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Author Topic: IMF gives Tories a glowing report  (Read 27625 times)

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IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« on May 22, 2012, 11:36:08 am by mjdgreg »

Thank God labour aren't in power any more. The key phrase from their report is as follows:

"When I look back to 2010 and what could have happened without fiscal consolidation I shiver."

In effect she's saying ' It's a good job Labour weren't in power or they'd have carried on spending and there wouldn't have been any fiscal consolidation. The UK would now be looking as bad as Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Portugal etc.

Well done Dave and George.

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Sheepskin Stu

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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #1 on May 22, 2012, 01:05:42 pm by Sheepskin Stu »
Anyone from Donny who votes Tory is a disgrace to the town.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #2 on May 22, 2012, 02:47:24 pm by Filo »
Strange that is n`t it? the IMF are advocating more spending and an easing of the fiscal purse strings


big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #3 on May 22, 2012, 03:01:06 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
Anyone from Donny who votes Tory is a disgrace to the town.

Why is that exactly?  I don't like talk like that if I'm honest, differing political views are fine but I find comments like that a bit too far.  It's probably why the town still isn't progressing, stuck in the past.

It's all fairly clear to me, the Tories got it right by working on the deficit something Labour didn't want to do, but it had to be done.  We're now in a much better position going forward than countries like Greece and the US who still have the pain to come in the future.  Although I'm in favour of pushing growth a little more in the coming months and I expect the government to do so, but that doesn't have to mean gross overspending as others believe in.

I don't agree with a VAT cut though, in the current environment it's just not beneficial.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #4 on May 22, 2012, 03:02:04 pm by Mr1Croft »
Doesn't mean anything tbh, the IMF is just another organisation that exists for the benefit of the big countires, in fact it was an IMF economist that convinced the US congress that a free market and free-er trade (never has there been free trade) was the future and although it looked instable it wouldn't fail.

He said in 2009 that he was wrong. What do the IMF know?


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #5 on May 22, 2012, 03:04:43 pm by Mr1Croft »
Anyone from Donny who votes Tory is a disgrace to the town.

Why is that exactly?  I don't like talk like that if I'm honest, differing political views are fine but I find comments like that a bit too far.  It's probably why the town still isn't progressing, stuck in the past.

It's all fairly clear to me, the Tories got it right by working on the deficit something Labour didn't want to do, but it had to be done.  We're now in a much better position going forward than countries like Greece and the US who still have the pain to come in the future.  Although I'm in favour of pushing growth a little more in the coming months and I expect the government to do so, but that doesn't have to mean gross overspending as others believe in.

I don't agree with a VAT cut though, in the current environment it's just not beneficial.

I echo the sentiment BYFP, quite a remarkable comment in all honesty.

Although as someone who was shouting for the Tories to win the General Election in 2010 it made sense to me to vote for the Lib Dems to try and stop Labour winning. Apparently the other 1500 Tory voters didn't think about that...


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #6 on May 22, 2012, 03:06:50 pm by MrFrost »
Anyone from Donny who votes Tory is a disgrace to the town.


Sheepskin Stu

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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #7 on May 22, 2012, 03:46:50 pm by Sheepskin Stu »
It's good to smoke some of these Tory weasels out. Voting Conservative is an insult to the common working man.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #8 on May 22, 2012, 03:56:34 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
It's good to smoke some of these Tory weasels out. Voting Conservative is an insult to the common working man.

What an idiot you're making of yourself.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #9 on May 22, 2012, 03:57:03 pm by Mr1Croft »
So you would rather ignore what is best for the country (which was Conservative in the 2010 election) over some illusions that the Labour party is still the socialist ideology that defends the working man? C'mon there is no ideology in Politics anymore. Blair killed off the social image of Labour. All 3 parties are Neo-Liberal.

In fact there is more ideology to your absurd idea of totalitarianism than in Westminster.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #10 on May 22, 2012, 04:19:39 pm by bobjimwilly »
So you would rather ignore what is best for the country (which was Conservative in the 2010 election) over some illusions that the Labour party is still the socialist ideology that defends the working man? C'mon there is no ideology in Politics anymore. Blair killed off the social image of Labour. All 3 parties are Neo-Liberal.

Although I agree Blair brought the Labour Party closer to the middle, it is still more left-wing than the tories ever will be.
I also disagree that the Conservatives were the right choice in 2010. Anyone who knows their history knew that the tories would bring in Austerity measures too fiercely, cut public jobs too radically and basically f*ck over the lower-middle and lower classes in general.

They were the wrong choice in 2010, and they are still the wrong choice. Wasn't it Cameron that said we wouldn't going into double dip recession under the Conservative coalition? Hmmm.....


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #11 on May 22, 2012, 05:15:52 pm by auckleyflyer »
Always the same always will be!!! rich get richer and the working man pays!! its not maggie or camoron their just the head its the big fat right wing machine that warrents attention??
Glad this generation are seeing what their like. Hopfully this will bring labour into check and back into power and the tories can go hide in their private menbers clubs for a decade or hopfully two!
lib dems ?? dead in the water the left will pick up 80% of their vote :) thanks clegg me old cocker!


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #12 on May 22, 2012, 06:17:23 pm by Mr1Croft »
So you would rather ignore what is best for the country (which was Conservative in the 2010 election) over some illusions that the Labour party is still the socialist ideology that defends the working man? C'mon there is no ideology in Politics anymore. Blair killed off the social image of Labour. All 3 parties are Neo-Liberal.

Although I agree Blair brought the Labour Party closer to the middle, it is still more left-wing than the tories ever will be.
I also disagree that the Conservatives were the right choice in 2010. Anyone who knows their history knew that the tories would bring in Austerity measures too fiercely, cut public jobs too radically and basically f*ck over the lower-middle and lower classes in general.

They were the wrong choice in 2010, and they are still the wrong choice. Wasn't it Cameron that said we wouldn't going into double dip recession under the Conservative coalition? Hmmm.....

To be fair my comment about the right choice was a little far fetched. Of all the three mainstream parties the Lib Dem's had a clear cut plan to reduce the deficit by cutting in the right place but still encouraging growth. I still say to this day that when a coalition was announced Vince Cable should have been Chancellor rather than Clegg being Deputy PM. But Labour under Brown had no clear cut plan, it was worsening by the day. I have also said before how out of touch politics is now. Since Ted Heath all Conservative leaders have been public schooled, except Cameron, and I guarantee that every single leader before Cameron (except perhaps Ian Duncan Smith) would have won a landslide in 2010 with how badly Labour had become. The Tories started out okay and it did look a little promising (although I wasn't convinced by Osbourne's 15 year plan) and I agree that they tried to squeeze the state too much.

However your point about anyone who knows history is self contradicting. In the 20th Century about 90% of the voting population on average was of the working class, if the Tories were so mean in all of their governments why did the working class vote for them then any other party? We had 22 years of National Government due to the world wars, and of the other 79 years the Tories governed for 53 years. Only 26 years passed in "working class" Britain when the working class kept them out of Government.

Look at Attlee he created the Welfare State and the National Insurance, giving birth to the NHS, but the people still voted Conservative and kept them in power for 19 years and 3 general elections. They even survived what was the biggest mistake in foreign policy with Eden and the Suez crisis. Harold Wilson and Callaghan ran a regime governed by the unions, and the country eventually said no, even after Thatcher destroyed the lives of thousands of miners whose families depended on for income they still voted in their numbers to win a further 2 general elections.

It was only in the era of Hague and Ian Duncan Smith when the 'nasty Tory' that doesn't represent the working class came about, of course I'm not disputing that under Thatcher the rich got richer and the poorer got poorer, but that is the price you pay for capitalism, inequality will always exist in the fight against poverty. Look at the growing economies of Brazil, India and Japan. Even in the US it is the same. What alternative is there ? Communism?

Sheepskin Stu

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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #13 on May 22, 2012, 06:19:17 pm by Sheepskin Stu »
It's good to smoke some of these Tory weasels out. Voting Conservative is an insult to the common working man.

What an idiot you're making of yourself.

A couple of quid in your arse pocket and suddenly you're backing that bunch of criminals. You make me physically sick. I'm alright Jack. b*llocks to the rest.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #14 on May 22, 2012, 07:02:04 pm by Filo »
William Hague went to Wath comp


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #15 on May 22, 2012, 07:06:43 pm by mjdgreg »
A couple of quid in your arse pocket and suddenly you're backing that bunch of criminals. You make me physically sick. I'm alright Jack. b*llocks to the rest.

A law should be brought in banning people like Sheepskin Sue from having the vote. She is so thick she'd vote Labour no matter what.

Sheepskin Stu

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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #16 on May 22, 2012, 07:20:36 pm by Sheepskin Stu »
A couple of quid in your arse pocket and suddenly you're backing that bunch of criminals. You make me physically sick. I'm alright Jack. b*llocks to the rest.

A law should be brought in banning people like Sheepskin Sue from having the vote. She is so thick she'd vote Labour no matter what.

Stop it, you're hurting me with your cruel Tory jibes. Has your butler wiped your arse yet? It must be so upsetting coming on here and mingling with the great unwashed. I pity you.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #17 on May 22, 2012, 07:49:50 pm by Filo »
The butler's having problems deciding which end is the arse, shit is coming out of both ends!


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #18 on May 22, 2012, 07:50:15 pm by jonrover »

Thank God labour aren't in power any more. The key phrase from their report is as follows:

"When I look back to 2010 and what could have happened without fiscal consolidation I shiver."

In effect she's saying ' It's a good job Labour weren't in power or they'd have carried on spending and there wouldn't have been any fiscal consolidation. The UK would now be looking as bad as Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Portugal etc.

Well done Dave and George.

I guess you forgot the suggestion that a plan B should be prepared if growth fails to materialise (which it won't because ordinary Dave and Inept Gideon are only interested looking after their mates in the city at the expense of the rest of us), and the less than "glowing" analysis of the unemployment in the UK. Talk about being selective.

These two clowns will go down in history as the most hated PM and Chancellor in history when the population of this country opens its f**king eyes and stops reading the Murdoch press and watching the BBC. This is not our f**king crisis. Nor was it Labours. Casino banking got the world into this mess. And they should pay...end of discussion.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #19 on May 22, 2012, 10:15:57 pm by mjdgreg »
These two clowns will go down in history as the most hated PM and Chancellor in history

I think you'll find Gordon brown has already managed to bag both those awards. Take those rose tinted glasses of and stop looking through the eyes of a class warrior. I don't care what school Dave and George went to or how much they've got stashed in the bank. They've saved the British economy (for now) from the gross ineptitude of Gordon Brown. For that we should be eternally grateful.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #20 on May 22, 2012, 10:24:38 pm by mjdgreg »
Stop it, you're hurting me with your cruel Tory jibes. Has your butler wiped your arse yet? It must be so upsetting coming on here and mingling with the great unwashed. I pity you.

You need to take your head out of your no doubt fat arse. How anyone can be a Labour supporter is beyond me. Especially in Doncaster with the worst council in the country. Sometimes people are a lost cause and unfortunately you fall into that category and should never be allowed anywhere near a ballot box.

You obviously are incapable of making rational judgements when it comes to politics and form your views based on 'have they got more money than me'. Sounds like you are a very well balanced individual with a chip on each shoulder and with an attitude like that most people will have more money than you making you even more bitter and twisted.

The L J Monk

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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #21 on May 22, 2012, 10:34:04 pm by The L J Monk »
They've saved the British economy (for now) from the gross ineptitude of Gordon Brown. For that we should be eternally grateful.

From Q3 2010 onwards, the OECD lists GDP data for 7 respective quarters of the UK economy.

Of those 7 quarters, 4 have shown negative growth.



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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #22 on May 22, 2012, 10:42:23 pm by donnyroversfc »
You have a lovely way with words Mick if you dont mind me saying so.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #23 on May 22, 2012, 11:28:01 pm by mjdgreg »
From Q3 2010 onwards, the OECD lists GDP data for 7 respective quarters of the UK economy.

Of those 7 quarters, 4 have shown negative growth.


Yes saved. Rome wasn't built in a day but we are on the right path. It's going to take many years to repair the cataclysmic damage Labour did to the economy.

Take the blinkers off and look at what is happening in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc. Imagine where we'd be now if that retard Gordon Brown had won the election. It doesn't bear thinking about.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #24 on May 22, 2012, 11:29:50 pm by mjdgreg »
You have a lovely way with words mjdgreg if you dont mind me saying so.

I don't mind at all. I'm not so sure Sheepskin Sue feels the same way.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #25 on May 22, 2012, 11:34:09 pm by RoversAlias »
Labour crippled this country financially but a large portion of the population round here will persist in voting Labour forever and grumbling "rich tories, working man ignored, Thatcher is scum" etc. etc. etc. until the day they die.

I asked my brother not long back why he votes Labour and he says "cos my dad did" which is pathetic. At least have your own opinion! Sadly a fair few follow this same grand idea.

Sheepskin Stu you are the disgrace for a comment like that, where do you get off telling me or anyone that how they vote is a 'disgrace to this town'. Get real. I suppose you are behind Francois Hollande's great plan to get out of recession by, err, spending more money that his country doesn't have? Tremendous idea Frankie, can't go wrong.

Oh, and how long as Bert Miliband been in charge now? I'm yet to hear a policy from him, all he does is tell us how the Tories evil policies are bad, but never says how he has a better idea instead. The clown.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #26 on May 22, 2012, 11:38:16 pm by mjdgreg »
Labour crippled this country financially but a large portion of the population round here will persist in voting Labour forever and grumbling "rich tories, working man ignored, Thatcher is scum" etc. etc. etc. until the day they die.

I asked my brother not long back why he votes Labour and he says "cos my dad did" which is pathetic. At least have your own opinion! Sadly a fair few follow this same grand idea.

Sheepskin Stu you are the disgrace for a comment like that, where do you get off telling me or anyone that how they vote is a 'disgrace to this town'. Get real. I suppose you are behind Francois Hollande's great plan to get out of recession by, err, spending more money that his country doesn't have? Tremendous idea Frankie, can't go wrong.

Oh, and how long as Bert Miliband been in charge now? I'm yet to hear a policy from him, all he does is tell us how the Tories evil policies are bad, but never says how he has a better idea instead. The clown.

At last another well balanced intelligent post saying it as it really is. Totally spot on.

The L J Monk

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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #27 on May 23, 2012, 12:42:04 am by The L J Monk »
Rome wasn't built in a day but we are on the right path.

Take the blinkers off and look at what is happening in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc

Make your mind up Mick.

First you praise Rome, then you bash Italy.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #28 on May 23, 2012, 08:23:18 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Christ up above, here we go again. Mick needing some lessons in how to do basic thinking.

Let's start with the headlines of what Lagarde of the IMF said.

"when I think back myself of May 2010 when the UK deficit was at 11%, and I try to imagine what the situation would be like today if no such fiscal consolidation programme had been decided. I shiver."

Quite. I don't think you'd find anyone who disagrees with that. You would also find no-one who had the policy of keeping that level of deficit. Labour certainly didn't have that policy. The question was always about just how quickly you cut the deficit and whether cutting too quickly would screw up growth. Labour were planning to halve the deficit over 5 years. Osborne's plan was to eliminate it.

Now. Everyone knows that you cannot eliminate a deficit without growth. Lagarde said the same yesterday. So the question remains: how to balance the obviously necessary deficit reduction with support for growth.

Since late 2010, we have had no growth. None at all. This is a catastrophe for deficit reduction. Osborne has already had to change his deficit reduction plan because of this and is now saying that he wi eliminate the deficit in 7 years, not 5. And THAT will only be achieved if growth hits his targets for the next 5 years. What the IMF said yesterday in the starkest terms was that there is a very big risk that it won't. We will flat line. The deficit will not come down. Just like some of us have been saying since May 10, we'll have a Japan style Lost Decade. We're two years into it already...

The irony is that the IMF's advice yesterday on cutting VAT to boost growth is exactly what Labour's policy has been for the last 18 months, since Osborne put VAT up. And Labour's policy on reducing the deficit more slowly is exactly what we are ending up with anyway. But we're having to go through the flatlining growth to get there. Worst of both bloody worlds.


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Re: IMF gives Tories a glowing report
« Reply #29 on May 23, 2012, 10:04:02 am by mjdgreg »
Let's start with the headlines of what Lagarde of the IMF said.

"when I think back myself of May 2010 when the UK deficit was at 11%, and I try to imagine what the situation would be like today if no such fiscal consolidation programme had been decided. I shiver."

Quite. I don't think you'd find anyone who disagrees with that. You would also find no-one who had the policy of keeping that level of deficit. Labour certainly didn't have that policy. The question was always about just how quickly you cut the deficit and whether cutting too quickly would screw up growth. Labour were planning to halve the deficit over 5 years. Osborne's plan was to eliminate it.

As usual you talk a load of b*llocks. Labour obviously disagreed with that and by inference so did you!!! They did have that policy at least until 2011!!!  The Alistair Darling plan was not due to come in until 2011 not 2010. I repeat not 2010. His was a 4 year plan not a 5 year plan so you're wrong yet again!!! . Just to make sure you understand let me spell it out - Lagarde was talking about 2010-2011 not 2011-2012.

Listen to the Newsnight presenter last night from 8.30 if you don't believe me.


So it's obvious to anyone who isn't blinded by an illogical allegiance to the Labour party that she was saying 'it's a damn good job Labour didn't implement their plan  until 2011 or you would be well and truly in the shit'.

At least this time you haven't based all your illogical arguments on GDP debt ratio.


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