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Author Topic: FLA march this weekend in London.  (Read 18426 times)

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #30 on October 08, 2017, 05:56:35 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
So let's recap:

They're not silent.

They're not self-policing.

There were football club identifiers aplenty.

And now, because you maintain they railed against a 'socialist' group, they're now not non-political either.

Is there ANYTHING you've told us about what the FLA is meant to be actually true?

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not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #31 on October 08, 2017, 05:57:47 pm by not on facebook »
Did you hear the sound of the joke going over your head?

You mean that joke sad rovers  ,saying he wants to kick my head in infront of  my family  as witnesses ? some joke that redj.

I have just taken out a upgrade on my health insurance policy ,to cover attacks from > A clown or a mob of clowns > full comp > nose bleeds ,fat lips , back eyes .

Excellent misquote of a now deleted post, Oslo. I said that racist f**k-nuggets should be dragged from their homes and kicked in. If you identify as a racist (as I'm fairly sure you do) then that is your business.

Iam only posting what I was texted to me son as I did not see the post.
The bit about you wanting to Knick me out I can live with ,but you added extra with wanting it
to happen in front of my family .

Anyway Iam not racist son shine


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #32 on October 08, 2017, 06:02:33 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
So let's recap:

They're not silent.

They're not self-policing

And now, because you maintain they railed against a 'socialist' group, they're now not non-political either.

Is there ANYTHING you've told us about what the FLA is meant to be like actually true?

The lad wouldn't know the truth if it slapped him on the arse, Glyn.

It's just beginning to look more and more like an EDL rebrand to me. And they lost their credibility because they shouted for all those extremists Muslims who didn't like Britain to get out of the country, which really worked well when they did exactly that, joined ISIS and started beheading people!


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #33 on October 08, 2017, 07:05:21 pm by RedJ »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.



You mean this mr wilts > who are yer who are yer or who the f**king hell are you > two chants that are sang at the football game in game out.

30,000 passed by that small group of left wing socialist pillockks ,whose planned to stand at that exact spot handing out their socialist filth newsheets to a huge mob of football fans who are just all in the main non political .

The police were stood there and did not make one arrest as I doubt that they can drag a lad into the courts for chanting 'who the f**king hell are you '

Not one kick or punch thrown .

Apologies Oslo, when you said in your opening post that no chants or songs were going to be allowed as it was a silent march I just presumed that it would be a silent march with no chants or songs. So the next time you say one thing I shall just take it that the opposite will be the truth.

Just to make it even clearer there is no one in that anti-fascist group protesting against that march. All the placards they have are anti-racisit and anti-islamaphobia - thus they are also opposing extremists who have those views. You would therefore expect people on an anti-extremism march to applaud them rather than abuse them.

You can tell me they are anti-extremist. I will look and see what they do and say and make my own mind up. Just like the Army veterans charity who was supposed to be co-organising it with them did when they pulled out two days before.

I just saw one big mob walking by a much smaller mob and giving them volleys of verbal abuse via chants with a few gobbling off whatever.
One bloke was calling them terrorists ,but it’s not a nickable offence is it the whole behavior of the walk pass.

Not much of a silent march if they were giving a volley of abuse.

wilts rover

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #34 on October 08, 2017, 08:37:57 pm by wilts rover »
Report and video on the march and the 'Anti-Fa' counter protests in todays Independent.

Apparently the Anti-Fa stood in silence with their placards outside Downing Street whilst the FLA marchers went down Whitehall. Chanting, making gestures and throwing objects at them.

So the people who were supposedly having a silent peaceful march acted in an aggressive and offensive manner to members of the public, whilst the people who were supposedly going to be aggressive and violent were the ones standing peaceful and silent.



You mean this mr wilts > who are yer who are yer or who the f**king hell are you > two chants that are sang at the football game in game out.

30,000 passed by that small group of left wing socialist pillockks ,whose planned to stand at that exact spot handing out their socialist filth newsheets to a huge mob of football fans who are just all in the main non political .

The police were stood there and did not make one arrest as I doubt that they can drag a lad into the courts for chanting 'who the f**king hell are you '

Not one kick or punch thrown .

Apologies Oslo, when you said in your opening post that no chants or songs were going to be allowed as it was a silent march I just presumed that it would be a silent march with no chants or songs. So the next time you say one thing I shall just take it that the opposite will be the truth.

Just to make it even clearer there is no one in that anti-fascist group protesting against that march. All the placards they have are anti-racisit and anti-islamaphobia - thus they are also opposing extremists who have those views. You would therefore expect people on an anti-extremism march to applaud them rather than abuse them.

You can tell me they are anti-extremist. I will look and see what they do and say and make my own mind up. Just like the Army veterans charity who was supposed to be co-organising it with them did when they pulled out two days before.

Are you getting hung up because 30 handed small group of school teachers look alikes got chants sang at them in a silent march mr  wilts.

Look on the great side of this march ,not one broken window or one police siren ,no cars or local shops damaged as they got their point across,

The reason why FLA ask for a silent march is because they are bowing down to the antifa and socialist etc etc ,because if they was all singing England or rule Britannia etc etc they andvyoutself would all be claiming that it was a racist march.

Hence why no club or country flags or banners aswell .

If  the same 30000 do the same march next week with english and Union jacks all over the place with engerland till I die chants it be all over the bbc news and spouted from crank jobs like yourself it was all racist .

So lets have a recap then. What you said wasn't true and it is my fault for pointing that out...

What else have you said that isn't true Mr Oslo?

Iberian Red

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #35 on October 08, 2017, 09:22:08 pm by Iberian Red »
I saw a load of middle aged never were going be's, hiding their fear of the world behind bravado and safety in numbers.

Depends on your perspective I suppose.

That's why 30 000 FLA scared the shit out of a couple of hundred Russians in Marseille the other year !

Geoff Blakesley

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #36 on October 08, 2017, 10:19:41 pm by Geoff Blakesley »
Nice looking bunch probably on their way to a gardeners question time programme. Not many black faces supporting though. Just so you know I am not in any way supporting the previous poster who seems to be as much of an idiot as those he seems to be criticising.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #37 on October 09, 2017, 12:54:44 pm by DubaiRover »
There was also plenty of trouble started by Portsmouth and Brighton, heard a few smaller ones as well.

silent majority

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #38 on October 11, 2017, 10:13:46 am by silent majority »
I saw a load of middle aged never were going be's, hiding their fear of the world behind bravado and safety in numbers.

Depends on your perspective I suppose.

That's why 30 000 FLA scared the shit out of a couple of hundred Russians in Marseille the other year !

So the England support is now the FLA?? How did you reach that conclusion? This march took place whilst England fans were out in Lithuania for a WC qualifier which makes it kind of difficult to be in two places at once.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #39 on October 11, 2017, 10:57:59 am by rtid88 »
Why do we continually let this racist, extreme right wing numpty write his tripe on this forum??? Can he not be permanently banned?


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #40 on October 11, 2017, 11:08:04 am by idler »
It takes two or more to argue though. If a comment is so ridiculous in your eyes ignore it and the thread will wither on the vine.

Iberian Red

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #41 on October 11, 2017, 12:30:04 pm by Iberian Red »
I saw a load of middle aged never were going be's, hiding their fear of the world behind bravado and safety in numbers.

Depends on your perspective I suppose.

That's why 30 000 FLA scared the shit out of a couple of hundred Russians in Marseille the other year !

So the England support is now the FLA?? How did you reach that conclusion? This march took place whilst England fans were out in Lithuania for a WC qualifier which makes it kind of difficult to be in two places at once.

I feel you missed the point there.
I imagine there were more people that were in Marsielle on the FLA march than travelled to Lithuania.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #42 on October 11, 2017, 12:34:50 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Why do we continually let this racist, extreme right wing numpty write his tripe on this forum??? Can he not be permanently banned?

It looks like he's slunk off with his tail between his legs as he's not logged in here for the last two days. No doubt he'll reappear when he thinks everyone will have forgotten why he's buggered off without replying, probably when the latest right-wing wolf-in-sheep's-clothing rebrand group appears.

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #43 on October 11, 2017, 06:38:17 pm by not on facebook »
 Iam back Glynn > I have been away working the Holland>Sweden game and got back early this morning .

Seems there is a bucket full of questions that needs to be answered.

First assumption I will get off my chest as numerous keep on throwing the racist slur at me .maybe Iam like a bull in a china shop and I call a spade a spade and not the best in the world at getting my fealings and thoughts across .

So I will bring this pleasant lady in the  1st link below from the march on Saturday .
She says basically what I think in a more educated way and she also says more tbh.

It’s the second lady who gets interviewed from a black reporter on the march > stop watching after 7 mins and 40 seconds  as the 3rd spouse lady is far too deep for me.

Then watch the 2nd link ,where you see the black interview girl speaking with a old war veteran carrying a Southampton fc reef and with untold war medals on his blazer.

The war veteran says what I think and I agree with every word he says ,as does the black girl who is doing the interview .


And the second link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n24dz9LeKP4

So after watching the two above links would you and like minded say that the lady in first link and the old gent in the 2nd link along with the black girl who interviews them both are all racist ?

All three of them say what I think and they say more tbh.

When you watch the footage on those links you can’t hear a peep from the march and there are thousands infront and behind them > self controll.

As for the numbers on the march it’s been reported 73,000 > 53,000 by the police 43,000 and 5000 by the socialist spastics .i went for 30,000 going via first reports before I left for hollland.

As for the stress at the very back of the march where the 30 anti fascist lot were trying to leaflet the FLA march.
Yes there was chanting ,yes the 30 anti fascist got verbal abuse and it looks like pound coins and beer cans were thrown at them.

That was at the very back end of the march where at least 29900 FLA had passed the counter protest without a peep ,untill the last 100 where things turned .

It’s been reported that some women from the counter protest group  spat on a war veteran and called him a murderer > and this is what started all the mess at the back end of the march. > I can’t say if this is bullshit or not ,but that’s what is out there.

There was not one riot shield or police riot helmet on show during the whole march,the police did not even break into a sprint to cover whatever.

The edl are finished and it’s true to say edl members would have been on that march it be stupid to say there was not.
But you can say that the likes of the edl will not have a platform to build from onany FLA march.

There is a reason why I think the next march will not pull the same amount of numbers if the info that I was told is correct >and it’s nothing to do with the FLA reaching its peak.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 09:22:53 am by Forum Admin »

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #44 on October 11, 2017, 07:08:53 pm by not on facebook »
That 2nd lady in the interview really hits the nail on the head on how you left wingers see anyone that don’t sing from the same song sheet .

Especially when she goes into detail about when left wing  calli all and sundry a racist or Nazi .

Right Iam buggering off back to Sweden now Glynn if that is ok with you.

If Denmark qualify for Russia Iam thinking about working Sweden and Denmark games out there Glynn > it would help if I had a bag man so your more than welcome as it might open your eyes a tad.

You can subbmit any earnings you make to the Russian tax office if you like so you can go PAYE ,but I won’t that’s for sure.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 09:23:16 am by Forum Admin »


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #45 on October 11, 2017, 07:55:12 pm by RedJ »
While ever you use slurs like "left wing mongers" to describe anyone who has a different opinion to your own I'm not sure how you can expect anyone to take you seriously.


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #46 on October 11, 2017, 08:43:27 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
You direct the question at me as to whether I think any of those people are racist. Why are you asking that of me? I've not called anybody racist so I don't care about all that waffle you've written about racism.

And I don't give a bugger what specially selected random vox pops you put up, as we've all seen what happened on the march already - as you yourself have acknowledged and tried to defend even though it went against what the FLA was supposed to be about. Their - and your - mask has slipped for all to see.

PS Where have you got these police figures from? You say they've been reported...where? They've not been reported anywhere in the media or by the Metropolitan Police themselves either in a press release or even on twitter. If you haven't made them up you must have got them from somewhere.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 08:46:58 pm by Glyn_Wigley »


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #48 on October 11, 2017, 10:23:00 pm by DonnyOsmond »
That 2nd lady in the interview really hits the nail on the head on how you left wing mongers see anyone that don’t sing from the same song sheet .

Especially when she goes into detail about when left wing  calli all and sundry a racist or Nazi .

The irony. The right wing believe anyone Asian is Muslim and anyone Muslim is a terrorist.

wilts rover

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #49 on October 11, 2017, 10:53:55 pm by wilts rover »
Is this a game we can all play?

This morning on Good Morning Scotland, Ruth Davidson spoke on recent racist remarks made from within the Conservative party. Just to recap: Douglas Ross’ divisive comments pertaining to Gypsy and Traveller communities , Alistair Majury’s tweet using an offensive term for Catholic people suggesting that all Catholics sexually abuse children, compared Scottish nationalists to Nazis, and Councillor Robert Davies posted a series of tweets alongside black and white photographs of a group of black people beside a cargo plane, with comments such as “keep your loin cloths with you at all times. Spears go in the overhead locker”.



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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #50 on October 12, 2017, 08:54:22 am by Donnywolf »
Once again for the terminally slow-learning:

Me = Tory ex soldier. Not the biggest fan of socialism.

Also me = not daft enough to believe your pack of lies about FLA being anything other than the EDL with slightly more male pattern baldness and equal measure of racism and bile bubbling away below the surface.

You = new Avatar. What happened to the old one ? I personally liked it but I agree its a free country !


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #51 on October 12, 2017, 10:50:56 am by Donnywolf »
It was perfect .... and although I probably have not met you it was "you" to me if you see what I mean !

Iberian Red

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #52 on October 12, 2017, 07:06:13 pm by Iberian Red »
Admin changed it for me. They're too kind in here...

 Thank Christ for that.
I naively thought it was stalking a fellow rovers fan and mental illness.

Geoff Blakesley

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #53 on October 12, 2017, 09:14:23 pm by Geoff Blakesley »
Evening Geoff, you mental failed purveyor of fishing tackle!

 Think you got the wrong word there oh so sad Rover never sold fishing tackle in my life but you surely must have something more useful to do than search my mundane social media profferings !
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 09:37:08 pm by Geoff Blakesley »

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #54 on October 15, 2017, 10:09:16 pm by not on facebook »
You direct the question at me as to whether I think any of those people are racist. Why are you asking that of me? I've not called anybody racist so I don't care about all that waffle you've written about racism.

And I don't give a bugger what specially selected random vox pops you put up, as we've all seen what happened on the march already - as you yourself have acknowledged and tried to defend even though it went against what the FLA was supposed to be about. Their - and your - mask has slipped for all to see.

PS Where have you got these police figures from? You say they've been reported...where? They've not been reported anywhere in the media or by the Metropolitan Police themselves either in a press release or even on twitter. If you haven't made them up you must have got them from somewhere.

43,000 is the figure that’s been reported  to have been on the march .

There is a march in November in Edinburgh ,but that will be a veterans only march with the FLA not been involved.

Next FLA march is been looked at sometime after Xmas,and the location of said march is up in the air Iam told at the moment.

They have 70,000 members on the FLA Facebook which is a closed shop .The only way they can match that number of members on whatever march is if they went open shop to the general  public on a planned march.

The bigger they get march wise, it’s obvious it could bring more problems as it’s the football lads way of thinking that’s moved the FLA onwards at the moment.

The first time that the police have to draw batons to crack heads at whatever FLA march for whatever reason the FLA will be finished is my guess .if this ends up been the case at least they tried.

The edl are now just about finished and as I said before you be a fool to say that no edl members would not have been on the last or any other march,but it’s 100% to say that likes of edl will never get or find  a platform within a FLA march or membership to its closed shop Facebook .


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #55 on October 15, 2017, 10:20:00 pm by RedJ »
Still waiting for you to show where exactly these "reported" figures are being reported...

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #56 on October 15, 2017, 10:39:07 pm by not on facebook »
Still waiting for you to show where exactly these "reported" figures are being reported...

It’s what has been reprted on the FLA Facebook page and my mates chelsea Wayne , Luton Dave and Leicester mick have all told me the same ,who are members of said Facebook page.

Iam > not on Facebook > so all my info on FLA is via drip feed .

there is no real reason why that figure should be wrong going on what footage I have seen and have a been told how many lads were present from what clubs.

I did ask where they got the number 43,000 from as you would say 40,000 by rounding it up to the nearest round figure ,but I have not had any feed back on that .

My guess is that the police must have set counters out as they all passed and counted them out in blocks of 1000,s.

I predicted a 30,000 march so I was not that far  the 43,000 figure.

It will not do the FLA any good to bull shit their figures because if the next march in London don’t match the 43,000 they claim it will be seen as a loss .

Unless they plan to have  a different march in different city’s across blighty ,which Iam told is on  the cards .

Geoff Blakesley

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #57 on October 15, 2017, 10:50:15 pm by Geoff Blakesley »
Does anybody give a fcuk about these knuckle dragging retards cos I don't !

not on facebook

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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #58 on October 15, 2017, 11:04:20 pm by not on facebook »
Does anybody give a fcuk about these knuckle dragging retards cos I don't !

43,000 do fella ,so that’s a start .

I might be wrong here ,but I can only think of one march in London that has pulled bigger numbers in the last 30 to  40 years and that might have been the poll tax demonstration .


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Re: FLA march this weekend in London.
« Reply #59 on October 15, 2017, 11:21:38 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Still waiting for you to show where exactly these "reported" figures are being reported...

It’s what has been reprted on the FLA Facebook page and my mates chelsea Wayne , Luton Dave and Leicester mick have all told me the same ,who are members of said Facebook page.

So not the police at all as you claim, then?

I asked for official figures, not your mates having a guess.


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