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Author Topic: Brexit Party Leaflets  (Read 23238 times)

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Brexit Party Leaflets
« on May 06, 2019, 03:51:09 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Interesting one dropping into folks' letterboxes


Let's see.

Why would you print an entire leaflet and print the name of the party and leader in a different colour and typeface?

Well, let's be charitable. Maybe they were getting prepared before they officially launched the party. Or decided what to call it. Or who the leader was. That would be sensible.


Oh yeah? Where would they have got the money from for this, before they were officially set up?

See, they've been insisting that they've been funded entirely through individual donations which, magically, are all just below the £500 level at which the donor can remain anonymous.

But they couldn't get those donations before they were officially founded as a party. By which time, they knew the name of the party.

Looks like someone's been funding this punt before they were set up. I wonder who? And why Farage refuses to talk about it?

Still, I'm sure any genuine British patriot would see through this, and not support a man with a track record of funnelling money from hostile Govts into UK elections. Because that would be supporting treason, wouldn't it?

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big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #1 on May 06, 2019, 05:29:58 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
I wonder how they decided who to send them to personally addressed?


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #2 on May 06, 2019, 08:50:46 pm by RedRover45 »
I wonder how they decided who to send them to personally addressed?
Every household has got one.


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #3 on May 06, 2019, 09:04:22 pm by Pliskin »
I don't buy this at all.

Did it not occur to this Twitter whacko to actually look at the whole leaflet (which they are obviously in possession of) before indulging in conspiracy theories?

Either that, or they did look at the whole leaflet, but folded it and posted a picture with the intention to deceive.

Luckily for us, there just so happens to be an image of one of these leaflets in full online. And here it is.


Hmm... so we have:

a) The Brexit Party logo
b) A picture of Farage's mug
c) Three names and pictures of candidates announced only two weeks ago.
d) The "Published on behalf of..." small print.

I wouldn't get your tinfoil hats out just yet.

wilts rover

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #4 on May 06, 2019, 09:40:48 pm by wilts rover »
Will people never learn. This is exactly what Farage wants. The media starting conspiracy theories about him and his party to deflect from the fact they have no policies and just want to create chaos and division.

We know what they are against - but what are they for? How will voting for him make your life better? What are his policies? Where's his manifesto? These are the points to tackle him and his supporters on.


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #5 on May 06, 2019, 11:02:23 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

1) There is absolutely no question but that there have been multiple passes of that leaflet through the printer.

1) Look at the black text in the main box saying "Brexit Party". It's a different font to the rest of the text. And, no tellingly, it doesn't line up on the same horizontal line as the rest of the text. That's a dead giveaway that the "Brexit Party" text has gone on later. It's amateurish and it jumps out to anyone who looks at it. But hey! We know from a decade of experience that Farage thinks the people who vote for him are as thick as pigshit and don't look at things too closely.

2) The photos and "new candidates": It's been obvious for months that Farage was going to support the New Party. What wasn't fixed until recently was that he was going to support it. So printing a leaflet with his mugshot and words on it was a given. Then not printing what his position was until later actually bolsters the argument that I was making, rather than detracts from it.

3) Ditto with the "new" candidates. It takes a certain gullibility to think that this new party has been put together on the hoof with zero planning before the recent announcements. Those three have been prominent Brexiter activists for a while. They would have been slam dunks to be chosen as Brexit Party candidates. So, as with the Farage picture and text, you put them on the initial template.

4) Accept that this leaflet has been through the printer more than once and the "Published on behalf of..." and "Brexit" text within the logo can be added at any time. Note, by the way, that the person who says he is promoting this leaflet has mis-spelled his own name. He's actually Tim VinTcent. Do YOU ever mis-spelled your own name on official documents? No...me neither. Odd, isn't it?

Believe or disbelieve that. But it does all fit a narrative that Farage's new party is riding a coach and horses through party funding rules. And he's deliberately refusing to say where his funding comes from. Which, given his track record, immediately indicates that it's illegal. But he wants you to ignore that. If he gets a big success this month, the fact that his party is illegally funded (and I'll bet a pound to a pinch of shit it's funded by the Kremlin, just like Leave.EU) will be ignored in the media fest.

That worries me. A lot.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 01:19:11 am by BillyStubbsTears »


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wing commander

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #7 on May 07, 2019, 10:04:28 am by wing commander »
   Billy you can rip apart his leaflet,you can question his donations and you can ask what the party's policy's are (nobody knows) all you want but its just not going to matter..
   We've just had the local elections,the tory's got hammered as expected but the Labour actually managed to lose seats in what should have been a landslide..People voted for anybody but the two main party's..They didn't care what the independents leaflets looked like,there local policy's or who had paid the cost to print the leaflet..
    Basically they voted in protest and when the EU elections come round they will do so again.Personally for the first time in my life I wont be voting,i simply couldn't justify a cross in any box for this one but make no mistake Farage will win because this is the leavers version of the peoples vote..


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #8 on May 07, 2019, 11:09:59 am by BillyStubbsTears »

I agree with everything you are saying.

But. Democracy only survives if people defend it. Shrugging your shoulders and ignoring Farage's funding is simply not acceptable if you truly believe in democracy.

If you don't fight back against people funnelling money from a hostile country to win elections, then our system of democracy is dead.

This isn't about Left and Right. It isn't about Leave and Remain. It's about whether you are a supporter of Britain, or happy to see elections bought by foreign kleotocrats.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #9 on May 07, 2019, 11:29:10 am by big fat yorkshire pudding »
Surely the best solution is to have a free press equally providing information on all sides of debate?  We aren't too bad at that in this country but clear verified facts presented should be the best way and equally?

wing commander

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #10 on May 07, 2019, 12:23:56 pm by wing commander »
    That depends were the donations has come from of course,Farage has said they have had one big donation so far and the rest made up of membership contributions.However he is reluctant to say were that has come from just yet but he will have too at some point but by then it wont really matter to him..Because he knows that for the vast majority of people it doesn't matter..

    To me though that's not the sad thing here..The sad thing is that people don't have a party to vote for and are so fed up with the main party's they would happily vote for people they know nothing about or what they stand for as we've just seen in our local elections...

    There is just no debate anymore on the hustings,In my area the conservatives breezed straight back in,There was no door knocking,no chance to talk about local policy's etc etc.It wasn't that long ago a perspective councillor would have a q&a at the local village hall to get across his thoughts and ideas..

   All I got was a pamphlet from the tory's telling me what they had achieved in local council while missing out the massive cuts that have happened to our local services and especially the cuts to children with special needs...But at least they talked about local issues,the Labour one was a disgrace it was a generic leaflet sent out to everybody no matter what council you were from with the only difference been they changed the picture of the candidate at the bottom depending on your area..The leaflet was basically just attacking the tory's on the national picture..

  There were Local elections not a GE yet they still thought it better to fight them on the national picture...

  Farage will breeze this election because the two main party's are totally inept Brexit or no Brexit...


scawsby steve

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #11 on May 07, 2019, 03:33:13 pm by scawsby steve »
Why are people on here going on about the Brexit Party? You're all getting the second referendum you've been bleating on about for so long. If you don't agree with Brexit, go out and vote Labour, Lib Dem, Change UK, or the Greens; simple as.

What can be more democratic than that?

The Red Baron

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #12 on May 07, 2019, 05:29:30 pm by The Red Baron »
Well, the Government has confirmed that the EU elections will take place in the UK on May 23rd. Nigel will be well happy.

I think people may have forgotten that these elections feature a form of PR, hence there's no need for tactical voting.


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #13 on May 07, 2019, 10:17:36 pm by hoolahoop »
Strange this , only one person in our household got this today - my daughter finishing off her last semester abroad on Erasmus + .
I asked what I should do with it earlier this evening .....she told me to burn the bloody thing - she and us detest him and everything that he and his masters stand for.


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #14 on May 07, 2019, 11:12:49 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Has she ever got a car insurance quote off Moneysupermarket Hoola?


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #15 on May 08, 2019, 09:29:40 am by hoolahoop »
Why are people on here going on about the Brexit Party? You're all getting the second referendum you've been bleating on about for so long. If you don't agree with Brexit, go out and vote Labour, Lib Dem, Change UK, or the Greens; simple as.

What can be more democratic than that?

Oh come on Steve,  what's wrong with remoaning. Now the facts are on the table it's time to reject this Brexit shite once and for all - let's get all this xenophobia, racism, mysogny lies and bullshit out of the way and start tackling the real problems in our society.

The real problems certainly isn't the EU unless they have been in charge of austerity, housing, policing etc etc .   


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #16 on May 08, 2019, 09:34:09 am by hoolahoop »
Has she ever got a car insurance quote off Moneysupermarket Hoola?

No but she has a first name that could be considered foreign and of course she is has only had a chance to vote in GE17 and recent LE19. Living in Don Valley we would usually be considered as dead certs to vote Leave.


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #17 on May 08, 2019, 09:41:38 am by hoolahoop »
Well, the Government has confirmed that the EU elections will take place in the UK on May 23rd. Nigel will be well happy.

I think people may have forgotten that these elections feature a form of PR, hence there's no need for tactical voting.

There would have to be a degree of tactical voting or you could find " real " Remain Parties splitting their vote . Ideally they might have come to an agreement to run a joint campaign and targeted seats . If the vote splits they could remain with jointly the same % as the Brexit Party with far far fewer seats. Twitter seems to have the Remain vote coalescing around the Lib/ Dems following their recent success. 

wing commander

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #18 on May 08, 2019, 09:45:12 am by wing commander »
Well, the Government has confirmed that the EU elections will take place in the UK on May 23rd. Nigel will be well happy.

I think people may have forgotten that these elections feature a form of PR, hence there's no need for tactical voting.

There would have to be a degree of tactical voting or you could find " real " Remain Parties splitting their vote . Ideally they might have come to an agreement to run a joint campaign and targeted seats . If the vote splits they could remain with jointly the same % as the Brexit Party with far far fewer seats. Twitter seems to have the Remain vote coalescing around the Lib/ Dems following their recent success. 

 If coalescing behind the Lib Dems isn't desperation I don't know what is.!!

Axholme Lion

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #19 on May 08, 2019, 09:59:23 am by Axholme Lion »
Well, the Government has confirmed that the EU elections will take place in the UK on May 23rd. Nigel will be well happy.

I think people may have forgotten that these elections feature a form of PR, hence there's no need for tactical voting.

There would have to be a degree of tactical voting or you could find " real " Remain Parties splitting their vote . Ideally they might have come to an agreement to run a joint campaign and targeted seats . If the vote splits they could remain with jointly the same % as the Brexit Party with far far fewer seats. Twitter seems to have the Remain vote coalescing around the Lib/ Dems following their recent success. 

 If coalescing behind the Lib Dems isn't desperation I don't know what is.!!

The Lib Dems are as barmy as the Greens. People just use them as a protest vote.


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #20 on May 08, 2019, 11:09:57 am by idler »
The Liberal Democrat councillors in Bradford are far better and talk more sense than their big two party counterparts.
I've never voted Tory on principal and over the last few years cannot find a way to support Labour. So probably a wasted vote but a clear conscience.

Axholme Lion

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #21 on May 08, 2019, 12:01:51 pm by Axholme Lion »
The Liberal Democrat councillors in Bradford are far better and talk more sense than their big two party counterparts.
I've never voted Tory on principal and over the last few years cannot find a way to support Labour. So probably a wasted vote but a clear conscience.

That may be true at a local level but would you want you want them to run the country?

wing commander

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #22 on May 08, 2019, 12:06:47 pm by wing commander »
   Idler it's never a wasted vote mate..You vote for what you think is the best party..Others will disagree of course and sometimes you find yourself in a big minority but then at least that gives you piece of mind that you voted for what you believe in, that's why I've never believed in tactical voting..

   These EU elections though have me stumped because right now there wont be a party to vote for that I can get behind...

Axholme Lion

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #23 on May 08, 2019, 12:20:41 pm by Axholme Lion »
   Idler it's never a wasted vote mate..You vote for what you think is the best party..Others will disagree of course and sometimes you find yourself in a big minority but then at least that gives you piece of mind that you voted for what you believe in, that's why I've never believed in tactical voting..

   These EU elections though have me stumped because right now there wont be a party to vote for that I can get behind...

I always vote for the closest candidate to my beliefs.


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #24 on May 08, 2019, 01:02:04 pm by idler »
Then I will be the same as you Axholme with my vote.

Axholme Lion

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #25 on May 08, 2019, 02:07:22 pm by Axholme Lion »
Then I will be the same as you Axholme with my vote.

It's all you can do. I've cast many a vote knowing it would make no difference, but as you say at least you did what you personally was the right thing to do. :)

scawsby steve

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #26 on May 08, 2019, 03:09:36 pm by scawsby steve »
Why are people on here going on about the Brexit Party? You're all getting the second referendum you've been bleating on about for so long. If you don't agree with Brexit, go out and vote Labour, Lib Dem, Change UK, or the Greens; simple as.

What can be more democratic than that?

Oh come on Steve,  what's wrong with remoaning. Now the facts are on the table it's time to reject this Brexit shite once and for all - let's get all this xenophobia, racism, mysogny lies and bullshit out of the way and start tackling the real problems in our society.

The real problems certainly isn't the EU unless they have been in charge of austerity, housing, policing etc etc .

Like I said Hoola, for those of you that don't want Brexit, this is your big chance to say so. No silly petitions, protests, or marches, just go out and vote for what you want.

As regards the real problems in our society, I totally agree with you there; I just don't trust any of the clowns in Westminster to put them right.

The Red Baron

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #27 on May 10, 2019, 11:23:29 am by The Red Baron »
I haven't had one of Nige's leaflets yet, so either the Brexit Party think I'm a hopeless case or they would be preaching to the converted.

However this morning I found in my letterbox a leaflet from the Conservative Party. I have only just stopped laughing after reading perhaps the greatest political gag of all time.

"The only party which can GET BREXIT DONE is the Conservative Party."

They don't write them like that any more.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #28 on May 10, 2019, 06:50:27 pm by Bentley Bullet »
I haven't had one of Nige's leaflets either. Maybe they're taking it for granted that the intelligent among us don't need persuading.


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Re: Brexit Party Leaflets
« Reply #29 on May 11, 2019, 10:50:09 pm by foxbat »
if ' the intelligent amongst us ' are voting first and then finding out about the policies they voted for later , then this country is well and truly f@cked.


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