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Author Topic: Palace tickets  (Read 21110 times)

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #180 on February 04, 2025, 09:49:53 pm by monkeytennis »
Completely off topic but the scoreboard is an absolute disgrace. We went near enough a whole year without one, then when the much hyped new scoreboard that had to be purpose built in China finally turned up, it turns out to be a poor like for like replacement that has had issues ever since. Now it doesn't work at all.

I imagine the club under the previous Chairman weren't willing to fund a proper replacement like in the SW corner.

I hope the current regime will see that it actually gets fixed for the long term this time.
That's what happens when you buy it off temu

From where i sit in the south west corner i've noticed quite a few times supporters looking to the big screen to check how much time left in games, especially the tight ones. That the main scoreboard is constantly revolving adverts makes it nigh on useless for this purpose.

A glance to the north east corner is even more pointless!

I mentioned this in the post match survey. If the score board is u/s then the big screen needs to show the time and score. Surely they could have it in the corner if they must still show ads. Not being able to see the score and time elapsed during a match is unacceptable.

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #181 on February 05, 2025, 06:53:39 am by Nudga »
894 in home end.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #182 on February 05, 2025, 08:46:56 am by TonySoprano »
Nudga, think your counting the two blue away fans sections, E1,E2, discounting them it’s about 450 seats left for rovers.
They are home fan sections. Otherwise they wouldn't be available for sale.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #183 on February 05, 2025, 09:53:57 am by dknward2 »
Nudga, think your counting the two blue away fans sections, E1,E2, discounting them it’s about 450 seats left for rovers.

We have kept these back for rovers fans palace only have behind the goal


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #184 on February 05, 2025, 12:55:38 pm by Nudga »
Dinner time update.

739 left.

Lincoln Rover

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Palace ticket update.
« Reply #185 on February 05, 2025, 01:19:40 pm by Lincoln Rover »
To get rid of any ambiguity, I have just spoken to people in the know at our club.
We have just under 1,000 home seats remaining.
Looks certain to be a full house, allowing for the segregation.Get them whilst you can.
Hope this helps. RTID.

Lincoln Rover

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #186 on February 05, 2025, 02:04:31 pm by Lincoln Rover »


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #187 on February 05, 2025, 03:37:55 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
So around 700 left which means there's going to be a good turnout however many are sold between now and Monday. I wonder if there might be a final surge if we win on Thursday and/or folk make last minute decisions. I guess the club have the option of opening up the North West blocks W32, 33 plus N34 to N37 if they feel there's sufficient demand v extra concourse outlets etc.

I'm guessing once the 700 sell we're looking at @12,000 (assuming Palace sell @2000)


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #188 on February 05, 2025, 03:41:31 pm by GazLaz »
So around 700 left which means there's going to be a good turnout however many are sold between now and Monday. I wonder if there might be a final surge if we win on Thursday and/or folk make last minute decisions. I guess the club have the option of opening up the North West blocks W32, 33 plus N34 to N37 if they feel there's sufficient demand v extra concourse outlets etc.

I'm guessing once the 700 sell we're looking at @12,000 (assuming Palace sell @2000)

12k is ok but not great. Not particularly a fixture that gets people’s juices flowing like others may have.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #189 on February 05, 2025, 03:44:42 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
So around 700 left which means there's going to be a good turnout however many are sold between now and Monday. I wonder if there might be a final surge if we win on Thursday and/or folk make last minute decisions. I guess the club have the option of opening up the North West blocks W32, 33 plus N34 to N37 if they feel there's sufficient demand v extra concourse outlets etc.

I'm guessing once the 700 sell we're looking at @12,000 (assuming Palace sell @2000)

12k is ok but not great. Not particularly a fixture that gets people’s juices flowing like others may have.

I would guess had it been Saturday at 3pm it would have been sold out by now.

Pancho Regan

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #190 on February 05, 2025, 03:55:39 pm by Pancho Regan »
I'd agree with that DBR.

Hard to think of a worse time for a match than a Monday evening at this time of year.
For a start I imagine that will rule out a lot of young kids who would otherwise have come.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #191 on February 05, 2025, 04:04:14 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
I'd agree with that DBR.

Hard to think of a worse time for a match than a Monday evening at this time of year.
For a start I imagine that will rule out a lot of young kids who would otherwise have come.

Exactly, 2 in my house.  My lad has played the game about 5 times now though by himself.  Molyneux is getting the winner apparently.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #192 on February 05, 2025, 04:19:31 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I'd agree with that DBR.

Hard to think of a worse time for a match than a Monday evening at this time of year.
For a start I imagine that will rule out a lot of young kids who would otherwise have come.

Exactly, 2 in my house.  My lad has played the game about 5 times now though by himself.  Molyneux is getting the winner apparently.

That's lovely to hear but also sad for your lad. Maybe a letter to the FA to thank them for denying him the chance to make his dreams come true.

johnny rovers

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #193 on February 05, 2025, 04:30:21 pm by johnny rovers »
So around 700 left which means there's going to be a good turnout however many are sold between now and Monday. I wonder if there might be a final surge if we win on Thursday and/or folk make last minute decisions. I guess the club have the option of opening up the North West blocks W32, 33 plus N34 to N37 if they feel there's sufficient demand v extra concourse outlets etc.

I'm guessing once the 700 sell we're looking at @12,000 (assuming Palace sell @2000)

12k is ok but not great. Not particularly a fixture that gets people’s juices flowing like others may have.

Don't be thinking a sell out is 15k. It isn't.

It's just over 13k these days!

Butchers Red

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #194 on February 05, 2025, 04:37:38 pm by Butchers Red »
I can understand we've lost a few hundred seats under scoreboard etc but how the hell have we lost thick end of 2000 ???

johnny rovers

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #195 on February 05, 2025, 04:53:21 pm by johnny rovers »
Yes, we have lost a good few hundred seats that were taken out for the score board....but then under the score board is a section of six rows that are netted off. This is apparently to make sure fans don't obstruct the view of the screen. It doesn't need to be that many rows. Just the two closest to the screen. So unnecessarily about 50 plus seats could be sold, but aren't.

The south stand is unallocated seating, that loses 10 percent, approximately 350 seats.

The same has happend for full away allocations in the north stand, capacity reduced from 3334 to 2970....this was the case for Everton at home last season. And chesterfield at home this season.....because we want to make
the experience for more comfortable for the away supporters apparently. They all get a seat if allocated so not sure what the motive is, it almost appears woke! So that's Another 350!!

 Not sure if it's unallocated for palace on Monday, but I suspect it will be against a week on Saturday against Grimsby.

Around the dug outs loses seats.

Segregation of half  a full block, to much in my opinion, that's another 250, as was the case against Crewe. Way over zealous.

 Approximately 150 seats in W32 and W33 that don't have any seat backs due to being used for seat back replacements elsewhere in the stadium. This area was netted off against Crewe in the playoffs.

The attendance against Crewe was 12889. The home seats sold out and the away allocation wasn't quite sold out. My guess is the capacity is approximately 13300 give ot take. Almost 2000 lost.

Progress eh!!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 05:33:26 pm by johnny rovers »


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #196 on February 05, 2025, 04:57:15 pm by Donnyboy »
Wasn't the attendance against Leeds in league one 15,001 if I remember correctly?


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #197 on February 05, 2025, 05:00:17 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I can understand we've lost a few hundred seats under scoreboard etc but how the hell have we lost thick end of 2000 ???

We haven't. In this instance we haven't opened up the remaining blocks in the North Stand not taken by Palace (they have blocks 39 to 44?)

Then there's the segregation blocks between fans plus we don't sell all seats in the South Stand to accommodate unreserved seating.

We opened up the North West quarter v Crewe last season (although we didn't sell all those) so the attendance was 12,889.

The tie v Palace in 2019 when I think they had the whole away end the attendance was 14,010.

In my opinion the club do a good job in balancing demand v safety and comfort.

johnny rovers

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #198 on February 05, 2025, 05:05:57 pm by johnny rovers »
I can understand we've lost a few hundred seats under scoreboard etc but how the hell have we lost thick end of 2000 ???

We haven't. In this instance we haven't opened up the remaining blocks in the North Stand not taken by Palace (they have blocks 39 to 44?)

Then there's the segregation blocks between fans plus we don't sell all seats in the South Stand to accommodate unreserved seating.

We opened up the North West quarter v Crewe last season (although we didn't sell all those) so the attendance was 12,889.

The tie v Palace in 2019 when I think they had the whole away end the attendance was 14,010.

In my opinion the club do a good job in balancing demand v safety and comfort.

But palace in 2019 got a full away allocation of 3334, so why do full away allocations now only get 2970. For comfort apparently. The netting under the score board is way over the top. I don't think we would get over 14k again until certain measures were reversed.

And in 2019 the seats that are now rendered U/S in blocks W32 and W33 due to the seat back removal  were available to be sold back then.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 05:13:26 pm by johnny rovers »


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #199 on February 05, 2025, 05:11:10 pm by drfchound »
I don’t know why we have to lose so many seats for segregation.
At Hull in the recent cup game there was barely any segregation, both sets of fans were extremely close together and as far as I know there was no trouble.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 05:15:24 pm by drfchound »

johnny rovers

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #200 on February 05, 2025, 05:14:45 pm by johnny rovers »
I don’t know why we have to lose so many seats for segregation.
At Hull in the recent cup game there was barely any segregation, bot( sets of fans were extremely close together and as far as I know there was no trouble.

And Everton.

Its because we've gone all woke! Lazy and a can't do attitude!!


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #201 on February 05, 2025, 05:16:34 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
Wasn't the attendance against Leeds in league one 15,001 if I remember correctly?

Someone will tell me if I'm wrong but I think the seating capacity was reduced to 14,978 to accommodate the TV screen.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #202 on February 05, 2025, 05:19:57 pm by GazLaz »
I don’t know why we have to lose so many seats for segregation.
At Hull in the recent cup game there was barely any segregation, both sets of fans were extremely close together and as far as I know there was no trouble.

I think, if needs be, we would reduce the segregation to ram the place full. Just not a need for it is there.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #203 on February 05, 2025, 05:25:47 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I don’t know why we have to lose so many seats for segregation.
At Hull in the recent cup game there was barely any segregation, both sets of fans were extremely close together and as far as I know there was no trouble.

If demand was such that it exceeds what we choose to lose for segregation (also taking into account the concourses) then the club will balance that v the cost of extra stewarding and, or Policing.

In the days when we played Leeds, all seating was reserved and the adult price for a match ticket was around £28.

If we get to a place where there's more demand than seats, then I'm sure these things will be looked at again.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #204 on February 05, 2025, 05:26:18 pm by vaya »
Yes, we have lost a good few hundred seats that were taken out for the score board....but then under the score board is a section of six rows that are netted off. This is apparently to make sure fans don't obstruct the view of the screen. It doesn't need to be that many rows. Just the two closest to the screen. So unnecessarily about 50 plus seats could be sold, but aren't.

The south stand is unallocated seating, that loses 10 percent, approximately 350 seats.

The same has happend for full away allocations in the north stand, capacity reduced from 3334 to 2970....this was the case for Everton at home last season. And chesterfield at home this season.....because we want to make
the experience for more comfortable for the away supporters apparently. They all get a seat if allocated so not sure what the motive is, it almost appears woke! So that's Another 350!!

 Not sure if it's unallocated for palace on Monday, but I suspect it will be against a week on Saturday against Grimsby.

Around the dugs loses seats.

Segregation of half  a full block, to much in my opinion, that's another 250, as was the case against Crewe. Way over zealous.

 Approximately 150 seats in W32 and W33 that don't have any seat backs due to being used for seat back replacements elsewhere in the stadium. This area was netted off against Crewe in the playoffs.

The attendance against Crewe was 12889. The home seats sold out and the away allocation wasn't quite sold out. My guess is the capacity is approximately 13300 give ot take. Almost 2000 lost.

Progress eh!!

Have you been to Wards in town? You'd love it.

Bessie Red

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #205 on February 05, 2025, 05:30:49 pm by Bessie Red »
264 left for home end as of 1 minute ago!


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #206 on February 05, 2025, 05:35:55 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
Plus, this is just my opinion, when I watched the Crewe fans vlog of that game, there were families of Rovers fans sat in the North across the block of segregation. Now of course the Crewe fans were full of it, but looking at the faces of those kids and parents on the receiving end, I wouldn't want to be sat there if I could help it.

All I'm saying is, if we don't need to narrow the segregation then don't do it.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #207 on February 05, 2025, 05:40:54 pm by karldew »
264 left for home end as of 1 minute ago!

Has to be more….364 tickets left in W31??

andy didcott

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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #208 on February 05, 2025, 06:08:13 pm by andy didcott »
621 left.


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Re: Palace tickets
« Reply #209 on February 05, 2025, 06:11:21 pm by DonnyOsmond »
9,431 left.


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