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Author Topic: In Rovers We Trust - December Update  (Read 2893 times)

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In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« on December 24, 2012, 10:03:44 am by NathanDRFC »

This season Doncaster Rovers introduced In Rovers We Trust, our fan engagement project aimed at giving fans a larger say in the decisions that affect you.

Over the course of the past few months the club have worked hard with fans through the Viking Supporters Co-operative and Supporters Clubs to implement some of the suggestions we have received. 

Here are some project updates on what you wanted us to action.

During January Doncaster Rovers will be hosting another meet the owners event, the second of the season, giving you opportunity to once again put forward suggestions and speak to the owners direct, for details of that event click here.

Later on this month the Club will also be hosting its third survey as part of the In Rovers We Trust project.  The club believe that Doncaster Rovers are the only football club in the UK that on a quarterly basis asks fans “How valued do you feel by the Club” and urge all fans to participate in that survey.

The start of the stadi-yum project and the £200,000 investment into the stadium kiosks has been delayed slightly and will now start in the New Year.  Kiosks are being changed in between games during a 3 month window, which should see works complete in April.

As part of the renovations fans will have a new range of food on offer including soup, sandwiches, pizza and a new coffee product.   There will also be a range of new items for families and children.

The new kiosks will also have clearer signage options allowing fans to identify the range of products on offer at each kiosk more easily.

Belle Vue Bar
Spotless have also confirmed that refurbishments will also take place in the Belle Vue Bar, the result of this investment will mean an increase in capacity with more seating and standing availability.

An increased range of food projects will also be available within the Belle Vue Bar on completion of the works.

Both staff working in the Belle Vue Bar and the stadium concourses will have new uniforms too, in keeping with the new food and drink branding and with a clearer link to Doncaster Rovers identity.

1879/Guest Ales
Due to the success of 1879 drink in the Belle Vue bar, this is now available in both the Directors and Hospitality suites.  Spotless will also be continuing to trial guest ales at match days moving forward to provide a unique experience.

Match Day Atmosphere
The club have been working closely with fans groups to improve the match day atmosphere at games.  This has resulted in the pre-match music being played being chosen from a fan created playlist, the introduction of Molly Malone, Hey Jude and Wild Rover all being played pre-match in order to create closer links with Belle Vue.

Smoking Bubbles
The club will be trialling a smoking bubble this season, starting from our home game against Colchester United on Saturday 5th January.  The Club wish to thank all fans who have contributed suggestions for this facility.

Cash Turnstiles
Cash turnstiles were used at home cup games this season with successful trials in Rovers fixtures against Chesterfield and Bradford Park Avenue.  There are no plans to introduce cash turnstiles at league games this season at this stage and a decision will be made on how cash turnstiles will be used next season shortly.

Rovers Player
Due to continued feedback from fans regarding Rovers Player and the dropping out of commentary at games, the club have petitioned the Football League and Perform to fix the problem.  The club now believe the problem has been solved with the option of listening to matches without the DVR function and no issues were reported during Rovers last fixture.

Ticket Office
At the request of fans the ticket office now accepts card payments and when queue levels are manageable also sells tickets to future home and away matches in addition to tickets for the day of the game.

Crèche Facility
The Club are looking at the opportunity to introduce a match day crèche facility in order to allow those with young children to be able to come and watch the game, knowing that their child will be left in a safe environment at the ground.  For details on this scheme, click here.

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Chris Black come back

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #1 on December 24, 2012, 10:12:20 am by Chris Black come back »
This is further proof if it were needed that the club is really making an effort to rebuild trust with the support base. Great news.

However, the introduction of a smoking bubble is madness. The club is effectively encouraging supporters to smoke! People who would otherwise not be arsed to take their disgusting habit outside because of the permanently shite weather are now going to be far more willing to nip out for one of their stinking death sticks as the club have paid out for a shelter for them! This is absolute madness. We should be making it as hard as possible for these people to give up - not making it easier for them to carry on their primitive habit. All the fine words and initiative about helping supporters lead healthier lives has just gone out of the window. As a club we should be stopping them leaving the ground to smoke, not positively encouraging them to do so by splashing out on a death chamber for them to smoke more!

silent majority

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #2 on December 24, 2012, 10:23:39 am by silent majority »

Just a couple of points for you to consider and the thought process behind the smoking bubble. Firstly the ban in smoking has not helped the non-smokers in other areas of the stadium and my understanding is that some areas are proving very troublesome. One of the other reasons is that smokers do not enter the stadium until 5 minutes before kick off and are the first to leave. They spend no additional monies inside the stadium and feel excluded. None of that justifies the smoking at all, and its an act I don't like myself, but they are still Rovers fans and should be included in any considerations we make to the supporter base.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #3 on December 24, 2012, 10:24:58 am by big fat yorkshire pudding »
This is further proof if it were needed that the club is really making an effort to rebuild trust with the support base. Great news.

However, the introduction of a smoking bubble is madness. The club is effectively encouraging supporters to smoke! People who would otherwise not be arsed to take their disgusting habit outside because of the permanently shite weather are now going to be far more willing to nip out for one of their stinking death sticks as the club have paid out for a shelter for them! This is absolute madness. We should be making it as hard as possible for these people to give up - not making it easier for them to carry on their primitive habit. All the fine words and initiative about helping supporters lead healthier lives has just gone out of the window. As a club we should be stopping them leaving the ground to smoke, not positively encouraging them to do so by splashing out on a death chamber for them to smoke more!

It's giving them the choice, football clubs should not be deciding what people get up to with their own lives.  It is also a further opportunity to promote anti smoking adverts etc in those areas.  I don't smoke, but if people want to do it, as has been debated then that is fully up to them.  Many could equally argue that alcohol is just as unhealthy if not more damaging, should we scrap the bars....

The Red Baron

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #4 on December 24, 2012, 10:28:27 am by The Red Baron »
Although I'm reluctant to reignite (pardon the pun) this particular debate, I have to say that if people want to smoke then that is up to them. So long as they don't do so near me then I don't really care. So my only concern would be about where the "smoking bubble" is situated and whether non-smokers are then exposed to the smoke.

As for all the nonsense about "promoting healthy lifestyles," one could argue that on that basis the club shouldn't be selling alcoholic drinks or pies. I'm sure none of us would want to go down that particular road. 

The Red Baron

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #5 on December 24, 2012, 10:30:45 am by The Red Baron »
Firstly the ban in smoking has not helped the non-smokers in other areas of the stadium and my understanding is that some areas are proving very troublesome.

Very true. The other week I went into a toilet cubicle that smelled like an opium den! If the "bubble" stops the smoking in the toilets then it is a step forward.

Chris Black come back

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #6 on December 24, 2012, 10:40:12 am by Chris Black come back »
Silent Majority - this should not distract from the great work that the VSC and the club are doing to rebuild the relationship with supporters but there are different ways to skin the same cat. Smoking inside the stadium (which is not only banned but is illegal) takes place only in the toilets. It is not too much to ask that these areas are patrolled and potentially smoke detectors installed. Smoking in an enclosed public space was made illegal under the Health Act 2006. If folk are smoking in the KMS then they need to be served with a fixed penalty notice by the police - of which there are plenty on hand. A few of those should serve as a lesson that their filthy habit is not welcome at the club. The state of adult male health in Doncaster is hideous. The club as a cornerstone of the community should be helping smokers tear up their death warrant and not handing them a pen to sign it! Cruel to be kind I am afraid.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 10:43:08 am by Chris Black come back »


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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #7 on December 24, 2012, 11:22:18 am by dodge123 »
I think your missing the point with the smoking bubble, it is what it says, a smoking vicinity OUTSIDE  the stadium within the law. Why some folk still argue the case that its a bad idea is beyond me, the smokers will be puffing away in there little bubble and will have no effect on non smokers, but still people complain its the wrong way forward and the club are in the wrong for encouraging supporters to smoke. Get real, im a smoker and i welcome the idea and think its great, we have somewhere to go at halftime or pre match, Doncaster Rovers is an instituition and part of supporters lifes and in that aspect it is right in catering for the smokers which will have no effect on others, and will aso the deter hopefully the idiots who smoke in the cubicles at half time or whenever they fancy a quick puff, this i do find out of order.  So lets not do this debate to death again, if you smoke you smoke and have a designated area to go soon, if you dont , then nothings changed and your opinions are of no value because in as few words, it wont effect you!, but thankyou for your concerns

silent majority

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #8 on December 24, 2012, 12:23:47 pm by silent majority »

I understand your point. But we do come at this from different angles, you wish to stamp something out that shouldn't be happening, we're trying to accommodate those very same Rovers fans, as I said we need to include them in our thought process. I could never be a part of something that set out to fine a fellow football supporter for such an act. I know you won't necessarily agree, but I could never agree to have something in the IRWT programme that included fining certain supporters.

But lets' celebrate our successes though, and we have plenty to celebrate!! As it says in the article we are setting the trend for football clubs throughout the land with this fan engagement programme. People write incredible essays and other articles on the benefit of fan engagement, the PL and FL like to talk about it, but this club, our club, are setting the standards for the rest of football to follow. Its one more thing that should make all DRFC fans feel that their club is different and understands its own supporters. Believe me when I say that this is unique!

Chris Black come back

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #9 on December 24, 2012, 12:36:53 pm by Chris Black come back »
Hear, hear Silent Majority. Great work and Rovers blazing a trail.

PS - I was actually been generous with the idea of a fine for those found smoking. If I was being honest they would in an ideal world be pistol whipped on the way out of the stadium.

River Don

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #10 on December 24, 2012, 01:21:29 pm by River Don »

Will that come with mushy peas and gravy?


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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #11 on December 24, 2012, 06:28:49 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I'm very heartened by the gradual improvements being made and one thing that stands out, is the improved communication. We're now receiving more structured, regular updates and it's clear that the club means business and it recognises the importance of keeping fans engaged.

Well done to all those involved in turning this around.

The more measured responses about the smoking issue raise the valid point of providing choice. Choice that is afforded at the majority of away
grounds and now hopefully at home. This should rid us of the scourge of those giving the rest of us smokers a bad name by having a quickie in the bogs.  I can't see how this measure will encourage people to smoke and to set the record straight, there is already a smoking shelter on the East Side.  I may stick to my half time apple but at least, it's a bonus to know I can choose.

We've yet to see what improvements Spotless bring to the party but I'm sure the new regime will make it work together with feedback from us the fans.

We're on the up and let's hope 2013 is remembered for the positives rather than the negatives endured for much of 2012. (Although, let's face it, we've had much worse in the past)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone and let's start it with a big bang!!


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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #12 on December 24, 2012, 06:47:33 pm by hoolahoop »
+1 thye voice of reason at last. I take it that Chris Black doesn't have any habits that could affect his health in anyway i.e frinking alcohol, eatring cholestorol filled pies etc etc............. :headbang:


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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #13 on December 24, 2012, 06:54:47 pm by i_ateallthepies »
+1 thye voice of reason at last. I take it that Chris Black doesn't have any habits that could affect his health in anyway i.e frinking alcohol, eatring cholestorol filled pies etc etc............. :headbang:

Frinking and eatring Hoola???  don't know how they're done but I'm game...


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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #14 on December 25, 2012, 08:37:20 pm by Mr1Croft »
On the subject of the smoking area outside the east stand, if you are in a hospitality box in a match day you are allowed to leave for a cigarette then re-enter, so what is the difference between these people and ordinary supporters? I welcome this idea and support its implementation in full. This is not about debating the problems of smoking, its about the In Rovers We Trust trying to make every fans' day much more enjoyable. 2013 is going to be a great year for DRFC hopefully on and off the pitch.

In Rovers We Trust!

Red wizard

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #15 on December 25, 2012, 09:19:36 pm by Red wizard »
Colchester had the best idea. Let people out for a cig and send someone out selling beers as well.

Chris Black come back

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #16 on December 25, 2012, 10:31:49 pm by Chris Black come back »
On the subject of the smoking area outside the east stand, if you are in a hospitality box in a match day you are allowed to leave for a cigarette then re-enter, so what is the difference between these people and ordinary supporters? I welcome this idea and support its implementation in full. This is not about debating the problems of smoking, its about the In Rovers We Trust trying to make every fans' day much more enjoyable. 2013 is going to be a great year for DRFC hopefully on and off the pitch.

In Rovers We Trust!

Ok, we are going to have to agree to disagree on this, but the plain truth is that Rovers are paying out money to make it easier for smokers to smoke when they come to the stadium. Curious use of money to me and not a great public health message for the club to be sending out.


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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #17 on December 25, 2012, 11:28:10 pm by drfc_steve_rtid »
If people want to smoke its there choice so at least they will have somewhere to go other than upsetting non smokers by using the bogs,  and what's more it may even bring more fans to games because they wont have to sit without a fag for two hours which means more money into the club.  Onwards and upwards and bravo drfc/vsc


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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #18 on December 26, 2012, 10:21:25 am by NathanDRFC »
Thanks for the positive comments abou the VSC in this thread. If you have not yet done so, then please join today, so that we use the funds to further aid our work - especially the community projects.

Chris Black come back

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Re: In Rovers We Trust - December Update
« Reply #19 on December 26, 2012, 12:02:22 pm by Chris Black come back »
If people want to smoke its there choice so at least they will have somewhere to go other than upsetting non smokers by using the bogs,  and what's more it may even bring more fans to games because they wont have to sit without a fag for two hours which means more money into the club.  Onwards and upwards and bravo drfc/vsc

Folk should not be smoking in the toilets at the Keepmoat, full stop, whether there is a shelter outside or not. Smoking in an enclosed public place is illegal. The stopping of this is not an either/or situation. It should not be happening! Also, I doubt very much that any supporter has ever not come to a game because they can't have a fag.


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