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Author Topic: Doncaster Town Centre  (Read 20775 times)

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #30 on August 07, 2016, 03:58:18 pm by Sad-Rovers »
The "sideways bit" of Waterdale is Queens Gate and I'd be amazed if that's in the same format in 2 years time. I've got very good reason to believe it'll be flattened and something totally different built in its place.

Kings gate, the "straight bit", is improving rapidly with new build units on the old Young Street car park and a slack handful of interesting independent shops. It's early days but there are definitely green shoots showing in that end of Donny. There is a new cinema, four restaurants, the Waterdale improvements and £3.3m yet to be spent on collonades, even the local Street Drinkers are now congregating at the Market rather than Waterdale.

I've never understood the fascination some Doncastrians have with slating the town, if you want to see urban decay and a shopping area that's actually hit rock bottom visit South Shields, a town that's not far off the size of Donny. You'll be thankful for what we've got, trust me.

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #31 on August 07, 2016, 09:56:59 pm by Sprotyrover »
The street drinkers need displacing to Barnsley. What we need is half a dozen town centre 'kick ass Cops' but I can't see that happening in today's climate.


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #32 on August 07, 2016, 10:19:17 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Personally I'd liquidate the f**kers and use em as fertiliser, but then I've always been a bleeding heart liberal.

My mate has just given up his market stall after 14 years, he was taking in between £4 (!) and £60 a day at the end. Unsustainable.

It always intrigues me how quickly the police will use a section 30 order to remove a pissed up and boisterous footy fan from a town center but won't use those same powers against equally pissed up and boisterous street drinkers.


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #33 on August 07, 2016, 10:25:15 pm by idler »
Back in the late 60s you had to be at the market by about 6:30 on a Saturday morning to have any chance of getting one of the few spare stalls.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #34 on August 08, 2016, 01:05:57 am by Sammy Chung was King »
The cops should be given the power back, to bash a few heads with the truncheon. When decent people are trying to make a living selling things on the market, why should the lowlife win?.
These days, nobody wants any trouble, if it's not then getting the strife they walk on by. The 'have-a-go heroes', are almost extinct, because if you do interfere, the law will more than likely favour the smackhead, and you might get a dirty needle pushed into you.
When they allow these people, to ruin peoples livelihood, then you know the country has gone.

 I'm talking maybe only as far back as ten years ago, this wouldn't have happened, because the blokes of the local area, would have stopped it.
Thes type of people, used to stay indoors out of shame of what they were, now they are loud and proud of who they are, and are braver as the years go by, because they are allowed to do what they want.
Doncaster on the whole has gone from being a decent place to live, to a town that is being rapidly redeveloped, while morass of the people who inhabit it, bring it down, a shame.


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #35 on August 08, 2016, 07:52:36 am by godlike1 »
Personally I'd liquidate the f**kers and use em as fertiliser, but then I've always been a bleeding heart liberal.

My mate has just given up his market stall after 14 years, he was taking in between £4 (!) and £60 a day at the end. Unsustainable.

It always intrigues me how quickly the police will use a section 30 order to remove a pissed up and boisterous footy fan from a town center but won't use those same powers against equally pissed up and boisterous street drinkers.

You should see Sheffield, it's full of homeless piss ups on the streets...............oh hang on they are the people of Sheffield 👅😀😀😀😀😀


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #36 on August 08, 2016, 10:08:35 am by RedJ »
The cops should be given the power back, to bash a few heads with the truncheon.

Are you for real?

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #37 on August 09, 2016, 12:30:06 am by Sammy Chung was King »
The cops should be given the power back, to bash a few heads with the truncheon.

Are you for real?

Yes i'm real, that's what they are short of, there are no consequences for doing wrong now. If they can't act like normal human beings, why should they be treated as such?.
These are sort of people who will mug the old lady, who has just got her pension, or rifle the pockets of an old fella, that's had a few beers too many, drugs have changed communities across the country.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #38 on August 09, 2016, 01:18:52 am by Bentley Bullet »
The whole problem was caused by shandy drinking, lily livered, nancy boy, powder puff, soft as  diarrhea shit, liberal minded, shit scared, scum appealing,  vote searching Jessies, who STILL influence do gooder left winger w**kers now, despite the horrific problems  it's caused.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 01:30:59 am by Bentley Bullet »


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #39 on August 09, 2016, 01:25:50 am by RedJ »
The cops should be given the power back, to bash a few heads with the truncheon.

Are you for real?

Yes i'm real, that's what they are short of, there are no consequences for doing wrong now. If they can't act like normal human beings, why should they be treated as such?.
These are sort of people who will mug the old lady, who has just got her pension, or rifle the pockets of an old fella, that's had a few beers too many, drugs have changed communities across the country.

Aye, and giving police the power to just bash people's heads in is gonna solve all that. Like giving your kids a good crack when they're young means they'll not turn out to be f**king cretins when they're older.

Copps is Magic

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #40 on August 09, 2016, 01:35:34 am by Copps is Magic »
Donny's great if what you're looking for is middle-eastern barbers who will cut your hair and shave your neck for £5 or cash-for-gold shops who will take your argos jewelry off you for 25% of its value.

I mean, people can slag off the amount of home bargains, pound shops and frozen food shops dotted about but does anyone stop to think about all the flourishing long-term relationships that developed in these places? They are the churches of our people.


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #41 on August 09, 2016, 04:35:09 pm by Sprotyrover »
The whole problem was caused by shandy drinking, lily livered, nancy boy, powder puff, soft as  diarrhea shit, liberal minded, shit scared, scum appealing,  vote searching Jessies, who STILL influence do gooder left winger w**kers now, despite the horrific problems  it's caused.

I take it that you are not a fan of Jeremy 'Jew Hater' Corbyn Bentley?


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #42 on August 09, 2016, 04:44:07 pm by Sprotyrover »
Interesting article in the Sunday times concerning the Met Police and the lack of volunteers to become firearms officers,only 80 have been deployed in the last 7 months.it stems from the uproar over the death of Jermaine Baker as he sat in a stolen Audi in Wood Green London last year several other people who were also sat in the car have since been convicted of trying to spring Turkish Gangster Izzet Eren out of a Prison van an imitation sub machine gun was found in the Car at the time.
The good old IPCC arrested the offending officer on a murder charge and are trying to do the Det Chief Inspector in charge for gross misconduct.

Mac the hooped man

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #43 on September 03, 2016, 07:25:24 pm by Mac the hooped man »
Sammy said it perfectly! Its just a horrid horrid place! Just one of a number of things that I saw was 2 women that are supposed to be Mums who were clearly smacked off their tits with their 2 young kids running riot at 11 o clock at night. I dread going into the town centre these days it's just an awful place to be.

Call me blinkered,   but i have seen none of this, the new French gate is a fine place to shop, clean and welcoming.  You get undesirables everywhere.  To think doncaster is worse than everywhere is so off the mark it's untrue....


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #44 on September 04, 2016, 07:20:33 am by rtid88 »
Sammy said it perfectly! Its just a horrid horrid place! Just one of a number of things that I saw was 2 women that are supposed to be Mums who were clearly smacked off their tits with their 2 young kids running riot at 11 o clock at night. I dread going into the town centre these days it's just an awful place to be.

Call me blinkered,   but i have seen none of this, the new French gate is a fine place to shop, clean and welcoming.  You get undesirables everywhere.  To think doncaster is worse than everywhere is so off the mark it's untrue....
Mac the hooped man your blinkered


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #45 on September 04, 2016, 09:07:59 am by MrFrost »
Sammy said it perfectly! Its just a horrid horrid place! Just one of a number of things that I saw was 2 women that are supposed to be Mums who were clearly smacked off their tits with their 2 young kids running riot at 11 o clock at night. I dread going into the town centre these days it's just an awful place to be.

Call me blinkered,   but i have seen none of this, the new French gate is a fine place to shop, clean and welcoming.  You get undesirables everywhere.  To think doncaster is worse than everywhere is so off the mark it's untrue....



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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #46 on September 04, 2016, 11:37:25 am by Glyn_Wigley »
Interesting article in the Sunday times concerning the Met Police and the lack of volunteers to become firearms officers,only 80 have been deployed in the last 7 months.it stems from the uproar over the death of Jermaine Baker as he sat in a stolen Audi in Wood Green London last year several other people who were also sat in the car have since been convicted of trying to spring Turkish Gangster Izzet Eren out of a Prison van an imitation sub machine gun was found in the Car at the time.
The good old IPCC arrested the offending officer on a murder charge and are trying to do the Det Chief Inspector in charge for gross misconduct.

From how you've written this, I take it you think he was legally killed?


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #47 on September 04, 2016, 01:41:10 pm by Sprotyrover »
I most certainly do! And I take it you don't?


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #48 on September 04, 2016, 02:57:01 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Given that the audio recording provided by the police from a surveillance bug placed inside the car and played to the jury at the subsequent inquest was stopped at the pojnt that shouts of 'armed police' can be heard on it and omitted everything afterwards, it creates the suggestion that proper procedure may not have been followed up to point of the shot being fired - otherwise why withhold it..?

Because of that, I don't know whether he was legally shot or not. I rather like to have evidence to base a judgement on. Apparently, you don't feel that need.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 02:59:31 pm by Glyn_Wigley »


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #49 on September 04, 2016, 04:46:40 pm by Sprotyrover »
The Metroolitain Police went to the extent of bugging the Villains car, the Police officers involved in that operation would have been aware of that.
Firearms officers don't go around shooting persons for no reason.
Baker was in a car with an imitation firearm for the unlawful purpose of assisting in the escape from lawfull detention of a very nasty individual,he had plenty of time to think through the consequences of what his actions And plenty of time and opportunity to walk away.
He deserved what he got
I take it Glynn that you are a reasonable person in being, would you go into a public place whilst taking part in a heinous crime and not expect that being shot dead could be one of the consequences, if you waved an imitation firearm at armed Police officers?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 05:07:41 pm by Sprotyrover »


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #50 on September 04, 2016, 08:44:17 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
The Metroolitain Police went to the extent of bugging the Villains car, the Police officers involved in that operation would have been aware of that.
Firearms officers don't go around shooting persons for no reason.
Baker was in a car with an imitation firearm for the unlawful purpose of assisting in the escape from lawfull detention of a very nasty individual,he had plenty of time to think through the consequences of what his actions And plenty of time and opportunity to walk away.
He deserved what he got
I take it Glynn that you are a reasonable person in being, would you go into a public place whilst taking part in a heinous crime and not expect that being shot dead could be one of the consequences, if you waved an imitation firearm at armed Police officers?

As I said - evidence?


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #51 on September 04, 2016, 09:05:09 pm by idler »
There always seems to be more of an outcry if somebody dodgy gets shot than when it is an innocent bystander the hat has never harmed anyone.


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #52 on September 04, 2016, 09:18:17 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
There always seems to be more of an outcry if somebody dodgy gets shot than when it is an innocent bystander the hat has never harmed anyone.

The correct procedures should be followed whoever it is. That's why the procedures are laid down.

wilts rover

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #53 on September 04, 2016, 09:26:50 pm by wilts rover »
He deserved what he got
I take it Glynn that you are a reasonable person in being, would you go into a public place whilst taking part in a heinous crime and not expect that being shot dead could be one of the consequences, if you waved an imitation firearm at armed Police officers?

Perhaps so. But in this instance no-one was waving a firearm, imitation or otherwise, at the police. Least of all Baker, who was in the front seat, when the gun was on the floor at the back, with one of the others with him in the car.


The are plenty of countries across the world where the police can shoot who they wish without consequences. None of them I would care to live in.

wilts rover

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #54 on September 04, 2016, 09:34:36 pm by wilts rover »
There always seems to be more of an outcry if somebody dodgy gets shot than when it is an innocent bystander the hat has never harmed anyone.

I think it is the manner of the shooting idler. Quie clearly when an innocent bystander gets hit it is clearly an accident, no-one was aiming at them. Was the death of this guy also the result of an accident, or was he, to put it bluntly, executed? Protection under the law should apply to everyone, not just the bloke holding the gun.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #55 on September 04, 2016, 09:45:51 pm by Bentley Bullet »
I imagine that sometimes it's difficult to follow the correct procedure if you suspect that you're about to get your brains blown out.


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #56 on September 04, 2016, 10:23:12 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
I imagine that sometimes it's difficult to follow the correct procedure if you suspect that you're about to get your brains blown out.

If you're not capable of following the proper procedures that you've been trained to follow, in the circumstances that you've been trained to expect to use them in, then you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a gun, don't you agree?

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #57 on September 04, 2016, 10:33:50 pm by Bentley Bullet »
No I don't agree. No amount of simulation training can prepare you for the real thing. The whole point I'm making is when you have a real chance of having your brain blown out it will be more difficult to follow the correct procedure. Don't you agree?

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #58 on September 04, 2016, 10:40:14 pm by Dagenham Rover »
No I don't agree. No amount of simulation training can prepare you for the real thing. The whole point I'm making is when you have a real chance of having your brain blown out it will be more difficult to follow the correct procedure. Don't you agree?

 Exactly no  matter how much training self preservation WILL kick in
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 10:43:14 pm by Dagenham Rover »


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Re: Doncaster Town Centre
« Reply #59 on September 04, 2016, 11:04:08 pm by idler »
These are split second decisions. I wouldn't want to have somebody make a sudden move if I suspected that they were armed and I had a gun in my hand.


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