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Author Topic: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!  (Read 23157 times)

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #90 on December 05, 2011, 09:32:18 pm by RedJ »
Quote from: \"Filo\" post=203705
Quote from: \"RedJ\" post=203704
Quote from: \"Filo\" post=203703
We`ll see what \"call me Dave\" stands for when the UK gets swallowed up by the Franco-German empire! ;)

I can't see guile in any of his action so far, so until fuhrer notice, I don't expect any change.

One inkling of treaty change to UK`s detriment should trigger a referendum, I bet it does n`t though, they can`t risk upsetting rent boy Clegg can they?

Whatever happens, Cameron's going to have to tread very carefully. Could be about to witness another of the Tories' almighty splits over Europe - as you say, with the Lib Dems involved this time, it could be even more catastrophic for him.

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #91 on December 05, 2011, 10:26:13 pm by madmick50 »
So you're saying he was wrong to fix Maggie's mess? \"Oh, sorry guys, we were very bad people to give you all these new schools and hospitals!\" I don't think so. The system's crashing again - you say we should \"never allow the socialists any where near the levers of power ever again\" but the capitalists haven't done a very fcuking good job either..

Thank God for Maggie. She sorted out most of those power crazed union bosses that were ruining the country. Only a few more left now to sort out. You think what Gordon has done is fixed Maggie's mess. He has left the country with massive debts through his wild overspending of money he didn't have.

He failed to regulate the banks compounding the problem, letting them get away with blue murder. He's the one that has caused the biggest mess the country has been in since the world wars. It's a fact that Labour always leave the country in a financial mess every time they leave power.

You can stick socialism where the sun don't shine.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #92 on December 05, 2011, 10:33:57 pm by madmick50 »
Daniel Hannan told him straight.



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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #93 on December 05, 2011, 10:34:56 pm by RedJ »
Quote from: \"madmick50\" post=203708
So you're saying he was wrong to fix Maggie's mess? \"Oh, sorry guys, we were very bad people to give you all these new schools and hospitals!\" I don't think so. The system's crashing again - you say we should \"never allow the socialists any where near the levers of power ever again\" but the capitalists haven't done a very fcuking good job either..

Thank God for Maggie. She sorted out most of those power crazed union bosses that were ruining the country. Only a few more left now to sort out. You think what Gordon has done is fixed Maggie's mess. He has left the country with massive debts through his wild overspending of money he didn't have.

He failed to regulate the banks compounding the problem, letting them get away with blue murder. He's the one that has caused the biggest mess the country has been in since the world wars. It's a fact that Labour always leave the country in a financial mess every time they leave power.

You can stick socialism where the sun don't shine.

Oh, so what she did to the north was acceptable to you then? She destroyed what industry there was in the north, and since private companies wouldn't take all of the people that put out of a job onto their books, what else was there to do? Abandon the north?

I didn't say I agreed with what Scargill and that lot got up to in the 80s, at least not the way he went about it. And Cameron would've just deregulated again, as has been said earlier, cos \"that's what Tories do\". Another thing - as a proportion of GDP, British debt levels have only actually been lower in 50 of the last 250 years, so..

& I think the very same of the current way of doing things.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #94 on December 05, 2011, 10:46:18 pm by vaya »
Quote from: \"madmick50\" post=203708
So you're saying he was wrong to fix Maggie's mess? \"Oh, sorry guys, we were very bad people to give you all these new schools and hospitals!\" I don't think so. The system's crashing again - you say we should \"never allow the socialists any where near the levers of power ever again\" but the capitalists haven't done a very fcuking good job either..

Thank God for Maggie. She sorted out most of those power crazed union bosses that were ruining the country. Only a few more left now to sort out. You think what Gordon has done is fixed Maggie's mess. He has left the country with massive debts through his wild overspending of money he didn't have.

He failed to regulate the banks compounding the problem, letting them get away with blue murder. He's the one that has caused the biggest mess the country has been in since the world wars. It's a fact that Labour always leave the country in a financial mess every time they leave power.

You can stick socialism where the sun don't shine.

You don't really mean any of that.

In fact, I don't think you're even mad.

Irate at best.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #95 on December 05, 2011, 10:46:49 pm by madmick50 »
All you leftie socialists need an education in debt because that's all that socialism leaves as a legacy. To help you on the road to enlightenment here is a website outlining the devastating impact of Gordon's time in office.



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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #96 on December 05, 2011, 11:50:24 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Thanks Mad Mick. That's a real eye-opener. I hadn't realised that we had a debt crisis going on. Phew - it's bad int it? Lucky for us that there are some places like the one you showed us where one can find a balanced, even-handed discussion on the topic. Otherwise, where would we be?

Just one thing. Just to clear things up for a dullard like me. Why doesn't that site mention anything about the role of growth in sorting out a debt crisis? I mean, after WWII we had a debt far, far bigger than we have now. 240% of GDP so I've heard, but I might be wrong. You'll probably know the figures.

And in fact, I've heard that we didn't pay it back. Never. Not at all. What I heard was that the debt carried on growing. From £21billion in 1945 to £500billion by 2007. Terrifying int it?

But - here's a funny thing. I also heard that our GDP grew from £9 billion in 1945 to £1400billion in 2007. So that debt in 2007 wasn't so bad after all. A bit like me mam and dad who had a £2000 mortgage in 1965 that nearly crippled them, but by 1995 when they paid it off, the monthly payments were less than a round at Denaby Welfare. See, their income had gone up over that time. Mind, they were public sector workers, so what can you say eh?

Or maybe I've got that wrong. Sheesh, it's so hard to deal with all these numbers. It's a really difficult topic with lots of ins and outs int it? Fortunately, there's that website of yours to help us out. That really simplifies things down to \"DEBT=BAD, NO DEBT=GOOD\". That really helps get my head straight.

Although he doesn't mention the growth thing. Funny, that, int it? You don't think he might have a particular, very right wing agenda to peddle do you. And you don't think he might ignore facts that don't fit his story do you? Surely not. That'd be terrible.

streatham dave

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #97 on December 06, 2011, 12:04:08 am by streatham dave »
More to the point did you buy him a pint on Paypal? Maybe your wife will lend you the money out of her generous public sector pay.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #98 on December 06, 2011, 12:05:45 am by madmick50 »
Debt can be a good thing if the money is invested wisely. Unfortunately Gordon was far from wise. How do you reckon we will achieve growth with such a mountain of debt holding us back? As a leftie socialist you no doubt think we should get into even more debt to sort the problem out. Well I think we've got quite enough debt thank you very much and I don't want to burden my children and my children's children with any more of it.

If the following facts don't make you pause for thought then there is nothing more I can do for you. You are a lost cause.

We owe £15,596 for every man, woman and child
That's more than £34,045 for every person in employment
Every household will pay £2,112 this year, just to cover the interest

What an incredible waste of money. Thank you very much Gordon Brown you incompetent buffoon.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #99 on December 06, 2011, 12:08:15 am by madmick50 »
More to the point did you buy him a pint on Paypal? Maybe your wife will lend you the money out of her generous public sector pay.

Another leftie socialist in denial.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #100 on December 06, 2011, 12:10:46 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Yeah Mick. Thanks for that considered response. I'm getting there now. You've clearly done a lot more thinking than me so please bear with me while I catch up.

But there's just one other thing that I'm struggling with.

See, I'd heard (could be wrong, it was a public sector worker who told me - you'll probably know the real answer) that by 2007, just before the GLOBAL credit catastrophe happened, our debt to GDP ratio was actually lower than it had been in 1997 when Labour took over. So (this public sector bloke sez) Brown had actually left us (before the Global disaster) in a better position than we'd been under Maggie and Major.

What do you make of that? I'm guessing it's probably lefty propaganda myself.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #101 on December 06, 2011, 12:31:06 am by madmick50 »
Yeah Mick. Thanks for that considered response. I'm getting there now. You've clearly done a lot more thinking than me so please bear with me while I catch up.

But there's just one other thing that I'm struggling with.

See, I'd heard (could be wrong, it was a public sector worker who told me - you'll probably know the real answer) that by 2007, just before the GLOBAL credit catastrophe happened, our debt to GDP ratio was actually lower than it had been in 1997 when Labour took over. So (this public sector bloke sez) Brown had actually left us (before the Global disaster) in a better position than we'd been under Maggie and Major.

What do you make of that? I'm guessing it's probably lefty propaganda myself.

This is my last attempt to make you see sense. You obviously believe all the rubbish spouted by the Labour party and try to pick one statistic to try to make everything in the garden rosy. You can't see the wood for the trees. Here's a link showing the true scale of our debt and the horrific legacy left behind by that idiot Gordon Brown.



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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #102 on December 06, 2011, 12:51:39 am by BillyStubbsTears »
I see what you're getting at Mick. And that article by Fraser Nelson. Such a well balanced boy he is. Not at all the sort of person who you'd have down a a rabid right-winger who'd call Norman Tebbit a socialist. Even handed is his middle name.

But, see, I'm struggling again. Isn't cherub-faced Fraser talking about total UK debt in that article? Nothing to do with Gordon Brown or anyone else in Government, but the debt that our wonderful banks rang up, and the debts that you and I rang up with all them conservatories and holidays in the Canaries. (Not me of course. I was working too hard in the public sector to take holidays in the Canaries, but I know plenty of mates in the private sector who had 3 or 4 a year in the noughties. Always wondered how they paid for it....)

So what's the deal Mick? I'm sat at your feet here like Grasshopper in front of blind Master Po waiting for words of wisdom. Is it Gordon and the Government? Or is it all our decking and Benidorm holidays? And are we the only country in the world to have a debt problem? And how do you get out of a debt crisis without strong GDP growth. Has any country - ANY country in history ever done that?


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #103 on December 06, 2011, 05:43:45 am by madmick50 »
I see what you're getting at Mick. And that article by Fraser Nelson. Such a well balanced boy he is. Not at all the sort of person who you'd have down a a rabid right-winger who'd call Norman Tebbit a socialist. Even handed is his middle name.

But, see, I'm struggling again. Isn't cherub-faced Fraser talking about total UK debt in that article? Nothing to do with Gordon Brown or anyone else in Government, but the debt that our wonderful banks rang up, and the debts that you and I rang up with all them conservatories and holidays in the Canaries. (Not me of course. I was working too hard in the public sector to take holidays in the Canaries, but I know plenty of mates in the private sector who had 3 or 4 a year in the noughties. Always wondered how they paid for it....)

So what's the deal Mick? I'm sat at your feet here like Grasshopper in front of blind Master Po waiting for words of wisdom. Is it Gordon and the Government? Or is it all our decking and Benidorm holidays? And are we the only country in the world to have a debt problem? And how do you get out of a debt crisis without strong GDP growth. Has any country - ANY country in history ever done that?

The research was done by Citigroup and is merely being reported by Fraser Nelson. Maybe you would take the research more seriously if it had been reported by the political editor of the Daily Mirror.

The point it makes is that government debt is just one part of the jigsaw. To get the true indebtedness of the nation you have to consider corporate and household debt as well. You can't just take one statistic like you want to do and base your whole argument on that. A bit too simplistic I'm afraid.

You can't say it has nothing to do with Gordon Brown and just blame the banks. Who was responsible for regulating the banks?  The banks knew that they could gamble on risky investments because if it all went wrong Gordon would be there to bail them out.

Who kept saying he had abolished boom and bust? Are you then surprised that the banks leant money to a gullible public and business sector that they shouldn't have?  Who massively increased the public sector in a bid to buy votes? This slack policy of Gordon then led to an unsustainable housing boom. We are now paying for that crash.

On top of this he did nothing to put us in good shape to weather any unforeseen global crisis. When the global crisis hit we were caught with our pants down.

The lesson you and your leftie socialist friends need to learn is that you can't just spend your way out of a crisis. If you've spent too much you need to cut back, pay off your debt and start living within your means. It's not fair on my children and my children's children to have to pick up the bill for our wastefulness. We spent it, we need to pay it back.  

We've had the party now it's time for the hangover. If you've maxed out your credit card you don't just go and get another one and then another one and carry on spending. An idiot would know this route led to disaster, but not Gordon.

Good luck with your wish for growth. It's not going to happen any time soon. The only realistic solution is to do a Hong Kong when Murray Maclehose was their governor and cut back on the state as much as possible and cut taxes a lot.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #104 on December 06, 2011, 08:47:15 am by vaya »
I like it.

Then we can get the Royal Navy to flog smack to the Chinese, further increasing revenues.

Or you could just stop making things up (yet again), seeing as public spending actually increased under Maclehose.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #105 on December 06, 2011, 09:09:11 am by Filo »
Quote from: \"madmick50\" post=203727
Who was responsible for regulating the banks?

Erm, no one, the Tories de-regulated them!


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #106 on December 06, 2011, 10:21:19 am by madmick50 »
Or you could just stop making things up (yet again), seeing as public spending actually increased under Maclehose.

My mistake. It was John James Cowperthwaite. http://gwulo.com/node/6190


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #107 on December 06, 2011, 10:25:19 am by madmick50 »
Erm, no one, the Tories de-regulated them!

Doesn't mean that when they were obviously gambling like crazy that Gordon couldn't have introduced legislation to curb them. They helped him ruin the country on his not inconsiderable watch of 13 years.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #108 on December 06, 2011, 10:39:24 am by Filo »
Quote from: \"madmick50\" post=203747
Erm, no one, the Tories de-regulated them!

Doesn't mean that when they were obviously gambling like crazy that Gordon couldn't have introduced legislation to curb them. They helped him ruin the country on his not inconsiderable watch of 13 years.

So then, you`re obviously a supporter of the Tories and you wanted the Labour government to re-regulate the banks, even though you supported the Tories in de-regulating them? :S


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #109 on December 06, 2011, 11:10:43 am by vaya »
Quote from: \"madmick50\" post=203746
Or you could just stop making things up (yet again), seeing as public spending actually increased under Maclehose.

My mistake. It was John James Cowperthwaite. http://gwulo.com/node/6190

So that’d be imposition of economic non-policies previously associated with a(and precipitated by) considerable existing growth in a small East Asian port 70 years ago, to vastly bigger 21st Century economy experiencing precisely no growth, with a developed public sector (like it or not) a large welfare bill (again, like it or not) and whose primary trading bloc is currently experiencing a severe crisis.

You’re definitely onto a winner there. Can’t see it failing at all.

Have you considered repealing the Corn Laws at the same time?  The effects of taking all that Spanish Gold from the New World? Investing in Henge building? There's any number of historic precedents that will undoubtedly fit the current situation, regardless of relevance. I'm amazed no-one's thought of these before.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #110 on December 06, 2011, 02:26:27 pm by madmick50 »
You’re definitely onto a winner there. Can’t see it failing at all.

It's about time you saw the light. I'm glad you have stopped believing the stupid myth that the solution to all our problems is to keep spending and borrowing. Welcome to the real world.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #111 on December 06, 2011, 02:34:34 pm by madmick50 »
So then, you`re obviously a supporter of the Tories and you wanted the Labour government to re-regulate the banks, even though you supported the Tories in de-regulating them?

If it's a choice between leftie socialists who believe in tax and spend and the Tories then it's a no brainer. It's the people with no brains that support Labour.

Just to clarify, I am a fully fledged right winger and Daniel Hannan is God. You should try reading his blogs to learn the error of your ways.

I didn't support the initial de-regulation as I was not politically aware in those days. With hindsight it may have been better if it never happened. I really don't know. What I do know is that Gordon should have reined the banks in but he didn't. Incompetence on a breathtaking scale.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #112 on December 06, 2011, 03:09:39 pm by vaya »
Quote from: \"madmick50\" post=203791
You’re definitely onto a winner there. Can’t see it failing at all.

It's about time you saw the light. I'm glad you have stopped believing the stupid myth that the solution to all our problems is to keep spending and borrowing. Welcome to the real world.

Changing the subject again, and still not answering the question - how do you propose this will work?

Anyone would think you've got no idea what you're on about, and far from a searing economic insight this was based on you thrashing round for the biggest bit of free market in recent history and trying to make it stick wihtout really understanding the context.

Again, how do you see this working?


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #113 on December 06, 2011, 03:37:28 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

Calm down, stopping ranting and there's a sensible debate to be had here.

You keep blathering on about what Brown should have done. You DO realise that we're in a global economy?

What do you think would have happened to the UK economy had Brown unilaterally imposed onerous regulations on the banking industry in 1997. You reckon Fred Goodwin et al would have all started work as entrepreneurial technologists and we'd have suddenly turned ourselves into Germany? Or do you think the financial sector would have upped sticks and moved to America or Switzerland where they and their (then) highly successful business would have been welcomed with open arms?

I fully agree that the banking deregulation on a global scale was a catastrophic mistake which has led directly to our present problems. But it is a world wide mistake. Brown himself has admitted that his biggest mistake was not getting the whole world to rein in the banks. But us doing it ourselves would have been a disaster. We'd have been in recession for the noughties and still copped for the current problems. Go look at Germany's case over the last decade.

As for your continued assertion that cutting savagely is the way to bring down Govt debt, what's your take on what has happened to Japan over the last 20 years? That is by far and away the most apt recent example.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #114 on December 06, 2011, 07:51:27 pm by madmick50 »
ou keep blathering on about what Brown should have done. You DO realise that we're in a global economy?

What do you think would have happened to the UK economy had Brown unilaterally imposed onerous regulations on the banking industry in 1997. You reckon Fred Goodwin et al would have all started work as entrepreneurial technologists and we'd have suddenly turned ourselves into Germany? Or do you think the financial sector would have upped sticks and moved to America or Switzerland where they and their (then) highly successful business would have been welcomed with open arms?

I fully agree that the banking deregulation on a global scale was a catastrophic mistake which has led directly to our present problems. But it is a world wide mistake. Brown himself has admitted that his biggest mistake was not getting the whole world to rein in the banks. But us doing it ourselves would have been a disaster. We'd have been in recession for the noughties and still copped for the current problems. Go look at Germany's case over the last decade.

As for your continued assertion that cutting savagely is the way to bring down Govt debt, what's your take on what has happened to Japan over the last 20 years? That is by far and away the most apt recent example.

Brown should have at least intervened in 2005 when the banks were running out of control. He could have intervened without having to get the rest of the world onside. He didn't, in fact he called for even less regulation. As I said, incompetence on a breathtaking scale.

I don't agree with your thesis that if he had intervened we'd have had all the problems you mention. In fact we'd have coped far better with the American sub prime scenario that has caused so much mayhem.

I've not said anything about cutting savagely. The reason is because we are not cutting savagely. The national debt is still increasing. All that has happened with the so called savage cuts is that the rate our national debt is growing is slowing down. A common misconception amongst 90% of the public, in particular leftie socialists is that the government is cutting savagely. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are merely scratching the surface of the debt mountain.

How do we get out of this mess? Firstly Gordon Brown should be executed as a warning to other politicians not to take the piss with the electorate in future. Then we need to slash tax rates so people can keep more of what they earn and use it far more effectively than politicians. All they try to do is spend as much as possible to buy votes. Then we need to shrink the state massively and let people take over the daily running of their lives. John James Cowperthwaite's model which is still used to this day in Hong Kong is good enough for me. Problem sorted.


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #115 on December 06, 2011, 08:45:08 pm by RedJ »
Quote from: \"madmick50\" post=203872
ou keep blathering on about what Brown should have done. You DO realise that we're in a global economy?

What do you think would have happened to the UK economy had Brown unilaterally imposed onerous regulations on the banking industry in 1997. You reckon Fred Goodwin et al would have all started work as entrepreneurial technologists and we'd have suddenly turned ourselves into Germany? Or do you think the financial sector would have upped sticks and moved to America or Switzerland where they and their (then) highly successful business would have been welcomed with open arms?

I fully agree that the banking deregulation on a global scale was a catastrophic mistake which has led directly to our present problems. But it is a world wide mistake. Brown himself has admitted that his biggest mistake was not getting the whole world to rein in the banks. But us doing it ourselves would have been a disaster. We'd have been in recession for the noughties and still copped for the current problems. Go look at Germany's case over the last decade.

As for your continued assertion that cutting savagely is the way to bring down Govt debt, what's your take on what has happened to Japan over the last 20 years? That is by far and away the most apt recent example.

Brown should have at least intervened in 2005 when the banks were running out of control. He could have intervened without having to get the rest of the world onside. He didn't, in fact he called for even less regulation. As I said, incompetence on a breathtaking scale.

I don't agree with your thesis that if he had intervened we'd have had all the problems you mention. In fact we'd have coped far better with the American sub prime scenario that has caused so much mayhem.

I've not said anything about cutting savagely. The reason is because we are not cutting savagely. The national debt is still increasing. All that has happened with the so called savage cuts is that the rate our national debt is growing is slowing down. A common misconception amongst 90% of the public, in particular leftie socialists is that the government is cutting savagely. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are merely scratching the surface of the debt mountain.

How do we get out of this mess? Firstly Gordon Brown should be executed as a warning to other politicians not to take the piss with the electorate in future. Then we need to slash tax rates so people can keep more of what they earn and use it far more effectively than politicians. All they try to do is spend as much as possible to buy votes. Then we need to shrink the state massively and let people take over the daily running of their lives. John James Cowperthwaite's model which is still used to this day in Hong Kong is good enough for me. Problem sorted.

Off you toddle then :byebye


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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #116 on December 06, 2011, 08:50:28 pm by madmick50 »
For those of you interested in how Gordon ruined our economy and what should be done to sort out the mess:



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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #117 on December 06, 2011, 09:16:14 pm by vaya »
Quote from: \"madmick50\" post=203872
ou keep blathering on about what Brown should have done. You DO realise that we're in a global economy?

What do you think would have happened to the UK economy had Brown unilaterally imposed onerous regulations on the banking industry in 1997. You reckon Fred Goodwin et al would have all started work as entrepreneurial technologists and we'd have suddenly turned ourselves into Germany? Or do you think the financial sector would have upped sticks and moved to America or Switzerland where they and their (then) highly successful business would have been welcomed with open arms?

I fully agree that the banking deregulation on a global scale was a catastrophic mistake which has led directly to our present problems. But it is a world wide mistake. Brown himself has admitted that his biggest mistake was not getting the whole world to rein in the banks. But us doing it ourselves would have been a disaster. We'd have been in recession for the noughties and still copped for the current problems. Go look at Germany's case over the last decade.

As for your continued assertion that cutting savagely is the way to bring down Govt debt, what's your take on what has happened to Japan over the last 20 years? That is by far and away the most apt recent example.

Brown should have at least intervened in 2005 when the banks were running out of control. He could have intervened without having to get the rest of the world onside. He didn't, in fact he called for even less regulation. As I said, incompetence on a breathtaking scale.

I don't agree with your thesis that if he had intervened we'd have had all the problems you mention. In fact we'd have coped far better with the American sub prime scenario that has caused so much mayhem.

I've not said anything about cutting savagely. The reason is because we are not cutting savagely. The national debt is still increasing. All that has happened with the so called savage cuts is that the rate our national debt is growing is slowing down. A common misconception amongst 90% of the public, in particular leftie socialists is that the government is cutting savagely. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are merely scratching the surface of the debt mountain.

How do we get out of this mess? Firstly Gordon Brown should be executed as a warning to other politicians not to take the piss with the electorate in future. Then we need to slash tax rates so people can keep more of what they earn and use it far more effectively than politicians. All they try to do is spend as much as possible to buy votes. Then we need to shrink the state massively and let people take over the daily running of their lives. John James Cowperthwaite's model which is still used to this day in Hong Kong is good enough for me. Problem sorted.

Still dodging this question (third time), which would seem to imply it probably destroys your arguement, or as usual you've made something up off the top of your head:

How will this work in the current context when Cowpwethwaite's model was based on a considerably smaller economy with pre-existing growth and little in the way of spending commitments (to the extent that as previously noted, his successor had to increase public spending significantly) Why aren't these policies followed verbatim in other large economies, if they guarantee prosperity?

Even if this model is an ultimate end, how do you propose the intervening period is managed?

Please explain.

Actually, as an addendum, are you sure his policies are still used in Hong Kong today? - how do these fit with central control from Beijing?

Ten Mile Banker

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Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #118 on December 06, 2011, 09:20:38 pm by Ten Mile Banker »
Did Clarkson get the sack or not?


  • Forum Member
  • Posts: 532
Re: Jeremy Clarkson should be sacked!
« Reply #119 on December 06, 2011, 09:27:48 pm by madmick50 »
Please explain.

The link in my previous post explains everything better than I can.


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