so know only too well) progressive & ever more debilitating, conditions that in my own case are a ‘hidden disability’ so is it too much to ask for a fellow Rovers supporter (let’s put supermarkets & other public places to one side for a moment) to don a mask?

And in doing,  so at the risk of sounding melodramatic, maybe give me a few more years with my grandchildren?

I’ve posted similar today, I can’t be arsed to go back & look where (it may well be on this very topic) & said I can’t say much more. Well you have prompted me, for better or for worse, to do so.

I’ve ‘shone a light’ on my own circumstances in a way that I would never, ever have thought I would on a public forum but your comments made me feel that you needed to hear (& crikey if GR’s comments can’t resonate with you then I’ve wasted 20 minutes of my own life!) that the anger & frustration you feel at the ‘bad hand’ you’ve been dealt health wise isn’t so uncommon.

So let’s not our horizons be restricted because of our own health issues, let’s be bigger, kinder, stronger than that & the next time you go for a pee without wearing a mask, see if the bloke standing a good metre away is. It might just be me.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: Donnywolf on January 18, 2022, 05:50:03 am
Well my Survey came and I noted large number of people NOT wearing masks and the fact that this was at odds with COVID compliance.

Also mentioned the Flares brought in by away fans which are in contravention of Ground Rules I think and which did not affect me directly but may encourage others to do it
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 18, 2022, 09:21:58 am
Yes i agree. Thanks GR and i wish you and yours all the best. Apologies for appearing to belittle people's individual experiences.
Is that not the crux of your ‘argument’ CDH?

You DO ‘belittle’ (your words) other peoples ‘individual experiences’ i.e., their own underlying conditions that this pandemic, despite all my/their efforts to ‘beat it’ can be THE bloody thing that ‘takes us’ from our loved ones.

I won’t list my particular condition or the effect it has had neurological on my life since 1993 & took a further six years without any medication meantime, to diagnose.

So I do know where your coming from CDH, i just struggle to understand when I tell you that this virus could ‘do for me’ that your reaction is “I didn’t have the general public busting a gut for me”.

It’s clear that we’re both on, to use the old catchphrase which I abhor but can’t bring a better one to mind this time of evening, on ‘borrowed time’ due to rare conditions that are (because we have to live with them daily so know only too well) progressive & ever more debilitating, conditions that in my own case are a ‘hidden disability’ so is it too much to ask for a fellow Rovers supporter (let’s put supermarkets & other public places to one side for a moment) to don a mask?

And in doing,  so at the risk of sounding melodramatic, maybe give me a few more years with my grandchildren?

I’ve posted similar today, I can’t be arsed to go back & look where (it may well be on this very topic) & said I can’t say much more. Well you have prompted me, for better or for worse, to do so.

I’ve ‘shone a light’ on my own circumstances in a way that I would never, ever have thought I would on a public forum but your comments made me feel that you needed to hear (& crikey if GR’s comments can’t resonate with you then I’ve wasted 20 minutes of my own life!) that the anger & frustration you feel at the ‘bad hand’ you’ve been dealt health wise isn’t so uncommon.

So let’s not our horizons be restricted because of our own health issues, let’s be bigger, kinder, stronger than that & the next time you go for a pee without wearing a mask, see if the bloke standing a good metre away is. It might just be me.

Thanks for your post Colin C No. 3. I did post a longer reply to one of your earlier posts but deleted it as sometimes it feels like i get carried away and end up probably revealing too much personal stuff on a public forum. After all, anything that one reveals on a public form can often be used against them by more trolling members of sites and so it's a balancing act between wanting to be honest and engage honestly and also not giving others any ammo to shoot you with. In an online sense of course.

I take on board all you have said and one thing i said in my deleted post is that i admire you for having your health challenges but still recognising that you can't control others and others should be free to do what they see fit and make their own decisions when it comes to all things Covid.

Take Barmby Rovers post a few posts earlier. He states that he hasn't been to a Rovers game for the past two season because of 'idiots'.

It is posts like this that i do not understand. For example, masks were not required for games at the Rovers this season until December when they were brought back in again. Yet the virus is still around as it will never go away. So why does Barmby Rover still think that people should be wearing masks forever, even though there are times when the Government say it is not necessary?

Are people idiots because they choose not to wear a mask when there is no legal requirement to? When WILL Barmby decide to go back to the Rovers given that Covid will be around and people will be behaving 'normally' again and not distancing / mask wearing?

My concern throughout the pandemic, other than myself, has been the impact on kids and the lack of cost / benefit analysis that has been done by anyone in authority that identifies the potential harms to children as a result of all these on / off restrictive measures.

Kids should always have been put first and left unaffected instead of being used and blamed by adults. I stopped wearing a mask, as i explained in my deleted post to stop normalizing something that isn't normal. Kids have had their lives and educations ruined for the past 3 years and the mental health issues caused or not yet apparent by relentless pressure to wear masks, sanitize, avoid people etc is more important to avoid than my demise.

Being dramatic there i think but the upshot is that kids should have always come first and tbh, a lot of selfish elderly adults IMO have only served to save themselves and not considered the impact on developing children that many of these measures have had or will have. This has pissed me off too and does create resentment.

Older folk have had their childhoods. They've had their youth. They've had their fledgling adulthood.

Now it's time to let those groups have theirs. Free of Covid theatre.

I take your points though and yes, i agree that is isn't a hardship to wear a mask entering the stadium and walking to my seat or going to the bogs and i will do that from now on until the end of the season and see where we're at then.

I won't be doing it anywhere else however in the wider world and never sat in my seat at the game, but if we all wore masks to make fans like Barmby Rover feel safer to go to games again then i guess it is a small imposition. Parents with kids who go to the rovers should still free to make their own decision about this however as IMO it is imperative that kids stop seeing adults masked up everywhere and it is essential that kids get back to normal life asap.

I wish you all the best with your health Colin C and thank you for your openness and honesty.

Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: aidanstu on January 18, 2022, 09:22:37 am
Not everyone wants to be put at risk by thaughtlles individuals who don't give sh1t about their fellow supporters!
Stay at home then if you are that concerned

So because others put themselves first and don’t have a social conscience those who abide and take a more utilitarian approach to life have to stay at home. Your opinion is reflective of everything that’s wrong with this self serving, parasitic society.

We Yorkshire folk used to care about each other; the more I observe some of the folk in Doncaster and their views, especially amongst our supporters, the more I become dismayed.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 18, 2022, 09:29:49 am
Not everyone wants to be put at risk by thaughtlles individuals who don't give sh1t about their fellow supporters!
Stay at home then if you are that concerned

So because others put themselves first and don’t have a social conscience those who abide and take a more utilitarian approach to life have to stay at home. Your opinion is reflective of everything that’s wrong with this self serving, parasitic society.

There are lots of different individual reasons why some people won't comply with measures aidanstu or choose not to get vaccinated other than them being selfish or parasitic and a lack of acknowledgement and understanding of these reasons only serves to increase further resistance in this cohort.

Although i do see where you are coming from. I just think it is very sad and very concerning that we seem to have reached a point in human existence where someone exercising their human right to make their own decisions, so long as they are legal, are subjected to a relentless mob mentality by the majority of society. Until they submit.

You do make a reasonable point but reading between the lines, KK has also made a point that needs to be discussed.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: aidanstu on January 18, 2022, 09:35:56 am
Not everyone wants to be put at risk by thaughtlles individuals who don't give sh1t about their fellow supporters!
Stay at home then if you are that concerned

So because others put themselves first and don’t have a social conscience those who abide and take a more utilitarian approach to life have to stay at home. Your opinion is reflective of everything that’s wrong with this self serving, parasitic society.

There are lots of different individual reasons why some people won't comply with measures aidanstu or choose not to get vaccinated other than them being selfish or parasitic and a lack of acknowledgement and understanding of these reasons only serves to increase further resistance in this cohort.

Although i do see where you are coming from. I just think it is very sad and very concerning that we seem to have reached a point in human existence where someone exercising their human right to make their own decisions, so long as they are legal, are subjected to a relentless mob mentality by the majority of society. Until they submit.

You do make a reasonable point but reading between the lines, KK has also made a point that needs to be discussed.

I’m not suggesting that those who are exempt should wear masks but we all know people, the type I’m talking about, that simply choose not to wear masks because they can’t be arsed, want all the rights and no responsibility.

The science clearly says we should be wearing masks and it’s a minor inconvenience to help protect the vulnerable. I don’t understand the mentality which opposes this view. I’d wear one for the rest of my life if it meant that I got to spend more time with loved ones that had died from the condition.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 18, 2022, 10:14:50 am
Not everyone wants to be put at risk by thaughtlles individuals who don't give sh1t about their fellow supporters!
Stay at home then if you are that concerned

So because others put themselves first and don’t have a social conscience those who abide and take a more utilitarian approach to life have to stay at home. Your opinion is reflective of everything that’s wrong with this self serving, parasitic society.

There are lots of different individual reasons why some people won't comply with measures aidanstu or choose not to get vaccinated other than them being selfish or parasitic and a lack of acknowledgement and understanding of these reasons only serves to increase further resistance in this cohort.

Although i do see where you are coming from. I just think it is very sad and very concerning that we seem to have reached a point in human existence where someone exercising their human right to make their own decisions, so long as they are legal, are subjected to a relentless mob mentality by the majority of society. Until they submit.

You do make a reasonable point but reading between the lines, KK has also made a point that needs to be discussed.

I’m not suggesting that those who are exempt should wear masks but we all know people, the type I’m talking about, that simply choose not to wear masks because they can’t be arsed, want all the rights and no responsibility.

The science clearly says we should be wearing masks and it’s a minor inconvenience to help protect the vulnerable. I don’t understand the mentality which opposes this view. I’d wear one for the rest of my life if it meant that I got to spend more time with loved ones that had died from the condition.

You make some valid points aidanstu and i can see you are as passionate as i am, albeit i lean the other way towards freedom of choice rather than unwavering adherence to rules.

A key point is that you say that you would wear one for the rest of your life if it meant you got to spend more time with loved ones. Firstly nobody is saying that you can't do this if you wished but secondly, many people don't wish to and they should have that freedom to choose whether they want to or not. It is their life, their face, their body.

Another point is that there isn't clear evidence that supports the wearing of face coverings in non clinical settings. There may be clearer evidence that supports the wearing of specific types of mask, correctly fitted, in regulated clinical settings but as for wearing a bit of cloth loosely around your mush in Sainsbury's, the evidence is difficult to find and if anyone could post up that clear evidence that supports people wearing Man U scarfs on their faces in supermarkets then please do feel free to post it up, as i have yet to find it.

Just saying it might help a bit isn't good enough for some people to warrant wearing one. Rightly or wrongly. Even if the evidence wins hands down, it still should be about the own personal choice of the individual IMO, but we all look at things differently.

You are right though, there are a number of people who choose not to wear a mask because they simply can't be arsed but i defend their right to exercise freedom of choice to not to wear a mask. Even if it law, because personally i believe the law in this instance is disproportionate to the actual level of risk and effectiveness of the measure implemented.

What might be a minor inconvenience to some isn't for others.

Almost 2 years on and still no clear evidence to nail masks to the floor as a valid measure has been produced. Unless you take that piece of 'evidence' supplied by Nadhim Zahawi as something that is of any worth at all. If masks worked as effectively as they say and the evidence was there, they'd be ramming it down our throats every 5 minutes just to prove their point. But they don't and they haven't.

Some people like to weigh up the pros and cons before deciding to participate in measures / restrictions rather than just go along with them because a carefully selected cabal of 'scientists', 'behavioural' experts and bent politicians have told them to.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: roversdude on January 18, 2022, 10:27:30 am
Well my Survey came and I noted large number of people NOT wearing masks and the fact that this was at odds with COVID compliance.

Also mentioned the Flares brought in by away fans which are in contravention of Ground Rules I think and which did not affect me directly but may encourage others to do it

Always amazes me when they have the pyrotechnics announcement telling people it’s illegal to bring them in to the ground….once everyone is in the ground.
The checks going into the North Stand need to be a little more robust I suggest
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: DonnyOsmond on January 18, 2022, 10:27:34 am
Some people rather make people stay at home than wear a mask for 30 seconds. Ridiculous. :laugh:
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 18, 2022, 10:32:06 am
Some people rather make people stay at home than wear a mask for 30 seconds. Ridiculous. :laugh:

'Make' people stay at home?   :facepalm: :lol: :lol:

Oh what power the maskless wield.

Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ravenrover on January 18, 2022, 11:23:49 am
CDH not going on holiday abroad because of insurance you forgot to add no Covid Passport or testing :-))
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 18, 2022, 11:34:10 am
CDH not going on holiday abroad because of insurance you forgot to add no Covid Passport or testing :-))

 :lol: :lol:

Haha yes. I guess there is that too RR.

Before Covid i struggled though. I managed to find one insurance company that covered M.E and Sjogren's Syndrome actually but never been totally well enough for long enough or confident enough to go abroad. The whole experience of a foreign holiday is very stressful and not much point enduring all that stress to get somewhere and then spending the next 3/4 days inside due to recovering my body from the stress. It is post exertional malaise that they call it. Bascially on any given day i can do normal stuff but if i overdo it then i'm unwell for days afterwards.

But like you say, don't have to worry about it now due to Covid passes. Did want to go to Northern Ireland this summer with the family as at least it would feel a bit like going to a different country for the kid but can't even do that now because over there is like Australia!

Had planned to go to Austria just before Covid hit which got cancelled to see an elderly relative who i'd not seen for many years and that my kid had never met. Given Austria were the first country to want to replicate Nazi Germany in terms of no jab, no life, then we can't go. Got a letter from her a few days ago saying that she has cancer.

In and out of an Austrian hospital and treated within 2 weeks of diagnosis. Would our NHS be as good as that?

Upshot is i have accepted that i'll never see her again. Unless these illegal and discriminatory vaccine passports are done away with, or i get fully vaxxed. Both of which i can't ever see happening.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: DonnyOsmond on January 18, 2022, 11:36:51 am
Some people rather make people stay at home than wear a mask for 30 seconds. Ridiculous. :laugh:

'Make' people stay at home?   :facepalm: :lol: :lol:

Oh what power the maskless wield.

There's someone on the previous page telling someone to stay home if he's worried...
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: aidanstu on January 18, 2022, 11:38:00 am
Not everyone wants to be put at risk by thaughtlles individuals who don't give sh1t about their fellow supporters!
Stay at home then if you are that concerned

So because others put themselves first and don’t have a social conscience those who abide and take a more utilitarian approach to life have to stay at home. Your opinion is reflective of everything that’s wrong with this self serving, parasitic society.

There are lots of different individual reasons why some people won't comply with measures aidanstu or choose not to get vaccinated other than them being selfish or parasitic and a lack of acknowledgement and understanding of these reasons only serves to increase further resistance in this cohort.

Although i do see where you are coming from. I just think it is very sad and very concerning that we seem to have reached a point in human existence where someone exercising their human right to make their own decisions, so long as they are legal, are subjected to a relentless mob mentality by the majority of society. Until they submit.

You do make a reasonable point but reading between the lines, KK has also made a point that needs to be discussed.

I’m not suggesting that those who are exempt should wear masks but we all know people, the type I’m talking about, that simply choose not to wear masks because they can’t be arsed, want all the rights and no responsibility.

The science clearly says we should be wearing masks and it’s a minor inconvenience to help protect the vulnerable. I don’t understand the mentality which opposes this view. I’d wear one for the rest of my life if it meant that I got to spend more time with loved ones that had died from the condition.

You make some valid points aidanstu and i can see you are as passionate as i am, albeit i lean the other way towards freedom of choice rather than unwavering adherence to rules.

A key point is that you say that you would wear one for the rest of your life if it meant you got to spend more time with loved ones. Firstly nobody is saying that you can't do this if you wished but secondly, many people don't wish to and they should have that freedom to choose whether they want to or not. It is their life, their face, their body.

Another point is that there isn't clear evidence that supports the wearing of face coverings in non clinical settings. There may be clearer evidence that supports the wearing of specific types of mask, correctly fitted, in regulated clinical settings but as for wearing a bit of cloth loosely around your mush in Sainsbury's, the evidence is difficult to find and if anyone could post up that clear evidence that supports people wearing Man U scarfs on their faces in supermarkets then please do feel free to post it up, as i have yet to find it.

Just saying it might help a bit isn't good enough for some people to warrant wearing one. Rightly or wrongly. Even if the evidence wins hands down, it still should be about the own personal choice of the individual IMO, but we all look at things differently.

You are right though, there are a number of people who choose not to wear a mask because they simply can't be arsed but i defend their right to exercise freedom of choice to not to wear a mask. Even if it law, because personally i believe the law in this instance is disproportionate to the actual level of risk and effectiveness of the measure implemented.

What might be a minor inconvenience to some isn't for others.

Almost 2 years on and still no clear evidence to nail masks to the floor as a valid measure has been produced. Unless you take that piece of 'evidence' supplied by Nadhim Zahawi as something that is of any worth at all. If masks worked as effectively as they say and the evidence was there, they'd be ramming it down our throats every 5 minutes just to prove their point. But they don't and they haven't.

Some people like to weigh up the pros and cons before deciding to participate in measures / restrictions rather than just go along with them because a carefully selected cabal of 'scientists', 'behavioural' experts and bent politicians have told them to.

Those relatives are already dead; the choice isn’t there. 200000 dead, many deaths as a cause of delay and treatment, consequential mental health issues and an economy that’s destroyed should be evidence enough. These issues have been protracted as a result of people not taking personal responsibility. Remember at the beginning of the pandemic when they said that only 20000 deaths would be a positive outcome?

Whilst you pine for clarity as to the need to wear mask the more responsible approach would be to await the research that suggests they don’t have benefit surely.

This isn’t a debate, at least in my view l, about freedom it’s a debate about responsibility. I certainly wouldn’t use Boris and Co as a morale compass but for me it’s common sense that it can’t harm and may help.

Like you say we come from different sides of the debate, I’m a utilitarian and you’re more micro in your thinking; at least on this subject. I’d rather not take the risk than not face a little inconvenience. In the grand scheme of things this is exactly what it is.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: ColinDouglasHandshake on January 18, 2022, 11:42:21 am
Some people rather make people stay at home than wear a mask for 30 seconds. Ridiculous. :laugh:

'Make' people stay at home?   :facepalm: :lol: :lol:

Oh what power the maskless wield.

There's someone on the previous page telling someone to stay home if he's worried...

I get that. So if all restrictions were lifted today and we were told to get on with life. What would these people who don't want to come out of their homes do then? Given the virus is endemic and people can do what they like?

At some point they have to make a decision that isn't based on what other people do or what they think other people should do. Don't they?

So they are in effect, making themselves stay at home.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: DonnyOsmond on January 18, 2022, 11:48:50 am
Some people rather make people stay at home than wear a mask for 30 seconds. Ridiculous. :laugh:

'Make' people stay at home?   :facepalm: :lol: :lol:

Oh what power the maskless wield.

There's someone on the previous page telling someone to stay home if he's worried...

I get that. So if all restrictions were lifted today and we were told to get on with life. What would these people who don't want to come out of their homes do then? Given the virus is endemic and people can do what they like?

At some point they have to make a decision that isn't based on what other people do or what they think other people should do. Don't they?

So they are in effect, making themselves stay at home.

The virus will eventually die down on its own and probably fairly soon. Masks are a just a bit of common sense in crowded areas until that happens and they cause little inconvenience. Anyone who can but chooses not to wear a mask is purely selfish.
Title: Re: No Masks on Concourses TBar queues Loos ?
Post by: roversdude on January 19, 2022, 05:11:16 pm
Looks like your survey was in vain DW