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Author Topic: Downing street party  (Read 19464 times)

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normal rules

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #360 on January 19, 2022, 09:00:50 am by normal rules »
I don’t get how the Labour Party are so keen for Bojo to go. Surely it’s in their best interests to have him stay put. A resurgent Conservative Party will do them no favours come the next GE.

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Bentley Bullet

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #361 on January 19, 2022, 09:26:42 am by Bentley Bullet »
Because the Labour party only has thoroughly decent human beings who wouldn't dream of breaking such rules as eating takeaway and drinking alcohol in an environment that was against Covid restriction rules. They wouldn't even dream of drinking alcohol during work time anyway, even outside, and certainly not inside.

The fact that they are probably planning their own downfall by demanding BoJo go is unimportant to such a pure and thoroughly faultless and impeccable bunch of people.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2022, 09:31:51 am by Bentley Bullet »


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #362 on January 19, 2022, 09:44:10 am by SydneyRover »
I don’t get how the Labour Party are so keen for Bojo to go. Surely it’s in their best interests to have him stay put. A resurgent Conservative Party will do them no favours come the next GE.

I would suggest it's because they are fed up with watching a bunch of self serving incompetents ruin the country and its reputation. The false argument that labour would be no better is countered by how could they possibly the worse than an outfit that has directly contributed to the deaths of well over 50,000 of its own citizens, would you think be enough without getting into law breaking, dishonesty, philandering and cronyism. But we shall see.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #363 on January 19, 2022, 09:57:00 am by Donnywolf »
.... surely we have seen enough of Politicians and how they lie and how they cheat and how they evade even simple questions because the answer they want to give is a minefield

This is true of any and all Parties in the UK and I don't discriminate or favour any of them.

So why don't we get rid of the extremism (either of the 2 main Parties are guilty of) with the introduction of PR. Only the UK and Belarus don't have a form of PR and it has its detractors and probably pitfalls (hung Parliaments etc) but surely the whole Parliamentary system and Country would benefit if we had the benefit of moderates sat in charge

That may be 2 or 3 Parties for a few years but at least we the people that democracy is SAID to represent would be getting what the majority wanted instead of a string of Governments (most of the last 20 probably ... guessing there ...) that were minority Govts that is where due to First Past the Post system one Party (of either colour) can win control of the whole Parliament whilst only getting 40 per cent of the votes with 60  per cent getting what they don't want

PR fairer to most (the majority) surely and voters might be encouraged if they felt that their votes might actually count
« Last Edit: January 19, 2022, 10:32:45 am by Donnywolf »


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #364 on January 19, 2022, 11:15:43 am by BillyStubbsTears »
I don’t get how the Labour Party are so keen for Bojo to go. Surely it’s in their best interests to have him stay put. A resurgent Conservative Party will do them no favours come the next GE.

Because some things transcend tribal advantage.

it is in absolutely no-one's interests for us to have a pathological liar in No10. He should never have been there in the first place, and it is deeply damaging to the running of the country to have someone who is fundamentally and transparently untrustworthy at the helm.

We have serious challenges ahead of us and he needs to go now, regardless of whether that takes away a political advantage from Labour.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #365 on January 19, 2022, 11:22:59 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Because the Labour party only has thoroughly decent human beings who wouldn't dream of breaking such rules as eating takeaway and drinking alcohol in an environment that was against Covid restriction rules. They wouldn't even dream of drinking alcohol during work time anyway, even outside, and certainly not inside.

The fact that they are probably planning their own downfall by demanding BoJo go is unimportant to such a pure and thoroughly faultless and impeccable bunch of people.
Because the Labour party only has thoroughly decent human beings who wouldn't dream of breaking such rules as eating takeaway and drinking alcohol in an environment that was against Covid restriction rules. They wouldn't even dream of drinking alcohol during work time anyway, even outside, and certainly not inside.

The fact that they are probably planning their own downfall by demanding BoJo go is unimportant to such a pure and thoroughly faultless and impeccable bunch of people.

I'm sure even someone as politically biased as you BB can understand the difference between having a beer over a working dinner attended by a handful of people, with a specific agenda to address, and inviting 100 people to bring a bottle to enjoy the sunshine in the garden. I assume you understand this, but in your usual style, you are pretending not to do to make your biased point.

I also assume you understand that Johnson's real crime, the one that renders him utterly unfit for Government is not the string of parties, bad as they were. It is his gormless, artless, non-credible attempt to lie his way out of the situation. He's lied to Parliament. That in itself is a resigning issue for any politician. But it is far worse than that. he's demonstrated himself to be f**king useless in his judgement.

Just pause for a moment and imagine him having to make the very most serious judgement calls in a week or two if Putin invade Ukraine. He has to go. Because he has finally been rumbled for what some of us knew him to be all along. A blowhard facade, covering a void underneath.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #366 on January 19, 2022, 01:35:52 pm by ravenrover »
Wow David Davies just asked him to go, in Parliament

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #367 on January 19, 2022, 01:48:10 pm by Bentley Bullet »
Because the Labour party only has thoroughly decent human beings who wouldn't dream of breaking such rules as eating takeaway and drinking alcohol in an environment that was against Covid restriction rules. They wouldn't even dream of drinking alcohol during work time anyway, even outside, and certainly not inside.

The fact that they are probably planning their own downfall by demanding BoJo go is unimportant to such a pure and thoroughly faultless and impeccable bunch of people.
Because the Labour party only has thoroughly decent human beings who wouldn't dream of breaking such rules as eating takeaway and drinking alcohol in an environment that was against Covid restriction rules. They wouldn't even dream of drinking alcohol during work time anyway, even outside, and certainly not inside.

The fact that they are probably planning their own downfall by demanding BoJo go is unimportant to such a pure and thoroughly faultless and impeccable bunch of people.

I'm sure even someone as politically biased as you BB can understand the difference between having a beer over a working dinner attended by a handful of people, with a specific agenda to address, and inviting 100 people to bring a bottle to enjoy the sunshine in the garden. I assume you understand this, but in your usual style, you are pretending not to do to make your biased point.

I also assume you understand that Johnson's real crime, the one that renders him utterly unfit for Government is not the string of parties, bad as they were. It is his gormless, artless, non-credible attempt to lie his way out of the situation. He's lied to Parliament. That in itself is a resigning issue for any politician. But it is far worse than that. he's demonstrated himself to be f**king useless in his judgement.

Just pause for a moment and imagine him having to make the very most serious judgement calls in a week or two if Putin invade Ukraine. He has to go. Because he has finally been rumbled for what some of us knew him to be all along. A blowhard facade, covering a void underneath.

Starmer has spent the past two months criticising people for doing the exact same thing he's done himself. That is not me being politically biased, that is a fact, and it is only YOUR biasedness that stands out because you won't accept that. Starmer was no more at work than Johnson was, and he is no less guilty of attempting to lie his way out of the situation. But again, you won't accept that because of your blind biasedness.

River Don

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #368 on January 19, 2022, 02:01:55 pm by River Don »
Starmer appears to be stood n a room with a small gethering of people around a table. That looks like a working meal, which is what Starmer claims it was.

Do I believe Starmer? Well, he doesn't have a history of lying.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #369 on January 19, 2022, 02:03:43 pm by Bentley Bullet »
Yes he does. He lied about the EU vaccine programme.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #370 on January 19, 2022, 03:44:14 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Yes he does. He lied about the EU vaccine programme.


After weeks of Tories systemically lying on that issue (a lie Johnson repeated today) Starmer lost his rag and made a mistake in what he said.

He corrected that within hours.

You are coming across as a biased fool in insisting that is a lie, comparable to someone repeathed saying something that is untrue and never correcting it.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #371 on January 19, 2022, 03:54:16 pm by Bentley Bullet »
BST, it is because you think if a Tory MP makes a mistake it's a lie, and if a Labour MP tells a lie it's a mistake, that confirms your biasedness. You're completely blind to it, and so are the people on here who you con into believing you. It's like Stevie Wonder leading David Blunkett.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #372 on January 19, 2022, 06:37:16 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
No BB.
You're doing that thing again of flattering yourself to believe you know what I think, instead of reading what I write.

A lie is when someone says something untrue and refuses to correct it.

A mistake is when someone says something untrue and corrects it.

wilts rover

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #373 on January 19, 2022, 07:00:56 pm by wilts rover »
Because the Labour party only has thoroughly decent human beings who wouldn't dream of breaking such rules as eating takeaway and drinking alcohol in an environment that was against Covid restriction rules. They wouldn't even dream of drinking alcohol during work time anyway, even outside, and certainly not inside.

The fact that they are probably planning their own downfall by demanding BoJo go is unimportant to such a pure and thoroughly faultless and impeccable bunch of people.

In which envirnoment is/was eating a takeaway and drinking alcohol against covid rules?

wilts rover

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #374 on January 19, 2022, 07:02:38 pm by wilts rover »
BST, it is because you think if a Tory MP makes a mistake it's a lie, and if a Labour MP tells a lie it's a mistake, that confirms your biasedness. You're completely blind to it, and so are the people on here who you con into believing you. It's like Stevie Wonder leading David Blunkett.

Says the bloke who can only criticise Labour politicians.

wilts rover

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #375 on January 19, 2022, 08:52:27 pm by wilts rover »
David Davis to @BBCcarolynquinn:
“His comments yesterday that ‘I wasn’t told’- I’m afraid that isn’t what I was expecting from a leader...I expect leadership. Leadership means shouldering responsibility and he didn’t do it. Yesterday’s interview was an attempt to escape responsibility.”



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Branton Red

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #377 on January 19, 2022, 09:34:04 pm by Branton Red »
Well done to David Davis on using his profile to deliver a message surely the majority of the populace and even Tory voters must be thinking by now.

Davis, though I don't necessarily agree with his politics, is a highly principled politician and unlike his party leader a credit to the House of Commons.

Hopefully his intervention is the catalyst to force this over-privileged, lying and IMO totally ineffective Prime Minister out of office.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #378 on January 20, 2022, 09:51:40 am by SydneyRover »
The only thing that could save johson is if Russia invades the Ukraine, which could make it more likely.

Colin C No.3

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #379 on January 20, 2022, 10:45:15 am by Colin C No.3 »
Jesus, Mary & Joseph & the wee donkey let’s hope that doesn’t happen on Bozo’s ‘watch’.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #380 on January 20, 2022, 11:02:56 am by SydneyRover »
There was a goodly slice of the population thinking exactly that when johnson was handed the 'watch' in the first place.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #381 on January 20, 2022, 11:06:24 am by Bentley Bullet »
Because the Labour party only has thoroughly decent human beings who wouldn't dream of breaking such rules as eating takeaway and drinking alcohol in an environment that was against Covid restriction rules. They wouldn't even dream of drinking alcohol during work time anyway, even outside, and certainly not inside.

The fact that they are probably planning their own downfall by demanding BoJo go is unimportant to such a pure and thoroughly faultless and impeccable bunch of people.

In which envirnoment is/was eating a takeaway and drinking alcohol against covid rules?
The picture was taken when indoor mixing between different households was not allowed except for work. Now, if you class eating takeaway and drinking beer as 'work', then I suggest, for the sake of unbiasedness, your liberal attitude towards that should extend to all parties.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #382 on January 20, 2022, 11:12:45 am by SydneyRover »
Because the Labour party only has thoroughly decent human beings who wouldn't dream of breaking such rules as eating takeaway and drinking alcohol in an environment that was against Covid restriction rules. They wouldn't even dream of drinking alcohol during work time anyway, even outside, and certainly not inside.

The fact that they are probably planning their own downfall by demanding BoJo go is unimportant to such a pure and thoroughly faultless and impeccable bunch of people.

In which envirnoment is/was eating a takeaway and drinking alcohol against covid rules?
The picture was taken when indoor mixing between different households was not allowed except for work. Now, if you class eating takeaway and drinking beer as 'work', then I suggest, for the sake of unbiasedness, your liberal attitude towards that should extend to all parties.

Just post the proof bb, time to put up ................ no one in their right mind would take your word ............... seriously?


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #383 on January 20, 2022, 11:25:58 am by SydneyRover »
For you bb I'll repeat, take your findings to your party HQ because at this moment in time they would love to hear some good news.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #384 on January 20, 2022, 11:45:42 am by Bentley Bullet »
Well done to David Davis on using his profile to deliver a message surely the majority of the populace and even Tory voters must be thinking by now.

Davis, though I don't necessarily agree with his politics, is a highly principled politician and unlike his party leader a credit to the House of Commons.

Hopefully his intervention is the catalyst to force this over-privileged, lying and IMO totally ineffective Prime Minister out of office.

David Davis has a history of barbed attacks on his leaders. Theresa May for one, and David Cameron for another. Anyone would think he resents not getting the PM job himself and is merely following the trend these days of dragging his opponents down because he's incapable of progressing on his own merit.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #385 on January 20, 2022, 11:48:00 am by Bentley Bullet »
BST, it is because you think if a Tory MP makes a mistake it's a lie, and if a Labour MP tells a lie it's a mistake, that confirms your biasedness. You're completely blind to it, and so are the people on here who you con into believing you. It's like Stevie Wonder leading David Blunkett.

Says the bloke who can only criticise Labour politicians.

See above post.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #386 on January 20, 2022, 11:53:20 am by BillyStubbsTears »
No BB.
You're doing that thing again of flattering yourself to believe you know what I think, instead of reading what I write.

A lie is when someone says something untrue and refuses to correct it.

A mistake is when someone says something untrue and corrects it.

On this topic, I'm surprised you haven't seen fit to answer this post BB.


See, a mistake isn't a deceit if it is a genuine mistake and it's corrected when you realise.

But if you refuse to correct a falsehood, you are choosing to deceive.

Your call.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #387 on January 20, 2022, 12:11:18 pm by Bentley Bullet »
Apologies. The second quote wasn't from you after checking closer. I stand corrected.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #388 on January 20, 2022, 12:11:55 pm by aidanstu »
I don’t get how the Labour Party are so keen for Bojo to go. Surely it’s in their best interests to have him stay put. A resurgent Conservative Party will do them no favours come the next GE.

I understand the sentiment and I’d hope that the motivation is to ensure the country isn’t led by such an a competent leader for the next 3 years.

I don’t know who they would put forward as the next leader; their most likely candidates, working in the cabinet members are either caught up in their own mismanagement of cabinet officers; blatant protectorates of Boris or in the case of Rishi billionaires who have little in common with the masses.


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Re: Downing street party
« Reply #389 on January 20, 2022, 12:13:34 pm by aidanstu »
I don’t get how the Labour Party are so keen for Bojo to go. Surely it’s in their best interests to have him stay put. A resurgent Conservative Party will do them no favours come the next GE.

I understand the sentiment and I’d hope that the motivation is to ensure the country isn’t led by such an a competent leader for the next 3 years.

I don’t know who they would put forward as the next leader; their most likely candidates, who currently work in the cabinet, are either caught up in their own mismanagement of cabinet officers; blatant protectorates of Boris or in the case of Rishi, billionaires who have little in common with the masses.


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